Now we know WHY they banned lead paint. Lead keeps the the radiation and frequencies out.

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i know kids who had kidney and liver problem from the paint chips. But you are right easiest faraday cage one can put together in a pinch.

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am very sure those kids were made ill by the pharm biz shots they were forced to get .

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they were 70s kids but yeah today is so much worst ... such a sad state of affairs.

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My German / US army Doc Dad was part of the MASON Pharm experiment that started in the 40's . thankfully he was suicided 10 years ago .. It was all in prep for what has happening the past four years .

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they injected plutonium !!! i still cant get over that one. . . .


The Human Plutonium Injection Experiments

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masterpeace can remove all heavy metals 60% within 35 days. Graphene Oxide 90% within 35 days see my post https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?login=success&ref=10015

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ouch, that hurts

yes, this goes back far...worldwide "flu like" pandemic in 2020 was a set and announced agenda by the late fifties, as per govt. released for tv "science educational video". Deborah Tavares at stopthecrime.net has that one.

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IT was two of my six year med classmates, and housemates, who did that research and made waves about it at the Roxbury Hospital that the University used.I believe it was called Boston City Hospital. In the" black slum" of Boston at the time, of course.

Foucault's "Birth of The Clinic" records how it was so from the beginning of the teaching hospitals/clinics. They experimented on the poor, to benefit the rich. Not what I call "benefits", but there you have it.

The lead paint ingestion most affected their brains. Heavy metals are the most common factor in all "mental illnesses". The Canadian Psychiatric Association revealed this in a book published many years ago titled "Nutrional Healing in Schizophrenia and Other Common Mental Disorders".

There was only one clinic in the US, way up north in the midwest, that did the required blood tests. A few in Canada, at the time. They simply identified and addressed the imbalances caused.

I was later shown some copies of a fabulous Canadian magazine called "'Ad Busters" which did one edition on the psych medications disaster. One cover read "Mad World", the other cover, upside down to the first, read "Mad Pride". Both this and the book had many accounts of experience, including in the book a doctor who decided to take a dose of the Haldol he was prescribing, which those who have experience with say makes them feel like "walking dead". No control over their functions, any of them. He was so blown away that he quit the pharm prescribing altogether, and testified .

So much poisons it's crazy. The MTBE in the gasoline makes for marked aggression. How about spending fifty years with a mouth/head full of mercury, the second most deadly poison known to humans? And all these crap chemical "products" everyone buys and uses. Shampoos with etherizing chemicals, gag. "Cleaners" guaranteed to kill kill kill. Suicidal madness.

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Oh man such a great point , those fucking doctors need to experience the shit they are putting people trough ., used to be like that and the world wasn't going off the rail like today. We need to weed out the wacko, fucking lab coat cult "can do no harm" what a load of shit. Can you believe fucking kids fresh of the university thesis pleading to hire psychopath nurse coz empathy is a problem ? They are asking for Angels of death killing healthy people with injection on a whim . . . More generation woke non sens.

>>>> https://www.amazon.ca/Psychopath-Factory-Capitalism-Organizes-Empathy/dp/1910924407

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"we need to weed out"! You just answered your own question!!

I've been "weeding the horseshit out of my mind and life" for fifty four years! The Sacred Herb can help all to just turn their backs on those freaks and take care of ourselves, as we've learned to over the millions of years we've been messing around here.

Don't be so critical of the generations. You can only be SIXTEEN when you ARE sixteen ; you can't be fifty. And even Leonard Cohen in his eighties began a concert by relating how the last time he'd been in that place, he'd been a "young foolish whippersnapper" in his sixties.

So it goes. We were all there, and someday we'll look back on ourselves now and think....!??!

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Is lead paint even available to buy anymore?

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I THINK you can, I was fortunate enough to find some powdered lead a few years back & mix in my paint.

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I do wonder what powdered lead would be put in besides paint? I suspect putting it into paint may be illegal in some states, if not all. I know if it's discovered on homes that are being renovated, it must be removed by an environmental company before the town will allow the home to be touched by a renovator.

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Yes, It's illegal in some states because it helps shield from being spied on. Of course the gov WANTS it out of & off your homes. AND they want a pretty penny to have it abated.

Ever wonder WHY it was still legal in our gas LONG after it became illegal in our homes? Some states STILL have good gas! It' all a SCAM & SHAM.

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I'm not saying this is not true, however, children have died from eating lead paint. But this DOES bring up a sort of similar topic...lead in the drinking water in Flint, MI, Indiana and many other areas. Children ARE drinking this water. Odd there are no longer any reports on this issue, when it was a big deal a few years ago. Wasn't it in Indiana where the Mayor & Governor approved the local disgustingly polluted river water to be piped directly into homes? We hear nothing about that anymore and I doubt the issues it caused were corrected.

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Anywhere but HERE ! of course hahaha

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I wonder if magnetic paint would help. I used it as a partial wall to use for chalk and allow magnets to stick.

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Hi Dawn: It was Jeannettecally Modified that was interested in the Lead Paint issue...not me. I just responded to hear posts. However, what you offered as a suggestion would probably interest others...so thanks:)

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You can buy sheets of lead too. check out www.marshield.com for a variety of leaded products.

