Climate lock downs on the horizon due to bad air and global warming. They aren't fooling anyone! They can kiss my a$$!

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I also did a report on this, as a former Quebecer, here: Those Quebec fires. From a former Quebec resident (me!) https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/those-quebec-fires-from-a-former

One thing NO ONE has noted, which I did: How the fires map to road systems! (including logging roads). The issue is, of course, that fasco-Marxist leftists would NEVER go into the deep bush - too many mosquitoes, horseflies, etc. Fires thus would map on roads or logging roads if it were arson.

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Brilliantly said!

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Yeah but don't threaten them with a good time! 😜

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Jun 7, 2023
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True. However, most in law enforcement won't go against their boss, and risk losing their pensions.

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True they are cowards!

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I agree, but what they really need to think of is what good is a pension that cannot buy food? Because there is none.

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Jun 7, 2023
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I wanted to say that what you are doing is smart.

I say this because regardless of all of the different actions Americans can do, like going private, going underground, becoming an all knowing guru of the law/legal system, creating any kind of organization to attract people and their money while in distress from the obvious, becoming a state national, becoming an anarchist, passport processes, going to another country, common law, equity law, recission all contracts, starting your own new country, coming out of her my people, ect ect, what is in place here still is our democratic Republic. The Law of the Land here Regardless of all of it, the possible view it was all a scam, not perfect, ect. And all of these approaches and opinions are fine and I have looked into them. But I have to admit, I was following Jeff Berwick around during his video walks in Mexico with his doggie during the scamdemic which I enjoyed. Best shit around i thought. Then he released his book and as I read it, it was about the demolition of this country and how correct he was about predicting it and everything, which is purely his opinion. But Im like wait a freaking minute. This is where I live. There are a lot of people in America that are simply living and don't necessarily deserve to be destroyed by all this heavily funded intentional bs. And then there are those who already deeply believe in the Law of this Land and Exactly what it stands for, regardless of how it has been infiltrated by god knows how many agendas that are all about destroying it. Which is the point Im trying to make here. My question to everyone in America that have given up on Our Corrupted System, what in the hell are you going to do if and when what little bit of This Republic that is still in place is officially gone? Throw a big party? Feel glad you were so right? Do you think your new owners that have now took over this land is going to give 2 shits that you are in a private membership society or are a Moore, House of Charlie Brown, that you're an anarchist trading in the gray market, or are solvent now, that you're waiting on the whitecoats or Jesus or the spaceships or the right higher frequency to save you? You could tell your now fellow conquered garden groupies high up in the hills that International law says they cant do this or that. But one thing is for sure, America would be officially dead. GONE Not coming back. Who ya going to call when your teacher isn't around to feed you their truth of truths? I say skip all of it for now. Get the meaning of The Tenth Amendment Center and the Idea that all politics are local. Go local. Figure out what is meant by Who's Your Sheriff? And why this matters. We know what we all want and that is Freedom. It is here now at this very moment mainly because of this actual system that we already have that yes has been taken over. The bad guys are using it. So take it back. Or don't take it back. Look at the freest states and go make them more free. Screw the rest of it.

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I was revisiting this post due to the fires in Maui now and how it too has been created to create fear and death and found your comment. I can't believe I missed your comment!!! BRAVO!!!! I totally agree. This is OUR country. We and our ancestors made it what it is. People fought to keep this country from harm and we need to do the same now. So many people who know what's going on are so complacent and still compliant with so many things. I don't want to give credit AT ALL EVER but those monsters have done a fantastic at truly dumbing down, frightening, and silencing the majority into compliance and most without even knowing it. Fascinating.

Here are some interesting videos about these fires:



Maui fires: https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/what-kind-of-wildfires-burn-in-a

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Jun 9, 2023
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Naw I do not think its crap. I may not have the details nearly as well as you and I do not but I can see some of what you are saying around me. I'm a licensed master plumber in Texas but now this state has passed laws that if you want to get or keep your license then you must get fbi fingerprints and background check to be in their data base. I view this as the state selling out to the feds and putting ourselves deeper contractually with the feds when it is completely unnecessary. Im not from here and Im in process of moving out of here because I will not do that. Texas of all places. Oklahoma, South Carolina, Florida, ND, SD. Somewhere that knows it is time to make a stand. And I dont mean Civil War. Rule Number One. No Civil War. Ever. That is the trap. Im saying, make a stand and let it be well known this state is not doing these things and are working to bring the power back to the States and the people and that is that. Love your points and references. Wow and sharing your first hand experiences of how it will be like here if... Thanks!

