Angel Studios already changed the link I screen shot in my video:


Within an hour of my release. Still references Polaris...but much more subtle

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You need to challenge them on the term aftercare. Aftercare is a BDSM term used to repair for reuse, meaning like how Jim said they have doctors on hand to stich them up. It's a psychological term as well and why so many women are involved as they reduce the trauma through their aftercare. A real charity would know this is a term that would be traumatizing for a victim, just like if they called the victim, the submissive. This term is used by abusers or dominants. Yes, it's used for doctors after surgery but it's never used for the healing and recovery journey of a victim. Failure to acknowledge this, shows that they don't care about how survivors feel. I emailed them months ago before I knew who they were when I was looking for help as it made me feel like everyone was in on it. (My son's story is horrific - over 200 professionals have been involved in dozens of organizations, charities and government services) I had a major panic attack and I never heard anything. I've heard other people have been refused help too. I didn't want help, I just wanted them to change their term on their website from Aftercare to Recovery program. Or explain to me why a term a victim could have heard repeatedly after their abuse was being used. Nada. Just an auto reply saying they were busy. (Sorry for the rant. But it makes me sick they are getting people to donate to them)

Also worth a dig is Tony Robbins, 9 allegations of sexual assault. And it's worth questioning some of their programing on their ads. Like one of them uses 3 different words in the sentence 'normalizing' pedophilia - it's hard not to look at that as predictive programming or why is Facebook promoting it so much when most of my suspensions are for talking about human trafficking? I thought it was targeting as I talk about it a lot but many others have asked the same.

Tim Ballard is also worth 17 million, if you didn't see that.

Sorry this isn't very organized. Not an easy topic for me.

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For reference:


And what infuriated me yesterday...


+1 703 837 6313

Clearly not an accident, CATIE social media announces its following the new WHO guidelines, although not referencing the WHO the wording is the same. All references to this have been removed from their site.

Why is the PDF for the WHOs guidlines listed on the National Missing and exploited childrens website? This is a government organization that educates 120 countries on protecting children, surely they should be fighting against these guidelines, not promoting them. This organzation is funded by https://broadfoundation.org/


British Columbia in 2019 -


Caught again, with a new book in 2023







The six Democrat committee members who voted to block the bill deserve to be named and shamed:

-Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer

-Mia Bonta

-Isaac Bryan

-Liz Ortega

-Miguel Santiago

-Rick Chavez Zbur


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I just wanted to say thanks to Greg and his followers for allowing me to use this post to do some emotional processing and to try to find my voice after so many years of feeling humiliated or victim blamed in the community.

Why didn't you do this or why didn't you do that or the comments of you are crazy or this doesn't make any sense or whatever else I have received over the years which has led me into states of panic and isolation didn't happen this time.

I have received a lot of support. It opened a lot and made me feel like I could manage the triggers better than before.

I don't know if my constant refusal to give up and to keep trying to share has meant that I am sharing better or if people's openness to these topics is changing or if this is just a safer place because people are clued up, but I know I was able to take all the comments I made throughout the comments and put them in one conscious thought stream today on another post and that gives me a lot of hope that one day I will be able to do present this information.

I know I'm a bit of mystery right now, but I used to have social club with 50k members in London and I have sold over 10k tickets and given away more to hear me speak on wine, love and sex - sometimes together or separate but it was all based on opening people's conscious and meeting them where they are at.

I hope one day I am healed enough to do the same in the capacity of the great awakening.

I am truly terrified right now at what the CIA will do to me if I start creating my own content based on what they did when I was just trying to hide from the world.

But I think we all need to find the strength to overcome our fear and push ourself outside of our comfort zones. More importantly I think we need to risk everything to fight for the children of the future.

I've been thinking a lot today of the phone call with the Florida AG. I assumed when they said to go to the media and hung up on me when I tried to clarify if Ashley Moody was a member of the PPP, pedophile protection professionals, or if it was the CIA that sent police to my house to threaten me, that this confirmed they were, expecting me to me silenced. But replaying the conversation, I hear fear in their voice and great concern. I will of course keep demanding answers from Ms. Moody's office. (You can't make up the characters names in this) but maybe it was a nudge from the universe that I need to be more vocal and try to get the independent medias attention.

I actually didn't know this was an infowar connected outlet when I first posted. Ironically I emailed infowars in a state of panic after my call with the AG. This is the first time I've connected the media since every single news outlet blocked me one by one when I asked them if they were going to sit and eat cotton candy whilst the flying monkeys of the government tortured me and my son like caged animals. Next, they froze my bank account and kidnapped me to torture me into silence within weeks of me sending the media the evidence of my son's grandfather insider trading as motive to cover up my child's abuse of rope burns on his neck, just to start. My son's paternal family made the elites billions in March 2020 when we all lost our jobs as they predicted the economy was going to crash. They dumped their Bitcoin to create insecurity in crypto too. I can go on and on about the corruption of human trafficking but the reason they target me like they do is they know I represent, not only the financial blackmail of the organizations and institutions involved but the evidence of the power they hold over everyone invested in their system.

I don't know if any other case has the amount of evidence mine does to expose the whole system but I know that I didn't go through what I did to sit back and not be the voice for so many that can't find theirs.

I'm not saying I found mine yet, I'm just saying thank you for helping me try.

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I think if I had a message I would send it is that so many vaccinated are asking if they are next in the sudden death circus we are seeing, but what we should all be asking is, are their children next in the government targeted human trafficking programme. But worse, are the unvaccinated children the target of their harvesting?

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I also want to share that people who have been abused like I have do experience gender dysphoria. We hate being a woman because we know our abuse is because of our gender. We think that asking our masculine side to be respected will help our voice be heard. I will touch more on my experience and the brainwashing I experienced by a socialist government who normalized gender neutral bathrooms and how my son's school that covered up our abuse was a drag show school who has pictures on their website of girls showing their underwear to a room full of adults on their child focused website at some point.

But I just want to ask everyone to be kind to people who are indoctrinated into this system as they are preying on the people they abuse.

Gender dysphoria is a number one symptom of child sexual abuse, as well as adult domestic abuse and we need to start understanding the whole system to help people enter recovery before big pharma gets their claws on them.

Please stop calling them mentally ill. Many, not all, are victims of sexual abuse. They need your support.

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Thank you for this .. confirming my suspicions about things, as well as informing me of Tony Robbins and Tim Ballard ... nothing surprises me anymore. And it all makes sense.

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You are welcome. It was a really tough week for me when this was all coming out, especially about the charities as I know for a fact they are designed to cover up for the system. You can usually tell as their social media is all about donations rather than offering support to victims, or promoting the children they have helped. Where are sound of freedom survivors? Tim claims to have saved thousands in 2019 and spent 13 million doing so, and they have the cheek to insult victims of this system by blacking out some of their crew. (all for affect and to manipulate) it just shows they have the tech to black out victims.

