Thanks, Greg. Sufficiently terrified enough now to go about my day like a usual Wednesday. As you were.

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Don't be terrified. DO something about it or your children will never know FREE:

From SeekingTruthAlways:

And Still The People Did Not See

The first to arrive were the cameras

Installed to protect both you and me

In places where we weren't that threatened

And yet the people didn't see

What followed were traffic restrictions

To keep the roads quiet and clean

The math didn't add up, or the science

But still the people didn't see

Next came the 15 minute neighborhoods

Make our lives easier, decreed

To some, it seemed like restrictions

But still the people didn't see

Then came the Digital ID

So convenient, easy and free!

Your life in one chip on a mainframe

And still the people didn't see

The cars they sold were electric

All wired to the government PC

They switched off the driving on Sundays

Yet still the people didn't see

The banks moved their money to digital

The government banned cash the next week

The ability to fly was restricted

Yet still the people didn't see

They linked up your money and profile

To the ID on the government PC

Connected it to social media

Yet still the people didn't see

Then came a new cure, a new virus

Safe and Effective, and free

They linked these jabs to your profile

And connected the government PC

When the people were locked up in cities

Policed by their digital ID

Unable to visit their loved ones

Now finally the people can see

Restricted and tracked with no money,

To go further a permit you'll need

Contained in your digital city

Oh why did the people not see?!

These steps they sold us as progress

Never looked to be quite what they seemed

If you don't ask the questions and protest

Then your children will never know FREE

Actionable solutions are at the bottom of this article:


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Nothing changes with the monetary system until we exit from the central banks and currency is backed by precious metals. If Trump doesn't abolish the Federal Reserve and IRS then the swamp will never be drained. The solution is very simple. Invert what has been stolen since 1913.

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Trump is wearing sheep's clothing. He is a wolf.

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Trump is an Israel First ultra-Zionist.

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And we are always at the point of dealing with things AFTER THE DEBACLE expected to go along with the clean up. The hopium piles higher and deeper filtered through legalese, left-right paradigm trivialities and basically that-ship-has-sailed phenomena. Look at the 3D chess they're playing over there in the middle east soon to come to a town near you. Funny, globalism wants OPEN BORDERS and a NWO but how come Syria gets cannibalized and an Otisburg shows up on the map as "greater Israel."

Meanwhile America, Canada and Mexico might become USMCA.



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Unfortunately, I think you are right. He is a Trojan horse of the worst kind. I wish he would stop saying we are a democracy because that is just a code word for socialism. We are a republic!

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So highly flawed: OWS, biometric surveillance/AI, and one particular international dispute issue...the big one.

I don't think he realizes he's a Trojan Horse. Maybe a patsy with a big ego and lots of hubris --


Yes, beats the alternative, which would have been a fast-track to communism and medical fascism.

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Both sides are Zionist, and I disagree. Trump knows exactly what he is, and he even tried to tell everyone back in the day with his story about “the woman” who nurses a snake back to health, only to be bit by it.

That woman is America, and that snake represents Israel. And we already know where his loyalty lies. The man is a Jesuit educated Zionist crypto Jew…

I know that’s a mouthful, but it Basically just means that he is indeed a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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William, you are absolutely correct, and I am really sick of people making excuses for him to justify why they voted for him again. I voted for him twice, but then I caught on to his duplicity and DO NOT support him now.

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Wow, I knew that snake story was cryptic. But your understanding of it hit so hard. Thanks.

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Gotta call a spade a spade. The cult of personality seems to weigh too heavy when dealing with reality.

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How come someone who is out of the loop gets to become POTUS? And then the mistakes he makes gets excused because well, "he didn't know?" Why is it that we know but he doesn't? And we've known for a decade at least. With all his money and connections he "doesn't know?" Sounds like an excuse to always claim he doesn't know because of hubris and ego.

That's like hiring a blind person to be your pilot. Can always make the claim, "he didn't see..." How does that work exactly?

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Bingo! 1913 was the worst year for the Republic: 16th Amendment, 17th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act. The three headed hydra that has led to the downfall and destruction of this once great nation. All three need to be reversed to return us to constitutional centric governance.

Just a thought that came to me while writing this, is regarding the 16th Amendment, why not return to a proportional tax, based on population. I would even allow the illegals to be counted for the sake argument, so that CA, IL and NY can expand on the amount they owe! Of course, they only want them to count so that they can be counted in the census, and they can gain back the representation they lost when folks fled their tyranny for freer states.

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No, it means he is and was always part of the Swamp

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He would then go down as the worst president in history. I would say he is even worse than Traitor Joe if that is his legacy. I'm hoping he will want to be remembered as the greatest president in history, however. He could be and it wouldn't be that hard to do if he abolished the Federal Reserve and IRS. He'd simply be hard on a privately owned foreign entity of thieves and nobody will have any sympathy for them.