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Great post.

I tried the Wayback Machine for the Globalist Purge but nothing came up. Do you have a link?

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Jun 7, 2023
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That's true where I live. So many in fear of their jobs and retaliation.

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I am so done with the criminal climate fraud. For years I have underestimated its dangerousness. Until now that they are wanting to lock us up for good via One health.

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TRAUMA BASE Mind Control is real. Keep repeating Doom by climate to young impressionable kids , That's what we get . Critical thoughts shutdown by fear.

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Jun 7, 2023
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Damn Right!!! They broke open the PSYOPS Dark Art Spell Book.

Am not just saying to be flippant ; if you are totally honest about yourself , There's is no possible white hat outcomes. The psychological field is filled with manipulator and psychopath. We owe a huge debt to Dr. Peter Breggin for exposing those white coat monsters.

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Jun 8, 2023
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you best look up what the word :CITIZEN; means in a Blacks Law Dictionary;

Blacks Law Dictionaries are what is used by the LEGAL to find :A: definition of a word; many words have many definitions; the LEGAL pick and choose which definition to use;

perhaps you will come to the logical conclusion that you do not identify as a CITIZEN after you do this research.

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Jun 8, 2023
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It is tricky to navigate sentence structure around the traps, but that is only because we, as a collective of people, have become so lazy with the written word and forming coherent sentences;

We have all been indoctrinated by our schooling; It is not the fault of the teachers; They were indoctrinated by their teachers and we must remember, GovCo sets the curriculums for "schools"; I would argue that "University Professors" are indeed intentionally misleading their students; They apparently study much more to become a "professor";

The word PERSON is another trap with much the same definition as the word CITIZEN, which is why "they" always refer to us people as "the person" in a court document; We are not a PERSON or a CITIZEN; we are living man, mind, body and soul born from a living woman; people reside on the land mass named earth, not on a :CITIZEN-SHIP; (VESSEL) lost at sea; People are not :BIRTHED; (BERTH, DOCKED), rather, people are Born;

Does the KJV Holy Bible contain the words :CITIZEN; or :PERSON;?; What about your Constitution or Bill-of-Rights, do they contain those two "words"?;

Taxation is an Unlawful and presumed :CONTRACT; between "the :CITIZEN/PERSON;" and the "state" (ESTATE); It is impossible to commit "Tax-Avoidance" as there are taxes on every-single-item-or-service-we-purchase; We national people of the USA (for you) are being taxed on the taxes we are forced to pay everyday; And if we do happen to get ahead of the :DEBT-SLAVERY; financial curve, then we, the national peoples of the former USA are forced to pay more "Tax";

Big Corporations know they cannot escape everyday Taxation and so they do not volunteer to pay further "monies" into another Corporations (US.inc.) slush fund; "Lodging" forms with your IRS is deemed as :CONSENTING-TO-CONTRACT; and yet they tell you nothing regarding the terms of their presumed-contract; Non-Disclosure to contract is Fraud; No "terms and conditions" statement is Fraud; Fraud negates any contract Null and Void;

One cannot be a Sovereign that is part of or connected to another Sovereign; a sovereign is a power of it's own; The "nation" can be a sovereign nation; People are born sovereign by right of creation; Law of Creation; :REGISTRATION; takes away ones natural born sovereignty and creates a Fictional-Entity that is :IN-CORPORATED;

Disclaimer: (such is the way of this earth)

This is the opinion of i only and is not to be taken as and form of LEGAL advice; Do your own research and form your own conclusions;

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Jun 9, 2023
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do :NOT; ever claim to be a "sovereign citizen"; this is an oxy-moronic statement to the inth degree; if you :EVER; make this statement, you are doomed to doomsday;

you have already discovered what it means (definition) to be a :CITIZEN; perhaps you now need to investigate the definition of a sovereign; you will discover that the two words, by the very definition of the english word, do not coincide with one-another;

you will find the definition of sovereign in an Oxford (or similar) dictionary;

one simply cannot be both sovereign and citizen; you are either one or the other;

maxim of law: one cannot serve two masters;

if you choose to communicate your intention[s] with :ANY; employee of GovCo, be prepared for some time spent rattling your tin cup against iron bars;

have the knowledge but let "them" bring the fight to you and then prove their invalidity as a Lawful authority; they base "their laws" (LEGAL) on presumptions and implied consent-to-contract;

another useful look-up; research "the twelve presumptions of court"; this is what "they" think before we even set foot in any 'Court' or 'COURT'; a true law court does not have any capital letters.

