well done Greg. You are giving us hope. Scary times we're living in and I want to believe it will straighten out. God Bless you my new friend. you have a great night
Notice how they come out with new accusations that in the past looked like it was all made up.
How much more should people have to put up with that?
It seems one has to take a big step back and realize they're playing both sides of the coin here. The clown with the election and senility issues and the clown with mandate issues.
The fact they're ramping things up again with a decapitated Hollywood head sounds like they put a governor on #45 while no holds barred on "#46."
If we make it that far they're looking to make #45 take the seat again and judging from the way things are starting off with the "panty raid" they're going to present more controversy and frustration just like they did during his entire first 4 years. More confusion.
Trump still champions the vax. And that in itself is bad news. Everything will be centered around that whole scenario. Don't see him undoing anything because he pushed the vax, started Warp Speed and went along with everything/everyone while some made excuses for Trump saying he trusted the wrong people.
Notice all these agencies and pundits end up going back on their words and statements.
We're in a nightmare. Like Cheech was in Nice Dreams during that Timothy Leary segment, Chong ends up taking Cheech down death row not getting a commutation from the governor.
It comes down to the hard reality that nothing is getting done in DC, that they're all reading off a script and the real DC moved to Denver after they collapsed those towers 21 years ago for COG.
We're being played and those people are actors. Trump's in on it and he knows it. He's just good at playing his role. Meanwhile we're easily fooled by a smile and some platitudes.
Yes this drama is being played for the next "era." What that is is something dire for billions of people and all manner of life on this planet.
As long as you look at the 'choice' of Brandon or Mr. Apprentice, it's a trap of distraction.
Trump signed the Abraham Accords because their plan is that the U.S. (Conus) disappears and the new world order will be situated where Israel is, the holy land. Trump grew up with Netanyahu, they were childhood buddies, he moved the capitol in Israel.
Let's not lose sight of this.
America has to wake up and rub the sleep from their unbelieving eyes but Trump is not there for America. He built the border but all he did was create funnels for the migrants so they would not be strewn across hundreds of miles of land mass and those funnels end up conveniently at highways into Conus. If Trump wanted to stop the illegals he would've enforced the illegal employment laws already on the books. With no jobs for illegals in Conus they would not make the trip. He didn't do that did he.
I know it's hard to accept and we were all fed gobs of hopium with Trump. But waking up to what's going on is needed.
But you're right, get rid of the corruption but that's a monumental task. These guys have all manner of weapons. Things we don't even know about yet. And if the news is real of bots in the jab to be controlled by WIFI there are going to be many who will stop dead in their tracks.
Afraid this is a situation of just getting out of the way and fend for ones' selves and families.
Taiwan was Pelosi acting like the torpedo in the Gulf of Tonkin. Gave them reason to ratchet up their plans already in the works without causing human casualties up front.
China was given everything by the NWO to take down America but if the Chinese overstep their bounds they'll be taken down a peg or two by the elite.
Our military was compromised since after WW2. Didn't help that Presidents started writing laws against the American citizen, while military technology was transferred to China (to level the playing field) and all manner of production was moved out of our hands.
Russia is in on it too. They might not need to go to Conus as China is (and is likely already here).
Ever come across the TV series The Man In The High Castle? Switch the nations around and we may get a better fit for the now.
The herd is largely vaxed and that's a bad sign. That's like when Caligula impregnated his general's new brides, the genetic messages were sent ahead and not called back in time.
You do good work Greg.
Candle In The Wind video on Lady Di? Springmeier? There was a recent article about missing Robin Williams.
You're not paranoid, you just have clear vision.
The corruption is their way of dismantling. There is no clean way to take down a huge building.
The same people who've been running things for centuries are running things now. They just hide well. They have an agenda that does not include billions of the rest of the planet.
With no internet there is nothing but going back to tribalism.
We'll either survive or we won't. By then it's in God's hands.
God has chosen his soldiers & equipped them w/ the tools they need to win this war & these soldiers know exactly when & how to use what he's provided them.
God chose Trump to be his David & if you consider what Trump & his family has endured, not to mention 35 assassination attempts then you'd think twice before suggesting he's on the dark side. He's not doing what he is for personal gain & he is already known by ppl around the world. This is not something he's doing for fun & we know he's lost money in the process. You may want back up & rethink what you're saying.
Who else is on our side? Who has the power to help us? BTW, the military backs Trump. Watch his innauguration if you don't believe me. They formed up behind him to show us that they stand behind his presidency & behind him. That's never happened before.