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Traitor Joe isn't even the REAL JOE BIDEN and everyone plays the Emperor's New Clothes with him as if he is. That's insanity in itself.

Quick note, over there on Brighteon, Mike Adams posts everyone who viewed one of his posts is now an "enemy of the government" and we're being watched.

Sometimes I wonder if things like that are just fly paper tactics to draw out the dissenters in the realm.

They're waiting with a club playing Wack-a-mole.

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Agree with you there. The Traitor Joe of today doesn't look even remotely like the Traitor Joe from 8 years ago. We're all being played like clueless sheep. They think we are stupid. Some (I would argue most) of us have figured out we have a Manchurian candidate. I have always liked Mike Adams and he has some really good guests on his show. I still consider him a true patriot but he does get a bit sensational at times.

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Since September it looks like all precious metal prices have been seriously manipulated. Would anyone not think this is possible? In the meantime, some people seem so desperate to preserve their "wealth" they're borrowing on credit to buy gold. There seems to be something inherently wrong with that tactic.

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I read an article a few years ago that claimed that a person by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto developed Bitcoin. Then I came across a couple of articles that said that the CIA came up with the concept of BitCoin.

Some might find this a stretch, and it might very well be, but I recently did a search for the meaning of the names "Satoshi" and "Nakamoto", and this is what I came up with:

Satoshi = Intelligent History.

Nakamoto = Central Origin.

CIA? 🤔

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Lots of sophisticated developers have dived into the Bitcoin code and determined that it is truly decentralized. I own some, and I have some other cryptos as well.

My favorite project is Veritaseum. Veritas is Latin for truth.

Reggie Middleton invented Veritaseum and and owns DeFi patents for his invention.

The SEC sued Reggie for offering VERI tokens in an ICO, claiming that VERI is a security. It is not, it is software, and the SEC has been using RICO tactics against Reggie to run him out of house and home. It is an incredible story and I suggest you read about it here. https://veridao.io/

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Veritaseum/Reggie for the win! A gal can dream, can't she?

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Indeed, as should we all.

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Same thing done with PATENTS. You can only get a patent on something if they allow you to get one.

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Yes, Central Intelligence. Also, Bitcoin as a Bit of Coin(tel).

Think of the money that government and its agents have made off of a form of exchange they invented and seemingly control, somehow, despite their protestations, and before it's tanked for a state-sanctioned digital coin with expiration dates for the plebes.

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Jack Dorsey wore a T-shirt that said “Satoshi” in his 2024 Super Bowl box with Jay Z and Beyoncé. Kind of chilling.

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I saw in a documentary that all bitcoin info is on a huge server in Greenland, heavily guarded by one man! 🤣 I am laughing but it’s true. Can’t find that info anywhere now…

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Hasn’t Trump talked about buying Greenland in the past?

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"Since 1867, the United States has considered, or made, several proposals to purchase the island of Greenland from Denmark, as it did with the Danish West Indies in 1917. While Greenland remains an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, a 1951 treaty gives the United States much control over an island it once partially claimed from exploration."

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They're always doing things like that. If the translation is real, what are the odds?

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Aptly named, I'd say. Describes bitcoin perfectly, albeit much abbreviated.

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Holy moly

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Thank you Greg for updating the latest news most of us don't have time to look up or watch. Full court press is happening now I can feel it!!! Time will tell...:)

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All hell is going to break loose and you’re going to need a bitcoin!

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Until the grid goes down.

Klaus' infamous speech:

Here he is playing the consummate Nazi:


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Kellogs Breakfast Cereals make you strong!

You have to follow through this time, demanding that Trump and the rest deliver on their promises.

If Trump Renages on his Promises…

Trump Vance Wins! by Miles Mathis - Trump, Controlled by Satanic Phoenician 2000 Trillion Dollar Mega Trillionaire Fatcats


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Yes John Harvey Kellogg one of the founding members of the AMERICAN EUGENICS SOCIETY along with Margaret Sanger who used her husband's 3-in-1 oil magnate money to found Planned Parenthood and put Bill Gates Sr. in charge of killing all them babies to which we have Bill Jr. following in the footsteps of, I heard Kellogg used to put SALTPETER in his products to affect the human sex drive. All those years ago.


I'm shouting all about love

While they treated you like a dog

When you were the one who had made it so clear

All those years ago

I'm talking all about how to give

They don't act with much honesty

But you point the way to the truth when you say

All you need is love

Living with good and bad

I always looked up to you

Now we're left cold and sad

By someone the devil's best friend

Someone who offended all

We're living in a bad dream

They've forgotten all about mankind

And you were the one they backed up to the wall

All those years ago

You were the one who imagined it all

All those years ago

All those years ago

All those years ago

Deep in the darkest night

I send out a prayer to you

Now in the world of light

Where the spirit free of lies

And all else that we despised

They've forgotten all about God

He's the only reason we exist

Yet you were the one that they said was so weird

All those years ago

You said it all though not many had ears

All those years ago

You had control of our smiles and our tears

All those years ago

All those years ago

All those years ago

All those years ago

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The beast and his system. No thanks.

