I do my best and surrender. Who cares what happens in the future? What can you do about it? Nothing!

Many people have been woken up recently. They did not ask for it, and so they are traumatized. Like children, they think they know all the answers. Many of us who sought to awaken years ago realize that the only truth we will ever know is only applicable to the self.

I do not know the future. I do not know the truth of another's heart. But the world is now full of people who think they do.

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If we the people refuse to stand up together, then we accept our role as pets. And either way, we get what we deserve. The good news is that we are not here to change the external world. We are here to work on ourselves. This is the real work, and many don't seem to be cut out for it.

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For some reason my LIKE BUTTON does not work anymore.

But yeah, it takes a like-mind situation.

Can't save everyone have to work with those that think similar.. We're all trying.

Again America has been full spectrum dumbed down.

Food, air, water, school, TV. Some can't and will never wake up.

This whole reset crap has destroyed families.

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Yes some people just want authority to declare what is and what will be. Instead of pursuing or using there own agency / authority to live their lives.

THAT'S the consequence/damage of socialism. Big daddy and Big mommy gov will figure it out for you.

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Great point, Greg. We become enablers when we don't respond. I delve into exactly this point (doing our inner work) in my presentation for People's Rights Area 10, Pasadena, CA. I invite you and anyone else to watch it in my channel Mate with Kaizen on Rumble. It is called "Our Minds in these Stressful Times."

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BARDSNATION Scott Kesterson check him out brother. If you have not already.

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The older I get, the more I realize I don't know jack.

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yeah same , A Phd person would never admit to such a thing.

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I'd like to help. G - Infofreedom.org, manhattansouthwest.com

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It has nothing to do with how Trump reacted Greg.

All you have to do is look at the fist-pumping Money Shot photo and know that if it was real, with REAL bullets flying, the Money Shot photo-op would NEVER happen.

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Yes, and the SS team bending down for the photo, so as to leave Trump's upper body and head totally exposed! How everyone in the photo was posed to simulate Iwo Jima. Trump's hand was not bloodied, and yet, he bragged about the blood on his hand later. X22, Dr. Vliet and Todd Callender surprised the crap out of me w/ their religiosity regarding Trump's miraculous near-miss! God must really want Trump to live! One astute commenter said, "What about the deceased fireman...Did God want him to die?"

And just because of the Put Options, people say "That proves the Deep State, and/or the Democrats wanted him dead. I'll tell you what ALL of them want...GUN CONTROL, and TOTAL CONTROL (especially after Trump's role as "Father of the Vaccine" That SOB is probably wondering when his base is going to wake up!) These are two heads of the same damn bird--Freemasonry! Greg, you seem to forget the Trump has palled around with the Dems and the Deep forever! Chelsea's wedding, forgiving Hillary, oodles of pix, over the years w/Trump and Epstein, Trump's 1st wife Ivana's, attempts at recruiting young women with Ghislaine in NY, the theatrics that went down at George Bush Sr.s funeral, w/ the passing out of the Trump "letter"--That was some ham acting, w/ all of the idiot-peons who are into Q, taking up their own valuable time thinking it was Grand Jury indictments that were being handed out.

What's up Greg? It's a little weird that you keep bringing it up!

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Okay, let's say for the sake of argument that Trump is the devil that you fear, so what. That is not proof either. That is your emotion, like I said. You are emotional about Trump and so you see things that aren't there. Let's say that he is the devil, sometimes the devil gets lucky. It happens all the time.

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"Trump is the devil that you fear"

Yes Greg, I fear Donald Trump, and all the llluminati.

And the "proof" is that Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

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I don;t think Trump "killed more Americans that all of our wars combined" unless we tally the MASSIVE ERROR of the "Warp Speed Disaster." Trump's error there was that he REFUSED good advice from people like Dr. Scott Atlas, RFK Jr and and countless other who warned him about Fauci and Gates. It wasn't Trump's initiation, but it WAS his responsibility. His appointment to offices like HHS with Alex Azar, and deviants like Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr were also a compromised road to disaster.

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Yes Steve, we are talking about the "Warp Speed Disaster" death toll which means that Donald Trump has now killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

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Was it intentional or just typical Donny who went along with another stupid scam? I think he had $$$ in his eyes and fell for the idea of a "new medical breakthrough" which was naive at best.