I used to think the way you do. But you have to also see what other things got put in place. If Trump was the "hope" he would've been taken out. But he's still there. And while there he did a lot of pushing the NWO agenda along.
Finding out who's on "our side" will happen after the SHTF and what shakes out. Like Mad Max Fury Road. Hate to keep coming up with sequels for analogies but these movies are not made on whims. Like Dragon Day.
We don't know how much of what's gone on behind the scenes to Trump is true. They paint a pretty picture to garner support for him. Remember they play both sides. Like Wall Street bankrolled the communist regimes to create divide and conquer. But the more we delude ourselves the more time we spend on relying on the government to solve a problem that government created in the first place.
There's this new documentary on what went on at that Woodstock concert in 1999. It's plain to see it was a mind control exercise situated on a "closed" military base holding 1/4 million concert youth. Point being these people planned everything decades ago. It's mind-boggling how they pried into everything.
Forget that POTUS is the end-all-be-all. He's not. He's looked upon as a temporary employee that is expendable and largely not read-into the real agenda that the hidden powers are working on.
And they keep writing laws that circumvent the things we took for granted in the Constitution.
Like the 16th Amendment. How did that get in there?
The giant in Gulliver's Travels is us. The Lilliputians are the NWO.
Notice since Barry he was collecting mercs from around the world into Conus for some secret military and now they've been bringing in military aged men across the border, who are conveniently being housed on Conus bases, the UN is building their military and now the 87 thousand IRS agents packing. Let's not forget the Afghans that Brandon allowed to get in after he left all that hardware we paid for sitting back there.
Not trying to side against Trump just counting the thousand points of light.
What military is Trump amassing?
We're going to be facing thousands carrying weapons aimed at us who don't even speak English whether they are Hispanic, Middle eastern, Slavic or Chinese.
I respectfully disagree. The cabal constantly acts contrary to what benefits the ppl & they get off Scott free every single time.
Sure, a sacrificial lamb gets prosecuted on rare occasion, but if Trump was truly bad, as are the cabal, then why do they all hate him vehemently? They always protect each other. ALWAYS!!!
They want him gone in the worst way & will stop at nothing to see him dead or in prison.
Think what you want. I know better. I know if he wasn't standing up for us - we'd be in a very dark place right now. If you can't see that for yourself - you should ask yourself why.
Who has ever tried to protect us? Really, who? No one (in my lifetime) has ever stood up to the MSM, Clintons, Obama or any of them. No one has fought to stop child/human trafficking. The cabal feed off of it literally & monetarily & you think he's one of them?
I can't understand your reasoning, but I have faith that God chose him for a distinct purpose. Keep your fear & doubt to yourself.
The reason you don't understand is because you don't see the bigger picture.
Stood up to MSM?
When you watch a movie do you think the lead actor is working on your behalf?
Or is he/she reading a script and playing a part?
The cabal for starters are not united and fight among themselves.
But they purposely make people angry for the people to clamor for a solution.
I suggest you watch Jay Dyer's Friday (recent) segment last hour of Alex's Friday show to get ahead of the class on this. In fact Dyer reading from actual books will lecture the uninformed on how all these peculiarities link together.
One of Dyer's segments (linked below) (you're welcome) he showed the class how H.G. Wells' two books written in 1928 and 1940 The Open Conspiracy and New World Order are the basis for Schawb's eat bugs by-line.
And how Wells was a progenitor of Plato and Malthus who sported many of these same ideas.
Brandon's statements of a "new world order" as well as George Herbert Walker's infamous statement before Brandon's came from the same Wells space.
But in the 21st century we are facing dreams come true.
Dyer shows the actual books not-print outs. All this hidden in plain sight.
"You're not going to fix big daddy government." says Dyer.
"Harvard study of the mask is about breaking people down."
NATO science documents is where the strategy comes from that nations are following. (Dyer's words)
Another deep reader is Matt Ehret of Rising Tide Foundation.
Check out Matt's interview with Harrison on The American Journal this last August 18, 2022.
Matt explains how the "cabal" (to use your term) worked to make the planet to the way it is.
A huge manufacturing system in China with a population that could not afford the things they made and an American "useless eater" nation that makes nothing.
Gotta give the "wrecking crew" props for that one!
How can the rest of us not running with the elite and not billionaires running with trillionaires know this, but Trump who was supposed to be the ship's Captain did not?
At least Capt Smith went down with the Titanic as he promised.
Did he know the iceberg was there? Was there an iceberg?