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Thanks for that info but I have no need for any lead products.:)

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I bought MasterPeace but I read an article from Dr Ana Mihalcea that some of the ingredients cause the same poisons we are trying to remove to become more enhanced. So. I never started it. She wrote about it in her substack last month. She also talks about how other injectables are dangerous. I have to have a buildup and crown next month and she's found the same nanobots in dental anesthetics as the covid shots. I am so afraid to get this done that I may just go around with a broken tooth.

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Hi Danna When I go to the dentist, I do not ever get freezing, no matter what. You can train yourself to get out of the body and not feel any pain, or less pain. We, are divine creations can do anything we desire. It may take time....perhaps a month with daily application. Find a mentor, if you choose. And you will feel liberated, too. Or, you can do the freezing and know that you are of divinity and nothing of the lesser can harm you. Yeshua came here as as simple man to show us who we are and how to ascend out of 3D. Do you think that if Yeshua drank a bottle of Mountain Dew laced with Graphene Oxide, that it would affect Him in any way.? Ask for assistance. All is well in my world. I AM of the Divine and anything lower than that ,spins out of my Dominion. Cast all fear aside and be who you are Divine Love, standing in Divine Truth and wielding Divine Power. I L L U M I N A T E! Nothing can touch you. Nothing can affect you adversely when you know who you truly are. Cast out all fear. You are Divine Love.

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Here is a link to counteract your quote from Dr. Ana Mihalcea: tps://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/what-are-the-four-s-s-when-evaluating-any-zeolite-construct?utm_campaign=83ea30a7-1a2d-4098-a3d7-0ef3e979fb4b&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&cid=6d108e20-dc19-4f9f-8959-9bc6ad7a3ad9

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My old-timer dad was always skeptical about that ban. When it was brought up, he would retort "Lead oxide and linseed oil!"

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Titanium dioxide is white !!!

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In food products+

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Good to know. We'll have decorator colors!

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Absolutely! Funny that you say this, as I was accused by a glober that I must have eaten too much lead paint as a child, but immediately retorted with “Do you have any idea why they banned lead paint?”

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I’ve been saying this for years.

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My understandingvis that leadPaint can still be found.

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Apr 1
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I did a deep dive into this when my daughter was “lead poisoned” at age two. The paint companies blamed poor parenting (kids eating paint chips) but the poisoning came from opening and closing our windows, which would turn the dried paint into a dust that her little body would then inhale.

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Apr 7
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Her little body was more susceptible, I suppose. But I didn’t test myself. It was part of a program my city (Portland, Me) did for people who owned “older” homes and who had children. They (the city) paid to have our home lead remediated. My son, six, had detectable levels, but within the “normal” range. Hers were higher than “acceptable.” Apparently, any detectable levels are not ok—according to some research I did. But I found out that the lead paint companies knew it caused damage so created a campaign about children eating paint chips so they could blame poor parenting, rather than take responsibility for the toxicity of their products.

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Mar 31
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Right on, 60GigaHertz!!

About a week ago, Sabrina Wallace( psinergy.org,Odysee.com and Rumble.com) said the divine immune system is 80% electro-magnetic. In other words the human Aura…BioField…Vibrational Therapy…

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Apr 8
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Hello, I also have receding gums causing me many problems. Would you kindly tell me how to get the frequencies to correct this problem? Thank you very much. My email address is margomix@gmail.com

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look into Dr. Barbara O'Neill so much common sense she was likely "suicided" from this realm because of her approach....

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Apr 17
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Thanks for responding and I agree about getting off of gmail! I am working on it.

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I gave it 30-minutes before commenting b/c the rage meter pegged and bent the needle. There's a very very small percentage of men and women who have been onto this for decades, dare I say millennia, and individually we have been warning you, to the point of pleading tears to join in with us, resist their tricks and not comply - but no - you complied - and it makes you complicit - and through your collective compliance you've made it child's play for (((them)) to take our lives.

(((They're))) NOT human. Human: hue man ='s the hue of a man. Your auric field beams a frequency of light identifying you as a man/woman. (((They))) do not have the same field, (((they))) are not on the same frequency, there is no love of man in (((them))). (((They))) HATE us. (((They))) are the aliens. (((They))) are the destroyers - and (((they))) tell you right to you face:

From Chapter 9 of YOU GENTILES by Maurice Samuels (Pub 1924)

"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build." ['God' for these psychopaths is actually Lucifer, affirmed by Zionist Harold Rosenthal in his 1976 interview with Walter White Jr. -Ken Adachi]

Who is (((their))) god? What are (((their))) practices? Robert Sepehr captured it masterfully in his work 1666 Redemption Through Sin. [You won't read it, you're too busy.] Dr. Francesca Stavrakopoulou defined (((their))) god in her tome, God: An Anatomy. [You won't read it.]

During a livestream yesterday, Jason Breshears - a man who turned pages for 26-years in prison in an effort to uncover the puzzle of this plane, stated that the Talmud is the most anti-human book ever written.

