Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

Well…now we can see we no longer have the pretense of protective regulatory agencies.

It is now up to us to not buy from grocery stores but go direct and local and ask farmer questions about vaxxed animals. And use CASH not cards for obvious reasons.

I suggest we all contact our local reps insisting they initiate a bill that non usa meat is clearly labeled for transparency reasons so we can support USA ranchers, and also to be informed of any frankenfood as well so we get a CHOICE as to where to spend OUR money.

Ie Not ALLOWED to be falsely labeled as organic if not grown in soil, and not allowed to be FALSELY labeled as organic if it’s been modified in any way.

Meat needs to be transparently and clearly marked if the animal was vaccinated with mRNA, or any other vaccines.

Just “hormone free” meat is no longer sufficient to provide a safety claim, since vax is not a hormone, so we need to be specific. Sigh…pathetic we have to do all the work - but what’s the alternative. Eat and be disabled or die While they experiment on us and make us buy poison food.

I also wonder if aerosolized chem trail spraying has been occurring over grass the animals eat and water sources they drink from . Last night in our city I looked up at around 6pm and saw them spraying a wide trail of chemicals.

Normal Condensation from a plane evaporates quickly and is narrow. The chemical sprays they do day AND NIGHT spread like watercolor paint - very wide and thick.

It’s beyond satanic to do this to people. I feel like we’re being murdered slowly with poisoning of barium, aluminum or even vaccines etc. This has been done in the past on the east coast of USA and also on unsuspecting people on east coast of England by their government testing spraying ecoli.

I used to think people were tinfoil hatters who used to talk about chem trails until I saw it with my own eyes over and over again.

And having seen that I got motivated to actually seek out and read the evidence . https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ads/dane-wigington/

Now it makes me sick to my stomach and sad we’ve got people who can do this to others and sleep soundly at night.

They are taking action - LET’s ALSO take ACTION and defend our own health and families by not participating in our own demise.

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Hate to say this?

But unless we ALL Get Off Our Collective Asses?

This Shit Show will Continue!

We can Take Action by NOT Requesting a Law to Be Enacted?

BUT ...

To Get RID of the People Already been Bought and Sold at the Lawmaking Levels.

Or you / we Can write and make Law changes All You / We Want?

IF These BrainDead - Zombie Law Layers are Still Holding the Gabel and Pen?

NOTHING WILL HAPPEN! "The Fish Always Rots at the Head"

The Culling / Killing of the World Population (beginning with the US) Continues...

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

I understand what you are saying because the selected puppets are following their masters will…

However - It is still better to try influence the labeling of our food by using “crowd pressure” . If all good men do nothing….

That’s how the left do business - they rent a crowd (Soros bucks) and the perception is “the people” are truly demanding something.

The key is to let your reps and congressman know this is very important to you and you will be paying attention to which reps vote AGAINST all protective measures/bills being submitted for their constituents.

I think someone with a high profile should start keeping a report card of what each rep votes for and against in the Independent and Republican arena.

They must vote with their name recorded, AND if they no show, that will be recorded as a NO vote.

It’s time to start report cards to reveal to local voters, what their reps really think of “the people”.

I’m not sure who the keeper of Pandora’s box would be. (Tucker?)

There is an organization called “Open the Books “ that exposes all the monies paid to politicians and people like Fauci who made a ton on the vaxes.

I just don’t get why people keep voting morons in like Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham.

They are both co-sponsors on the bill S686 the Restrict Act that wants to censor you and have ability to into your home. Oh ,and also bans TikTok.

Now if this wasn’t a scam to sneak domestic censorship LAWS in! Pathetic attempt.


Graham tries to weasel his way out of the pushback he’s getting.

Listen to Alex Jones segment on him showing the details of the bill!

This MUST be pushed back on. It’s the patriot act on steroids! Worse than the Patriot Act.

Why…why do people keep voting for MItt Romney and Lindsey Graham.

https://banned.video/ Search for the segment he covers TikTok bill - page by page

The Restrict Bill would allow "Any software, hardware, or any other product or service integral to the telecommunications products and services" with over 1,000,000 users would now be at the governments disposal to review, prosecute, and take possession of. Including your home security system. The Federal Government could review all of your personal information without notification. Banning any game, application, or thing they deem fit if it "poses a risk".

Using a VPN carries up to 20 years in prison AND/OR up to $1,000,000 in fines. The final death knell to Free speech on the internet.

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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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Yes I saw that in my research. Medicago shut down due to "significant changes to the COVID-19 vaccine landscape" such as the "market environment". In other words, the public doesn't want to hear about vaccines. Phillip Morris was the parent company and they now own the technology.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

They are unlikely to just “go away”… these companies often morph into others.

This snippet says it all on theirs “partners” page.

“We are a trusted partner of health authorities around the globe. We have partnered with US governmental agencies, DARPA and BARDA. “

The Canadian government has provided significant funding for the development of our COVID-19 vaccine candidate and the construction of our new large-scale manufacturing facility in Quebec, Canada.”

Look it up if you don’t know who “darpa” and Barda are…. Whitney Webb does some good research on them.

Interesting that this company’s main partner wasn’t listed as Canada but various departments of the USA military - and not even the CDC or NIAID.

Also interesting is the ingredients in their covid vaccine.

An ingredient known as AS03 Squalene adjuvant .

Some medical doctors not “in the system” claim squalene is toxic and devastating to our immune system that’s WHY their so called successful vaccines show a response because our body is put in major distress with these types of toxic ingredients. And yet that’s how they “Claim efficacy”. Success to me would be NOT getting the illness it claims to be protecting you from (FAIL!), and not making you ill with side effects (FAIL).

I’m not sure about the science of that but read for yourself because it sure doesn’t sound healthy and auto immune problems are rising since the vax.


Excerpt from https://medicalveritas.org/darpa-and-coronavirus-western-hands-in-plague/

Two years ago, media reports began discussing the Pentagon’s sudden concern that bats could be used as biological weapons, particularly in spreading coronaviruses and other deadly diseases. The Washington Post asserted that the Pentagon’s interest in investigating the potential use of bats to spread weaponized and deadly diseases was because of alleged Russian efforts to do the same.