It was Trump's job to know this. Just like it was the ship captain's job to steer the passengers to safety.
Smith went down with the ship. (so it is said)
Did he have a gaggle of people saying "he was fooled, he was lied to, he listened to the wrong people, he meant well, he's not a scientist?"
And after he was shown the "iceberg" with people getting sick and dead he still said "take the vax" full steam ahead?
Give us a break!!!
Trump had a choice.
Guns were put to our heads and we were told to pull the trigger.
A compiled list of posts of people who got infected standing next to a vaxed person.
In fact on Aj's Sunday show today (8.28.22) hosted by Maria Zeee as we speak a caller is reporting her affects of having been exposed to a vaccinated person.
If anyone should be asking "why" I pose that question to you.
The strategy of a constrictor is the snake squeezes and then lets up. The victim breathes and feels the worst is over. Then the snake squeezes down harder, until the victim is done.
All this "protection" is steeped in confusion and shifting mandates.
But you don't see that.
What did Trump's campaign speech consist of:
"Hillary in jail?"
Well did she go to jail?
Standing up to the Clintons you say? Obama?
Really? Where's Assange these days?
I like Jay Dyer's mimicking of the victim in an abusive relationship.."I can do better.." Check the 8.27.22 segment posted above for you.
It's called GOOD COP BAD COP!
"Think what you want. I know better. I know if he wasn't standing up for us - we'd be in a very dark place right now. If you can't see that for yourself - you should ask yourself why."
Sounds like you have a case of Stockholm Syndrome with a touch of fallacious arguments running concurrently. And sadly you don't know "better."
Rather than post photos here, search for the photos of a young Schwab with a younger Kissinger. It's all over the place.
You need more information is all.
Hopium does not help being uninformed.
Fear? Sounds like you're afraid to burst that bubble of your image of Trump.
It's not about maintaining that image we have of "heroes."
It's about seeing through the veil of illusion for ourselves!
I was where you were at one time before 2020. I supported Trump like you. But after watching carefully and listening to many sides, we come to the nasty truth that we're on our own and no one is going to come to our aid from the government.
Not as it stands today.
Hamlet said it best:
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
The avalanche has snow balled.
Best to get out of the way and save yourself and your family.
But no harm in discussing. That's how you wake up.
If you consider Trump in comparison to King David, I think we need to see some comparisons that are NOT that flattering. Please take a look at 1st. Chronicles chapter 21.
David was a good man, but here we see that he was "provoked" by satan to number Israel. This, as I understand, was in violation of God's law in that God did NOT want His people (or at least the men of fighting ability) numbered. Why? This caused the king to both tax and lean upon his strength of the flesh, instead of God's power to defend the nation. Remember Gideon defeated the Midianites with only 300 men.
What David did caused a CURSE to fall on Israel. Thousands died very rapidly and David knew he was "foolish and sinned." Now look at Trump and the toxic JAB. We are being numbered, tracked, poisoned and depleted by Trump's "warp speed vaccine"
But unlike Trump, David IMMEDIATELY repented and took responsibility for his foolishness.
Trump will not admit he BLEW THIS BAD!!!! He was warned about Fauci and these dangerous pharmakiah sorcerers (Rev. 22.:15)
God was able to repair the damage of what David did, when David even offered his own life for his crimes. Trump will not even admit he was USED by these devils.
Trump has an octopus of trillionaires way above him to answer to.
In regards to the jab and its playout, everything we see as an "authority" is just the face of something else entirely.
Trump is damaged goods.
Even if he wanted to he will not have the ability to go against the people who've empowered him.
Part and parcel of this plannedemic is the demons have uncloaked.
Trump has blood on his hands same as all who've been in the chain from the CEO's to the rank and file.
Murder and accessory to.
When we look back on this as it becomes more real we will see that the countenances of all those involved were of guilt from the get-go.
We couldn't see it as blatant back in 2020 but clear vision will win out.
Something else must be planning to happen and all these culprits must know or think they will get away with it and will only be liable unto themselves while the rest of us won't be around anymore.
But the Lake of Fire is where the culprits are bound.
When you have Brandon looking at his watch during a soldier's funeral, that is key for the way the rest of them are taking this.
It's ok with them for the rest of us having to be left to deal with an angry dysfunctional world or an untimely death or worse a damaged mind and body.
It's clear they've written us off.
Trump's role if he's human could be as President Thomas Wilson's in the movie 2012.
He stayed behind "pressed in prayer."
“The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we lose our humanity.”