And you refuse to see it. Even if you pull up an image of these monsters: Rabbi Schmuley Boteach - the butt plug Sabbatean Frankist, Harvey Weinstein - the ogre rapist, Jacob Rothschild - the freak usurer. George Soros - agent of ruin, Jena Griswold - Victoria Nuland - Janet Yellen all goblin witch freaks - and yet, you'll run to (((their))) defense and scream "Antisemite" for (((them))). It's stunning. You dismiss your external mechanism of sight informing your internal mechanism identifying a hazard and by-pass this question: Would you leave your child alone with any of (((them)))?

To quote an open question from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky written in The Secret Doctrine, ". . . . whatever a Jew is?"

"Jew" is a word - Sabbatean Frankist and Chabad Lubavitch are religions for extreme perverts (see the shit stained mattresses pulled out of (((their))) temple in Brooklyn).

'Ogre' - 'freak' - 'troll' - 'monster' - 'vampire' - use those descriptors - teach your children what they look like, where they reside in government, medicine, media, money, technology and explain they want to kill everything not them off the planet. Could it be anymore clearer than what was discussed in this podcast?

Mayorkas? He's not Greek. Neither is Albert Bourla. (((They're))) freaks, haters of humanity.

I'm done - - -

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I find no fault in anything you've said here. I've known about this evil for a very long time. Hence, when the BS COVID-19 hit, I never wore a mask. I never locked down. I never social distanced. I never bathed in hand sanitizer and I NEVER got any of those DeathJABS. I have, also, NEVER gotten any of those flu shots or any others they have recommended over the years. I don't understand why people don't read the ingredients that go into those JABS. WHY is the second most toxic element (Mercury) on Earth put into all those JABS they want you to get? WHY is Aluminum (a metal) that goes right through the blood brain barrier straight to the brain, used in those JABS, where 40 year olds are now coming down with Alzheimer's? WHY is Formaldehyde, a carcinogen and used to EMBALM dead people used in those JABS? Hmm...preparation for when you ARE dead?

Any THINKING person would refuse all of them. Instead...they roll up their sleeve and get their annual flu "vaccine" every year. All the non-thinking people need to do, to wise up, is look around at all of the sick people they encounter in their everyday lives. But they don't. I find that very disturbing.

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It's called the Mockingbird program and cognitive dissonance. AND some of them made a contract before embodying that they would do that, to volunteer? So, they may save others from getting the jab? We don't have the big picture. Everything you wrote, I did the same thing. But then again, my role is different than those who agreed to take the jab for the sake of others.

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yeah... they were used and abused and guilt tripped and tortured into it, 'for grandma or grandpa's sake.' It's tragic how their love for their elder relatives was used and abused.

I have no kids but tell every young person who'll iisten, DON'T take vax jabs for ANY of us elders, it's all bullshit and lies. and if you took even one, take no more. Such lies and harms to humanity; I feel sick with grief or anger a lot of the time.

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I read an interesting article some years ago about some health research that had been done. Seems that one thing found was the multitudes of US folks who were on...chronically...three to eight medications, considered themselves well and "healthy".

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Brainwashed into believing they're healthy. I'm sure they believe they'll die healthy, too.

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no doubt....someone else will have "done it to them", but they'll never figure out just WHO...Death always comes as a surprise, and you won't go if it ain't your time, and if it is, you can count on it.

Their Churches, States, Militaries, Cystems, all the overbearing crap, their buildings even attempt to defy death from a deep hatred of embodiment. They feel "stuck" in bodies. They want to go back to being mental constructs travelling for how long? how long? in a "spaceship", some kinda "time travel", that's what they know themselves as. They preach constantly the "superiority" of the disembodied intellect, rationality, cold and hard and cutting; splitting all of the creation, the wholeness into separated "parts"; castigating emotional knowledge, intuition, anything that cannot be seen or touched or measured. They hate it here, 'cause they don't belong. It's their original sin to have tried for so long to "break the species barrier", and Monsanto and GMO's and all the horror tech is their crap.

We can't imagine the pain and darkness of those boxes of cogninitive dissonance they live and hide in. The terrified hobbits.

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Check this WAPO article from 1997 Despite Madeleine Korbel Albright being an holocaust survivor , she killed 1 million Iraqi babies. JUST SAYING !😎 , Ya all know I don't believe in collective punishment but the list of Crazy with Jewish heritage doing the worst thing we can imagine is getting long .


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But a hint on the dimensions of subversion, infiltration and control:


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Every single time technology got transfer to China , Israel was the middle man. They said they don't care if the US drops them(Bibi) Fucking Rockefeller NWO . . .

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"Every single time . . . "

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good find thnx for the link. Its so fucking mainline and YET its the greatest conspiracy, . . .