Sorry starting to feel the trauma vomit coming on in this rant! Lol

Most, not all victims of abuse have a desire to help others and these people know that interviews would get them a lot of money, so they must know that it's a high risk to introduce a victim to the public.

What need to do next is connect this all to the missing children in foster care. Nancy Scheafer and Whitney Webb speak on how Clinton created this system. We need to address the crisis in the family court system and prove the DOJ and the AGs are all complicit in trafficking our children from our own citizens.

Appreciate you taking the time to seek the truth.

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What you are saying makes alot of sense, and I too, am surprised by the SOLUTION not happening as quickly as it should be? I'm tired of the lies and appreciate your rant, indeed! I know of Whitney Webb and amazes me how she remembers such details. An end to all war is my desire and how we make that happen seems to be .... phew! A personal journey.

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She has a very special brain, and heart indeed. It's so interesting how some people are really able to connect all the dots and others just don't get it. I like how you said it was a personal journey. It's something I've had to own as the pain of not being able to do more is too much to bare. It's not about saving the world, it's just about each day doing something that makes it a better place. I'm trying the 3 spoons approach, which means I do 3 actions everyday to raise awareness. I'm two spoons done. I just gave into to BC part leaders on the missing children from child welfare and reported the misuse of fund of the targeted violence protection program to target dissenters. It's so scary when the home office hangs up on you because they don't want the information recorded on their lines, but I finally managed to get connected to a local group that connects people to outside agencies. I knew their was something fishy with internal affairs when they refused to allow me to submit a complaint. Basically they have many gatekeepers all looking like they have authority when in fact the only authority they have is to try to stop you reporting their criminal activity lol I think a lot of people started to understand this when their complaints of COVID tyranny where dismissed. There is certainly a way to end all wars, and that is to remove the people who cause them. But I think we are in a period of exposure and it's part of the plan. It's one of the things I told the police at the front line of my gangstalking. I told them they don't need to terrorise me and discredit me as these people are going to start to show their true intentions when the Balenciaga scandal was coming out. In latin, you can translate Balenciaga to baal is king, but another translation with different spacing is 'do what you want' They speak in latin often as part of their witchcraft. The WHO sex ed guidelines will lead to their end, as people will tolerate a lot but not sexualizing children. www.stopworldcontrol.com has a lot of info on this, but it is really being exposed through CATIE, as well as other pedo connected charities and the resources they are sharing. What I am really trying to direct my energy towards is raising awareness in the LGB community as many are coming forward for being exploited. We need to create divide between their army in this info war and once we do, we will win.

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Keep up the fight. My parents didn't even know that I was being abused, and only found out after I cause a public incident between Dr. Green and Dr. Menniger at UMCMC. My mother was an LPN at the same hospital and people that knew her told her about what the program really was.

What they didn't know and probably still don't is what I found out by coincidence during a kind of biofeedback therapy with a well trained clinical psychologist: that I suffered from DID. He actually had a conversation with my alter after I fell asleep. Confused me. Afterwards, I'd have dreams and started realizing they were memories. Explains why in airports, people would address me as Rob or Bob; hence, my nom deplum.

Then memories of abuse as an adult started surfacing. Memories of a stolen wife and children. I was dragged away from them 4 times. That psychologist was my estranged daughters brother to their step Father. Their uncle apparently told them I'm dangerous but not sure if he told them I did not abandon them. They're half Asian but look a lot like me but with different features. I miss them now like they once missed me.

The DC crew have always been perverted. District of Child Pedophiles.

Hope all goes well for and your Son.


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I just replied to a comment above this and reread it.

I've done a lot of work with survivors over the years sharing things that have helped me heal.

It kinda sounds like past life regression therapy which led to those memories. I mention it as it's sounds like it may be unprocessed and you need to take it to the next level.

The leader of this work is Brian Weiss, if you would like to look into it.


It's not uncommon for survivors to be perceived as dangerous. We threaten the existence of peoples fantasy of a safe world where the government protects us.

I am very lucky that I was able to have the conversation with my son about what would happen next. I told him if we fight, I might not be able to see him. I explained if we didn't fight the abuse would get worse, and he told me to fight. I then was able to explain that if anyone tells you I am sick, or do not love him or want him to live with me - not to trust them.

But this doesn't mean I don't question if he feels abandoned at times. If I ever feel this way, I just picture myself giving him a big hug.

I don't often miss my son. I feel so terrified, I don't have space for what ifs or sadness. It is what it is. And I know that I massively rocked the boat in terms of tolerance of this nonsense so it wasn't for nothing. I just try to be so thankful that I had the time I did with him. When I think of him, I just fill my heart with love and gratitude.

There is something called heart coherency and it's been studied that those we love can feel our emotions thousands of miles away with heart monitors. I firmly believe we can change the emotions of others through the electric magnetic field and that's why I work so hard on healing myself, as I believe it heals others too.

Thanks for the space for reflection.

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Thanks Rob for sharing that with me. There are so many of us coming forward right now. It's so important for our own recovery to talk with people who completely understand. I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm not sure if I was able to follow the story fully but understand how complicated it is to explain it all, and hope things are better for you now.

I know all about trauma memory suppression and boy is it shocking when one comes up, especially if it's in a dream. But it can happen just out of nowhere and easily when I read someone's comment. The brain does a very good job at protecting people from them as a self defense mechanism.

I tried to get them to diagnose me with DID but they wouldn't but I feel like I can relate to it from the DSM. Now that I'm coming out of the abuse, as long as I don't drink, I am pretty normal these days. Drinking makes me completely dissociate and flares up all the PTSD symptoms. These people have desperately tried to have me labelled as incapacitated and delusional but they have been caught now by my insurance company so I'm very happy to finally disprove it and hopefully help others see how they steal children through medical kidnapping.

I was looking at this link today on the MK ultra interviews with survivors and they also noticed a high level of DID.


Appreciate the well wishes. I'm not sure what to do about my son. Writing some things out on this post was really good to trauma vomit but the reality is, the system is too corrupt. Hopefully people like Greg will keep raising awareness. I do a lot of advocacy work as well to help others. I really need a few months where they don't do anything to torture me so I can write my complaints, but that seems highly unlikely to happen. These people are so sick and the people on the front line of it all are cowards.

Sending you love and light


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Sorry for late reply. 2 things:

1. The person that diagnosed my DID after having a conversation with my alter. https://www.alliantcare.com/biofeedback-neurofeedback

2. PDF version: https://behavmedfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Vita-JRD-2020-converted.pdf

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Hey no worries. Good to hear from you. In all honesty I have had nothing but corrupt doctors my whole life, thank God I did met a few good ones, especially the one that understood that I have an alter ego of dominant and submissive personalities which means I am fluid based on the energy I am presented with , which is actually normal, and others who can't switch aren't. And the one that really got that when I am abused I act out outside my character.

So the question I think people ask is, do you change on your own or do you change based on others to respond.