However, those claims regarding this Russian interest in using bats as bioweapons date back to the 1980s when the Soviet Union engaged in covert research involving the Marburg virus, research that did not even involve bats and which ended with the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991.

Like much of the Pentagon’s controversial research programs, the bats as bioweapons research has been framed as defensive, despite the fact that no imminent threat involving bat-propagated bioweapons has been acknowledged.

However, independent scientists have recently accused the Pentagon, particularly its research arm DARPA, of claiming to be engaged in research it says is “defensive” but is actually “offensive.”

The most recent example of this involved DARPA’s “Insect Allies” program, which officially “aims to protect the U.S. agricultural food supply by delivering protective genes to plants via insects,

which are responsible for the transmission of most plant viruses” and to ensure “food security in the event of a major threat,” according to both DARPA and media reports.

They care so much for you they want to change your genes….yeah right.

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Thank you for remind us, that we would need to do some extra research, ALWAYS, before commenting news/videos like this!!!

I think that reminder, is better than any of our comments!!!


by the way...Great News these guys are out of business. I hope they didnt sell the technology to another company

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We The Body of Christ Will NOT Tolerate this Spiritual Warfare.

The True Godly Farmers are on Nextdoor.com some have eggs

There's HISGLORY APP ArkofGrace App




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The very fact that you think there is ‘hormone free meat’ speaks volumes.

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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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this link doesn't work


The connection has timed out

If I search it does not let me in either?

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Greg Reese should be ashamed for posting misinformation. Lost all credibility.

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Do you really think these evil jerks are going to stop the program after going this far with it?? I simply do not believe that. Their greatest hobby is to vicariously stand back and watch the world die.

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dont think he did it on purpose or knowing that.

anyway, that techonlogy will be used by some other deep state puppet...wait and see

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Really? If they CAN do it, why wouldn't they?

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Smoke and mirrors, biotechs are famous for it.

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Humans. Worst animal on the planet.

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We destroy everything we touch. 😕

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Poisoning the garden : Why pay for bullets and bombs when you can make a buck and pass for the savior. I was reading all about it yesterday. The Brits are really eugenics fucks.

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So true

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Um, no, humans don't.

JEWS do.

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No not us, just a few psycho Westerners

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Mitsubishi aint "Western", Sweetheart.

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Did Mitsubishi try to inject the entire planet with the spike protein?

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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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the selected puppets are following their masters will…

However - It is still better to try influence the labeling of our food by using “crowd pressure” . If all good men do nothing….

That’s how the left do business - they rent a crowd (Soros bucks) and the perception is “the people” are truly demanding something.

The key is to let your reps and congressman know this is very important to you and you will be paying attention to which reps vote AGAINST all protective measures/bills being submitted for their constituents.

I think someone with a high profile should start keeping a report card of what each rep votes for and against in the Independent and Republican arena.

They must vote with their name recorded, AND if they no show, that will be recorded as a NO vote.

It’s time to start report cards to reveal to local voters, what their reps really think of “the people”.

I’m not sure who the keeper of Pandora’s box would be. (Tucker?)

There is an organization called “Open the Books “ that exposes all the monies paid to politicians and people like Fauci who made a ton on the vaxes.

I just don’t get why people keep voting morons in like Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham.

They are both co-sponsors on the bill S686 the Restrict Act that wants to censor you and have ability to into your home. Oh ,and also bans TikTok.

Now if this wasn’t a scam to sneak domestic censorship LAWS in! Pathetic attempt.


Graham tries to weasel his way out of the pushback he’s getting.

Listen to Alex Jones segment on him showing the details of the bill!

This MUST be pushed back on. It’s the patriot act on steroids! Worse than the Patriot Act.

Why…why do people keep voting for MItt Romney and Lindsey Graham.

https://banned.video/ Search for the segment he covers TikTok bill - page by page

The Restrict Bill would allow "Any software, hardware, or any other product or service integral to the telecommunications products and services" with over 1,000,000 users would now be at the governments disposal to review, prosecute, and take possession of. Including your home security system. The Federal Government could review all of your personal information without notification. Banning any game, application, or thing they deem fit if it "poses a risk".

Using a VPN carries up to 20 years in prison AND/OR up to $1,000,000 in fines. The final death knell to Free speech on the internet

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The Globo Homosapien ... open Hunting season soon ?

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Let the purge begin!

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

Israel is rising up and the news is suppress everywhere. They are not taking kindly BIBI doing a media tour saying on Jordan Peterson show they are the product for the new 4 industrial revo. Curiously Yuhal noha Harrari is leading the portest........

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That guy is a nightmare! Psycho

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Amen Brother, hes the only obstacle to peace. Alot of that agro vaxx tech has been pioneer over there. I guess they learn nothing from the NAzy , they were just a means to an end. Any one else seeing the moral hazard repeating itself?

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Yeah. Ain’t it great that the opposition is being led by Lead WEF philosopher in residence Harrari.

No issues there. No doubt it’s yet another Soros Colour Revolution.

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The devil is rising up against the devil?

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We are not alone. Who knows how many different - off planet - forces are involved. You could be more right than you realise.

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think about why, maybe make him the new pm

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Take a Moderna and top it off with an Astrazeneca

Lets start the purge at your doorstep !

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Frrrrrrrrttt... Ahhhh

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I think for the first Purge we need more than 1 a year for 12 hours.... We need 24/7 for at least 3 months!!!!

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Not to worry, many will soon be gone, their faith in technocracy will stupefy and then kill them.

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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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Hey Jenny, I think we got it. Go make yourself a herb tea and let the critic research operates.

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Then kill yourself and save us the pretentious bullshit.

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Nice Bob. Will do.

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It's not HUMANS that are responsible for this.

It's JEWS.

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Really?? I’m a conservative Jew that doesn’t go along with ANY of this! What an asinine comment.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

This is an asinine comment in and of itself.