Then again, I know, as you probably do, MANY people who didn't take the jab. A lot of well-intentioned people fell for Fauc'si deadly fraud. Back in 2019 less than 10% of the public knew what a dangerous sorcerer Fauci was. I have been exposing him since 1992 along with people like Celia Farber, Jon Rappoport. Joan Shenton and Dr Peter Duesberg.

As me if I am frustrated? This has been 32 YEARS of fighting these quacks and mass-murderes now.

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Why would you say that ? I hope when i argue with you you don't go think i don't like you .

°About the election i'll just say if nothing change there will be drone strike on US soil , against US citizens. Its that bad. If The Grump don't reform all he promise i'll be the first in line to go full Shiva 1776. Becoz yes it is the last election no matter how you slice and dice it.

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No Kell, you know I adore you!

The reason I say that Kell is because its proof and Greg was saying that no one cares about "proof".

35million vaxxed are dead Kell. And that's a CONSERVATIVE number! However it does corroborate the national decline in cellphone and streaming usage.

Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

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Hello, Proberta

My understanding is the original vaccine Trumps team developed is not the MRNA vaccine which you jabbed into your arm, no?

Maybe you should have done some research before trusting big Pharma and the #progressive #progressyoucanfeel.


But hey, I dont trust MIT anymore either. go FYS open border

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I think Trump is being molded into a plan much bigger than Donny's way of doing things. I refrain from giving anyone too much praise or promise. People change over the course of life and their priorities do as well. But sometimes they ignore the warnings. All four of the Gospels record that on the arrest of Jesus, Peter drew his sword and cut off the RIGHT ear of Malchus, the high priest's servant. (John 18:10) Jesus healed the ear of Malchus, but this didn't stop the curse the priests were bringing down on them and the nation, did it?

My opinion? I think Donny has been ignoring good advice and doing things "Trump's" Lets make a Deal Way" That didn't work well did it? This is much bigger than politics and popularity now.

I think God is getting Trump's ear...IF he will listen. I hope and pray he does.

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I keep bringing it up because I'm shocked that people no longer care about proof. You are not providing any proof. I don't care about elections, they are rigged. I don't care about the 2 parties, they both work for the system. I do care about truth, and proof. I don't think you've lived a full life. I have seen people do crazy shit that does not make sense. They should have died, but instead they rode the razors edge and thrived in the face of death. It only happens when you put yourself in death's face. But once you do that, it happens all the time.

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Sorry Greg, but I think Dr. Rima Laibow has provided plenty of medical proof, as have others (re: the impossibly, superfast healing of his ear tip, the lack of a 2cm bullet hole). Moreover, the SS cooperating w/ the "Money Shot" shows conspiracy. There is no way SS would go so far as to rip the protocols like they did, unless it was deliberate. It is their JOB to knock the idiot to the ground and lay on top of him, if that's what it takes to save him from his grandiose self.:

Laibow's 2 articles:

1st: https://drrimatruthreports.substack.com/p/trump-assassination-attempt-i-call

2nd: https://drrimatruthreports.substack.com/p/i-call-bullshit-20-why-would-team

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That is a false claim. We were never told that the bullet pierced through his earlobe. That is a fantasy. You are proving my point. We were told that the bullet grazed his ear. Which happens all the time in combat. And heals within days. I don't think people know what "proof" means.

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We've been told both things, and Trump changed his story several times in public. BTW, speaking of fantasy, "I don't think you've lived a full life." You don't know me, therefore, you don't know what kind of life I've led. So much for your "truth"!

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Nobody knows anything about another's life. But yet that's all most care about.

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It is thought that the shockwave itself of a 556 would be enough to cause damage to something like an ear even if the bullet "grazed" or merely passed by. Perhaps a grazing would cause little damage if it was a pellet or BB gun but not a 556.

It is said that a 556 travelling within 100 yards of a target would have the impact force of a 350lb line man travelling THREE TIMES THE SPEED OF SOUND.


What a direct hit of a 556 can do to a head made of gelatine. Then imagine the damage from a "graze" to cartilage like an ear.


The problem with Butler is the truth is being squelched. The shooter was not the "shooter" and even the celebrated shooter was not the same guy bleeding on the roof. Crooks was wearing short pants that day and the guy on the roof was wearing long. And still no one has seen Maxwell Yearick since Butler. There are those who feel Crooks was not shot and is still walking around. It was Yearick who was shot.

And shooting an AR on that sloping roof would be impossible to lay the gun on the roof because of the extended cartridge length would not allow the gun to be angled down towards the stage because the stage was lower than the roof of that "shooter building."

