You're the best Greg. I love your reports. I'll be sending this to my friends. The UN is one of the most nefarious organisations imaginable. But people fund it thinking it's about unity of nations like it states but of course nothing could be further from the truth. It's about unity under world government, where everyone is the same. That's how eugenicists operate - they love uniformity, sterility and lockstep. The ones pulling the strings are inbreds and that leads to insanity so we are allowing mentally sick people to run the world. As we can see from all the pollution, the UN has done nothing to improve the world, it's all just marketing.

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AMEN, Just more sociology-Ingeneering. Anthony C Sutton research made the connection between Wall street money and the Bolshevik and the National-Socialist. We have been fooled

TODAY they are pushing a Mao cultural revolution inside the Americas.

spoiler: there's no utopia at the end of this Rainbow Flag.

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Perfectly said Denise!! I wish more people would realize what you just wrote down is so very true. They are inbreds and insane....that's why they are pushing this agenda so damn fast. More people need to wake up in order to stop the NWO agenda!!!!

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

I bet my left nut that in 2017 , when David Rockefeller died, Some kind of will / plan got activated. I wouldn't be surprise David had an aversion to Grump. I Wish someone would come forward with the information. Afteral Cecil Rhoad will made the rounds and wasn't a "secret" more like a token of legitimity for those who would continued the work.

When you think about it. Ag 2021 is really the product of a "monopolist" mind. What do you pursue when money is worth nothing. OR What is the step after "money" ?

The UN is subversive and illegitimate. They stopped the progress of Canada and kept the Canadians living standard low on purpose, it is revolting. Canada and Russia have been kept down. The resources on the cheap , a competent workForce for 80Cents on the Dollar. NOW 62Cents..... . . .

Fuck you with your equity, there is no Justice. Just us. The Russians got their act together. They put their resources profit towards their people. That's Why they hate them. Climate change Co2 has nothing to do with it.

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Well said!!! And spot on!! We have been taught to hate Russia all these years for a reason. Pure propaganda been spewed to me all my damn life, and EVERYTHING is a lie!!!!

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if we all wake up 1 person , This will stop!

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The only thing every single person I try to wake up thinks I'm just a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, and won't listen.

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Imagine if we started using a money system that we the people designed and made for our benefit, and used it fairly commonly - it would leave the banker's money valueless as it grew. We need to get started.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

They want us to believe the economy is that small shrinking pie, WHAT a lie. Growing the pie to the benefice of everyone is possible. We NEVER had pure capitalism. Give 120k (enough discretionary income) per person per year. Participate, finance, good ideas or not. If everyone has enough the system will organize itself. State will shrink, bad business will go bust. Am not talking about communism, Just as you play monopoly : pass go, collect. see you next turn/year. The only taxe you need is one to prevent monopoly and cartels; bigger the business the more friction u need to keep it in check. If you don't want to play; do your thing but There will be an incentive for those who want to.

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The clincher is that the money system itself creates a colossal shortfall. For every dollar put into the economy, many multiples of it add to the debt. It's really amazing sleight of hand economics. Giving people money is silly because money is supposed to represent work, effort, energy. This money system just ain't cutting it. We need to get off it and use a money system that represents a true measurement. We need a scientific money system or we're cactus.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

The never ending debt cycle, with counterfeit money. The system has to work for the common folks. Its about giving power to the citizens. You vote everyday with your $$$.

They want to convince us money has a cost ... that's the psyops. 100$ can't cost 133$, for those who caught up on the con, they came up with inflation and deflation ? Its still the same con make you used to see increasing number for the same purchasing power.

The idea is to have private formation of capital and remove single point issuer choke hold, energy or credits same thing.

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Exactly, it's a con from start to finish. The money con. Even the idea of being gold backed is a con. It has absolutely no meaning to a money system. A money system is just a game we agree to play. We can always agree to play another game at least partially till we wean ourselves off this stinking game.

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Lockstep was my awaken moment. So many countries don't like America and NATO, yet all obeyed the covid fear porn.

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It’s interesting that the United Nations use a flat earth map as their flag, although they deny that . think they know something most people don’t???

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well its a creative outlook. but yet you can't see it. It is hidden in plain sight. 👁️⃤

Its a top-down perspective. TOP DOWN like in a Hierarchy.

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You’re probably right , But these parasites still know the Earth is motionless and flat

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100$ operation highJump revealed lots of interesting things. , , 😉

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You are confusing ball with disk. Two very different things .

Look at the sun and the moon and tell me if you see ball or round image?

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You should direct the sense comment to yourself.