The fact is, all "viruses" are made up JEW LIES. Just as a single example, "polio" was caused by DDT...DDT itself being invented by JEWS (yes I CAN name names).

The JEW that lined up to save the government from liability for harm caused by spraying DDT was named JONAS SALK, who made up the "polio virus" lie and SOLD us the "polio vaccine" cure.

I don't give a rats ass if you PERSONALLY are involved, or even if you agree with it. The point remains, the people running the covid scam are YOUR PEOPLE. The head of the CDC is a JEW, Fauci is a JESUIT which is an order CREATED BY SEPHARDIC JEWS, I mean, wtf, the CEO's of all the big pharma corps are all JEWS.

Shall we discuss the Talmud?

Shall we discuss ritual murder committed by Jews? Shall we talk about 22 canonized saints that became saints because they were WHITE CHRISTIAN CHILDREN MURDERED BY JEWS?

Shall we discuss the Jewish control of central banking and fractional reserve lending?

Shall we discuss the HOLOHOAX?

Shall we discuss the HOLODOMOR?

Shall we discuss the Russian revolution?

Shall we discuss Mao?

Shall we discuss Genrigk Yagoda?

How about this business about you being the "chosen people" of Yahweh God?

Where in the Bible is the 'Star of David' mentioned?

What chapter and verse?

What is the 'Star of Remphan'?

Who is Remphan?

Who is Ba'al?

Who is Molech?

Who is your god?

Don't give me this "Hey, I'm just an INNOCENT JEW!" crap. I don't care to hear it. When I see Rabbi Obadiah Yosef's funeral attended by 800,000 Jews, a man who said the only purpose of the goyim being to SERVE THE JEWS, then I know his viewpoints are MAINSTREAM JEWISH VIEWPOINTS.


If you don't want the true Israelites of the Bible to satisfy Deuteronomy 20:17, you best begin tearing down your own house from within.

Because if you don't, it WILL be torn down from without.

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Apr 8, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023


Wrong. Loyola was NOT Jewish he was an ethnic Basque.

Your "Jews run everything" falls on its face when you consider Jews never serve high military positions. High military are almost exclusively Jesuit coadjutors and Masons.

In 1864, Abraham Lincoln told Charles Chiniquy that Mormon and Jesuit priests were in the process of destroying the United States from within as the “liberty of conscience” guaranteed in the Constitution is contrary to their psycho, autocratic values.

Half the CIA is Catholic and the other half is Mormon. Not Jewish.

Jews in finance is an outgrowth of the Catholic church ban on usury.

Your self-hatred will not allow you to see the importance of these facts.

This needs to be put on the record. Please don't bother responding. I don't argue with racist, self-hating imbeciles.

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Now that I've thoroughly destroyed this retard, this is the last we'll see of it.

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One of the most devastating things to the notion that the Jesuits are at the top of this thing is the fact that more than a lot of the Jesuits are in fact Jewish. The Jesuit Order is in reality a Jewish Order masquerading as a Catholic one as a cover, so even if they were at the top it’s still a Jewish conspiracy.

“We Jesuits take pleasure in admitting those of Jewish ancestry.” J. Nadal Morey

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And the fact that you're a Jew trying to deflect your own blame onto the Catholics you control is pretty obvious and sad.

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Wrong. Loyola WAS Jewish. Your research is simply faulty and incomplete.

As John Torell explains: "In 1491 San Ignacio de Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi‑cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood. In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he founded the "JESUIT ORDER," which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church. In 1540, the current Pope Paul III approved the order. At Loyola's death in 1556 there were more than 1000 members in the Jesuit order, located in a number of nations."

Ignatius of Loyola's secretary, Polanco, was of Jewish descent and was the only person present at Loyola's deathbed. James Lainez, who succeeded Loyola as the second Jesuit General, was also of Jewish descent. Jews were attracted to the Jesuit order and joined in large numbers. Lacunza was no exception. He was a Jew, which explains why he introduced the eschatological teaching of a return to the Jewish animal sacrifices during the Millennium. (In a book titled The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty published in 1812, 11 years after the death of its author, Jesuit Emanuel de Lacunza who, wrote under the fictitious pen name of a purportedly converted Jew, Rabbi Juan Josaphat Ben Ezra, in order to conceal his identity and to make his writings more palatable to the Protestant readers. He promoted the writings of sixteenth century Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera, developing a futuristic perspective which restricted the prophetic fulfillments in the book of Revelation to the end of the world). Lacunza also wrote that during a millennium after the tribulation the Jewish animal sacrifices would be reinstated along with the Eucharist (the mass) of the Catholic Church. Lacunza has followed after Jewish fables and replaced the commandments of God with the commandments of men. That doctrine gives the Jews primacy in God's plan and relegates Christians to a prophetic parenthetical to be supplanted by the Jews during the thousand year earthly reign of Christ.

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“The founders of Jesuitism, Loyola and Xavier and others, were Basques, and Basques are still among the best and most fervent missionaries of the Roman Catholic Church. Loyola even in physiognomy and physique was a typical Basque and preserved his Basque habits until his death.”

-The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 5, page 18.

For 350 years the Jesuits banned Jews from entering their Order. The libeled Jews terribly in their magazine La Civilita Cattolica which has been cited as the foundation from which Hitler based much of his racial theory—the same Hitler who had a Catholic priest, Bernaredt Staempfle, write Mein Kampf for him; the same Hitler who was a Catholic choir boy; the same Hitler who was surrounded by the “old guard” Nazis almost all of whom were Catholic; the same Hitler who expressed great admiration for the Jesuit Order hence Himmler modeling the SS after the Jesuits; the same Hitler who said he was carrying out the policy of the Church regarding Jews.

Which beckons the point: the Popes have always absolutely hated Jews. The Pope blamed them for causing plagues, subjected them to torture, forcefully converted them and ghettoized them in Rome for hundreds of years under dismal living conditions. Even by theology, the Catholics have disdain for the Jews via what is known as Catholic replacement theology. The teach that they are the true Church and that the Church has replaced Israel and thus the Jews as physical descendants of Abraham have no right to the land of Israel but the Church does instead. This is why the Crusades were fought and why there was a state known as the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem controlled by the Templars for the Pope.