The proof is in TINY DETAILS and then add them all up. The "capturing" on film of the speeding bullet stream from a photographer running around the stage for him to be at the right spot even with an expensive camera is next to impossible yet they put it out there and people swallow it.

The way they design these incidents is it's so full of inconsistencies that the "proof" is hidden in plain sight that it didn't happen the way they reported it did.

But there is enough doubt which people tend to dismiss and then the lie becomes the truth.

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"I have seen people do crazy shit that does not make sense. They should have died, but instead they rode the razors edge and thrived in the face of death. It only happens when you put yourself in death's face." People may ride the razors edge, shortly after an event like that, but organic, autonomic, split-second, reflexive reactions, the moment cannot be overcome.

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Interesting thoughts. As a biblical child of God and a follower of the KING, this world is not my home. I am a pilgrim passing through. I do what I can to help others see what I see and share how they can live free in all of the surrounding evil, at least emotionally. Most people are so self-centered that they won't even consider that there is another kingdom that they can step into and as you said, truth is what we should care about and once you hear the truth and respond to it He/ God shows you the proof. In light of your last 3 sentences here is a quote: "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Prov. 16:9"

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Sep 9
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So good Whitney, I read it TWICE! ;)

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I have been trying to decide, which way is it. Yes Trump is an actor, so if he is playing the part, then he is one of the most evil men alive. If not, he is still not a righteous man. So many Christians and Christian leaders think he is, even when he states emphatically that he is not. He still thinks the Federal government should not protect children in the womb, and has stated that he has not done anything that he should repent for. The time of common truth is gone, and liars are respected; A violation of the 9th commandment. It is my view that unless the real Christians repent with a contrite heart, our nation is doomed. It is God's judgement on a wicked and perverse generation; Babies being sacrificed to Moloch and the promotion of homosexuality's along with all the murder our government has done with corporate wars and assignations in other nations. Just look at the Ukraine. Hey Christian, If you don't know the meaning of a contrite heart, look it up, I would say it is the fault of real Christians that that is pulling his blessing from this nation and the western world. Learn what God says to the Churches form one who understands: https://www.youtube.com/watch? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux5AB5woSQw&list=PLHQcI0hmbk92P3DyXE4MAWlpfHRSPMC-t And if your a pretending Christian or non-Christian, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm1eAoJI06s

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Please forgive me, that last video I posted by mistake There is no editing on this site. This is the correct one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Flx8LNj9c - Not every one gets it right every time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Flx8LNj9c

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IF you're truly honest with yourself both are possible.

If you hate Trump hes a cheat , he's in on it.

If you hate guns The Fag school shooter is not even a fag he's a White Violent man and we need atrazine in the water to castrate all man.

That's the tragedy of a post-truth world. Post modernist bullshit. That's how the woke-marxist-lgbtqCIA are getting away with all the crazy nonesens.

All this , no matter where you land on the issue , is an attack vector on reality and sanity.

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It was a dramatic vignette. No matter which partisan lens one looks through, it happened on a stage on TV for us to see with our lying eyes and believe.

Suspend disbelief!

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i agree , would have been insane trauma if he would have died. EVEN then some people would say he survived and went into hiding with Elvis or some shit.

There is just no win with the 5GWarfare.

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You are correct. But I don't think it's 5G Warfare. It's the human handicap of unregulated emotions and low IQ. 5G Warfare is a human farming technique.

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[Edit: in response to Greg above, and would like to add that his "5G is a human farming technique" is a terrific observation re the terrible tech.]

Certainly, you aren't implying that readers who don't agree with the facts of the rally shooting are overly emotional and low IQ?

Because that would be nonsense. Somebody upstream already called Butler skeptics (who, by the way, include both supporters and detractors of T's candidacy) "dumasses" and "m fers." Either others agree with him, or he'll call them stupid and crazy. Get in line, or else. That's eminently reasonable of him.

To deny that TV staging happens in today's politics and press seems to be the true position of fantasy. In this case, many have scrutinized the vids, still shots, and the ever changing narratives and have simply come to a different conclusion than the official story. They are not stupid nor necessarily opposed to a T second term in office. Of course, some are.

As we all know, when lies and staging come from the other camp, those who detect falsity get called out, as well; they're conspiracy loons and moron rednecks who can't believe what they've been shown. But scrutiny and debate are always appropriate and essential when the magic of the screen and the, um, integrity and honesty of public officials are all we're supposed to rely on for knowing the truth.