If it's based on others, it's normal and if you switch without being provoked, you probably need support.

From my lens you are loved either way.

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Jul 14, 2023
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Thanks for the hugs. I need them. I want to crawl under a rock now, but it's important that I share my prospective, for my own processing as well as to shed light on it all.

I think the movie is good for normies to start to open their eyes but it only works if they dig deeper.

My son is still being held hostage by the government and their goonies so I just hope he is managing to cope right now. He will be 14 this year so only 4 more years until he can start his journey to recover. The world will be a different place by then, for the better I hope.

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I thank you so much for your information. No believing the government. You helped direct our investigation. Praying for you the situation and your son. GOD bless you and give you strength and peace

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Please understand, when I call the home office, FBI, police or attorney general - I'm not asking for help for my son. I'm begging them to try to find out who is harassing me and ask them to stop. I am also asking them to take a note of it so that other people will be believed. So I'm not asking much. But apparently asking the government to stop abusing you to cover up child abuse, is a lot! Lol

I put some more details in this thread of some of the things they have done to me in the past 3 years. So all current, not 20 years ago. This is what they actively do to parents who have children that have rope burns on their neck and they ask for help. I havent seen or talked to my son in 3 years, begging them to just let me get out, and I think they have spent at least a half million dollars trying to ruin my life. I have no clue how common it is for them to invest this much but they do it all like a well oiled machine.

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***/*/***Тḣе ǵⅼоḃаⅼіѕtѕ іո tḣе ոеԝ ԝοrⅼḋ οrḋеr аrе рսttіոǵ tḣе ΜŔΝÁ ⅴах іո уоսr fοоḋ уоս ոееḋ tо ḋο tḣіѕ ΑЅΑР

Ꮩіѕіt... https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Frileynews3.blogspot.com%3AHAW6AfCqoi3IVA9_fgrwpTurf5E&cuid=uy98709

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Sometimes you have to defend yourself.

Especially since dumb ass Christians have let this Satanic standing army that we call the police to come into absolute power.

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Thanks Carolyn. All the charities in my experience are corrupt. The home office is corrupt and the FBI - I have countless calls where they just hang up on me when I tell them who my son's grandfather is. The CIA has had an investigation open on me since Jan 2021 according to the special agents report I got in Jan 2023. I believe the CIA organized the medical fraud and are behind all the harassment I am receiving, including preventing local police from investigating the medical fraud to cover up for the elites abuse. That's the stage I am at now. Trying to prove that sheriff judd Grady is part of the psyops and police target local trafficking rings to control the supply and demand only as well as to justify their funding that pays off the pedo police.

I appreciate you being strong enough to look deeper and protect our children. ❤️

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Niki, my heart goes out to you and your son. I'll be praying for you both, this is beyond evil. I'm so glad and thankful you shared, it really gave alot of info and helped me to see that these are not good guys who did Sound of Freedom. I haven't seen it and refuse to spend my money on it, they aren't getting one penny from me. I'm amazed you're able to write about this, you're a hero. Hugs and prayers for you, dear.

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Thanks. It's been a long road. I remember saying last year to the police who were investigating me for threatening the charity that helped them hide the sexual exploitation of my son... 'Why do you all obsess over me so much? These people are going to show you exactly what their plans for children are, you don't need me.There are millions of us so I'm just a small fish in the pond.' But I watched the movie divergent last week and I realized that some of us think differently and their control makes us angry. They fear the divergent thinkers the most. I'm saying that as my point in sharing isn't to put people off the movie, it's to make the connection of how truly evil this system is. Top to bottom from the 13 families to the first responders - they are all involved. And yeah, I'm very thankful that there are a lot of small fishes coming forward and being heros as when they are attacked from all angles they will make mistakes.

Thanks for the hugs and prayers... They took everything from me and I can't wait until the day when everything is taken from them. It's not going to be in the next decade I don't think, but it will be in my son's lifetime, I hope.

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Here is something hopeful for you - I hope. I've watched Donald Trump for 45 yrs. He has ALWAYS talked about how America was being destroyed. He never wanted to be president but knew he might have to if no one else came forward. He loved his life and didn't want to be involved with the scum that is in govt. In 1985 I was given information from a sincere Christian I think of as a prophet. She told me that in 2016 Trump would run for president and win. He was there to clean out all the evil in govt and the rest of the world, not just America. She told me a bit about the child trafficking and that was a major focus. She told me Satanists were running the world, also Nazis, Communists and the mafia had all joined together to take over the world. But, in the end, Trump would win and would clean out all the scumbag evil ones, that there were many and it would take awhile. She gave me ALOT of info. She also said he was like John the Baptist, in that he was preparing the way for return of Jesus. Trump has been working on getting rid of the evil ones for a very long time, decades in fact. He is almost there. He and white hats in military have been quietly arresting them for years. Some of the high profile ones are replaced with look-alikes or with clones - yes, human clones are real. If they can clone a sheep (which they did back in 90s IIRC) they can clone a human. i've spent the last 25 yrs researching all this and human clones are real. There are 4 brothers, one of them is Loy Brunson who brought a lawsuit to Supreme Court. He is suing most of Congress for failure to investigate claims of election fraud. Trump did win the election but claims of fraud were never investigated. The law says if there is even ONE claim of election fraud, Congress must investigate - but they failed to do their duty so Loy Brunson, who has studied Constitutional law in depth for years, has filed a claim. It has made its way through several different hurdles and it on its final one. He has an appt in Oct. for Supreme Court to decide whether Congress is guilty or not. I think they will decide Congress did commit a crime. It's also treason - hugely. It's election interference, a serious crime. That means that most of Congress will be tried by military tribunal - look up Law of War. We are under occupation by illegal entities, i.e. Biden and Dems, which means we are under military law so they can do tribunals. There is a guy on Yoo Toob, Monkey Werx who gives us info about military flights in U.S. and elsewhere. He has talked about the flights going to military prisons around the world. The only reason anyone is brought to these military prisons is because they were tried in civilian courts and found guilty, then they are taken to military prison for tribunal and sentencing. Many apparently are being hung if what I've read is true. So, it is happening and has been happening for quite some time. I don't think it's going to be much longer that these people will be brought to justice. Trump has said that when he comes back into office everything immediately changes for the better. If Loy Brunson wins his case, Trump may be back in office in Oct or soon after. So, keep praying and don't give up. Trump tells us "Never, ever give up. Nothing ever got done by giving up. Keep fighting." I hope this helps a bit. Look up Law of War, we are under those rules/laws. Military is in charge, not Biden. Trump was secretly sworn in Jan. 20, 2021 and given a ceremony, Biden wasn't. Please, keep us informed about your son and yourself. Many of us here will be praying fervently for you both. YOU ARE LOVED AND YOU MATTER TO US! ❤ ❤❤❤ 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

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Jul 14, 2023
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Yes, very important to remember we are in a stage where all is being revealed and the beginning of a new system designed for prosperity for all.

