The Agenda seems pretty clear for a lot of us, perhaps because we know what the Bible says, and has predicted. Many people are familiar with Rev 13, but I haven’t heard anyone mention Daniel 2:43:

And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

Daniel 2:43

Context is important when reading scripture. This chapter is about the interpretation of a dream King Nebuchadnezzar had. The verse I listed is referring to the feet aka the final world empire on the scene before Christ returns. I find it very interesting that it mentions iron mixing with miry clay. This seems to have a double meaning. To me this represents nanotechnology being introduced into humans. It also says “They will mingle themselves with the seed of men”

Ask yourself who is being referred to here as “they”?

This nanotechnology could very well be the abomination that causes desolation- as our bodies are the temple of God. And with the Vaccine passports being rolled out, they will eventually become the mark of the beast in Revelation 13….

Do your research in quantum dot tattoos. Btw quantum dots are just another name for graphene nano-sized tech.

Quantum dot tattoos:

Include dna altering vaccine 💉

To be placed on right hand/forehead

Includes medical/tracking/and financial information about the individual

Will include a unique number identifying the individual based on quantum bar code technology. All barcodes have numerical placeholders of 6 in the beginning, middle, and end of their numbers. Thus even if it looks like a square, it still contains 666 - all of them do.

To wrap things things up, the nail in the coffin would be the Luciferase which will be included in everyone of these, so they’ll glow under black ultraviolet lighting.

Still not convinced? Go research everything I just said for yourself and prove me wrong.

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Very interesting and a new, illuminating insight into those scriptures, especially the part about quantum bar code technology. It is certainly true that prophecy is often hidden until it is fulfilled, no matter how much we may speculate until then.

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You made some really good points in this article, however, the question you raised was "who is behind this?" This is the spirit of Antichrist. It is an evil power that God is allowing. All that we are seeing now is part of the system that will lead to a one world ruler to be worshipped. This can not be stopped, for God has told us of these things. The only thing we can do is be awake, aware, and evangelistic to a lost and sleeping worls.

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Excellent and straight to the point.

God sent a spirit of bewilderment and those who don't submit to Jesus-Christ are subjected to it.

All nations of the world already submitted to the one world government agenda and they will be happy to follow the antichrist as soon as he reveals himself. Those are going to be very tough times for humanity as a whole. This is God's judgment for refusing to submit to his Christ.

We might loose our life because we refuse to submit to the one world government and take the mark of the beast, but at the end, God wins and so will we! I still hope that Jesus is going to remove us from here just in time but even if it does not happen, I will not submit to the antichrist ever.

Anyway, if we don't win in this world, we know that the next one is going to be ours.

Love reading you Greg. Keep up the good work!

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I believe the church will be removed!! But like you said, if not I will NOT submit.

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The true church (ecclesia) will go through the bulk of tribulation, but escaping God's wrath. “Immediately after the distress of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not shed its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the peoples of the earth will mourn; and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Matthew 24:29-30 CSB

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I don't believe all Christians will take part in the First Resurrection which is the next big thing on God's Calendar. According to the letters to the churches, in the first three chapters of the Revelation, only those who have overcome, gained the victory, conquered, will receive their rewards and rule and reign with Christ during the following Age, known as the Millennium.

The rest of the Church , the majority of Christians and Old Covenant believers, will rise at the Great White Throne. They will however enter into Life directly under the Blood of the Lamb so they will not enter the Lake of Fire, where judgment will be meted out under the fiery Law.

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The church is now and will increasingly be compromised. A deceptive, false revival is coming. Watch that ye be not deceived! The U.S. is in the Bible ... https://www.amazingfacts.org/media-library/media/e/13705/t/the-final-war-over-worship

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Your absolutely right Mr. Reese. People have been dumbed down for decades. The don't teach the constitution or the bill of right's let alone the history behind that. I've never been on lockdown, I don't wear masks, and I will not renounce my faith. I'm still a free thinking patriot. The Evil that has taken over our country and the other nations has to be stopped even at the costs of our lives. I don't want my daughter growing up in this insanity. We live FREE or die trying. The sooner we follow the money and take out these globalist at the top, then we can get rid of all the corruption in our government. It has finally come to this. We won't have a choice, but it's the truth.

God bless my friend Mr. Reese and God bless your family always. Amen.

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The Bible tells us that we have been bought and paid for at a price. We are NOT our own. We are OWNED by the Lord Jesus Christ, our Creator and Redeemer. That is the Truth which ultimately everyone will believe.

However He gives us authority, CONTROL, over our lives and actions, each of us to a different degree, according to His wisdom and foreknowledge. While doing so He works everything out for our ultimate Good.

On the other side we have an Enemy who is very active counterfeiting the Plan and work of God at a lower level, being confined to the Earth realm and influencing the carnal minds of men and women. This Enemy seeks to have total authority, CONTROL, over everyone, everywhere, all the time. He is known as that ancient serpent, the Devil and Satan.

In this day we are witnessing the Enemy's final gambit to complete his plan and the Lord Jesus Christ is using this work to bring about the denouement of His Plan. He is preparing humanity for His second Appearing in power and majesty with His many sons, those who have followed on to know Him in the fellowship of His sufferings, that they might also know Him in the power of His Resurrection. This is the next chapter in His story.

Therefore He once more says to us "Fear not. Look UP for your Redemption draws nigh".

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Well said.

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It's quite amazing how Hollywood has pre-screened this world - '1984', 'Enemy Of The State', 'Surrogates', 'Minority Report', 'Eyes Wide Shut', 'Equilibrium',.. various Twilight Zone & Outer Limits, etc, episodes... How did Hollywood KNOW what was coming, was the deep state supplying the path for nefarious purposes? Great work, Sir....

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I have read that Hollywood is under the control of the Satanists who presently run the world. This makes sense given the influence the entertainment world has on the public mind. Therefore feeding this predictive programming into the public discourse through these media would be a natural expression of that control.

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Excellent article. Keep 'em coming.

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I’ve come to the conclusion the reason to be connected to the cloud and internet of things when TRANSHUMANISM occurs that we will all think and feel the same way as our minds are connected and controlled. When you think alike or pray together you create more power of immortality. I feel the reason for this final goal is to make Satan more powerful that he will try to stand up to God for the battle of all Gods. Think about it.

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It's the one word that is foreign to THEM and it is THEIR Achilles heel; HUMAN. Because THEY don't know what it is, to be Human. The mere concept that THEY are merely Human is repulsive and frightening to THEM. That's why it's no longer all about the money to THEM and THEY'VE forgotten that the mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. Keep up the great work Greg and yes, I do want a Humanity Revolution. Hold on tight because it's taking us all along for the wild ride, whether we agree to it or not :0

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We are living in what a very wise person was inspired to call "The Great Controversy" ... between Christ and satan. It explains all the Daniel and Revelation prophecies, and how they tie together. You can learn about it all, including the warning message of love we need to hear right now, here. It's free ... https://www.amazingfacts.org/bible-study/free-online-bible-school

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Thankful my education and curiosity gave me enough insight to see that Genetics or any science that has good application will also come with apposing concequences. Our educational system in america is not as high as it should have been. When the powers began to "dumb down" America, I saw it coming. then I met a wonderful man who was a Geneticist who stepped out of the field because of what was occuring towards nature. When I saw Rna (a carrier) in the hands of LONG TERMED heads of this organization and heard his rediculous spinning of the truth; all I see now is the ONE little retarded kindergardner trying to fit the square peg into the circular hole. This was my remembrance around the same time as FRANKENSTINE. PEOPLE NEED TO BE EDUCATED. And I'm not claiming to be the smartest in the world..

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