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Apr 1
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Mar 31
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Our reality has been a fucking lie hahahhahah and AI is the new nightmare. Sigh hehehheheh

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Mar 31
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You want to stay away from the 4th dimension Astral plane. That's where the demons reside. It is full of negative energy and beings with no soul. These are the controllers of our realm. This is where the afterlife resides. It is trick to keep you trapped in 3rd dimension reality. That's what reincarnation is, a recycling of your energy into yet another cycle of providing these demons with the negative energy they need to survive. Fear, anxiety, pain, loss, despair, regret, guilt etc. all nourish them. YOU are a divine spark. A true god but you have been fooled into participating in this ruse again and again in countless ways that keep you agreeing to come back. You want to bypass the Astral entirely. The 5th dimension and higher are God realms where the demons cannot reach you. That's where you want to go. You can break this cycle if you want to. There is a lot of information on the topic if you look. Search avoiding the reincarnation trap to learn more.

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Yup,Would be nice to skip the 4th and go directly to the 5th.Energetic synthesis is becoming my bible.A true God would never demand being worshipped,period.Religion was created by aliens to hide their control over humanity. Then we also have what are called black hole entities by Lisa Renee, The entire human race has been brainwashed.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Satanic

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Yes, indeed The Christ Consciousness. The original word for Christian was Christiam ChristIAM and yes, you are

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It is all saddening, maddening. And too often it's the messenger who is shot down.

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Don’t rile up the reptiles!

Mysterious Nagas: Serpent People Who Live In Secret Underground Cities


Tracing the origins of the Serpent Cult


Cultural Destruction and the Khazarian Mafia


Eustace Mullins · The Neo Zionist Order


Zelenskyy says wants Ukraine to become a ‘big Israel’


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So if I am a gardener who loves garter snakes and snakes in general because it's not THEIR fault that humans vilify all snakes because the bible said so - am I a reptilian? Please. Stop calling the evil ones 'animals,' 'reptiles,' 'snakes." At least make up a word for what they are - because they are NOT of earth's nature.

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I'm always saving garter snakes and I just lost a pet corn snake to I think cancer. Was horrible. It was my son's and of course he never took care of it. He was sweet. I do find myself irritated by people calling reptiles evil.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Corn snakes are beautiful. I think of these snake- creatures as gifts from the Universe. It's thrilling to observe a wild creature going about its business or just resting.

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The Nagas, Divine Serpents of Vedic and Hindu lore, represent the basic elemental forces of electricity and electric fields, electro-magnetic. Serpents navigate electromagnetically, so do navigating birds of course, but serpents hug the ground the most, they are the most in touch with the electrical forces emanating from the planet itself, not out of the sky.

Vishnu, the force of the maintenance of the creation, had for a throne the great Sheesh Naga. His coils are Vishnu's throne, and his multiple hoods are the electro=magnetic fields and plasmas which keep planets from colliding, and people from "getting in one another's face. " Also called an "aura".

Oooh, thanks for this!! I just had a strong thought about this "reptilian" discourse.

It's all so linked. Enjoy your garden, and give thanks for it. And never, ever move a snake.

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sometimes i find myself wanting to stay on a 'stack because a commenter lightens things up in an educational way and through different viewpoints and perspectives. So thank you for this fascinating and helpful info about snakes, earth electro-magnetism, and Vishnu. Thinking about how everything is linked is a happy thought for me - as well as never moving a snake! we all coexist in our comings and goings; if anything, I move for them.

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Love you handle and your perspective. Yes, all linked, and that fascinates my octopus mind also.

Thunderbolts Project/Electric Universe is a treasure. As well as the myths of indus/vedic astrology, if you know how to separate the cultural from the real.

For more on snakes, and a truly fascinating discussion every time, go to Pai Team videos on the nakshatras, done for KRS AStrology channel, and listen to one of the "bollywood blockbusters" as they laughingly refer to it, the four person, maybe five, discussion of the asterism/moon mansion/nakshatra of Ashlesha.

Don't worry too much about the terminology, get what you can from it. Or bone up a bit with Ryan Kurczak's free online courses, just keep your own mind about it all.

One of my stacks back there shows you how to pull up your own sidereal/relating to fixed stars natal chart. Or a chart really for any time, event, whatever.

Again, it only makes sense to move for a snake, serpent, naga. When living through respect. the tales told worldwide testify to a time when these electromagnetic forces were out of control.

Start in Thunderbolts with the series "Symbols of An Alien Sky". It is guaranteed to blow your mind. The "astrologers" for the most part have been avoiding it, as it upsets their "apple carts". They'd have to actually rethink a bit, and their money stream doesn't want to. Yet.

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I'm talking about large bi-pedal lizards; how about if I call them dragons so as not to offend your sensibilities.

Ancient Reptilians: The Unanswered Mystery of the 7,000-Year-Old Ubaid Lizardmen


Is Jacob Rothschild a reptilian alien with an elongated head like the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt?


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language far from suffices since it's so limited and we humans, so anthropocentric. I'm not really offended; I just notice that many people like to box-in or pigeonhole things like black denotes 'bad', white denotes ' good' and snakes are 'bad' etc.

Such limiting beliefs. I get it that these things look like lizard bipeds. How about we call them that? More accurate! Or better yet - monster aliens? doesn't matter. I don't think i'm staying on this substack. i came to listen to the talk and realized, not for me.