So, surely one can see how ridiculous it is to say that the Jesuits, or Catholics, have been controlled by Jews.

Did you know that the primary goal of the Jesuits was to take control of Jerusalem from the Saracens? Why was this? It is simply because the Jesuits are the revival of the Templar knights only much worse. And indeed the Jesuits have accomplished their goal of controlling Jerusalem through the likes of Shimon Perez and Yossi Beilin whom the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem was largely deeded to the Vatican in secret clauses of the 1993 Oslo Accords.

You are the typical Protestant dupe who bought into the Catholic smokescreen of Jewish world control. I’m sorry you had such an abusive childhood that would result in such self-hatred. You judge people on what they do and not what ethnicity they are born into you pathetic little man.

By the way, the entire concept of “race” was created by eugenicists. You're too stupid to realize that you are carrying their water.

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Nah, many religions involved. Masons are non demonizational.

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First of all, I'm not talking about "religions", I'm talking about the RACE known as "Jews".

Masons serve JEWS. The B'nai B'rith established control of the Masonic order with its creation as part of the Scottish Rite. When you reach the 32nd and 33rd degree, you learn that the one they serve is LUCIFER. Which, once again, is the JEWS. Satanism and communism both come from Judaism, pal. It's not just some...WILD COINCIDENCE that Anton Lavey and Karl Marx both just HAPPEN to be racial Jews.

Your attempt to cover for them can only fail in my presence.

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Judaism is not a race - you suffer from severe ismism.

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Gee, why the "hit and run", BbSmith? Why haven't you returned with a clever disproving of each thing I said?

Did a light come on and a cockroach scatter?

I do have that effect on a certain group of non-Israelite non-Hebrews pretending to be such.

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IS Gates Jewish? I don't think so!

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Gates is Jewish. What you THINK doesn't make a shit bit of difference. What is TRUE is what matters.

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Oh and I almost forgot. They were also the soviets and the Bolsheviks of the Soviet Union before Mr. Putin did Russia a favor and ran them out. Guess where the ones left over ran to… that’s right… hired right into the U.S. government.

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The real Jews are not the issue. It is the fake Jews who were also the NAZIs in Germany and call themselves anything except the khazarians they really are.

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Um, the Nazis in Germany were the HEROES, and were the forces standing AGAINST the Bolshevik communist globalist Ashkenazi Jews.

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You are mentally ill.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Notice how this is the shit you say rather than proving me wrong.

Funny how Noel Ignatiev, a JEW, called for the destruction of the white race. And many other Jews before him. Abe Foxman for instance. Let me guess...they're suicidal Jews. Or you're a MORON. One or the other, eh?

Is this all you have, kike? Is this the limit of your Jewdog engagement?

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You should all pay very close attention to this kike's engagements. This is a very typical behavioral pattern of a Unit 8200 Jewdog.

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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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Is there a list of companies selling these gene-modifying foods (mainly produce and grains)? I buy most of my food from local farmers' markets but things like rice and wheat are difficult to purchase locally. Many thanks for reporting on this!

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Some animals are vaccinated with the regular series to protect them from specific diseases, but I agree, we need a list of feed suppliers and buyers. One way to find out is most local farmers have Facebook and can be contacted on Messenger. However, taking their word for it might also be as bad as listening to the politicians !

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Facebook is tracking everything and sharing it with our diabolical, corrupt government. Facebook just changed their Messenger policy as well. That is not a place to contact good, trustworthy farmers. Many of them have websites and email addresses. Our government is tracking the good farmers and will do everything they can to destroy them.

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Absolutely! ON POINT!

F***k_Book is the Worst to Share Info.

You are Being Tracked, Traced and Databased.

From Cradle to Grave. (This is their Manifesto).

Funded by InCutel ... NSA and FBI arm - Disguised as a Citizen Helper Platform.

Please Everyone! Avoid FBook like the ClotShot Plague!

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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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The insanity continues. Thanks for compiling this important information. I suspect most of us here are already familiar with it, but hopefully short and easy to understand outputs like this will help others wake up as well.

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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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Why do you keep posting this?

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in a country with no justice...how can we prevent this to happen? These egomaniac talmudic bastards decided that they need to reduce the goyim population, and nobody can stop them and if you try, an army of stupid brainwashed people will persecute you, in order to prevent another holohoax.

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Excuse me? Biden Clinton Fauci Gates 0bama aren't Jewish; Michael Savage and Stephen Miller are. Get off the Jew thing.

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First of all, dear writer, there are Jews and then there are “Jews”… like any other definition… Christians and “Christians” - Muslims and “Muslims”… group identities are never homogenized.

Second: while “Jews” may be a common element, they are never alone. Whether victim or perpetrator. Taking common statistics as is, the claim is 6 Million Jews killed in the Holocaust that killed 11 Million people. This means that Christians and other-defined people were the other 5 Million. Why are WE denied access to use of that event in standing up for justice to “our” group? Any such slight act is shouted down with “anti-Semite” shame language or worse. Not to mention the reality that “Semite” refers to descendants of Noah through Shem… this group is way more inclusive that just Jewish people. Why is pro-Arabic or Persian posture slammed with shrieks of “anti-semitism”?

Not trying to be argumentative, but eager to progress from polemics to earnest open dialogue.

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it seams that you think than Clinton, Biden, Fauci or Obama are the ones who rule the country?

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Yes, the jewish banking cartel (e.g. Rothschild banking dynasty) took over America in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. For anyone who does not understand this, please watch Bill Still's The Money Masters, Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism, and Mike Rivero's All Wars Are Bankers Wars.