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Bring it on! As long as the robots don't miss, I won't feel a thing

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But the ones you've left behind will. And what will they have thought of you?

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I will make sure the dog is cared for

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If you're concerned that a government agency might have created Bitcoin, here are four key points to consider (to paraphrase Mathew Kratter at Bitcoin University):

1) Bitcoin's software is open-source, meaning anyone can review the code for potential backdoors. Given the large number of people scrutinizing it, it's unlikely any hidden vulnerabilities would go unnoticed.

2) The identity of Bitcoin's creator is irrelevant, much like the inventor of the wheel, or the Internet itself. These inventions function independently of their creators.

3) Understanding how Bitcoin operates reveals that it is designed to be decentralized and beyond the control of any single entity, including the CIA.

4) Bitcoin's robust, decentralized nature and limited supply suggest it was not intended to support traditional fiat currencies. If a government agency did create Bitcoin, they would have inadvertently created a system that could undermine the US dollar's global reserve status and the US Treasury's role.

Ultimately, you must form your own opinion on this matter. However, one of the worst decisions you could make would be to believe that the CIA, NSA, DIA, or FBI invented Bitcoin and then continue relying solely on debased US dollars and traditional banking systems.

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P.S. But let say you, still, feel it's CIA. Okay, spin-off idea here:

It IS possible to imagine a scenario where a group within the CIA, deeply committed to American values of freedom and sovereignty, felt that the post-9/11 world had significantly changed the country they once knew. This faction, driven by a love for America and its principles, might have seen the creation of Bitcoin as a way to diminish the power of the US dollar. By doing so, they could empower libertarian thinkers and Austrian economists, potentially making them the most influential voices globally.

If we consider that individuals like those who embrace libertarian and Austrian economic ideologies are the intended audience for Bitcoin, then the concept of Bitcoin could be seen as a test of intellectual openness and commitment to freedom. According to this perspective, closed-minded and greedy individuals would likely reject Bitcoin, while intelligent and freedom-loving people would embrace and hold onto it (HODL it).

This is just a speculative idea, but it adds an interesting layer to the debate about Bitcoin's origins and purpose.

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But 911 happened to bring about the next destructive wave in America AKA the PLANNEDEMIC. Thanks Cheney, Rumsfeld and Giuliani.

Ed Sullivan:

"And for you youngsters, bring on the DANCING ISRAELIS."

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We're screwed.

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With a CAPITAL "S."

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Extraordinary timing of the release of information that has been in the public domain for years, don’t you think?

Especially as some of those ‘researchers’ mentioned in your report have been accepting crypto for the past few years, and working on platforms that strictly monitise using blockchain.

The ‘alt media’ rides again…

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They want us cashless and cache-less, while they have all the cachet...

of sold-out Satanic minions.

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Trump is a trojan horse sent to placate a highly armed population that was growing weary of the tyranny and corruption. From where I sit this move has been effective. Once again, back to sleep. No need to worry now we finally have someone "at the top" doing the heavy lifting for us. Trump will drain the swamp and fix the corruption.

Not a chance. Trust no man. Trust God through his son Jesus Christ. The End.

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How can you trust someone who plays the Emperor's New Clothes with body doubles as done with Clone Joe Biden, sees the clone as "the president" and goes along with the farce as if it's legit?

And Joe's not the only body double we are being bamboozled with on a daily basis.

Trump knew he was playing a part, and stepped aside to let the wrecking crew in for four years to do their dirty work. All that aside have no assurances that Mr. T will even get in and is just an intermission while the real SHTF is being readied for release.

But GOD has allowed this to happen. So yeah we must trust in the Almighty as he has all the answers.

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I don't know. You lost me with this one. Living outside the U.S. gives me a different perspective. There is no "one size fits all" to running every country in the world. The U.S. is now broke, it is run by homicidal maniacs, it is disliked pretty much across the board. I don't think that most of the threats are even real. Hell, I can remember back when we were all going to have flying cars and people moving sidewalks. I'm just thankful to live another day. Oh, and I can also remember when Bitcoin was just a payment method outside the current payment platforms. It somehow morphed into a money laundering Ponzi scheme.

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And all driven by the Zionist corporate agenda, the one world Jewry planetary control plan.

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It's not correct to blame the Jews. The people controlling Israel are not even Jews but Sabbatean Frankists. A DEATH CULT. They killed real Jews under Adolf. And not just Jews but many other races and cultures. The Frankists installed Hitler and then took him out.

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F the CCJBDGC=Communist CONTROL Jew Bank Digital Gulag Currency.

F the jew world order.

CBDC stink of jew big time.

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