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The dragon symbology is all over the world but especially China and Great Britain,google dragons guarding london.The dragons are the reptilians and the reptilians are humanities enemy going back many thousands of years.Pause the video at 15;22 if you want to see them, Also around 20:20 is disturbing,https://rumble.com/v3ab5y4-the-blue-aether-by-marcia-ramalho-reloaded-08.07.2021.html

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@Tom well said. Look at what’s happening in Gaza!! Who are the real subhumans? I’ll check Jason’s podcast!

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I agree 100% with this. They are the seed of the serpent. Have you read: The Two Seeds of Genesis 3.15 by Charles Le Mange?

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No I haven't read it. I've been through a thorough analysis of Genesis 1:26/27 vs. Genesis 2:7. Genesis 3:15 is from the "god" that created the "man" (clay people) in Genesis 2:7, or the chosen of Deuteronomy 7. Here's a tool no searcher should be without, if you already use it, great, then the reader who doesn't can download a free copy - leave the guy a tip if you're so driven to and can afford it: https://e-sword.net/downloads.html

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than you for that link. it will be very useful if i want to look into all the references used in The Two Seeds book, and a whole lot more it looks like.

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The most useful/important feature is with a click on the KJV+ tab, the Strong's Concordance reference #, beginning w/ H for the OT & G for the NT, will display by hovering the cursor over the number or by clicking on it. Have fun learning the difference between 'God' (as in Gen 1:1) and the 'LORD' 'God' (as in Genesis 2:7) and what 'nations' means, as in Deut. 7:1 - it's eye opening, mind gaping if you're ready or not.

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funnily enough, i read genesis 1 - 3 again this morning and looked closely again at the terms used for 'god' and noted the change from 1 into 2. this is something that i had clocked onto previously and wondered about the significance of it. as i sat there mulling it over this morning, i wondered if the god in gen 2 is a 'non divine' god and/or that means that the human creations in gen 1 and gen 2 are differing... so thankyou, i will enjoy following your recommendations.

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Well if you think we have ever been told the truth about anything,the biblical texts might have some true information but since it's not the whole truth not wasting my time to solve those riddles.https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3906-awakening-beyond-humanity-as-sinners

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I just bought 1666 to begin reading. What is the significance of God-An Anatomy?

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It is a companion academic thesis underpinning 1666. She explores - - - I'll let you read the review and decide for yourself if you'd benefit from it in discussion with die hard Christian Zionists who have no clue about their belief and what it actually supports, which is rather disgusting and dehumanizing.

EX: Deu 7:1  When the LORD ((H3068 - Yahweh)) thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations ((H1471 gôy gôy go'ee, go'-ee Apparently from the same root as H1465 (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation; hence a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts: - Gentile, heathen, nation, people)) before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou; 

So there it is, we're nothing more than a troop of animals in Yahweh's eyes. I'm from NY, they call us goy to our faces, say it loud enough to be heard - we're here to serve them. It's in the Talmud - and the Bible.


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Thank you very much.

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Are they not human? .. or do they work for the not human? (As Jason says)

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Mar 31
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lol You are correct. Your hair is basically fiber optics, an antenna. They found that out during WWII. The Scouts that went ahead of the platoon had to have longer hair. There was a distinct margin of psychic ability increase with longer hair.

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remember Samson.....and Delilah?

and Leonard Cohen...."she broke your throne, she cut your hair"...Halleluia

And Crosby Stills and Nash, "Don't go try to get yourself elected, 'cause if you do you'll have to cut your hair."

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Different story now I think,your hair is an antenna for the nano technology.By the way Dr Ana Mihalcea (Humanity united now)has wrote about zeolite saying it could assist the nano self replication,self assembling tech.It is very interesting that it contains marine plasma,that might make a difference.Regardless as far as I know they have only tested it on 3 people,Dr.Young take it himself though.I'll wait until they do more testing.In the meantime I'm leaning Laura Eisenhower's life force light tech and Dr.Ana's Med five EDTA.

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Here is a link for further research: tps://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/what-are-the-four-s-s-when-evaluating-any-zeolite-construct?utm_campaign=83ea30a7-1a2d-4098-a3d7-0ef3e979fb4b&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&cid=6d108e20-dc19-4f9f-8959-9bc6ad7a3ad9

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Yes that is true; 3 subjects. They are currently expanding that and with placebo.

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Apr 1
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Are you the Scout for your platoon? lol. I would only do that if my life was on the line.

Just blast your Christ Light. I L L U M I N A T E. who you truly are. The hair thing is not of utmost importance. Who you truly are is.

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Then you know it isn't you - it's for the complicit that come in here that sleep walked into the hell they supported blindly with their vote, their $, their faith, their children whom they handed over to them for indoctrination, and their words.

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By registration of the birth certificate we are slaves,bonded at birth.It's now a million dollar bond issued on the global stock exchange.They take our footprints(Souls) and send it to the vatican.That's after the take a little snippet of placenta DNA.they create us as a corporate fiction with that DNA and we the people are all dead people

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Something like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP9ZKVwiJ-E

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During COVID they were installing 5G all over, in street lights and bus stops, etc…

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LockdownsWereAbout rapid5G install. TrumpKnew this too.