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Carl Schmitt said, "Sovereign is he who decides on the (state of) exception". - It's the decisive question that you are posing. What your status in your country is. - K. Watt had written about in what ways specifically people can govern themselves. It is a similar situation in most countries I think, but the most in Germany. There are many uncanny similarities in political manoeuvres between both countries, Germany had a "storm on the Reichstag" just like your "storm on the capitol", both were engineered. The outmaneuvering of the indigenous populations is in several instances very parallel, indeed a certain aspects of "the US" is dominating Germany as much as on the day when they came to rescue the Germans. I believe Germany and Japan, the two to this day declared enemy states in the United Nations (check on it), have the greatest US military presence of all their bases. And I dont know what material das brought over during lockdowns during Defender. - The US very much steer things in Germany and apply identical strategies in Germany and US, it's very visible. For domination also think Nordstream. - Also the question of the citizen's relation the the state administrative structure that governs him. You may have heard the world Reichsbuerger. It literally means citizen of the Empire and signifies a continued citizenship of current living individuals in the old Bismarck 19th century founded German Reich which according to that view, never ended, also not during Hitler's so-called Third Reich which would have been the one after Bismarck's Deutsches Reich, and also not when that Third Reich ended after twelve years. The extremely interesting point, and this is what makes the current powers so nervous and leads them to both defame followers of this opinion most aggressively, plus try to inject as many non Reich origin dwellers into the territory as quickly as possible, giving as many of those as possible the right to vote: this is because strictly legally speaking, the indigenous Germans actually nominally do have the option to self govern starting from the communal level. Enough persons must agree to that and they can, after some bureaucracy, erect their own administration. Those eligible are people who can demonstrate with a specific certificate released on request by authorities (who probably put all requesters on a list immediately) that they originate with a certain cutoff date in the 19th century, from one of the federal states that constituted the German Reich. That their ancestors were citizens there. So the now living person can identify as a Prussian for instance, or all the other federal states of that Reich. Starting from that, people can then legally build a legitimate parallel Community and administration. And so that this idea cannot gain traction before the populace is sufficiently diluted, so that maybe the portion of eligible people is too small, they are criminalizing, deriding and recurrently raiding these people. This preoccupation my also be why they are now filling villages in East Germany (the former Middle Germany in the boundaries of the old Reich) with MAJORITIES of "refugees". Say a village has 600 inhabitants. They send 800 refugees. I kid you not. This is current, recent policy. Of course they don't say they do it for that purpose, only because those villages according to communist and above all elitist-Jewish (I don't think the term Zionist adequately reflects this particular group) former Stasi denunciator with travel rights Anetta KAHANE : same as COHEN; btw, CDC will be headed by a young lady called Cohen...), the East is still "too white". Yes, someone not being nor self-identifying as "white" in that sense might take offence in too much homogeneity of the "other", the Goyim. All the while accusing the non Jewish outgroup (minus the latter's communist climatist useful idiot army/Antifa part), as xenophobic and antisemitic. This is not a rant but a description of business as usual in Germany. - of course, newly arrived "refugees" (= persons who had been taught to pronounce the word "Asylum" at the border) would not directly alter the balance in those villages as regards voting rights. That's clear. But I think it shows a will to place them in majorities, plus, it is being worked on to "naturalize" them faster and also lower the voting age. - But the Reichsbuerger concept is a fascinating and closing window of opportunity, nothing will come of it I think, because it is too fraught with fear. I believe the self governed people would in the end of the process be legally entitled under Voelkerrecht to vote about adopting a new, or the old, constitution. The current Grundgesetz in Germany is explicitly, as its text says, a provisional constitution. - I don't know all of the exact details, but I'm certain that the gist is correct and that this has crucial significance, and that that is why it is buried and demonized and defended against gaining followes by placing "Nazi", "right-wing extremist", triggers all around it, like always, to scare people off asserting their Gentile interests. Sorry to talk about taboo'ed stuff, I know it feels stressful to process. So much thought goes to the presumedly bad character of the writer of these assertions and is thus efficiently deflected from thinking further along the lines of the logic of what it is that I am writing and whether there could be something to it. The taboo also precludes from sharing these thoughts in your environment to assess and probe them with your acquaintances. So the thought stops with everyone who reads it. Unlike for the virus which by elitist-group -pertaining (I believe) Rochelle Walensky or rather that other, similar, female on media who lied "The virus stops with the vaccinated, each vaccinated is a dead end for the virus. Re reinfection, that was lie. Re these thoughts here unfortunately, it holds true. They stop with nearly everyone who reads them. Karl Haemers from Taboo Truth here in substack discusses this fear. - I am becoming so explicit because we have only a few months left until our mouths are shut much more effectively. I have to overcome the embarrassment, and actually, so does everybody else who deep down knows they are affected by the flagrant Anti gentilism on display and in action these last years, and culminating soon with the final entering into force of the IHR amendments stripping away the right to respect of dignity and human rights.