I like your comments, and for the most part I agree. But let me make a couple of comments myself. Back in late 2015 and early 2016 as Trump was campaigning for the GOP nomination, I said on air (mostly on internet podcast and broadcasts shows) that Trump needed to get rid of Fauci DAY ONE in office if he was elected as President.
He could have done this easily by either hiring an honest and real Secretary of HHS, (perhaps even someone like Dr. Ron Paul or many other suitable candidates I could list), Fauci is employed and must answer to NIH and HHS, which answers to the President.
But instead Trump appointed Alex Azar, a Yale trained attorney who was formerly with Eli Lilly and big pHarma. This was typical of Trump's failures in appointments. Back when I was saying this only about 10% of the voting public knew who Fauci was, or were even slightly aware of how extremely dangerous he and his cohorts (Gates, Birx, Redfield, Tedros etc.) actually have been all these years..
In the wake of the failure of Obamacare, Trump needed the BEST minds he could get into these positions, but he settled for the worst and at that time the least controversial.
Since 1992 I have been tracking Fauci and his horrible germ-scare crimes.I produced a pretty expensive documentary released in 1996, that exposed the "HIV" Fruad. (BTW, AIDS is real but the HIV hypothesis was a dangerous deception---like what we see now with SARS CoV-2 and COVID)
The documentary was banned by virtually all the distributors, but it went VIRAL on the internet and we have reached millions of people now.
If you want to watch it you can see it here for FREE. Fauci was involved with Gallo's fraud announcement of HIV way back in 1984, and you will see him in the film pressuring ABC news in 93 as about 1: 40:00
Steve thanks for your comment. And props to your efforts and viral work stemming back decades.
This whole biological debacle has been planned before we were born.
It's easy to get distracted by the detail.
All the players involved are reading a script.
It's not as we expect that since Trump got 'elected' that we should expect him to do the reasonable thing. That would work if things were normal. But they're not normal.
Everything is tied to each other to put into place this whole agenda.
Fauci is just another cog in the machine.
Taking him out would not change anything.
So is Trump.
Ever see the scene in Rosemary's Baby when Mia Farrow sees her baby for the first time and then looks at her husband John Cassavetes and she realizes he's in on it?
Or the movie What Happened To Monday? The movie starts out on an air of normality but soon morphs into a nightmarish scenario of normalized genocide.
All the work Fauci did with many other scientists and the biologicals they produced are bioweapons that look to be planned to infect humanity in stages.
It was not evident back in the early days of N1H1.
But today with all these variants coming one on top of the other it's plain to see that every 'virus' was a step onto the next, a link in a chain and that it did not start in the 21st century.
A series of herald strains looking for recombinant strains.
N1H1 (herald strain) started in 1918 with the Spanish Flu another plannedemic and has links to Swine flu, Bird flu and all the other genetically modified "flus" we are experiencing today.
Again this plan has been in the works before our parents/grandparents were born.
The plan? Not really sure.
But if we bring H.G. Wells into the mix with his early works New World Order (1940) and The Open Conspiracy (1928) Malthus way before that and his echoing of Plato's The Republic (375 BC) that "scientism" is to be used to cull the human populations, we have the 21st's democide plan being put into action where back in Plato's time he only imagined what could be.
Is the democide a plan for democide itself or is there another reason?
Waxing esoteric we've noticed the murals at the Denver airport have changed or pulled down since their first commission.
Point being is something else is afoot and perhaps the reason for the democide.
We will notice that things appear to "happen" 90 days apart. We're at the first "90 day" set this end of August. The next will be 90 days into November and then 90 days into February.
Note that right after the Olympics closed last February, Ukraine happened on the heels of that. And almost 90 days after that Monkeypox 'appears' as it was wargamed in the Nuclear Threat Initiative NTI:bio in March 2021 with the Munich Security Conference talking about over 1,000 cases and a few deaths on May 15 2022 with increases to under 30 million deaths in May 2023.
On August 23, 2021 the FDA approved the first jab.
So what's next?
It's issues like this that give the phrase "full spectrum dominance" an ominous real life definition.
Trump is playing his part. He's not going to reverse any of this.
And the reason we get blurbs of pulling back, it's only because it's easy to say when it's already too late.
Like the CDC saying masks and distancing are not needed anymore after all the chaos it created.
The jab has been released and it transfects.
That's a much larger problem in itself that for some reason most people are not taking into consideration.
And as we know those who receive the certain jab even unto their graves give off a bluetooth address, that with WIFI, radio signals look to be the trigger that combines all the strains together to create God only knows what.