The jewish banking cartel are the ones behind the one world global dictatorship plot against humanity:

A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-pdfdrive/page/n9/mode/2up

John Coleman The Rothschild Dynasty https://archive.org/details/coleman-john-the-rothschild-dynasty/page/199/mode/2up (on last page, he predicts the world will be plunged into a brutal one world government dictatorship by 2025)

The World Conquerors -The Real War Criminals by Louis Marschalko


Former Russian Military Intelligence Officer, Vladimir Kvachkov: 'Pandemic' is Planned Depopulation


(He says there is NO pandemic, this is a global strategic special operation, command exercises of the behind-the-scenes powers who want to control humanity. The goal of the behind-the-scenes financial and Zionist powers is depopulation--he says it's their fixed idea, they want 1 billions of ordinary people left to serve about 100 million of them).

What is Usury


They even openly declared their plan for one world government to the US Senate:

“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” -James Paul Warburg, whose family co-founded the Federal Reserve – while speaking before the United States Senate, February 17, 1950

"International financier Paul Warburg masterminded establishment of the Federal Reserve to put control over nation's economy in hands of international bankers. The Federal Reserve controls the money supply, which allows manipulators to create alternate cycles of boom and bust, ie., a roller coaster economy. This allows those in the know to make fabulous amounts of money, but even more important, allows the insiders to control the economy and further centralize power in the federal government." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"While wars and revolutions have been useful to international bankers in gaining or increasing control over governments, the key to such control has always been control of money. You can control a government if you have it in your debt; a creditor is in a position to demand the privileges of monopoly from the sovereign. Money-seeking governments have granted monopolies in state banking, natural resources, oil concessions and transportation. However, the monopoly which the international financiers most covet is control over a nation's money." -Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

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Another good book on the subject of the federal reserve is "The Creature of Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin.

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See also The secrets of the federal reserve by Eustace C. Mullins, 1953 if I get it right. Who was accused of antisemitism and depicted as a nazi. Poor world. if one has read the book, he can't be neither. He is just carrying the truth. As Jesus was.

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"Bill Still's The Money Masters, Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism"

I saw that time ago....but you know what I still can not understand..."America Freedom to Fascism"

Italians never been better and happier than Mussolini;s time, until the "freedom fighters" bombed all Italy to save them from happiness. Same with Germany and its "German Miracle" or Argentina with Peron (1955) (he paid all the country's debt) or Kadafi. Last time America was "FREE" was probably before the 1929's crash, masterminded by the kazhars, of course.

what do you think?

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Not sure we have ever been free--I'm still researching, but it seems like the international bankers got their claws into America almost from the start. I'm not sure we even won the Revolutionary war. As for "fascism" after a while terms get thrown around so much they lose their meaning. Yes, that's my understanding of Italy and certainly Germany with the economic miracle and breaking free of the bankers (apparently, according to Ben Franklin, early American colonies were doing quite well and were prosperous when they were in control of their own currency) I don't know anything about Peron and Argentina, though I've listened to audios with Adrian Salbuchi from Argentina and they have been through a lot over there. Yes, on the '29 crash--there was a good audio I listened to years ago with Dick Eastman on Rense, going over the history of Bernard Baruch (yesterday's Soros/Rothschild agent) and how he was connected to so many key events, including the crash. Yes, everything we were told about Kadafi was a lie--but I guess he crossed the line by trying to create his gold back Dinar to free all of Africa from the death grip of the jewish banking cartel.

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Gaddafi also built a water pipeline into the desert. It was 'somehow' destroyed in the conflict.

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Hmmm. Whatever the rock bottom truth turns out to be, “we” (all) have a lot to learn/unlearn and repent for. Humility is a gift we each/all need to strive for🗝✝️🙏🏽❤️‍🔥🔥

Let it be accomplished - in our lifetimes.

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IG Farben, the truth behind Bayer and Monsanto, are driving the depopulation agenda with Bill Crazy Shots Gates Gangbang. IG Farben landed in the US through Operation Paperclip. They are the crazy khazar scientists operating the plan from the beginning. They gave us sarin gasses, DDT, Orange Agent, and they still oparated through EVERY "vaxx" killing and controlling corporations, that are legions.

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Fiou! Some head in the bloodstream welcome in the debate Sandra ;) If I may say, There is Jews, there is khazarians (not jews at all), and there is Jesuits. Khazars are behind every revolutions in the modern world, including bolchevism, holocost, first end second war, and for sure, present "chimical" war with vaccines and poisoning and Ukraine and every war on the planet ans every exploitation and depopulation plan. Usure comes from the khazars, not the Jewish. They overdubbed a part of the Jewish race, but they are not the whole race itself. You have to follow Pierre Hillard, a french essayist who's talking about mondialisation and globalism, to get what the Jews really are. Anyway. It's a long trip to Jerusalem. But could explain everything.

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The Jesuit order was started by a group of Sephardic Jews, chief among them being Ignatious of Loyola. And yes, I'm aware that a half-assed "Jewgle" search will say otherwise, but dig deep. They were Jews, all of them.

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Sandra. Your library must be very similar to mine. The Gary Allen book was the first book I read many years ago which set me on this journey.

The whole Bolshevik thing is a nightmare. Inhuman. Off planet possession?

Have you read Tell The Truth And Shame The Devin by Gerard Menuhin.

Book. The Sealed Train by Michael Pearson. The Germans financed the Bolsheviks (Lenin & Co.) to embroil them in civil war hoping to keep them out of WWI. Who is pulling what string.

Germany forced into WWII. Churchill then saying WWII was not about destroying National Socialism rather to take German markets.

The whole subject of what is happening is massive.

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from March 2020 to June 2022, 7 Trillion had been added to the National Debt.

Did you ever asked yourself, to WHOM we owe the actual 14 Trillion dollars? Aren't we, the United States of America, the ones who print the US Dollar? or someone is lending us money that we have to return with interest? (Usury) Do you still think that Politics rule anything?

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

The fact that Greg liked this shows who he cucks for.


Fauci is a JESUIT. That's no different than saying "Catholic Jew".

Every president (Clinton, Biden, Trump, ect) fills their cabinet positions with JEWS. This is the DEAD GIVEAWAY, if you're not some slobbering IDIOT.

This 6 nose needs to get off the Jew enabler thing.

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It's pretty clear this person is paid to "deflect from the Jew".

You a unit 8200 6-nose?