I would point out that I am objecting to the type of elitist Jew not as an expression of inability to tolerate groups other than my own, aka xenophobia, or because of generic antisemitism, but because this particular type and group of Jews, does not refrain from pursuing policies, and strategies outside the political realm, that, seeing the results they yield, must be considered aggressive and harmful to people outside their elitist-Jewish ingroup. I may be allowed to disapproved of being harmed. How narrow that elitist Jewish ingroup is defined by its members, is plainly visible when contrasting those elitist Jews, that were at the forefront and in the covert but verified inner power circles of the mass injection project; when contrasting them with, on the other hand, the other very large group of Jews in Netanjahu Israel, who were mandatorily mass injected, thus harmed by the former group. Think about whether this is not true?

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Thanks Greg. I live in a region called the Southern Tier of NY. Our air quality has been terrible the last few days. The sky here now is orange. We can barely see the sun. The fires are hundreds of miles away.

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Same here in Susquehanna Valley of PA. Smoke lingers and the sun is a red/orange ball like something out of a dystopian scene. Air quality noted as "unhealthy."

Could it be governments just skipping eminent domain? I wonder about these fires and the homes lost to them. Wondering if homeowners' insurance covers what may be considered "Acts of Nature." Could be. The large print giveth and the small print taketh away.

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They got to be spraying to maintain the "HAZE" am in Montreal smack before the US lines. Got the worst of the smoke yesterday took about 16hours to cleared up. Today has we speak (07-06-2023) The SMOG/HAZE is thicker but there's no irritant particles in the air , the temp is freezing way below summer normals . They seeded the fires in our head , its a cover up for something else.

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They are ignoring fire Fighters you can take this to the bank " That never happen EVER before. Am not the one who's gona pick on the construction guys but the bulk of new construction on economic data site are credited tho those big business indoor house assembly manufacture. Conrtactor work has been on a decline all over the world.

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Hmmm today is only the 2nd of July. But do understand the haze.

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Jun 7, 2023
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I'm in Central NJ and the air quality was horrible here too. And the sky had a yellow-orange haze.

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Here in Ohio we had a few days of a thick haze. It didn’t occur to me it was smoke, I just figured we were getting an extra helping of Chemtrails.

Sun, what sun, we have a sun? Guess that depends on where you live these days.

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Kerry said it , he means it in his own derange way. Its democide administer by Zealots who went to Harvard school of "public administration". Starts fires in Martha Vineyard , see how they like it.

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Now your talking!

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I live in California. I did not believe the accusations of DEW-created wildfires in 2020, but given what I know now--plus the fact that PG&E have acted criminally with no gov't censures--I would not put anything past our overlords in the implementation of their agenda.

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A kind suggestion; instead of giving them credited power with "our overlords," use "the psychopaths" or "the demonically infused criminally insane psychopaths." Gee you're overloaded with them too: Newsome, Gascon, Shiff, Pelosi, Becera, Waters, Swalwell, Weiner, Feinstein, Lofgren, the Resnick's, the Brown's, Leiu, - not to forget Hollywood - Jiminy Cricket!

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Of course that's the subtext, but when you use what could be construed as "hysterical language" you can be more easily written off as a tin foil hatter. That said, yes--there's a surfeit of psychopaths in the current state where I reside.

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I personally love my tin foil hat, lol 😂.

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Me, too

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Jun 7, 2023
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The demonic are on EVERY continent creating as much division, hate, mayhem, chaos and destruction as they can all while the sheepies wait for the "White-Hats" to come and save them from their misery.....

Man is doomed; Critical and analytical thinking has left the building;

Sad thing is, those of us with eyes-to-see, ears-to-hear and brains-to-think-with are the ones who are truly suffering while the sheepies go about their everyday without a care in the world....other than "money" and what the circus will bring to town on the "weekend";

Dare is say, Intelligence is a curse?.