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I believe I have heard of Tony Robbins being a controller for Monarch sex slaves.

If so it is likely in on of these books:


Controlled opposition is used quit a bit. Any Tony Robbins may be on the dark side.

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you shouldn't believe everything you hear. Dark forces trying to take down the light. To all of those naysayers on the Sound of Freedom. I believe JP calls it. Why are people now believing CNN, Washington Post and the Rolling Stone after so many years of lying to us... and Guess who owns VICE now! ... and have you tuned into how the democrats in congress are calling for censorship? https://ugetube.com/watch/7utEVDo45krAjH1

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wow Greg. Good work my friend. AND they already have a backup to anyone who questions the film... we don't question the facts in the film, but now we need to know ALL their tricks.

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Amazing work as always. You mentioning Carlos Slim reminded me of a Caller on the AJ show two days back, I remembered a bizarre story involving a spanish actress which might interest you. she came screaming out of a luxury hotel screaming slim and the elites consume children. posted as a comment on this video.

Tell you the truth I don’t like AJ much because there are indications he holds back with a purpose. You, on the other hand, always brings the goods to the table, one of VERY FEW, that does. you should have your own podcast!

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That nanny maid who witnessed these things was a from a few years ago now. But have NO doubt what she witnessed & was traumatised about was & IS TRUE. That clip is at least a few years old though. Just fyi.

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I know it was, but it wasn’t a nanny it was a famous Spanish actress, it was such anscandel it

made all the gossip shows on televisa and tvazteca and within a few hours was buried. The story is relevant to Reese talking about Slim being the funding behind some nefarious crap.

interesting to note that news of the actress since then have been contradictory, and no one is completely sure what happened to her afterwards

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Slim is a Mexican from a Lebanese extraction. In my mind he would never have been allowed to own The NY TIMES? Our overlords must have initiated him in the cabal.

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It seems my entire life is designed around proving the elites are corrupt. I am sorry I trauma vomited on your post, Greg. I needed it.

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You are welcome to do so.

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Thanks Greg. I've been waiting to respond as I process this all. I don't know who to trust and I find your response so incredibly welcoming I feel confused.

I'm not used to help and I've had a very hard day of fighting the PPP (pedophile protection professionals) which means I'm at breaking point and I do reach out in panic at times.

I'm working on another really big story and Id like to ask if you could make note of it as I've just challenged the police directly for silencing victims. And was silenced per usual. But I think this is big. It might show a pattern of how TB is working with victims to create a psyops. (That woman doing a rant is a scam she says she is raising money for an extraction team, she can't even take care of herself - wait to you see how I channelled her and she shut all comments down on her Facebook. These people can't cope with my light) More importantly I think I just exposed their psyops to threaten people into silence if they expose people.

I don't want to Google you and I don't want to go through info wars as I don't trust them. But this is a burner and I don't think they know I'm on substack yet.) This story involves he anal rape of child being returned to their abuser in Canton Ohio. By one of the major pedo hospitals

The article is restricted but you can see the headline here:

Odyssey of baby V.J.: Why a raped infant went home to Canton abuser after hospital visit


I'm not explaining this well as I need to be careful. I making the allegations that Ashley Moody, Desantis and Sheriff judd Grady are part of this. I have everything recorded. I'm terrified. It is a huge step for me to go after this hospital and their pedo protectors. Do you have a way I can direct you to what I can manage to produce. Or can you reply and I agree to drop the link and delete it within an hour. Proton mail is not safe. And id like to think comments like this are for a short while. They found me on gettr, so I'm not so sure. But I made the mistake of posting a screenshot of a meme with it in it on Facebook, I deleted it instantly but I suspect that's how they knew to look when they went on a clean out, including my business Facebook page.

I spent 5 years in the underground bdsm world of the elites. They fear me, because they know me. I am not one of there usual victims, I am one of them. They know I am protected. But that does not mean I am. Hard to explain...I am not like any other victim you ever meet.

How's that for a trauma vomit ❤️ when they torture me, I actually like it. It helps me grow spiritually and step into the role I was born for. We are all stepping into our roles and it is truly a beautiful thing to witness 💛✨💛

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One of them. Yeah. I'm working through all the brainwashing now, but I was lucky I had good mentors and people that took me under their wing to help prepare to fight them. The biggest fight will be between themself. It would take a whole book to explain, but I'm not being overly cautious for nothing.

I want you to keep an eye out for victims who are part of the divide to make sure you don't promote them to their advantage. You know who I'm talking about right m.m she claims to have a charity where she extracts children and is angry this film is profiting trafficking. She wants a voice for survivors but own site offers nothing but a email to share. I'm not linking it as I don't share info I'm not 100% sure off, but she locked all comments on her Facebook when I offered ten tips to help victims and questioned the police issuing a warrent to someone asking for help. Trust me. If I say it's dodgy it is.

I was a key witness in a tantra guru case - I am a love and expert - and the woman of this case not only lured in victims but she helped cover up the complaint process.

We need to understand that their victims will help them and not discount them, but make sure they are who they say they are.

I can 100% validate who I am or at least who I was or maybe I am who I am, and who I have always been. A pedophile protector professional hunter.

I'm still trying to work out what happened to me and what is happening now, the gaslighting is overwhelming for someone who has experienced the things I have. The one thing I know is consistent is I have done everything I have done since 2013 to protect children. This is the only identity or thing I know about myself right now for certain.

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When I first started testing how the public would respond to my journey. I had so much abuse from Christians. Not surprising as they we the ones who made me stay in my abusive relationship for so long. But I felt so sure that it had made me the person I was that with my good intentions, I should be loved.

I don't care anymore. I did something not one of them would ever be brave enough to do. I asked why so many professionals would cover up rope burns on a childs neck and I never stopped asking until I understood every single psychological element that goes into the divide.

I was masochist for truth. I never understood sadism. But I loved to be hurt.

Do you know what happened?

After they tortured me, held me at gunpoint and tortured me some more, all so they could say I was incapacitated. My private doctor refused me clinical notes as he had done before and my benzos which he refused before but promised he would give me.

My clit literally starting twitching when I saw someone get hurt on Tv.

They caused me so much trauma they made me a sexual sadist.

How could you make this up?!

I've never tested this in the bedroom, I am a service top (you can look it up) but I did ask the CIA if I could make Trudeau my little bitch for one night. I told them if they let me, I'd forget about how they tortured me. Lol

(I think they are in this phone as they just made it flip to landscape which usually delete the message in Facebook.)

Haha. Well. If you ever get your hands on the Florida police public records you will see a thousand emails of me tormenting them and them tormenting me back. It's a sadomasochistic relationship with the government. One I don't really ever want to stop. Does that make me as sick and twisted as them?

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I believe they are torturing us to make us all sadist like them.

But I believe they don't understand the power of the heart and how no matter what people will not evolve into this.

I hope I am proof of that.

