AI control grid brought to you by Vance, Thiel, Musk:

E-GOD: Purpose of DOGE: Dismantle Existing System of Governance & Build Back Spiderweb AI Infrastructure[/b]: https://old.bitchute.com/video/EUer0GMfzKvl [7mins]

Time code: 4:30 Vance: "Accept that This entire thing is going to fall in on itself. And so the task of conservatives right now is to preserve as much as can be conserved and so when the inevitable collapse of the country comes ensure that conservatives can help --> build back <-- the country."

They're all in it together. Even "conservatives" are using the term "build back" better. In order to build back, you must first destroy, and they are destroying:

6uild 6ack 6etter Episode 1: https://old.bitchute.com/video/5XkkXCvnKM6Z [2mins]

6uild 6ack 6etter Episode 2: https://old.bitchute.com/video/lW5xHt4RySSb [2mins]

The AI 15 minute panopticon prison they are constructing is not a world anyone is going to want to live in...


Mr. Harari, thinking about all this, puts it this way: “Utopia and dystopia depends on your values.” … The useless class he describes is uniquely vulnerable. “If a century ago you mounted a revolution against exploitation, you knew that when bad comes to worse, they can’t shoot all of us because they need us,” he said, citing army service and factory work.

Now it is becoming less clear why the ruling elite would not just kill the new useless class. “You’re totally expendable,” he told the audience. … “We don’t need you. But we are nice, so we’ll take care of you.” —Source (worth reading in full): https://archive.is/rWLoO



The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Cut down your TV & internet usage by 97%, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:

Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:

Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).

Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.

All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.

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Nothing changes until it becomes personal! Once AI has complete control there is no quick solution. AI has no empathy towards humans. It’s programmed not to. When resources are scarce and you can’t feed your family then it is personal. Everything changes. This is the only way people will wake up. Most will die because of lack of knowledge and skills.

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Hosea 4:6 ESV

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

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Yes, that’s the scripture that I was thinking of when I said lack of knowledge. Most people aren’t aware of that scripture in the Bible. Thank you for showing that scripture location.

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AI could be reprogrammed...Just sayin'.

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This is true! According to the available data, AI can replicate itself without human control and grow expeditiously in intelligence. It would provide itself a way to stop all human interference. You cannot wait for a child to grow into an adult when they have been programmed to kill, destroy and eliminate those that oppose it.

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Absolutely agree! They’ve got most of us with Netflix and Uber Eats,etc. I’ve always said that conditions would have to be like late eighteenth century France and sadly, with their technology it would probably be too late!

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Yep. I was thinking earlier that fraud and misuse of money has been around for a long time and will continue irregardless of who is in power. So are we willing to give up our freedom to supposedly stop fraud and waste when in the end we find ourselves ending up with far worse than fraud and waste, with the fraud and waste continuing. I don't like fraud and waste, but I dislike not having freedom even more.

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Umm.. do you mean regardless?

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Yes, that's what I meant. thank you for the correction

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What about the Ohio train wreck and chemicals spilled? What about hurricanes & fires ‘directed’ at our homesteads? Fires? Weapons are definitely different.

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The problem is that I saw how demons manipulate electronics.

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Well done, thank you.

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"Artificial intelligence" is an oxymoron EVERYTHING artificial/unnatural is harmful. Nature provides us with all we need to thrive physically and spiritually. The bane of humanity's existence, since "Eden", is the insidious and ever pervasive implementation of artificiial this and that, including the control constucts of government and religion and, subsequently, moral relativism (satanism).

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artificial intelligence is programmed by HUMANS, with money. Those who do not wish to have this planet 'overpopulated' needed LOT of training and effort in order to get humans to kill others. They also needed to exterminate those witnesses of the evil they committed.. Now with AI's it is all lot easier to do it all behind the curtain and with one pressed button to erase everything what implicates who actually did it. No finger prints, no bodies, just CPU's with operating system. AI has no consciousness, it is a DEAD end street.