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Jun 8, 2023
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not my thing to deal with the :CORPORATE-ENTITIES; pretending to be de-jure Government[s]; They hide Factual Evidence for a pay-packet; They use Evidence based Facts against us with :CORPORATE/ADMIRALTY-DOUBLE-SPEAK;

the only communications they receive from i is Denial of their Presumed Contracts, Denial of their :DEBT-SLAVERY; Denial of their Presumed Authority over i and Denial that i owe them any of the fruits of thy labour;

i stand under Law of Land, not "law" of the sea/holy see as is promoted by the :LEGAL;

i did not "vote" to be traded :LEGALLY:; as a :COMODITY:; I am not a beef pattie owned by a manager of a McDonalds franchise; I have no contract with McDonalds;

If you think that communicating with the minions of the enemy is going to free you from their Presumed-Contracts-to-Rule-Over-you and claim you as :CHATTEL; on their :CITIZEN-SHIP;, well, that is your decision;

i choose to let thy actions speak for i;

Deny; Do-Not-Comply.

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Jun 8, 2023
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The more we know, the more the lies and abuse hurts;

Then when we factor in the abuse we get from the very same-as-us-people we are also trying to save by default of our actions, it hurts even more;

This moment in time Truly is a battle of epic proportions; It is spirit vs. dark forces; The dark forces are everywhere it seems and they try to infiltrate the spirit-of-light that shines within;

Put on the armour of God, fashion the swords and slay the enemies of man before it is too late;

Let your spirit shine and defend that spirit with all that you have.

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PG&E are owned by the Rothschilds...

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Global Parasites the Rothschild's are!

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Do you have proof? Not that I don't believe you but evidence is always important when stating information.

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The Rothschilds' operate through multiple shell companies that's hard to follow back to the Rothschilds but my info comes from reading their corporate white papers and an old friend that used to work for PG&E. The stories he told were astonishing. For instance, West Valley College in San Jose was built right on top of an old PCB dump that was never fully cleaned up. His partner and him used to splash around in that disposal site and his partner died from a rare form of brain cancer. Cancer rates were very high in the surrounding neighborhood. Then PG&E used to have a storage facility on one of the Farallon islands outside the SF bay. They stored 55 gallon drums of used PCB's there and when a huge 100 year storm hit in the late seventies it washed all those drums into the bay. PG&E never retrieved those drums and they have been sitting there since, leaking into the bay and surrounding area. I will not eat any fish from the bay. PG&E have committed so many environmental crimes and have never been held accountable. The Rothschilds own Pacific power as well in the North West.

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They also funded Rockefeller early on from what I've read. It's shocking how evil they all are.

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Exactly yes, They are evil and they think we need to be culled.

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Jun 7, 2023Edited
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John Marshall

5 min ago

I'm a former Marine that worked in the air wing as a hydraulic/pneumatic mechanic on A-4's and A-6 intruders. I know what a normal contrail looks like. It dissipates a short distance from the jets exhaust and is caused by water crystals in the cold air in high altitudes. But in the early 90's 91-92 I started seeing trails that didn't dissipate in fact it would spread out and linger for many hours. I knew what I was seeing was not contrails it was chemtrails. The sky would turn a milky white covering over the blue in the sky. I saw the chemtrails (atmospheric aerosolizing) every where. I traveled up the Alcan highway to Alaska and I saw them all through Canada and Alaska. This made me want to find out what was in the spray. Samples wee taken by several reputable companies and they found Aluminum Dioxide, Strontium, Barium, a mixture of bacteria, molds, and viruses. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ is the place to go for all that's involved in geoengineering. Dane Wigington is the sites proprietor. He posted one of my articles when I was writing for News with Views. My research and his corroborated each others findings. The private contracts are given out via the UN. It's basically a UN program to dim the planet but for what purpose is unclear. What's being sprayed on us is highly toxic to humans and I believe is the source of all the Alzheimer's and Dementia. Just compare medical records of the rise in Alzheimer's cases and when the spraying started in the early nineties. This is another reason we need to leave the UN and kick them off our soil.

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They will have nothing to burn except themselves soon.

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1 word : "DEMOCIDE"

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Jun 7, 2023
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If they were honest and honorable we would roll out tons of new nuclear technology.