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AJ just minutes ago on the Sunday show as of this writing played the Angel Studio clip. After AJ's playing the clip he sort of concurred with Reese that maybe Greg's right although AJ prefaced things (before playing the clip) intimating that maybe the clip Reese made might have some questionable "angles" (AJ's word). Still viewing the clip with the external references AJ must've seen the light in the report. Granted AJ said it's good the film came out. Yes because it shines a spot light on it. But What and Who is guiding things behind the curtain, we can't lose sight of that, Toto.

After all these generations of being bamboozled by institutions we need to damn the consequences and call it like we see it. One would think if Slim was involved in something else that came off nefarious wouldn't someone in the A-Studio production think/ponder that someone like Reese would catch on and call things out?

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AJ just minutes ago on the Sunday show as of this writing played the Angel Studio clip. After AJ's playing the clip he sort of concurred with Reese that maybe Greg's right although AJ prefaced things (before playing the clip) intimating that maybe the clip Reese made might have some questionable "angles" (AJ's word). Still viewing the clip with the external references AJ must've seen the light in the report. Granted AJ said it's good the film came out. Yes because it shines a spot light on it. But What and Who is guiding things behind the curtain, we can't lose sight of that, Toto.

After all these generations of being bamboozled by institutions we need to damn the consequences and call it like we see it. One would think if Slim was involved in something else that came off nefarious wouldn't someone in the A-Studio production think/ponder that someone like Reese would catch on and call things out?

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There are echoes of the 'Live Aid' debacle in all this. Highly emotive videos were played with Bono and Bob sodding Geldof urging people to save people from dying. Money flooded in and very little ended up where it should have done. Who is to say the same won't happen here? Unless the underlying structures that allowed these atrocities are swept away then how will the money be used to effect change? While the motives might have been good (although Bono and Geldof were always suspect) unless there is root and branch change money is just channelled into the corrupt system that allowed the atrocities in the first place. Especially if a drug dealer is funding the project. Drug dealing and trafficking and hugely interlinked. This rant from a friend of Tim Ballard's does little to reassure. After three years of gaslighting, surely the least anyone can do is asking probing questions and be sceptical? https://www.instagram.com/p/CulXjRnOpn7/?fbclid=IwAR1fkwD6S3hrbPbO0rXsPlxDyHH_Ewp9_HqWiPOe94J75_Qb4uInwEUgKiU

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Jul 14, 2023
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I also noticed a weird thing when I was digging in court files. Not one government agency that I found filled out any of their data on diversity. They filed the reports but the reports were all blank.

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Mayor Jerry Demings was horrible during the Plandemic. He and his stupid a$$ mask mandates. We ignored him. I never wore a mask, Against my convictions.

I just went to stores that didn't require masks. I have health issues and couldn't wear a mask anyway.

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My PTSD could not handle the mask. During the medical fraud I experienced I was told I was delusional for questioning mask and ESG's I told the Baycare employee, look up the AGs fighting ESG's and tell me they are ALL delusional - she said I don't have to, it's my opinion.

I also told her that forced masking was causing me panic attacks as in 2006 they studied the mask effects on SAR1 and found them to harmful. She said, why would you look at a study so old? Lol

These people are beyond ignorant. I hope they all got their boosters :)

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You were ahead of the game on the MASK :-)

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Bet, they didn't get the JAB and Boosters at all. They were getting money for telling people like us lies. Sprouts in Winter Park told me, if I didn't wear a mask that they would call police.

I said some few choice words and walked out. I will never go into that store again.

My gums were red and giving me trouble during the Plandemic. So, I had to wait 2 years

to see my Dentist, because I wasn't wearing a MASK.

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Why don't you use a good grade of silver colloidal mouth wash?

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That is one question, I am looking forward to the answer. How many people actually knew? Common sense tells me that it would have been a top military level secret as if millions of minions new the truth it couldn't have been contained so I have gone on the assumption that only those with high clearance levels would have been informed and the rest brainwashed. The government is experts at finding the most stupid people to do their bidding.

I refuse to go to the dentist now as they require an annual x-ray for a cleaning and they all have the same safe and effective narrative - it's safer than a day at the beach. Anyone requiring preventive care, which may be harmful is to be avoided.

I'm trying natural remedies and the one I came across recently for gum health is Lactobacillus Paracasei

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Jul 15, 2023
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That was really beautifully written and helped me calm my energy a little, thank you.

Yes we do think a like it seems. I have contemplated many of the points you mentioned.

I first starting questioning the programing of the box when my vicar said I'd have the same bed as mother Teresa and then shortly after was complaining women couldn't be bishops and she was angry that she had to do a service for an evil man who got forgiven on his death bed. I was just like. Nope. Thats not adding up to me. My father isn't angry and I don't believe the creator wants us to fear him.

I am pretty sure that in every lifetime I have had my child stolen from me by the government. Mainly because when I was being tortured, I said some pretty weird stuff. Lol my conscious expanded so much. It was totally bizarre.

This all feels like a rehearsed escape room and from my research we keep repeating the same exact phrases by them, including antivaxxers and nobody wants to work.

It's like the squid game amd whats that other one hunting games in real life, with them just places bets on how people will do.

I feel like the concept of heaven and the box for the king and pawn is just something to trick us into not mastering our emotions and our lessons so that we will be trapped here.

When we face all of our fears and learn to master our emotions we will be presented by them when our soul ascends, if we take the direction opposite the light, I believe we will be offered a new matrix or we can choose to keep coming back to this one and help rebuild the new earth. Perhaps this whole process now is trying to make us choose a different path? Or perhaps some of us are destined to keep coming back. But I believe that those involved in causing havoc will not get a choice and they will come back as people who suffer from their injustice that they built to give them the opportunity to correct it - staving African children who are raped and experimented on, comes to mind.

There is a mayan prophecy that says by the year 2100 the rainbow children will save the planet and create the new earth. Native Americans also believe in this and even sued hippies for calling themselves the rainbow people. I think they use the rainbow for LGBT people as they hope this will create divide. The last time I saw my son he wrote on my arm, don't die until 2100. We laughed at this impossibly. It blew my mind when I found this research on the expected date for the light to rid the world of darkness. So obviously I'm choosing to come back, if given the option! I fully believe in the concept of soul contracts and how we are ascending in consciousness - I wouldn't be so healed and able to help fight as a light warrior right now if I didn't have the spiritual experiences I have done.

I have warned those involved that trauma will bring on the great awakening and the more trauma people suffer the greater number of people will experience a connection to their pineal and the collective channel.

They will never put me in a box with the rest so the movie clip I'm remembering is, no one puts baby in the corner! Lol

You said you have yet to compete it? Do you know what your assignment is?

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You only have to look at their YouTube channel to realize it's not an active charity trying to educate the world.

I had the same problem with NSCPP - at the same time they were sexually exploiting my son to my face through email, they were supporting prince Andrew during the Maxwell trial and their entire Twitter feed was about their fancy parties and donations. I was so angry at how obvious it was that they did not care one bit about children. It's all about the money and having a system to cover up their crimes.