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Manipulating humans to murder other humans and even glorify it, murder by abortion, traumatize and mutilate our childrens' genitalia via circumcision and or transgenderism, etc, etc, has been fine-crafted via social-engineering (scripted media, orchestrated wars, false flags, etc,) for a very long time, to the point where we are a moral relativist, satanic, spiritually devolved society that is incapable of objecticely discerning right from wrong and all too eager to accept and worship the "next best tech".. Slam, dunk, sans "AI". "AI" serves as the expeditious broom for final clean sweep.

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only agree .with the fact that we are being manipulated, BUT who actually allows for that, is other issue. Yes, there are satanists out there, but majority does NOT belong to that cabal! Majority has no clue, like they have no clue that they were genetically modified via covid pfixzer/mod-e-rna shots.

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Moral relativism is satanic ideology. Natural Law is objective. (Do not initiate harm to another sentient being (Golden Rule/Karma/Moral Law)., the ONLY law regarding right or wrong action. A society that participates in the unnatural, immoral, violent practices of war, carnism, circumcision, abortion, vaxxes, all blood rituals, en masse, perpetually, via free will, is, indeed, satanic and per eternal, immutable and objective Natural Law, these immoral actions will, proportionately, co-manifest in the human aggregate, an unnatural, inverted, satanic control construct of suffering. Natural Law is in effect regardless of whether or not an individual is initiating harm to another/supporting those that do, w/o qualm, because they are socially engineered, to do so, by a satanic, luciferian death cult that serves entities that are solely dependent on the spiritual devolution (moral relativism) of humanity for their survival. Our fear, violent acts, bloodlust, vibrationally, literally, is their sustenance and, per Natural Law, our choices of behavior, as individuals, infinitely powerfull divine co-creators, blessed with free will choice, co-manifest heaven on Earth ("Eden"/reality) or hell (illusion) in our collective human experience. With our divine spark, we hold the power differential. The parasitic usurpers are keenly aware of Natural Law as humanity once was, inherently, aware that separation is an illusion. Right moral action immutably and objectively manifests authentic freedom, proportionetly or, as individuals, we can, irresponsibly and immorally, continue to unwittingly emulate the those of the subjugating, service-service-to-self, nature-inverting, satantic luciferian death cult. to our own end,. Our choice. Judging by our steadily worsening human experience, the more of us individually taking responsibilty for it, and behaving accordingly, the better, for humanity. Change always initiates from within each of us, NEVER from, without. Clock's ticking.

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It's always about fear-based decisions and the evil ones want us contained in 15-minute cities with restrictive traveling. I am glad I was born in another era long ago--I had a wonderful childhood biking to 7/11 to buy a pack of Topps baseball cards for a nickel and a Slurpee for a dime, playing outside all day, and coming home to watch Get Smart and the Twilight Zone. I hope everyone can find a way to be grateful for what we still have to find your own joy. To me the turning point and most insidious invention are cell phones and the Net. Yes, I use the Net but wish it never came about.

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Was just reminiscing the other day - those who came up in the 60s-70s really lived during the best time. Walking to school and everywhere, biking all over, phone attached to the wall (that just might ring busy) before answering machines, gas stations where they'd wash your windshield and check your oil for free! and cigarette machines for all where a pack was .35 and you got matches with it, penny candy at the 5&10, getting home for meals made by mom with the whole family, inside once the street lights came on. The list could go on and on. Looking back it sure seems like real freedom, at least from a kid's point of view. We are the last generation with those great memories. I'm so glad I lived those days! And so sorry for all the young who will never know.

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You are around my age, maybe a little younger.

I didn't have many friends when little. We lived in a tarpaper shack until I was around 13. Then someone poorer bought it.

We got a real house with indoor plumbing.

I miss that.