It's disturbing that suspend disbelief is the order of the day and, actually, of our lifetimes.

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That's when what we call in todays culture malinformation comes in.

if you look at political agents. IE: Roger Stones , Joy Reed , Rachel Mad Cow.

Reed and Meadow lies ; its subvert support and it create a false reality. We know anterior motives ; they hate the guy.

Roger Stones ; He too want to subvert support . He Brings salacious facts its dirty politics but factual . When he expose the courts , it is factual. When he speaks a politican character he worked with its factual. Like it or not he is scoring points. rarely he will bring up his contempt or hate for a person . The actions always need to be demonstrably over the top.

So maybe it was stage but if you reach that conclusion because Rosie odonald , Reed , Meadow said so ... people are a fool or gullible.

Nothing wrong with raising questions . shrug

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Greg , i want to correct the record. It was the worst podcast ever for lack of BANJO🪕.I just watched the SGT report. Come what may am with you brother.

god bless 🪕🪕🪕🪕🪕🪕🪕🪕🪕🪕

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But if you go there with the IQ , it's conceding to the eugenist that they are right. Its confirming its legitimate to be ruled by your better. Ignorance is just the absence of knowledge. If the aliens or Big Foot show up tomorrow we will all start with the same limited set of facts , very few information. Same for Joe 6pack to the Standford Phd. In that situation we will trust our guts and that's a good thing. We should do it more often.

To be clear GUT feeling and emotion are 2 different things. in my book. gut feeling = the sum of all our experiences and ancestral baggage ? i dunno that def works for me. folks ,feel free to add your def of gut feeling in the replies. Actually i'll add your National Culture

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Everyday, we experience Sun Tzu's art of war by deception via electronic frequencies and LA-Langley Hollywood craft. It's called news programming, and we should believe it at our peril of becoming benumbed and unintuitive.

Either suspend disbelief and get along or watch with discernment and be outcast. Outcast, no longer receptive to their broadcasting of spells and dramatic footage, is a better place to be than in thrall to propaganda and personalities.

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so true , i feel people want to be entertain and that's a huge problem.

Especially when people are deluded enough to conflate entertainment to educate. Their mind need some serious unfucking like Shiva would say.

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Many certainly were entertained-- horrified, relieved, angry and exhilarated-- by the startling event at the rally. The drama worked on every level, except in its details.

We need seriousness but don't really want it, and they give us circuses, falling buildings, and trumped up wars which give us false catharsis. I've nothing against any particular politician-actor reading their scripts, but fear the next Presidency will see a ginned up civil or world war for our viewing and for their takings.

Perhaps Shiva the Benevolent and Destroyer isn't what we need, because all we get is destruction.

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It has basically little to do with liking or hating Trump and more to do with realizing what is real. Even Benjamin Fulford mentioned in his podcast that the guy at Butler was NOT TRUMP. Though Fulford gives another reason why.



Whether Fulford is right or not is neither here nor there but a view that adds to the confusion, rather than take things too far in the believability realm.

When one realizes we are living in a world where people with money usually have body doubles without even touching upon the idea that Trump is a globalist and that "white hat" sentiment is foolish thinking at best to think he's "rogue" and going to take on the NWO. Stand back far enough, the whole Butler thing stinks with misdirection and Congressional "investigation" yet when Benjamin Nowakowski (yeah he's not a Jew he's Polish) showed up in front of Congress it was Sea World featuring the gaggle of clapping sycophant seals.

It is more important IMO to trust what one sees and not off the bat give something the benefit of the doubt thinking "naaahhh he'd never stoop that low" when being part of a global elite comes with many issues not known by the public.


Ridley Scott's All The Money In The World based on a true story about the kidnapping of J. Paul Getty III is a prime example that money and power does strange things to people.

And average people get caught up in what the facts are because they wish to believe they have the prime view yet based on their own experiences and not what really happens in these other walks of life.

Butler still looks like a sacrifice, however convoluted as human sheep were involved ala Leviticus 8:23-24.

The same way noting the shooting at Apalachee high school was at the 33rd parallel as most Satanic sacrifices are.

