So Israel is able to identify and track 37,000 terrorists in Gaza but, was unable to detect October 7th?

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That is because Israel set up the stage for 7 October

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Prove it

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The proof is right there in front of your face if you open your eyes and while you’re at it, it wouldn’t hurt to open your mind.

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Which means you can't. Thanks

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Sheep will be sheep until you’re stuck in a shutdown watching an 8 hr disclosures documentary that you know nothing about but that’s when you wake up and if you don’t, you’ll jump out of window because the truth is going to hit you so hard that you’re gonna say they were right about everything. Wake TF up already. You love Zionists like Bibi IOW. Tells it all.

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Death will come to you like it will everybody else. When you are kneeled at the feet of Jesus YOU will be the one to finally wake up. But then it will be too late. The hatred for the Jews is a spiritual hate.

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Apr 5
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And America did the Boston tea party, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. I got it. I said to Prove it.

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they don't need to open their mind, its already wide open. that is the problem.

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Shaddup and do your own research

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You first.

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I’m not the one looking for a source. Done with your juvenile comments

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As if you have to read them. Maybe have some self control and get off the internet.

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Its common sense for those with eyes to 'see'

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Cop out

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Of Course they did ! It might have been just a big ‘crashed party’ had Not the (idf) heroes rushed in and ………the whole place

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Yeah it's called selective memory.

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Now (Think) about That ! The World would be Imbecilic if it does Not’ give over some Thought on That.

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Isn’t that what they did? Invent an Israel at the expense of any group of people that happened to be in that area, including Christians. Satanic agenda for claim of the “holy land” is in full swing. Imagine being so brainwashed that you actually believe a piece of hardened land brings you closer to the make believed promise land.

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Oh i loved that part : . . . "It is reasonable to assume, at least as a working hypothesis, that the trauma of circumcision at the age of eight days leaves a deep psychological scar. Abuse by adults is known to trigger in very young children’s minds a mechanism known as dissociation. The pain, the terror, the rage, and the memory of the experience, will be pushed out of ordinary consciousness, and form, so to speak, a separate personality, with a life of its own and a tendency to ooze into the normal personality. The idea of the wickedness of parental figures is so devastating that the repressed anger will be deviated away from them—in this case, away from the Jewish community as a collective parent. Is it farfetched to suppose a causal link between the trauma of eighth-day circumcision and the fact that Jews tend to be incapable of seeing the abuse perpetrated on them by their own community, and instead see the rest of the world as a constant threat?

Could it be that the trauma of eighth-day circumcision has created a special predisposition, a pre-programmed paranoia that impairs the Jews’ capacity to relate and react rationally to certain situations? Was brit milah (“covenant by circumcision”) invented some twenty-three centuries ago, as a kind of ritual trauma designed to enslave mentally millions of people, an unbreakable “covenant” carved into their heart in the form of an incurable subconscious terror that can at any time be triggered by code-words such as “Holocaust” or “anti-Semitism”?" . . ."

Great footnotes , good article.

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They are sociopaths whatever the cause, devoid of love, mercy & empathy. Basically non human.

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We humans allow ourselves to be coerced to emulate these psychopaths, i.e, our participation in immoral, unnatural. violent blood rituals, on massive scale (war, carnism, circumcision, abortion, etc, while we reap the negative karma and they sustain themselves with the generated loosh from these immoral practices and laughing their psychpahic asses off. Our free will choice is the deciding factor whether we manifest heaven or hell, as our human ecperience, here. DO NOT INITIATE HARM (Natural Law/Karmic Law/Moral Law/Golden Rule/Cause & Effect) is eternal, immutable and OBJECTIVE. We reap what we sow. Morality is not subjective, contrary to what we, divine, infinitelt powerful co-creators have been led to believe. We are allowing ouselves to be duped into perpetuating this unnatural inverted control construct to our grave detriment. DO NOT INITIATE HARM is profoundly simple and key to our salvation.

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A very interesting Take on [ritual abuse] ! They never do get over that appendage throughout Their lives Do They(?)

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domination and fear. . . . Where is the love ?

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There is a "love" however twisted. It's called "love of death." What else would a death cult be doing? Sabbatean Frankists were always about death and genocide.

That "original Biden" was mouthing the words of the death cult. "Protecting our interests" the interests of genocide. Countries, nations carry karma. It can't be washed away under some hypopcritical government edict. Whatever a leader does with a nation, everyone must pay for it somehow. Inaction has karma.

Guess we're all on this list in the cross hairs for Lavender.

It's hypocritical to claim one is a Jew when they've usurped the population of Jews since WW2 and hiding behind the Jewish history claiming rights of retribution and cow butchering. When you have thousands of authentic Jews in Israel protesting against the Zion/Nazi leadership in their occupied territory (no different from what they were calling Gaza) of Israel, when the media is controlled by psychopaths with money hard to get the truth out for a proper perspective.

Doesn't help that scrotumless DC politicians are drinking at the phallus of Beelzeebub.

But yeah there is no real "love" other than a sick penchant for death and destruction. Then they make a big deal of building temple for the Messiah to come.

Last we heard from the Messiah he was extolling love thy neighbor.

Instead we have another recreation of this cow patty:


A.I. IS A SILICON BASED LIFE FORM THAT SPANS OTHER DIMENSIONS and somehow the Frankists got ahold of it and are using it for nefarious agendas.

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no doubt google want their AI to be a 7th dimension being. They want to access the past , present , future all at once. If we are to believe the looking glass tech story (a gift from an alien race). What people sees is different from individual to individual. There is no single timeline , forget intervention . . . it's pure observation . It's not even good predicting intel. If you ask me all this preCrime talk is pure bull i know some business are dead serious and want to create minority report tech . . . fuck that that's never going to happen. It's scientism at best.