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5G is a weapon. They will use frequencies to mass murder, aka depopulate the useless waters.

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Please remember 45 fans , it was tRUmppe who did that install , illegally, without our consent , along with his warp sped in poke juice . He is far from innocent ,as a 33rd degree pedo mason, his real name is drumph and he is related to hitler . just another demonic puppet . TOXIC TRACKING PURPLE LED BULBS .... THINK

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Thank you Heather. The pink-pilled believe Trump because the pink-pilled don't research.

So they have no idea who runs this planet.

The genealogy of the Bloodlines tells everything we need to know about the EviI that runs this planet, and more importantly HOW they do it.

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incest president vampires , so fun huh , for THEM ?

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Read this.


Then compare maps of CV hot spots and maps of live 5G installations.

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Schools too.

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4 years of INFOWARS in 45 mins . . . . it pack a punch tho.

Too short. want money back. reeeEEEeeee 🐸😎

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For a deeper dive in transhuman agenda: Clifford Carnicom's 24 yrs of research - https://carnicominstitute.substack.com/p/synthetic-biology-and-the-cross-domain

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In case you all missed it Cliff went on Alex Eclipse special. I would not be surprise Cliff goes on a full Alex show. Would be nice to see .

>>> https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=66062179b0f994f1e4bb0a88

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Mar 31Edited

Here's one more for you: These f'n maniacs are going to do a Numbers 19:2 red heifer ritual during the eclipse, and this f'n IDIOT christian jackass is supplying not one red heifer - but FIVE and flew them to Israel for them to do it!


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Yeah that's why they are drumming up the martial law drill , maybe US muslims will go ape shit. If the native US pop don't engage in killing each other(fake civil war) , the good old Muslims usual suspect will get it! , Man , they*(NWO) are ruthless.

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What if the April 8th solar eclipse hype is just a distraction from the “real event” – the destruction of the Temple Mount by Israeli Zionists so that they can build their third temple?

From ISIS to Solar Eclipse – Many Americans Now Fear an Imminent “Black Swan” or “False Flag” Attack


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What if it's the excuse for the cyber crash,Hope not because I was thinking around election time,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivDSLsSQl7Y

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The usual suspects created the Schofield Bible

https://christianobserver.net/the-scofield-bible-its-powerful-effect-on-modern-christianity/. I have nothing to do with "Christians" who support Israel's genocide of the Palestinians. I didn't think that genocide was a "Christian value."

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I know all about it carol,rothschilds paid Cyrus Scofield,published by rothschilds oxford press.The sorry truth is religion was created by aliens to hide their control of humanity.Humans have never ever been in control of this planet,https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3906-awakening-beyond-humanity-as-sinners

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Clif High is not Clifford Carnicom.

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I know , am guilty of name dropping! hahahahaha😎

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Todd is great at filling in the pieces of the big picture and that makes it easier for everybody to grok.

I'd like to suggest a 3-5 part series of Q&A between you, and publicize it strongly. Many people are ready for this and now is the time.

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PS love the music, keep pickin!

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Yes please. 👍💪🙏✝️

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Hi Greg,

Nice to hear you playing the banjo again.

So Todd seemed to joke about Germany winning the war. I am gonna say that this is plausible. How many people believe the psyop the Vatican harbored nazi fugitives and sent them off to the USA to work on space science and other scams? Is this concept really believable or have we heard it hundreds of times that it has become a force-fed factoid that we can quote? If we can believe that Ford, Benz and others across the pond invented the automobile around the same time, certainly we should be open minded to realize our country already had space, gravity, and other science programs in play and in step to what the Germans and Russians were already working on. They probably visited and lived in the USA carte blanche before WW2. And perhaps were probably cousins to the Brits. What do you think about that? Ace

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Seems quite plausible to me. My 'Aliens on Earth Part 2' video gets into this stuff a bit.

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You need to watch this :

Dinesh D’Souza talked about his book, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left.

>>> https://www.c-span.org/video/?432094-3/dinesh-dsouza-the-big-lie

>>> https://www.amazon.ca/Big-Lie-Exposing-Roots-American/dp/1621573486

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There is So many stuff made public , it's impossible to make fun of Vladimir Putin for the De-Nazification goal of the SMO. I remember in the 90s every other country were passing laws against it and motions to denounce it.

The German army signed the peace with the allies , the Nazi party never did. During the space races both side were coordinating launches just like they were working the kinks. . . Joseph P Farrell & Daniel Litsz made a solid historical case for it.