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I found some maps on a smart city website talking about farm land. The green area is where the best food can grow in the US. That’s where the train wreck was.

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A wise philosopher once said man would either be governed by God or by tyrants.

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or govern himself? i like that one better.

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Not exactly true... I believe Agenda 21 was initiated in 2021, as planned. It rang in with the vax, and the beginning of a massive depopulation from the vax.

Also the destruction of he Georgia Guide Stones signified there would be no more warnings.

For some bizarre reason, these evildoers feel that if humanity is told of the coming crimes they intend to commit against humanity, no mater how cryptic or illusive, and humanity does nothing to avert their crimes, they are justified to do as they please.

True to form, we are always given hints of their impending crimes, and have done little to stop or punish these demons.

Is it a psychopath's insane reasoning, or is it a reasoning of a different kind...?

Is humanity really that oblivious and mind controlled, or is humanity so deeply infected by evil..?

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AGENDA 2021 : Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.

People have been fighting this shit for 30 years. like..... ALEX JONES. Watch his documentaries


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Well aware thanks... It's going to be a rough seven years if we don't exterminate those few that intend to exterminate us all.

2030 is when they expect to complete their agenda... They are well on their way in dividing us, killing us and on the way to containing us their easier to manage "smart" cities... like they put cattle in many smaller pens at the meat packing houses before they are systematically slaughtered.

The 500 million they plan to keep will be only willing slaves who will be content to serve, entertain and maintain their planet.

7 years and counting...

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The slaves will have no choice in the matter. They will have no free will. I would much rather be dead than comply.

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I will do all most can do without self destructing... Resist and do not comply... The "beast" need us more than we need the beast... refuse to feed it and it will die.

It wants us to get violent, so that it can justify destroying us..

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Yes... the most selfish and greedy and cruel old blood lines took up the torch from the fallen angels to dominate over, enslave and/or end humanity, and all that is good on this planet.

They are families such as the pay sewers, wrath childs, and the monarchy that are among the families that make up the committee of 300... I hear the genghis khan bloodline is still very active as well..?

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The Borja bloodline

The Breakspeare bloodline

The Somaglia bloodline

Research the following:

The Orsini bloodline

The Conti bloodline

The Chigi bloodline

The Colonna bloodline

The Farnese bloodline

The Medici bloodline

The Gaetani bloodline

The Pamphili bloodline

The Este bloodline

The Aldobrandini bloodline

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I apologize the content is disjointed (no edit feature found once posted). The platform wouldn’t let me copy an image into the message box with the names.

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Greg is the man!!!!@

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He gets me fire up EVERY TIME.

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maybe it is a plain geography or maybe something else, but the map of 2000-2050 by county at 2:52, is very much like the weather modifications maps resulting from geoengineering, the entire west is hot, east is cold. ALso, attached this great summary to my most recent post. THANK YOU GREG!

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Dear Greg, you are the best! This nightmare is real. I can tell from where I live, Italy , these psychopaths are hitting hard!

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Let’s see landing on runway proves it, kites prove it, radar proves it clouds prove it , The law of perspective Proves it , Planes flying level prove it, submarines prove it etc earth is motionless and flat. That Red Bull guy who jumped out of a balloon at a very high altitude and landed exactly where he lifted off from proves it Cannon balls shot up into the air prove it

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Easy to prove both flat and non moving. At least 200 ways to prove beside common sense

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💯🤍 Thanks Greg!

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Good point Greg, land grabbing! THEY did it all before, flood your land, degrade it, you sell it cheap to THEM, move out, THEY fix it, back to high price prime land!

I see what did you mean in your other podcast said 35,000 animals died in Ohio train wreck n where are the bodies?

Rothschild did the same, LIED, the sharemarket would crash, ppl sell their share dirt cheap, he bought them n the carry on.... CON the wealth n power!

100 years old obj.obj.obj. Freemason Marxist Commies Handbook!

ALL WARS AEW FUNDED BY ROTHSCHILD N THEIR FREEMASON CLUB MEMBERS! WWI, WWII n WWIII is WEF-Selected-Branch-Managers aka Governments ATTACK Citizens using bioweapons; WWIII is not that stupid corrupted Ukraine war!

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Gates/Rockefeller, Monsanto/Bayer are key players in that game.

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The gov't kills; Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Oregon State Police, shot and killed, Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum during the 2016 Bundy standoff. Watch this documentary, No Man's Land, about it - read the comments and think how the opinions of those against Bundy then, now might be calibrated in light of the Coviet empire being exposed.


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