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Gates is a Jesuit. That's the same thing as a Jew. Every president, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Trump, whatever, fills their CABINET APPOINTMENTS WITH JEWS.


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The Chabad, to be more precise in the case of Trump. Don't forget Khazars are the kings of the guise. And that there is not any unidirectional consent in those factions. letmipicyou, you surely know about the Khazar conversion to the Jew religion around 1200 after JC?

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Yes, I'm aware that there are "factions" within Jewry. And regarding their "conversion", I'm not concerned with "religious Jewry", I'm concerned with RACIAL Jewry. Jews, for instance, are more focused on destroying the WHITE RACE than they are on destroying "Christianity". These wars that we face aren't wars of religion. They're wars of RACE and attrition.

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You mean the wars ‘you’ face. Those of us who identify with spirit and not flesh are liberated from such trivial things.

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Deut 20:17.

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So you are pure spirit? Cut the bullshit man, we are all on the same path, fighting for our liberation. Don't speak like a Pope would you? Stay trivial in other words, you won't miss the world as ordinary humans encounters it. Saying that, I know that the kingdom is not from this pityful world.

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Please, stop capitalizing bro I am on your side ;-) Yes, this 'conversion' has nothing to do with religion, and this extermination has nothing to do with religion, but is mainly directed toward the white race, but don't forget that useless eaters are also concerned, whatever the color they are. Khazars embraced the Jew identity to avoid beeing destroyed. In fact, they use as much identity as they can, they infiltrated everywhere, but this is a fact that all the financial and chimico-agro-medico-industrial-militari cartel are owned by Khazarian Jews, who are not Jews at all when you unfold their history, but Khazars under Jewish identity. You have to get into Marranes history to understand who the Jewish really are. I suppose you did and I apologize to anybody whoo already know what I am referring to here.

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When it comes to the history of who the Jews really are, I go back to the book of Genesis (chapters 3 and 4, mainly) to understand their roots.

Understanding Genesis is key to understanding the rest of the book. So when Jesus says to the Pharisees (Jews) "You are of your father the devil" and "You are not of Abraham", you understand that Jesus HIMSELF knew that the Jews are descended from Cain. Something 99% of "Christians" can't comprehend.

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What holocaust? Question everything. It's been my experience, after swallowing the red pill in the year 2007 that if the government is pushing a thing hard and consistently, it's a bald-faced lie.

Someone has an agenda. Look into it. It's now more difficult to get to the bottom of the rabbit hole, but if one persists, it's still possible. For me, I happened upon David Cole's first report; the one where he took a trip to Auschwitz, made observations in the field, plus interviewed the site's custodians. Very enlightening it was. There are many revisionist historians who did forensic investigations on this topic.

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I know...even long before Cole's report.

is the biggest hoax in History...competing head to head with 9.11 and now, the 2020 show

the problem is, the tribe keep moving forward...non stop....the sons of the devil are very smart

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Yes, they have been on a crime spree.

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Well that's a hopeful sign! We desperately need more people to wake up and figure out who the enemy is. I sometimes post on "conservative" sites that are not very awake and it's so hard to break through the brainwashing. So many are utterly clueless and refuse to wake up.

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is easier to believe a comfortable lie, than an uncomfortable truth.

which is a paradox...because the "truth will set you free" the lie will enslave you.

but, we have free will and capitalist bourgeois venerates the god comfort!

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The tribe of Biden Clinton Fauci Gates 0bama... Yup...

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you honestly think that Biden or Clinton can rule anything?

Why do you think they were all in Epstein notebook, a mossad asset. Dont you think that Epstein and his masters manipulate Clinton, Biden or Obama a piaccere? What do you think it happen, when they can not manipulate a president? JFK for example. If any politician in the US, would have balls and power with a minimum love for its country, the first thing they should do, is solve 9/11. Do you think is possible? A foreign power attacked NYC and killed 3000 Americans (although, many many people, coincidentaly, didnt show up for work in WTC that day, just as Larry Silverstein.) and nobody did anything about it!!!!!!! But we want to send troops to Ukraine (the new israel, as Zelensky called it)

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With entire cabinets full of appointed JEWS?

Why don't you fuck off, kike?

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Yes, you can go to the Jermwarfare site--he did a recent interview with David Cole. I agree, we need to QUESTION EVERYTHING!!! Ever since I woke up to 9/11, I started questioning everything, as in what else have they lied out. Turns out, our entire history is a life. The whole reason we are on the brink of destruction (and we are--the govt is trying to kill us off with bioweapon injections and enslave those who survive with the banker digital slave grid/CBDCs and digital ID) is because people kept believing the non-stop lies and propaganda from the fake media and the treasonous govt. They didn't just start lying to get us into wars with Iraq and the WMDs--we have been lied into every single war (see All Wars Are Bankers Wars by Mike Rivero). Yes, there's are tons of revisionist historians who have been attacked for simply asking questions and doing research. There is plenty of information on this at unz.com. Now, what's also interesting to me is that we never hear about the tens of millions of Christians who were slaughtered in the Bolshevik Revolution, we never hear about the the tens of millions (over and over again) of Indians who died of famine under the British/City of London Empire, we never hear about the 10 million Persians who died of family under the British/City of London Empire, or the tens of millions who died in the Chinese Communist Revolution. I wonder why??? I wonder who was really behind the slaughter of so many. We also never here about the number of dead from the US war on Iraq or the US war on Afghanistan.

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Khazars, eugenists, malthusianists. That's all.

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Now Holocaust denial? Is this a rolcon?

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It’s very likely the holocaust didn’t happen the way THEY said it did. The US transferred many of the perpetrators to the Americas.

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Now we have a holocaust enabler? Really?

My name is Surak! I believe things which are supported by ZERO EVIDENCE because a JEW SAID SO!

We have enough people like you around, thanks. Anyone with a brain knows the only REAL "holocaust" was the HOLODOMOR, and that the Jewlocost was a FAKE.

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A good book on the holocaust that wasn't is: Auschwitz. A Judge Looks At The Evidence by Wilhelm Staeglich. He was there as an officer for anti aircraft defence. His duties took him right through the camps. A very hard read.