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The Nazi's did win the war because Hitler had some kind of a deal with the reptilians.His troops built the underground base in antarctica for them.Admiral Byrd got sent home by the UFO'S. and during the 1952 ufo/white house incident which lasted august 12th to the 29th the white house surrendered.Laura Eisenhower said the surrender was unconditional.I got her new book,also read Len Kastens new book(Alien world order) where he talks about the nazi's.Many started leaving a year before the war was over.This website though, has it all,it's mind boggling.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Spiritual_Warfare

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Hi John,

I searched, "1952 ufo/white house incident", which led me to the Wikipedia article about UFOs that year in and around Washington DC and the White House. This would have been around the time that there was an experimentation with aircraft, hovercraft and anti-gravity craft. I think the fact that a new flying machine would shock the crap out of ordinary citizens it would be very important to filter this category of observers from those that are tippling the Sterno jug if we intend to extract pure facts out of the sludge. Ace

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I googled ufo/whitehouse incident,waste of time as google posted nothing but mainstream.I went 5 pages in and all redundant bullshit from the Gov't,their captured colleges and corporations.For 17 days ufo's were flying over the whitehouse and US military could do nothing about them.Now as it is,most of the advanced US military technology is from the grey aliens.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/NAA

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Greg I listened to your comments on Russia in your recent interview with Scott Ritter and can agree with you 100%. I made the move to Russia in 1991 from the UK, had amazing life changing experiences and made some life long friends and business partners. It is quite a story ! You made a good choice and I look forward to reading some of your Russian insights in time to come.

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Thanks. Are you still here? 1991 must have been quite the adventure here.

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why did you erase my post to help you out.

You nothing about the red heifer. I thought this would be helpful for you - you erased my post so I guess you are ok with censoring people and their speech. You can write me a note if you like. on substack and explain why ?

< BS”D ‘ FYI ‘

Temple Talk: Statute of the Red Heifer!






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Are you talking to me? I don’t erase peoples comments. Never have, never will. I’ve blocked a couple nasty trolls, but I never erase comments.

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Tuvia, your posts are not being removed. I have seen you post this same thing several times here.

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Greg sorry for a belated reply to your message….the answer is no I am not still in Russia but as I said there are many happy memories and yes the 1990’s were really adventurous and I had the privilege to meet many who became key characters before they had established themselves. At that time to do any serious business one required the support from the old guard intelligence services which opened doors to extraordinary situations. I hope you continue to enjoy that amazing country and it’s people. I follow your regular posts with interest.

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Can you post the link to your interview with Ritter or name of that podcast?

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As you describe the Russian people you also the describe similarities of the kind sparkle from the PEOPLE of Navajo Nation in USA. The word Enduring , jumps out at me. My former husband who was full- blood Navajo and spoke the ancient dialect , was terribly abused by the relocating gov/ Mormons who helped steal & destroy their lands , language the souls. And yet their kind sense of humor , artistic talent & skills , over the top brilliant minds, & athletic abilities endure. " THE Enduring NAVAJO " , this book Cover has a picture of his MOM riding a horse with her kids ... endures in my heart . THEY know suffering and genocide , & AGAIN , from the covid cDc lies . Thanks for breaking the brainwash ! good health wishes to you there .~

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Same with First Nation Blackfoot in Canada. F'king Mormons stole their land RECENTLY and the tribe is desperately trying to get the Mormons off their tribal lands, but the system is totally rigged pro-Mormon (Freemasons).

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this "religion " needs their sex abuse sacrifice victims and adrenal chrome ! Tears for your tribe sufferings !! tobacco down prayers UP !

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I shit you not : in case anyone missed it (a few weeks ago).

From ChemicalSafetyFacts.org

-Ascorbic Acid ; (Vitamin C)

Industrial/Manufacturing Uses

Ascorbic acid is used in a range of industrial and manufacturing applications, including as a developing agent and preservative in photo production, and in water purification, where it is used to help remove the taste of iodine in sterilized, potable water. Scientists also use ascorbic acid in fluorescence microscopy, an essential tool to understanding cell biology. In this application, ascorbic acid helps increase fluorescence, making cells more visible to researchers. In plastic manufacturing, ascorbic acid helps bring about the chemical reaction that makes plastic.


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Sabrina Wallace has been literally YELLING this info along with tons of linked documents of PROOF for a LONG TIME >! She survived her own family ( who helped invent this horror story ) & used her as an experiment, SHE knows a lot about the tech end ! Find her on "Psinergy", Odysee platform . SHE is being super harassed and IS a target for spilling this truth . Super smart lady !

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Yes, however she is hard to follow and I have to listen again and again. Being MK'd fragments the mind and thoughts are scattered...similar to Donald Marshall. She is targeted for sure.

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AS am I .. I tried to do an YT interview about my MK ulter journey, done to me by my Psychiatrist ,German army Dad and I just kept looping . So frustrating . They are so clever huh ? But Sabrina does not lie & I certainly get her rage and frustration with public & white coats tech's who want to stay in denial & CRIMINAL acts , who are in support of these crimes against humanity & all life ..

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YES I did get a kick out of it. Can't wait to hear the report. Thank you Greg 😁

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Shungite is the EMF protection “rock”. I need to re-research this material, but I have this. Also check out Obsidian.

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I like vaxx choice you should read this too about that: https://interestofjustice.substack.com/api/v1/file/f52e8eaa-0f43-4f6f-9f5b-b8f82729c31b.pdf The vaccinated now have a bio-weapon in them, you can find details about it here: Viral vectors and carbon particles do the same thing. They are a Bio-Weapon whose function is not understood, or how to remove them, because they are indestructible. Dr. Noack was convinced that the vaccine contains nanoscale graphene oxide particles which can be changed to graphene hydroxide razor blades that cut through the vein causing internal bleeding and death. Dr Noack was killed by 3G (5G) transmission (in Austria) to his body, which changed the injected carbon particles to graphene hydroxide razor blades in his blood, which then killed him over 4 days, because he revealed the bio-weapon that it intentionally is.