Trump cannot turn back the clock not unless he releases the antidote.
They must have one.
And who among them do?
Trump saying sorry will not change a thing.
So Fauci resigns? Nothing will change. He's the fall guy and signed onto it.
The jabs have duped millions.
And Fauci wants polio shots?
The damage has been done.
It's too late.
We've been infected and the places we go.
They've cut every supply chain.
Thousands of ships are parked out in the middle of the ocean not delivering anything from China.
Meanwhile China has been busy getting into a war footing as we speak.
When the military Olympics happened in October 2019 the U.S. soldiers noted that Wuhan was locked down. It was explained to make it easier for the visiting "athletes." But what happened was the soldiers brought the C-19 strain coming from Detrick WITH THEM same way soldiers brought the Spanish Flu in 1918 from Riley and China realized a bioweapon was arriving.
What's America doing?
Holding Gay Pride parades and congregating everywhere?
The USS Reagan (CVN76) just wrapped up 'drills' around Taiwan this August 2022. The Reagan was highly radioactive when it was sent to Fukushima in March of 2011.
Many soldiers were dosed with high radiation.
How did they clean that ship?
And it's out there again with a new full crew?
And they're most likely all jabbed?
The machine that Fauci and all his cohorts are part of is vast.
Trump is a likable guy.
I used to make memes of Trump as Jon Snow next to his direwolf, Ghost.
But that's part of the agenda.
Trump's Capt James T. Cuck of the USS Compromised.
He got gang-raped by the media/everyone in his administration at the starting line.
Meanwhile Brandon gets led toward the finish line with an entourage armed with Depends, and he putters out right before the should've won and breaks the tape.
How can any of this happen without anyone figuring out it's all a game?
Great comments you detailed here, and I like your threads and logic.
There is no question of the age-old plans for mass democide date back long before Malthus to Plato, and have evolved since then within so many films and novels with the same theme portrayed in a variety of different methods and tactics---some more technically advanced than others now emerge with the changing times. But all of them are hideously evil.
May I suggest though, that what most of these 'terror storms" have in common is that virtually all of them are fictitious fabrications of threat, which create these hysteric reactions that are then blamed for deaths and morbidity said to be caused by the superimposed "virus" or health threat. Just like the 350,000 AIDS patients in the US alone, that died a slow death via poisoning from a DNA chain terminating toxin AZT rather than the "AIDS virus" HIV. (statistics tallied by John Lauritsenhttp://www.paganpressbooks.com/jpl/BIO.HTM)
The phony virus scams started recently with the Swine Flu disaster in 1976, (which never happened) to even 2009, and Fauci's H1N1 fraud, that was exposed as a scam by CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, (who quit CBS after they refused to air her research, https://sharylattkisson.com/) There are many analysts now that even debate the "Great Spanish Flu of 1918, as even possibly caused by vaccinating US troops. Really! This is that bad!
What I am basically suggesting here my friend, is that I don't think these sinister virus threats from the likes of idiots like Fauci and Gates are the real threat. Now Anthrax, which is a bacteria, and other forms of chemical weapons are very real. But at root, the invisible threat is non-existent as a virus.
Like Celia Farber and others in our group, I am engaged in a long tactical debate over the essence of "viral science" itself. I have argued that what we are fighting is NOT, at root, a scientific argument, This is actually a matter of CRIMINAL syndication and mass murder that ignores scientific validity anyway. (and though I lean strongly towards the arguments against "viral theory") The primary motive is money and power. Just old fashioned evil.
So this leads me to the most important reference in our discussion, explained by Dr. David Martin, who has been on the inside "following the money" since 1998. He not only shows us the trail of deceit and planning, including the "gain of function" patents and toxic spike protein effects, but he ALSO predicts where this is going next. Martin's company has tracked these patents and investments from Gates et al and NGOs all this time.
Here is a summary of this main points.
1.The "Monkey Pox" virus is another scam, though it will be blamed for about 271 million deaths in the near future. These will actually be the long-term effects of the toxic jab as a cover, and these will vary in ways they become fatal. (As many different experiments are going on here).
2. The Monkey Pox "vaccine" will be released, and soon deemed a failure ans "insufficient" as a deterrence.
3. This will give birth to a new technology of CRISPR gene editing and DNA splicing, which will require and mandate not only the gene editing but TRACKING and updating in connection to the 5G control grid. Thus, phase 2 of the WEF lockdown, 5G tracking and Mass Democide.