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food for thought. disappointing though that we can’t trust anything. every time i get interested in a story it turns out to be a distraction from what is really important. Jesus, God and the Bible. i’m just going to stick with those.

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Exactly. We should all be prioritizing our relationship with god. And figure out what we are here to learn and experience. It's deeply personal and everything else is a distraction.

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I think you broke substack !? (30+ mins of FUBAR ) I don't even know if this post will save.

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However, the oligarchs are weaponizing people's sincere spiritual/religious belief to install their agenda. This is from the Impact Foundation:

"Human trafficking, war, lack of access to the Gospel, extreme poverty—the world is hurting. Generous, innovative families have found that businesses can support solutions to the world’s most difficult problems.

Impact goes beyond grants. God designed His economy to run on the fuel of our generosity and, yet, charity alone cannot solve the world’s toughest issues. In many places, a job is more valuable than a handout.

Business can be a significant force for good. God chooses business people to work in partnership with Him in the renewal of creation. Business has the scale and capacity to affect lasting change.

Impact investing multiplies the opportunity for transformation. The same dollar of charitable capital can make an impact twice: first when invested in a transformational company; then, returns fuel future grants."

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I agree

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Instead of trying to trust OTHERS, we all need to take over at local, state and federal level so that we OWN our own fate.

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What we can do if we can't take over a government is repost to this every place we can. Go to Facebook then CNN & post it there (the link). Go to the FBI page post the links there. Just keep posting it everywhere you can.

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How about doing something actually useful and productive like getting rid of the standing army known as the police and to reinstate all of the state militias?

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From the pan into the fire.

Inequality = violence. Globalist bankers have the power of being on the good side of inequality. Globalists are trying to impose IHR forced injections, programmable currencies. They will keep at it.

Emotional times. Good time to be an old man

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YES....I agree. But, the problem is you have too many Leftists running the show on local and state levels. Our Mayor and Commissioners are Leftists. Only one Rhino Commissioner to make it look good. Our County the same.

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There are just as many republicans who have been arrested for crimes with minors. 100s globally

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Hell Cathy O'Brien's book names president Reagan as both a pedophile and a consumer of bestiality porn: Plus Jerry Ford and more.....

Trance Formation of America - by Cathy O'Brien & Mark Philips


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Thanks for the link, I'll add it to my list

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Fiona Barnett . like CO from australia. links to britain and white house mk ultra glad u named 1 pres but its been all of them.

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What comment are you answering? Name the Republicans.

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Vast majority of Repubs are RINO's. I've spent 25 yrs researching deep state, we have at most maybe 6 honest politicians in office.

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I'm a victim of the human trafficking circus so I'm preparing my list and info as part of a complaint, which is why I am asking you to share any resources you have.

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I have a massive list going worldwide. Just look at what they are doing in Australia with #exposethe28

Would appreciate any links you could send me

You can pretty much count the ones not involved in pedophile protection by who is speaking out about the plandemic. Desantis isn't included on this list as he is part of the controlled opposition

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You are right. I read somewhere on substack listing the few. Believe it was on

JD Rucker, Substack.

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Can you name them? Tell us more about the Deep State.

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Reagan was very deep into the Monarch sex slaves.

As was Cheney, Gerald Ford and others.

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jessie czebotar

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I read where Cheney would walk around naked in front of his daughter and her friends when growing up.

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What is it? How do you know?

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Just as big or bigger of a problem is that the people on the right can not define what a right actually is! They literally can not discern a right from a wrong!

They know nothing of Natural Law!

Ignorance is the real problem and it applies to everyone.

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It's also cognitive dissonance. We are so programed that our identity means one thing we can't face it when our reality is presented with a second ideology of our identity.

I am seeing clearly that there are people who truly are divergent and as we don't fit into one group we can see all the issues in the others easily as we can't relate to the loyalty

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Because, they are all the same. No wonder Republicans cross party lines. You never see Democrats do it. They wouldn't dare!

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I do believe in God, I believe the teaching of Jesus (and try to keep them) and know the Bible well. That said this is a "man" problem. No prisoners can be taken or forgiven with these horrible people. I don't forgive them, any of them. They need to die or be put where no good people need to see them. Bottom of a pit somewhere.

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Yes they need to be imprisoned but forgive them Yahusha / Jesus said we must or how shall HE be able to forgive one who refuses to forgive others? Vengence is MINE sayeth The Lord God. I suggest you work on that. we are to pray for our enemies. Father wants nothing more than us all to be turned right side up & return home. I had to do a lot of work myself regarding pedophilia as a child & rape as a very young girl, Shit happens on this sad old earth, we have to deal with it with Gods help & healing.

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I somewhat disagree, Sandi. Turning the other cheek and praying for the pedos sounds very righteous and honorable, but NOTHING will happen until the perps are found hanging from a lamppost. They may get the message that they have crossed a line.

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Agree whole-heartedly with you. And Jesus did get very angry several times in the Bible, especially when it came to children.

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Yep, Mr Grogan. The Commander of Heaven’s Armies is watching and biding His time. In whom else can we trust for justice?

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Exactly. But meanwhile, it's tortuous for those affected. I have no idea how you have kept your sanity, btw, I'm a Mrs. not Mr. LOL Everyone makes that mistake.

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vengeance is for god but justice is for us to establish on earth. We can't let criminals go unpunished if possible and we can't stop telling the truth and trying to establish a just system in our own communities and country. That's not vengeance that's righteousness.

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Where are the parents? Your child just disappears into the ether and you don't file a police report? No investigation? No private investigator? Sum ting wong. How can millions of kids just go missing? I must not be seeing something.

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good question

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Remember Hillary said it takes a village to raise a child- translation you provide the children then go back and work like a navvy to serve your masters and the state will raise them from Dayton up in their image. Where I live they start transgender teaching in preschool (aged 4) with transgender dolls in the dollhouses. Some places they start in daycare aged 2. These freaks are all in positions of power creating legislation to protect themselves.

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there is info on hilary c horrific i cant even comment.

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I’m aware of killary last head count I read back in 2017 was 47 - guessing a lot more since. This seizures she was having endocriame?

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I replied to the question, where are the mothers above. Might be interesting for you.