Viral vectors and carbon particles

50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca - Astrazeneca now "withdrawn"

40 billion LNPs for Moderna

and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer

Per vaccine shot and for your life


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Masterpeace removes 90% of Graphene Oxide within 35 days. Check out my posts on this platform. https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?login=success&ref=10015 peer reviewed by Dr. Robert Young Bitchute

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Removes 90% of Graphene Oxide from your blood?


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Easy to ask for proof. How about doing your own research on the matter? I am here to show you the door But I am not here to walk you through that door. You can view Dr. Robert Young discussing the product on Bitchute.

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Dr. Robert Young - How is he - he used to have webpages I used to post on - he just suddenly stopped being there anymore.

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Alive and well.

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Good morning Greg 🙏

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RIP Joy, I feel like a kid who got told his goldfish died and got replaced while I was at the summer camp. You should not have told me ! Greg😎

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I still miss Joy. She was stacked and loaded. I just hope her new owner appreciates and respects her. I'll be ordering the next level up from Joy soon. The Recording King RK-Elite. A deep committment to picking.

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I give too much emotional projection to thing , it's definitively the Nordic winter hoarding Gene at work. Despite all this i experience traveling light and it's kinda liberating. Altho it make going back to home base such a joy. Go figure with my contradictions hahahaha.

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Four months without a banjo is a long time Greg! Always great to hear you play.

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Nice pickin’, Reese

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Greg...Todd was giving some great info...but you kept interrupting him. He started to say something about NASA...but...was not able to finish...because.

So many content providers do this. If you have a guest on...let them loose...let them talk.

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Many times the effects, possibilities, applications and dangers of EMF electromagnetic frequencies / waves are mentioned. But this is not to be confounded with the scalar waves. The best explanation is given by Meyl's field theory / vortex physics, see literature of german physicist Prof. Konstantin Meyl.

This theory proves Einstein's relativity theory wrong, the numerous polstulates of quantum physics become obsolete, and it proves that the light speed is not the maximum.

Meyl's field equation is a complete and exact explanation of the transformation of energy into particles back and forth via so called neutrinos, i.e. transformation of waves into vortexes back and forth.

Konstantin Meyl has written many books in german but also english about his field theory plus wrote books about various applications in different categories (physical, engineering, medical,etc.).

The scalar waves and vortex physics have a crucial impact on biological systems, probably way more than EMF alone.

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Just an example about mobile phone radiation: As the electromagnetical waves (Herzt) are dual to the scalar waves (Tesla) the one goes up when the other goes down and vice versa. Thus, when people complained about the emf radiation to be too high, the companies reduced them without mentioning or being aware of the scalar waves getting higher and more dangerous as the latter mess up directly with our biological frequencies.

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Another example is an application of this vortex idea by Dr. Tom Cowan: He wrote a book that the heart and circulatory system are not a pump but a vortex effect that makes the blood flow back and forth or down and up against gravity. This vortex idea also explains way better why the blood pressure is very high in capillaries instead of very low as it should be if it was a pump system.

This combined with Meyl's field theory explains the whole energy and flow principles inside the body, organs and cells.

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hmmm indeed scalar waves NEVER dissipate. Unlike sine waves. The God wave. It's right in front of your face, the yin yang Taoist symbol. Why it is a wavey line....it's a sine wave................

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Indeed, scalar waves (Tesla) are so called "longitudinal" waves, contrary to the so called "transversal" electromagnetic waves (Hertz). But even if scalar waves don't dissipate themselves, they transmit energy by pulsing the next particle which pulses the following particle and so on, in very high speed of course.

Think about a chain of hanging metal balls where you give the first ball an impuls by releasing it towards the row of balls. Then you let go this first ball and it gives a pulse to the second which gives a pulse to the third and so on. Neither of the balls has (considerably) changed its place , but energy was transmitted by pulses, from ball to ball. This can be done throughout very long distances in very high speed!!

Maybe this english source helps https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228525923_Scalar_Wave_Effects_according_to_Tesla

But the best is to really study the complete Meyl literature. He has also interesting experimental devices to prove the existence and show the effects of scalar waves.

One can say that Tesla was the genius who discovered scalar waves experimentally and much later Meyl was the genius who proved the underlying mathematical and physical theory.

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By the way, even Luc Montagnier did in his last research experiments with information transmission via scalar waves and succeeded to show that dying or healing yeast cells can transmit their information to others through the air. He was fascinated by it.

And very probably DNA information or RNA information transmits also via scalar waves, this has to do with the specialty of the double helix structure of the molecules. You get something like scalar wave antenas which can transmit and receive scalar wave information.

This is how Luc Montagnier explained the results of his experiments.

Meyl even wrote books about medical applications of scalar wave technology which use this DNA and RNA information transmission vs. receiver effects for diagnostical and even therapeutical devices.

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Fascinating, Irma

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