940 Haymon Morris Rd, Winder, GA 30680, United States

33.9482779" N, 83.7856099" W

Cued @3:04 :


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This is a great article. From a false flag researcher. It’s like 9-11, you don’t know what happened.. but you know what didn’t. In my opinion.. they want trump supporters riled up thinking he is anointed by God, and then they will pull something at the election.. and They will be setting up civil war.


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its all the (AP/Reuter) associated press people who took those picture . AP/Reuter are Rothschild globalist , they were expecting something.

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Ok, ok, where’s the moderation here?

Stick to the subject, even if Greg veers off at times.

I can’t wait for the election!!!

I don’t vote, haven’t voted and never will!

I can’t wait for all the shenanigans to go away.

Not that they will disappear but they will go away(I hope) from all the discussions people are engaged in.

Let’s move on to support this new project and not just use this forum to blow your wad.

Let’s be mature and intellectual, engaging and encouraging, philosophical and psychological with imaginative reasoning.

BTW Greg, my 19 year old son is a self taught amazing mixed media graphic artist, and that is not a bias statement. His work will speak for itself. He has virtual and physical work if you wanna see it. Is there an age restriction for your candidates?

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Yes I'd love to see it, thanks

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I could not find the link to send it to you. He should have his portfolio ready to send this evening if you have a link. Many thanks

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Let me tell ya'all about the mindfuck / clusterfuck. We live in today.

On Donald the thirteen (13-07-2024) my shit Lib familly was adamant Its all fake , "USA got an excess of dumb fuck. Who care if you fake the event and kill a few dumb fuck in the process."

No matter what they wouldn't concede "THE BIG THEY" would liquidate the Donald.

And the fag school shooting happen this week , i poked hole at the story . . . again they were adamant "all school shooting are real , the gov would NEVER ever trigger those events for political gain . . ."

Its all about emotions , no critical thinking . I don't think its a characteristic of the HERD . . .

Its the effect of the skull and bones dumbing down of America.

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Years ago, I developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It sucked pretty bad as it was my "mousing" hand and working was miserable. I was looking at surgery - until one morning I woke up and realized that I was sleeping on my Left side with my Right arm and hand curled up, basically supporting my body like a kickstand. I started wearing a wrist brace to bed - and that with some vitamin supplementation "cured" my CTS within about two weeks ... and to think I was ready to let someone cut on me....

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Greg, Thank you for all of your great work! I'm an illustrator. I worked for Infowars and Trends for a decade.

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I think Jay Weidner has the most accurate "take" on who the hidden hand is, and they are not human. Trump vs. Harris is just another Archonic deception.

Rise of the Archons


Who are the Elohim?


Gnostics, Annunaki/ Archons & the Reptilian Agenda


“The entities they called Archons appear to be identical to the ET’s of modern Ufology. Both Grey and Reptilian types are explicitly described in the codices.”

Archons And the Gnostics: Exposing the Alien Intrusion


Gnosticism Explained


Here is the full transcript of Jey Weidner’s interview with Jeff Rense.

Rise of the Archons: An interview with Jay Weidner on Rense Radio http://jayweidner.com/rise-of-the-archons-an-interview-with-jay-weidner-on-rense-radio/

Metahistory – John Lamb Lash’s website


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I started with his agenda 2025 video.. because that’s what I was looking for. I’ve watched probably 20 of them. The hopeful is there are 6000 year cycles and we are at the end of the moon cycle.. hence pole shift/ cataclysm. Which is in the bible. The greys, the reptilians, He combines the spiritual ascension conversation with the current events.. everything

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Totally agree, I found a great YouTube channel with this young guy who is brilliant at decoding the Bible and the freemasonic symbology. I’ve been able to put together what I was missing. And it’s more hopeful too. Bdell 1014. Where I’ve commented on YT has been deleted.

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Hi Greg, love your work! I’m a video editor/animator amongst other things. Here’s an example of something I made: https://open.substack.com/pub/sanefrancisco/p/the-navy-blue-venn-diagram and I will send you more via your website.

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That was some wonderful, cool, and breezy truth, Sane Franciscan, both the lyrics and graphics!

Who doesn't love Venn diagrams, Spiral-graphs, and flowing geometry with endless intersectional mystery? I'm going to share this with my daughter who will also appreciate the message and style.

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Thanks so much, Miss P! I really enjoyed making it. 😊

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You're a poet with line and letter!

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What a lovely compliment, thank you! 🙏🏾

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1 John 5 :12

he who has the Son has life, he who has not the Son of God , has not life eternal....