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My son was trafficked to the British governments investment director. When I faught them they falsified my medical records, froze my bank accounts and kidnapped me. They tortured me for weeks. I recorded it and blackmailed the NHS. They threatened me with a court order to arrest me and seize my assets. I fled to be protected my parents in America in 2021. The CIA opened up a case against me and a year of tormenting me later they had special agents in the Florida targeted violence protection team interview me as they knew I was going to get my pension form signed by a doctor. 3 different medical businesses had a script of what mental illness to give me. My insurance company Florida blue caught them and made them change it. I convinced they accessed this all through Obama care, and I've since cancelled my free insurance. The police refused to tell me if the case was closed and I was terrified they would kidnap me at gunpoint again and false baker act me, like they have done to so many others. Google Melanie shaw, to start, the hampsted ritual abuse case is also similar to mine. I called Ashley Moody for help, she sent police to my house to silence me. I resently called back and asked if it was them or the CIA and their office said, call the media and hung up on me. I sent Desantis over 200 emails begging for help as I thought and still do think they will kill me. This is called gangstalking. They get the lawyers, doctors, police, political reps, charities and everyone to gaslight and threaten you or give you the silent treatment. I usually get support until I tell them who my son's grandfather is. But I know from the last 8 years, that any support would be corrupted. Right now, I like all the others are terrified. We are hiding. We are exhausted. We feel hopeless as even therapeutic processing online is met with, this sounds crazy, you must be crazy. Constant victim blaming from everywhere forces people into acceptance and submission as they have already destroyed your career, your relationships, your trust in the world and they only thing you have left is your sanity. If you keep fighting like I have, I can't get a passport, or driving license, I can't go online without expecting them to delete whatever account I have set up, or to troll me, I have constant fear of my banks being frozen or being locked out of accounts, or being false arrested. But they took everything from me and I am going to fight through all of it and show them they can't keep doing this as the world is waking up. There are many of us right now fighting really hard. But you dont see them as they are fighting for their children back in courts, spending every dime their family has, fueling the profits of those in the system. An average psych report, cost 70k for example. A lawyer for an hour 300. Many mothers are paying 100k to fight only to fail. I asked Desantis how much do you get as a cut to stay silent, that's how bad it is. They routinely place children with the abuser to drive the empath crazy, then they have more rights to take the child or profit of return to courts.

The foster care system gets 4-35 per placement and the social workers cover up the abuse of the pedos they place children in their care. Florida was investigated by USA today and the stats are horrific. I called DFCS and they told me they fixed all the problems in the last year. Lol

What you are not seeing is how complex the system is, internationally. These people silence mothers by routine and no lawyer will get involved as they will lose their practice. Charities are afraid to lose their funding. Media won't report on it. Police are paid off.

I call them the PPP, pedo protection professionals

Millions of mothers have tried to fight, and I assure you, none have fought as hard as I have. I fled. I was terrified. So I never had the ability to fight for my child. I only fought for my freedom and even that was refused.

Right now, I'm working on my complaints to prove it's all corrupt. 8 years of having government complaint systems gaslight and abuse me. Even the internal affairs tried to last month. I told them I wasn't having it and they were going to respond to my complaint of what I experienced in Florida to cover up my child's abuse in full and if not I would call them pedophile protection professionals involved the gangstalking of me.

Also, keep in mind, they usually target low income survivors of abuse who completely break down at the loss of their child. It's only in the last decade, as this worked they heavily targeted well educated mothers from good families. Most of us, are too embarrassed to loose our social status to come forward. Not me. These sick pedos accused me of sexual harm to my child to make me submit to the abuse and kidnapped me. If that makes me lose my social status, I don't want to be in your social circle. Plus I don't want a fancy handbag, if I pay for it with my silence. Not many people are as strong as I am. Sadly. I have greatly struggled. I am in so much pain, but I will keep suffering as I see the whole picture and if we don't fight now, the future for children is dark.

A good rabbit hole is Megan Walsh, John Walsh's daughter. The whole missing children ads in Walmart were adverts, and when she started to expose her father, they took her kids to silence her. You have the gucci step daughter coming forward, the Saudi princess and so many more that they did this to their own families.

I want to write a book called the Princess and the Bankers Son, as one in the series of the Niki Stone Chronicles. But sadly, this has all affected my speech and ability to write. I actually post online in comments as part of my therapy, but if it helps someone else, that's good too. :)

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You mentioned private investigators? Well I had one really scary situation where they had someone pretend to be from a charity with photos of my son and details only a law enforcement officer would have access to as part of a planned set up.

I would not trust them to not be trying to entrap you. It may sound funny but these people are lawless, totally crazy and capable of anything to discredit the parent, from my experience.

So many have died fighting this system, I would think it would take tens of thousands to get a real investigator and not one they have set up to entrap you. Not many people have that kind of money. I'm sure the ones that are taken off the streets get some funding but a lot of the missing kids are going missing through the care of the state or the people they put kids into the homes of as the abuse is so bad. So once the state gets a judge to sign off on their lies, manipulation, and false allegations, it's hard to raise any money as most people think it was legal.

Only now so many people are posting their videos and investigative journalist are seeing a pattern that people like me are starting to be believed.

There was a Florida republican school board candidate who 4 cops tried to take a newborn from the hospital for example, but there are hundreds of videos of parents showing what these people are really like.

I don't share mine as Im worried about my son's safety. But I can assure you, they told me I couldn't report any more of the abuse to the police and I reported them, and they took my son the next working day, without even interviewing us together. If you fight them, it's a total police state. For me, I'm just trying to track the patterns so I can present it to try to stop them gangstalking me.

A good documentary is called victim suspect. It shows how the police protect leaders in the community by getting rape victims to say they lied and then charging them with a crime to discredit them. All this stuff matters when asking where are the parents of the victims as understanding that a lot of police are trained that we are crazy if we say the government is corrupt and things like that makes it hard to come forward to get help.

Thanks for the question to reflect.

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Beyond parental sacrifice of children, which someone else mentioned, trafficked women considered "breeders" produce more children specifically purposed for abuse - often secretively in DUMBs, but sometimes right out in the above-ground world. See Cathy O'Brien's books including *The Trance-Formation of America*, and her documentary, *Trance*.

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I think this is a real problem with the programming of marriage. I think many women marry for love and the dream and once they are trapped everything turns and you realize you are owned. The whole system is set up to make it difficult to leave. So for example, under my husbands insurance it was 350 for both of us, as soon as I left it went to 1500 as I was not the primary driver and had no record. The church tried to force me to stay with shame and fear and all sorts. There are many marriages that you think are happy and behind closed doors it's a very frightening experience where you are treated as a breeder with no human rights. I've been divorced for 10 years and I still feel like I'm trapped in a cult. But most people that knew me at the time had no clue. I know you are talking about something different, but I'm saying these people are above ground too with their families they treat as trophies to their social circle.

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LOTS of police are part of it or ignore it, not everyone can afford a private investigator, and many P.I.s won't take such a case is my guess - so you think all these parents, and there are MILLIONS of them, don't give a damn about their child? Wait until it happens to you, then you will find out there is not a DAMN THING you can do to help your child. I've known and read about too many parents who went thru this and they all say the same thing - no one will help them. NO ONE.

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If you do your homework what we call police have been created by the globalists for the purpose of protecting the sex trafficking operations.

The Church of Satan claims to control most police and It sure looks that way from my research. Listen to some of mark Passio's stuff on the topic:



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Thank you for this info! I think Passio is solid, I'll be sure to see these videos. I have no doubt about the police from what I've read about them, it makes sense.