He had his degree revoked, was kicked off the bench and had his military pension reduced.

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I have a few books on the subject. Included are "The Myth of the 6 Million" by David L. Hoggan and "The Hoax of the 20th Century" by Arthur R. Butz. I see your recommendation has been made difficult to get, no longer carried at Amazon and many other places.

As a collector of "banned books", I appreciate the suggestion. I've ordered it to add to my collection ($40). Thanks, and keep fighting the good fight!

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Still available on ABE and Biblio. I have Butz and will look up Hoggan.

I have others including Dissecting The Holocaust by Ernst Gauss (Ed). Banned in Germany. He had to leave Germany and missed getting his PhD I believe. Cheers.

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There are two banned books I am aware of in Australia but have never really followed up.

One about the horse racing industry and the other about the Catholic Church. They may be interesting. Hard to find.

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you're a fool. how many holocaust survivors have you known? None I'm sure, so you just believe what you are told like a good little sheep.

I, on the other hand, have known several survivors in my lifetime and what they experienced was real because you could see how the trauma affected their everyday lives, not to mention the tattoos on their damn arms.

I'm sure you're not open minded enough to listen to the hundreds of hours of recorded testimony, even by non jews, but if you did, you would conclude the witnesses aren't lying.

Aside from this, I've known enough of them in my own life to know it's true.

Your Jew hate is really short sighted.

Evil, Satan, whatever name you call it, is the true enemy. And finger pointing an entire ethnoreligous group for the actions of evildoers in their ranks is retarded. There are bad guys in every group of people humans could possibly divide themselves into, but it's not all one group. So much more complex than that on the surface, but simply it's those who choose evil. And they're in most every group of people

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And if you knew anything about scripture, you'd know that God makes it QUITE CLEAR that the Jews are of Satan. He says this SEVERAL TIMES.

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it's obvious you are reading a different bible.

I just read Jeremiah 33 today, through part of 35. God says he'll never abandon them because of the merit of their ancestors, not necessarily all of them.

And same in the christian scriptures , it says in Romans 11

"But wait: did God reject His own people? I should hope not! I too am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. No, God did not reject His people whom He had previously recognized. Or don't you know what scripture says about Elijah, how he puts in a word with God against Israel? Lord, they killed Your prophets, They uprooted Your altars. I am the only one left And they want my life. But what is the divine response to that? I saved [for myself] seven thousand men Who didn't bend their knees before Baal. In the same way, in the present instance a handful have come through according to the selection of God's grace: by His grace, meaning not through their good deeds; or else that wouldn't be grace any more. What does that mean? That what Israel looked for, it never got hold of. A chosen few got hold of it; the rest were too stone-hearted, as it is written: God laid upon them a darkening spirit To keep their eyes from- seeing and their ears from hearing, From that day to this. And David says: Let their banquet-table become a snare and an entrapment, To their confiision and punishment. Let their eyes he too darkened to see And let their hacks be always bent over. But wait. Did they stumble so as to fall [and never get up]? I should hope not! Rather, by their transgression, salvation came to the Gentiles so that the Jews would then want it for themselves. Now if their transgression enriched the world and their diminution enriched the Gentiles, what richness when they come into their own! I say to you the Gentiles: however much I may be an apostle to the Gentiles, I consider my service glorious if ever by any means I can make my own kind jealous [of salvation] and save a few of them that way. Because if their act of rejection led to world reconciliation, what will their act of acceptance do—will it be anything less than death brought back to life again? If the first bit tastes sacred, the rest of the dough will be the same. From a holy root, holy branches. And maybe some branches did break off, and maybe you, the wild olive, were grafted on there and tapped into the richness of the true olive's roots; but don't laugh at the fallen branches. Remember in your smugness that you are built upon the roots and the roots are not built upon you. You may say, “These branches were broken off so I could be grafted on,” and you may be right: their lack of faith broke them off, while your faith has put you there. But don't be too proud, watch out. If God didn't spare the original branches, it's possible He also won't spare you. You should see in all this both God's goodness and His severity: severity toward those who have fallen away, God's goodness towards you, if you also persist in goodness; otherwise, you too will be cut down, and the others, if their lack of faith doesn't prove permanent, will be grafted right back on. God certainly has the power to graft them back on. After all, if you were lopped off from your own natural wild olive and grafted, out of line with nature, onto the fine olive, how much easier it will be to graft those others back onto the true olive which is naturally their own. I don't wish, brothers and sisters, to withhold from you this secret, so that you don't get lost in your own speculations: this partial resistance we see in Israel has come about so that the Gentiles may come into their own, so that all Israel can be saved. Thus scripture says: From Zion the rescuer will come; He will remove the impieties heaped upon Jacob. And this shall be my covenant with them: That I will take away their sins. So according to the good word the Jews may be enemies towards you, but according to God's choice they are still beloved because of their forefathers: there is no taking back the blessings and calling of God. Once you had no belief in God, but now you have been shown mercy through their disbelief; similarly, they didn't believe in the mercy shown you, so that now it's their turn to be shown mercy. You see, God has trapped us all in our unbelief, because He wants to have mercy on us all."

Plus Jesus was a Jew too so i don't know how the hell you're reading the actual Bible, Hebrew or Christian testament.

I shouldn't even argue with such nonsense but it's shocking that someone could actually believe the BS your shitting all over substack

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You're a fool. Your entire post is a propaganda piece centering on "call to emotion".

"Because you could see how the trauma affected their everyday lives"...lol. Really? You just...see them...and you are instantly transported back to the realm of empirical evidence. Ok.

Recorded testimony? From people who do Kol Nidre? (Kol Nidre? What's that? I've never heard of that...lol) Irrelevant. I want FACTS.

And the truth is, YOU HAVE NONE.

"Oh I KNOW them, so it MUST be true." Lol. Ok. Whatever, child.

At the end of the day, you have nothing but emotion and anecdote. Sorry, child, but THAT DOES NOT HOLD UP IN COURT.