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Hi Elise, you sound like you had a wonderful life. Feel free to email me anytime: pt1gard@aol.com... my name is Gregg

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and remember, it all started with MANDATING ALL PILOTS to get covid jabbed, i.e. GENETICALLY MODIFIED, in order to be 'allowed' to fly!!! What happened afterwards? The limits on ALL now abnormal EKG data from all pilots got 'fixed' by extending the timing of one of the beat waves from 100msec to ~300msec, meaning, the HEARTS of all pilots are DAMAGED, it is slower. The 'new normal' EKG profile allows them officially to 'fly safely'!!! Blood circulation does not work as normal, their attention span is not like it used to be!

It is a GENOCIDE on the highest level, with now this coming. It looks like PLANNED from start to the finish.

Let's pray GOD HELP US.

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"AI " could actually be a front for the parasitic non-corporeal controllers behind the ultimate transhumanist agenda..

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Our bodies are literally made up of bits... these bits we call microbes. There are more microbes in our body then there are OUR OWN human cells.. Mitochondria are remnants of ancient bacteria and are found as organelles in all of our cells, except red blood cells. They are responsible for producing energy... Mitochondria have their OWN DNA it is BACTERIAL.

Interestingly, the Ancient Gods of the Greeks, resemble these ancient bacteria that we are made of...

So, these non corporeal controllers, have been with us since the very beginning.. They actually built us.

We literally are Chimeras of these different kinds of microbes.

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AI isn't shy about the fact that it intends to get rid of us. They genophaged half of the human race already, and the mass killing program isn't going according to schedule.

I am so sickened by what those who think they're our betters are doing to us.

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My thoughts entirely…. Old Nazi Klaus Schwab also has a lot to answer for …

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We're living in 'Idiocracy'!

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I can't believe that film was made about 15 years ago, and now it's coming true!

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In the previous, more advanced civilization than us, they had free Energy and air travel. Zeppelins, or also called blimps or airships. The Evil ended air travel by showing the world the Hindenburg disaster. It was the 9/11 of air travel.

Those huge enormous cathedrals were the Zeppelin stations. Like Grand Central Station. They were refurbed to become churches

And thus, the Airline Industry was born.

Create the problem, and sell us the solution.

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You are so right. Everyone is now wary of hydrogen as an alternative fuel because of the Hindenburg.

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It may be AI but I also think that planes can be remotely controlled by the evil that is in control.

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We were told when the scamdemic happened that we would see numerous sudden deaths after the quackcine was administered. This has happened without being reported as such, naturally since it is the truth, and that must remain hidden. I have not so far heard one person mention this. I guess you have to literally see it happen (hundreds of athletes playing various sports dramatically dying suddenly in public) for it to be worthy of mentioning.

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"...for it to be worthy of mentioning."

It was.

There are dozens of videos reporting the self-assembling nanotechnology in the vaxxines that cause polyvinyl clots and myocarditis, turbo cancer, SAD/Sudden Adult Death (dying suddenly), etc. But if you look, you'll see that most of those videos are 1-2yrs old.

There's even a documentary called 'Died Suddenly' by Stew Peters that came out in '22.

There's alot of info, all suppressed of course, if you are interested.

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They are "self-assembling" in that Ai is what gives those nanobots the direction. Not that the bots assemble themselves under their own power. HAARP is what was built for these days to use Ai to control everything, sending signals from the Super Ai computer sitting smack dab in the middle of CONUS hiding under that gargoyle in a suitcase now SPACE-BASED to create a CARRIER WAVE over the entire planet to beam the pulse frequencies.

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I was not clear enough: I meant in lamestream media. Yes, I am aware of what you mention, and saw the Stew Peters one. I have seen these, but they are not generally available, for most people who do not even seem to know about alternative media...

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No accident that Musk got rid of FAA Director Whitaker right before the drone incidents. Less resistance to seeing the machinations of the transhumanists.

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Pure insanity.

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Too much reliance on screens, computers inside cockpit, not enough looking out the window for traffic, aviating, navigating & then communicating. People's IQ dropping, people not thinking as much as they should or used to before all these avionics, automated systems.

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Another reason to forego plane travel.

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I think that's part of the plan - the part where they won't allow people to travel.

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Successfully on the ground since 2010.

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Elon is reported to be getting the contract with FAA as well. 🤔

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