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Well I dont want to answer but remember Jacob Wetterling- sacrificed by his own satanic cult parents,

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It's very common for parents to sacrifice their own children. They actually have a system that cult members kids get bracelets which means you can't kill them. There are some parents that breed just for this.

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and the other siblings are called expendable.

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meaning if they die from the constant torture/ its ok.

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I've shared more about my experience in the question on this thread under where are the mothers. I can assure you these people do not treat the ones they love as humans. People are possessions and for their ego feeding desires only.

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Jul 14, 2023
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Looks like they ALSO used him to set up this system Greg talks about here.

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think i found it via timothy charles holmseth

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yes. tch. went back to his site. i remembered correctly.

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I guess you don't realize that the "police" are the ones helping run these rings!

We were warned about standing armies for a reason.....

Read this book to learn more:

The Frankklin Cover-Up - John DeCamp


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So all 900,000 cops nationwide are involved,,, that’s just stupid.

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WTH! I’m so nauseous I could puke!🙈

It sure looks like the demons run the show.

God’s timeline for Jesus return is imminent - hence the unhinged acceleration of all things irrational and depraved.

🙌**** God will be the one executing the GREAT RESET!*****🙌

🙏Keep your eyes on Jesus and walk on water people!

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Mouthy Buddha. See the human trafficking clips on bitchute. Some other notorious families.

so noted and respected

such philanthropists.

so charitable in their eugenic ends and enabling malthusian detachment to waifs and chattel, to run these ratlines of flesh and human misery, the backbone of every industry, segment and sector. We need to wake up. our national soul is at stake.

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Lisa you should read the history of the Khazarian empire it was still up on YouTube in 2016. But it explains how the Baal worshippers make vex north and settled in what is now known as Georgia ( I believe) they weren’t accepted there either and were forced to convert to Islam or Judaism. Jump forward the zionists occupying Israel are the Zionists not real Jews - real Jews are descended from the 12 tribes of Judah. The Saudis are the other half of that group. It certainly explains the pedantry in both countries. And why the Saudis a few years back were prepared to attack Iran if Iran attacked Israel. You will find a lot of the Washington heirachy are surrounded by people with Jewish names including Trump, who proclaims he is a Zionist, and engaged with the orb and sword dance in Saudi Arabia. Deep state proclaim they control both sides in politics. To be honest I’m not sure what to make of what I’ve read or learned since 2015.

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You do amazing work Greg. I appreciate your style and your way of introducing/explaining all of your subject matter.

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Nailed it.

Whose Vp i’d marketing for Amber Alert?? Laura Silsbey ... under her maiden name.

not shame any of these people

I think they funded the project like the Mobsters paid for absolutions from the Church. Pretty public face. enabling indulgences of the wicked at the top

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Ah! Really, I swear, I typed a coherent sentence.

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People know that already, so just a reminder:

'Give me your four year olds, and in a generation I will build a socialist state.'

Vladimir Lenin

and this one Clinton's et al. must have taken into their hearts literally:

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

Vladimir Lenin

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apparently this film was initially supposed to be released by Disney. it was shot in 2018 and was supposed to be released in 2020 but was shelved by Disney. then Angel Films bought the film. so based on this I would say Angel Films probably didn’t have a connection to carlos slim. i hope this is true because I really like their show The Chosen.

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I think it's very likely that this was all a planned mind fk. I've noticed a clear pattern that they put in little twist to keep the chatter going and us distracted. Just think good timing with the Disney divide happening now, isn't?

Ever since I had the time line that they were going to release monkey pox on the 15 May in March, and it happened, I'm convinced that everything is scripted and released with careful psychological consideration. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't designed to fuel more hard to the LGBT community, in the hopes it starts a civil unrest.

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Cross-posted. My brain hurts, Greg. This one hurts the soul too. How does it feel to know you're constantly uncovering the most mind blowing information nobody else is reporting on? Praying for you bro, may the Lord bless you and keep you!

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The GOOD thing these evil partners of satan do for me - is remind me, if evil exists there is also an OPPOSITE to them -


and that is Adonai (God over ALL), and His Son Jesus!

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:7-9).

Jesus Christ made it clear that He is the I AM, who appeared to Moses, He is the One who always existed and He is the one and true God who will always be.

A great read on the names of God - https://www.godisreal.today/names-of-god/

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Expanding the readers field of dots to connect; There were reports Jack Dorsey had a large number of employees scanning messages for sexing images - remember sexting? Think who were the most prolific at sexting besides Anthony Weiner - that's right - teens and pre-teens. When it was commented Elon Musk purchased a crime scene, that was an understatement.

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love your work!

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I was all in at first until I began to see this groundswell of support emerging from everywhere. Wait a sec...not so fast. At any rate, I’m not totally surprised. Disappointed, yea. Surprised, no.

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I won't be seeing the movie unless it ends up on Flexneck or the like.

And am not in much of a mood to deal with it.

Gets me angry at anyone who would think to harm a child.

I always got a sad feeling looking at the poster board of missing kids seen on the exit wall going out of Walmart.

It appears Apocalypto never left.


Wonder if the movie was Mel's cryptic way of sending a message.

IMO NOT bringing a child into this world as it is now is the first thing one can do to make sure those souls are safe. It's not time. When it will ever be is an unknown at this point.

Unless one has the resources to properly protect a child, life will be fraught with UNSURETY.

Maybe this is part of how this was planned.

One quality of life for the elite and one for the peasants.

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I agree. I had plans to see the movie this weekend, but now I guess I won’t be.


Disappointed? Yes. Surprised? No.

Living in upside-down Clown World, 🤡 NOTHING is surprising anymore.

I’m in my early 50’s and I never had any kids. I always wondered if I’d regret that decision one day, but with everything we’re seeing unfolding right before our eyes, I’m SO GRATEFUL that I made the decision that I did.

More than likely, I’d have grandchildren by now and I’d be absolutely terrified for their safety and well being. Everything happens for a reason...

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The movie is beautifully and thoughtfully made, and it brings public consciousness to the level of pressuring on capable adults to free the children and on govt agencies to STOP SUPPORTING TRAFFICKING. When too many people are KNOWN by govt to KNOW, the change happens. I encourage you to see this extraordinary film.

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I’m not fully understanding why people wouldn’t want to see SofF. It sure opened my eyes.

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I agree with you, lets just make sure that we're actually planning ahead and not offering our little ones up to Moloch. That, unfortunately is part of this plan. Child sacrifice in all of its guises.

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I HOPE YOU = ALL PATRIOTS , WE THE PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS TO SERVE OUR COUNTRY BY STOPPING TREASON IN OUR GOVT. UNITE BECAUSE WE ARE OUR HOMELANDS ONLY BACKUP WITH MORALS / FAMILY TRADITIONS IN GOD WE TRUST. Declaration of Independence, which declared that “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”

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