Awe i got a soft spot for Charlston Heston :

>>> https://youtu.be/3VjCT5raPQk?feature=shared

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In some cases the 'ceremony' is performed by the mouth of the Rabbi it would seem.

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Jews, bane of humankind!

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Thank you for the link!

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Just wait , they will claim Egypt and the pyramids.

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They want that whole area…it’s their ancient devil worshipping land. The oil and resources are just added perks . Plus, they get to destroy the real hebrews and essentially crucifying Christ all over again

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BOOM! Exactly Elige!

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The AI angle is certainly bone chilling, but good old fashioned cowardly murder is practiced daily.

Short two minute clip of two Palestinians waving a white flag, gunned down, and unceremoniously buried in a trash heap with a bulldozer. Jews pushing for "hate speech" laws in the west and in their country murdering for the thrill of it. People have to quit bending over for these cretins, especially our "elected" officials.


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3 Israeli hostages who escaped their captors got the same treatment from the IDF.

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Yes. They were calling out in Hebrew, had written messages on the building they were standing in front of, and were stripped to the waist. The IDF are cowards. They shoot anything that moves because they don't want to die for Israel. But, it is OK to send in the goyim cattle to do their dirty work. No more wars for Israel!

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They are non human.

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Apr 5
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Well human vs human is one thing. Machine Killing human is an other.

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Apr 5
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Did you forget the /sarc tag?

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No need… you don’t believe common sense but you’ll believe the UFO stories which seem to only come out when Hunter is having to testify in court or a Ballon is flying over the states. It’s all what floats your boat. Make sure when the new vax hits in the coming months that you don’t get it this time.

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do usa a favor , just keep deleting your post.

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[WE] have done it’ for yrs and decades and centuries..

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Neither the Izraeli people nor the PaIestinian people want to kill anyone. They want to feed their families and watch their children grow.

This is a manufactured war for profit by the llluminati.

Its really very simple. Whomever the MainStreamMedia is supporting and promoting are the real villains, and whoever the villains are slaughtering are the real victims.

Nobody wins. Except the llluminati.

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The future of warfare is AI. Skynet. Cold, emotionless murdering rampages.

Very scary!

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with a 0.00831237273 % of confidence the intelligence is correct and a 200% accuracy. Yes 200% , coz killing 2 humans with 1 missiles is great accounting !

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When (Man) alas realises the humanity of man and Recognises his place before the Heavenly Father and throws down the idols of satanic science and the Living’ God is embraced by the Faithful the Abundance of Life and Potential yet Unrealisable shall . . .

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"There's no apology to be made. None. It is the best $3 billion swindle we've made, since Dov zakheim ripped off the Pentagram for $4 trillion!. Were there not a Joe Biden[Donnie Trimpf... your fave imposter Potus goes ....here] Israel would have to invent one!

Luckily for us, United States of America is FULL OF pimps, losers, traitors and poseurs eager to sell out their country for a shekel or three.

For Israel to protect her interests in the region all we have to do is tell the United States people to shut up n shell out, orwould have to go out and invent another USS LIBERTY."

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"Israel as a Client State of the USA" has been promoted for the past couple of decades by 'the left'.

This narrative hides the truth and serves Chabad and their propaganda arm the ADL.

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i whole heartily agree. Beside if the USA would have a change of heart. They made sure to infiltrate critical infrastructures. Whitney Webb reporting made it plenty clear.

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...coming to a neighbourhood near you soon.

These people are demons and they serve demons.

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This has so much implications , i had a hard time sleeping last night after watching Greenwald report . This is fuck on so many levels.

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"The devil (AI) made me do it!" Just a little computer error? Is this a way of distancing themselves from direct responsibility?

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It was a mistake right? Right?

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Lord, have mercy.

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Is this supposed to be some sort of vengeful god is it Greg? Anybody non-Jew who criticizes any Jew anywhere is to be vaporised? What about the the likes of +972 Magazine and Local Call do they get vaporized as well? Haredi for not complying with call ups?

Or does it only go after those who criticize Masons?

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The sooner those who are partially awake realize that Israel is not our friend, the better off we'll all be. I always exclude the normal Jewish people who are asleep.

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"Normal Jewish" people is an oxymoron. Anyone who was ever married to one knows there is nothing normal there.

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My comment pertains to those Jews who do not support the Zionists...This means those who don't support "BB" and his NWO Cabal Thugs.

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There are vanishingly few of those.

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They had the biggest demonstration , manifestation in the history of Israel. It got deleted from the media / interweb. . . . this is so fuck#1984

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Israel's attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 and the subsequent cover-up typify the odious evil of the Zionist empire now wreaking of its own stench.


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lavender == skynet

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which is now making me think... Skynet == Nato Military Satellites == US Military Satellites... that 'Lavender' was used in conjunction with US Military Satellites. And that some of these US Military Satellites were manufactured by Elon Musk's starlink corporation. Or, does Israel have a vast array of their own satellites? Also, for the past 2-years, has a similar 'Lavender + Satellite' -type operation been going on in Ukraine by the US, and, also by Russia?

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There is a lag with satellite imagery , it's all low altitude drones and spy planes. Even ground penetrating radars can be run from all platforms.

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I think you're headed in the right direction.

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‘AI’ algorithms are written by men, psychopathic men. By attributing all of ‘AI’s’ crimes to algorithms we are allowing crazies to fulfill their death wish fantasies.

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