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men, once to die, but after this the judgement.

By FAITH, alone we are saved..'but without faith it is impossibletopleaseHim, forhe that comes to God must believethatHe is, and that He isarewarder, of them that diligentlyseek Him' Hebrews 11:6.

1st Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ. Jesus;

May these accurately transcribed words from 1 AD

fall on 'those that have ears, let him hear, Matthew 13:9

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Yes. He who has the sun has life. The sun when it passes over (Passover) the equator from Dec 22nd to Dec25th does not move one degree. They said the sun died and rose again after Dec 25th where it commences it's movement one degree each day. Yes indeed, religion worships the heavens. But they do not tell us that. Actually, His name is Emmanuel, not Jesus. Today's Hebrew is yesterday's Phoenician/Canaanite. The Scribes of King James were very good with the King's English but not very good translating Phoenician/Canaanite. We know very little about Emmanuel. His life has been mingled with Mithraism and the worship of the heavens. Have a relationship with Emmanuel, now known as Sananda and ask him yourself. You cannot have a direct relationship with the universe when you are dogmatic. Those that have ears can hear the music of the spheres.

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You speak of a false understanding of Jesus

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" We know very little about Emanuell." Except for you, that is.

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I am sure you know so much more than I do.

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Been looking to make more anti globalization artwork. We need to inspire, educate, and bring awareness though arts and entertainment.

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You're all so deep and intuitive stupid m fers.

The Globalists wanted to have a video of trump's head exploding for all to see their power.

Thank God it didn't happen.

Get a fuckin life dip shits.

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"You're all so deep and intuitive stupid m fers."

Beg to differ. Refer to Br'er Rabbit analogy and the briar patch scenario. The rabbit tells the fox; "no don't throw me into the briar patch whatever you do" but that's exactly what the rabbit wanted because that's rabbit territory and the dumb fox bent on being contrary gives the rabbit what he needs.

Trump is a globalist and he's there because he's their guy. Why would they want to kill him?

And if you're going to refer to Dealy Plaza, we're hearing that was JFK faking his assassination to get out of the bind he was in being president. His head was "blown up" using a Hollywood explosion device known as a SQUIB. Jackie pulled the string and when she climbed over the trunk lid she was grabbing the piece of the squib that blew onto the trunk. Inside the trunk was a look alike cop who Oswald killed and the patrolman was the one who showed up at the hospital. Can't make this shit up.



If one realizes Mission Impossible scenarios where the IM force takes off their masks as they gather after the job and laugh at the end of the episode is not too far fetched.

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You DID say something meaningful! You brought up the herd mentality!

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www.hanspricestudio.com IOWA I am an illustrator.

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You can feel the energy very little is being talked about. I noted yesterday how quiet my different sources are. I feel, what else is there to say. This plan will run its course as we witness the destruction of the old as the new develops .The old world was just a lie an illusion always felt it on some level. as there is dark so there is light. We are in such an old war we really know very little of who we are and where we are.

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I suffered for over a year with shoulder pain myself. I was doing some relatively lightweight, high repetition bench press in the gym when I felt it. I didn’t think anything was serious but that I needed to take some time off and heal. I tried just about everything, including acupuncture and electro therapy, which seemed to make it worse).

I too have a high distrust of doctors and was trying my best not to see one. Finally I went to the same orthopedic surgeon who repaired my torn bicep years before. At the consultation, he told me to put ice on it and try taking some OTC anti-inflammatory medication. He basically shrugged it off and said there was nothing wrong with me and that I was just getting older and things stop working as well as they used to. You and I are about the same age down to the month, and I wasn’t buying that, so I pressed him to look into it.

The doctor ordered an MRI, and when the results came back, it was very evident that I had a completely torn rotator cuff. You could see it very clearly in the images, and there was nothing that was going to repair it besides surgery. I know this isn’t what you want to hear but an MRI is relatively cheap and at least you could rule that out if the results show that you do not have a complete tear.

It has been seven months since my surgery, and my shoulder feels like a brand new shoulder. I’m still having to build back my strength, but there’s absolutely no pain and I feel like a new person. I hope this was useful to you.

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Not offensive at all. It's "fuck you/leave me alone" and the ability to live the Jeffersonian yeoman farmer ideal--have some land, grow some food, be self-sustaining, have the right to defend ourselves and self-organize, be able to give our property to our children, small government, local control. Has not been possible since my great great grandfather's generation.

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