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Gods army NEEDS to rise to the occasion and do the works we are instructed to do;

"Where there be more than Two, there be i"; "Evil shall not prevail"; "Put on the armour of God and fashion the swords from your plows"

We are created in his image; God is within all of us; We, as a collective of his image, are God;

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Jun 7, 2023
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Trudeau is proposing a new department with vast new powers because of the fires. I mean matches. oh

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More centralization , fucking Federalist. They cant even manage the money supply. . .

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directed energy weapons @ 155.......

DEW is the same frequencies broadcasted from 5G towers and the smaller units on streetlight poles and power poles and tall building.. They say is for communications,,,,,,well I know it's NOT for communications its for the NWO Culling tool to kill billions with Radio Frequency radiation....interesting how water boils under 2.46 gigahertz Radio Frequency......same frequency you microwave oven cook you food at....the human body is mostly water....blood is made up of water.......Hello?

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We are being SHOT AT by 5G

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Jun 7, 2023
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If man can build it, man can destroy it!

If the "digital forest" were to lose it's "trees....."

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this is exactly another reason why the (our) bees are also being attacked by the forces of darkness.

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Thanks Greg!!

what is amazing, is realizing that there is NO justice. I know is sound stupid for people that had been awaken for some time...But Still amaze me every day...Why we need a Supreme court or judges? at what level of evilness they stop doing they work? Coup d'etat 2016, JFK, 9.11, Epstein, WMD? they deliberate over stupid things, but they are not independent, nor powerful, at least as the money printers are. But, the mass of idiots still believe we can "spread" Freedom and Democracy all over the world and there we go...send our kids to "convince" arabs or africans or rusians that we are God and we kill them for their own good.

dont tell me that is really stupid to dream with seeing all these talmudic wackos like Kerry, Schawb, Fink, Soros, Bush, Osama, Clintons, Harari and many more....marching in front of the firing squad? Let me keep hope!!

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Places in the PNW, US have also seen blatantly clear acts of coordinated arson these past couple summers.:

-Fires, up and down the I-5 corridor. -Arrests, releases, and news blackouts.

-Local-level arson off I-5, including fields; and an attempt to burn down at least 1 home. 0 touched the local news (AFAIK).

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Same here in Ca,Qc tons of catch and release of obvious "AntiFa" type.

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Yup Communist Canada is burning. Satanists like fires, reminds them of their home they'll be returning to shortly. Look over here!! Look over here!!! Distracting Canadians from pedos in the highest government levels, illegal elections, Canada's participation in world war, unending carbon taxes etc etc. Plus satan in Ottawa gets the happy benefit of harming and destroying Canadians!!! Win win win! May they all burn in eternal hell, here's hoping and praying! God bless our true north strong and free.

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I saw videos of neighborhoods in CA where only the property was reduced to ash yet the grass and trees were fine. Directed energy weapons being used to be certain. Would be nice to see this happen where the creeps at the World Economic Forum meet. You can use their interactive tool to see they want full control of every aspect of the world and those they decide to allow to live in it. https://rb.gy/hyty6

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Those reports write themselves , you people cant sit on the sidelines its "THE" war for the world !

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One would think Canada would call the US for help and put these fires out asap. They don't seem to be too concerned.Will they blame it on Putin to get more support? What's going on with our planet? As long as people keep fighting left vs right politics the NWO is a done deal,only unity will defeat this.

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We live just below the SW section of Canada. Two weeks ago, fires exploded there to and we got heavy smoke over our states. The smoke smelled industrial, like chemicals, not like trees. God only knows what they are really burning up there. This isn't good for us global warming deniers, truth is becoming harder to find as they push their fraudulent, money laundering agenda!

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What's surprising is it's in Canada. I thought Trudeau was a good little WEF leader.

So why are they burning down Quebec?

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A "smoke screen" to fly in Chinese help (troops - missile's) to "put out" the flames?

A heavy chemtrail op "smoke screen." (Look for a viral respiratory outbreak.)

Because they're demonically infused criminally insane psychopaths of a reptilian bloodline that hates humanity, puppies, kittens and little birds that tweet. (I'm not kidding.)

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Jun 7, 2023
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THE covid crowned

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The "Crown" has been usurped by The City Of London which is Under Papal Bull(shit) control; The VAT-I-CAN issued Catholic (St.Edwards) Crown is NOT "the crown" under which the Commonwealth (nations) were, IS, federated under;

The "Crown", in all it's former glory is a blessing under God, issued by the Christian Protestant church;

The VATICAN (club of rome) overthrew the Protestant and installed the Catholic Rule by Deceit and Papal Bull (Babylonian) CERT-IF-(i)CATES;

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