I have documentation...OFFICIAL documentation...from the American Red Cross that stated point blank there was no evidence of any "burnt offering" (what the word actually means, tardo) and that the death tolls for ALL THE CAMPS COMBINED was around 282,000.

Now that is DOCUMENTED. That is FACT. Your emotional meanderings and anecdotal tales of fancy mean NOTHING. FACTS. FACTS. FACTS.

And if you're not smart enough to figure out that every bit of "evil" that happens to come down the pike, from COVID to 9/11 to CRT, BLM, Antifa, and the LGBTQ movement, all happens to be ORCHESTRATED BY JEWS...

Then you DESERVE.




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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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fuk u biden voting racist pig

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Rudolf Steiner says that we should look to enzymes as important to human health. Here is an article showing that this affordable enzyme nattokinase has positive effects. Remember if your unvaxxed others are still shedding so it is good to use something like nattokinase to help prevent clots. Hope this helps be well. Much love to all here. Thanks Greg for letting us know.


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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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This methodology being used on plants appears to me to be the exact same methodology used on the mRNA kinds of "COVID vaccines, those vaccines mainly being under the Pfizer BioNTech and the Moderna brands. But even the Adenoviral Vector DNA other major kind of "COVID vaccines, the AstraZeneca, Oxford/AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen ) referred to as “J & J”, is just as evil.

My religion has always taught it is a mortal sin to mess with mother nature, though not in those words.

Here is my recent posting about the basic evil involved here...

mRNA technology is evil in and of itself because it is for the purpose of messing with the human genetic code. It is transhumanism. It is biological weapons used to work inside a human's body to fast kill it or slow kill it. It is messing with God's creation and it is by its nature saying to God, I am god and I can create life and I can control this world system.

This kind of laboratory work of mixing different kinds of from-nature pathogens to create a new pathogen to operate within a human being's body is strictly from the pit of Hell.

"Directed evolution" LIE

"Gain of function" LIE

Now looking like all "vaccine" technology and many other existing pharmaceutical products and those in the works and for the future are from this operation of Luciferian EVIL.

Witchcraft poison potions of "scientists" in laboratories.

"double dubble, toil and TROUBLE" !

It is an abomination and all those involved in and participating in any part of this evil from the top banker money people to the war mongers to the transhumanists and genocidal evil maniacs must be rejected by anyone who wants to go to Heaven.

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This is absolutely terrifying. I thought I was safe being a vegetarian, but such is not the case anymore. It’s so expensive to shop locally, but I guess there’s no other option now. The thing is, how can we be certain that the produce and meat we buy locally is even safe? If we question our local co-op or farmer’s market as to where things come from and what exactly they contain, how do we know they’re going to be up front and honest with us?

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We do our best and we let go. We must not cultivate stress or worry. I believe the body is capable of transmuting poisons. Peace and joy are crucial. Along with diet and exercise.


Thanks for your recent kind words:)

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Praying over all you eat and consume is vital. I have heard stories from missionaries who were secretly poisoned by witch doctors who tried to kill them(putting things like ground glass in their food) and these missionaries were never effected. Even some of these witch doctors were SHOCKED, confessed their crimes, and became Christians!

17 And these signs will follow those who [d]believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they[e] will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Mark 16:17

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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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You a vegetarian. I hope you realise vegetable oil is inflammatory to our bodies and canola oil is a no no. Read Dr Eric Berg.

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Good luck. There are gonna be a lot of dead cows

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Perhaps this might be the best thing to happen to the human population with this injection shit because how are they going to explain all these cattle dropping dead suddenly ?

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If they were honest maybe but the Democide plandemic showed us the real face of this Ruling class.

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They won't need to explain _just put them right into the food chain .

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Hopefully some of farmers won’t put up with it and will rat out the MOFOs

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as long as bill gates is alive the human race is is danger

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Many people do not realize what a maniacal psychopath Bill the Gates of hell really is. Because his life is almost over, he wants to destroy the earth and everything/ everyone with him. It takes a true psycho son of a bitch to want to block the sun from the earth.

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Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get worse......

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Thank you for this. I have shared with over 25 people

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They are jabbing bees now too. (not necessarily with needles though) Bees pollinate many vital crops and make honey as we know.


These tubular nano structures appear to be the kinds of things that convicted criminal Dr. Charles Lieber was investigated for. Even his Wiki is explicit about his crimes:


Before the great flood of Noah, the earth was being destroyed genetically.

5 Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

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Anything who will get in contact with that Poison IVY gmo will be affected. . . . They know so little, they are making shit up has they go.

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It's called immunobridging. Which means they can irrationally bypass all long-term evaluations and justify jabbing millions. My guess is that these four (4) vaccine companies had as many as 2.000 different experiments going on, complete with placebo arms to test on the unwary public like lab rats.


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The alarm of Mr. Renz is extremely serious. Everyone needs to act.

Seems like lot of what Mihalcea says is highly questionable, done without proper scientific background, no clear control, no control pictures, just lot of statements, lot of them parroting the messages from others... Where are the unvaccinated samples, many of them ? Never saw anything there. That's just my opinion about that part. The very same structures can come from environmental sprayings, and that needs investigation, a scientific one, not speculations. If you have the ribbons, where is their analysis? What's in it??

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Will the farmers comply with this?

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I contacted my main source, https://sevensons.net/

And they said no.

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I pray not.

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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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February 3, 2023

Cessation of Operations at Medicago

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (“the Group”) has announced by press release published on February 3rd,2023 (9am local time in Japan) that it has decided to cease all its operations at Medicago Inc., Medicago R&D Inc. and Medicago USA Inc.

As the sole shareholder in Medicago, the Group has determined not to make further investments in Medicago and to proceed with an orderly wind-up of its business and operations in Canada and in the United States.

Medicago wishes to thank all its employees for their commitment, their passion, and their dedication. The Medicago team has pushed scientific boundaries and we know that they will continue to make incredible contributions to innovation and biopharmaceutical’s sector. We also wish to thank all Canadians who supported our journey, as well as the governments of Canada and Quebec, our valued business partners, suppliers, vendors, and communities.


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