I look forward to your report on Princess Diana. I’ve never understood the public’s fascination with the royals. I think they look like a bunch of inbred hillbillies. But, I always liked Diana because she was so classy and elegant and she seemed like a genuinely good person. My fiancé was killed in a car accident on the same day that she died, so August 31, 1997 is a date that I’ll never forget. And I definitely believe her death was no accident. She knew too much.
The fact that our economy is going to crash and fiat currency will be disappearing, really has me freaked out. My brother and I are due an inheritance once my parents pass away and I’ve been desperately trying to get my dad to invest at least some of that money in gold and silver, but he won’t listen to me because he thinks I’m nuts. 🤦🏼♀️ I welcome any suggestions that anyone may have in regards to how to explain to someone that they’re gonna go broke if they don’t learn to think outside of the box. 😳
Thanks for another great podcast and God Bless you! 🙏🏻
Trump is also rogue. If people cannot see what he is and that he is in on this whole plan, we as a country are going down. Trump instigated the COVID lockdowns and the Warp Speed Depopulation Clot Shot. He endorsed the genocide in this country. He is a criminal malignant narcissist who supports Israel Zionist Jews over our own country. He tells you to your face he is a SNAKE. I hope people wake up before it's too late. He's just as bad as Biden and all politicians. He never drained the swamp. He built it up bigger. He has all the attributes of the antichrist. Please wake up before it's too late.
I enjoyed your commentary. It was interesting the way you framed things & were conscious of if your words were describing what you really meant to say. I'll be a regular listener from now on.
BTW, all the dimensional talk is pretty simple 3D vs 5D etc. Most ppl are oblivious that there is a war going on between dark and light. If you're paying attention to what benefits us w/out greed or harm to others that is a sign that you're moving from 3D to 5D. 4D more or less hold no true value. When you truly feel at peace & someone verbally attacks you & all you can think is that you feel sorry for them that they need to do that - you are approaching 5D. It means you realize we're all connected & if we harm another - we hurt ourselves in the process.
Ppl who just watch tv, go to work & don't care to pay any attention are lilkely 3D as are those who are always angry & finger pointing. It's an act of immaturity & lack of awareness, but as evil is being removed, as it is quietly being done now, it will raise the majority of us till we naturally see that battling isn't necessary & nor is it beneficial. I'd hoped to keep this shorter, but I'm a wordy person. I hope it makes sense to you.
It's like a Nightmare, I did read about the one world order and there plans like 20 years ago ,didn't believe it would happen in my life time ,the Illuminati , the 13 Family's and how they worship Lucifer ,the Fallen Angel and his Followers ,it in Genesis of the Bible ,and Revelations, of the end times ,it's all part of the Plan ,Good Against evil but The Christ has already Defeated the Enemies,so she'll it on earth as it is in Heaven ,God Bless you all ,Stay in Prayer and ready in season and out of Season
Hi Greg, thank you for this podcast. When you commented about offending someone, I saw Josephine's comment and I agree with her 100%. I don't know what you could have said to offend anyone but so what? This is your podcast and you're entitled to share your views and I appreciate it a lot. I hope you have a safe and happy week.
We're in a purposefully organized PSYOP dream. Even Trump's appointments. Showing the Deep State to all of us, especially the unawakened. He said in January he thought Big Pharma was trying to poison us. Warp speed accelerated their plan. Yes, we're all being played. See PSYOP Division of army on YouTube, GHOST, their commercial for their Psyop Division. You're right, it's playing out as a plan. You're wonderful. As a former digital soldier who took oath same time as General Flynn. We'll see a drastic change across the board if White Hats win. They're out there. Thanks for your insight. We are living out dramas, Good vs Evil.
if you start making vids why THERE IS NO SARS 2 VIRUS FOUND I, and many others will become paying subscriber. I think AJ has told you guys mum's the word on this. TELL US HONESTLY!
I talk about in my podcasts, and with my friends, that I think terrain theory beats germ theory. The reason I haven't made a report yet is because I am still looking for proof. Or at least more information. I've definitely mentioned the exosome theory is past videos. If I can't show a link to a valid source, then I don't make the video.
Hi Greg, your vid about DJT and vax was great. Since you have a good understanding of clinical trials its should be easy to understand the virus proof issue. If you're stuck I'm happy to help you by email or phone.
With all due respect, I know you want me to make this my top priority, but it isn't. It is in my pile. And I do hope to get to it. God willing, eventually I will.
Just focus on the methods in the paper its only a few paragraphs. You may have to spend some time looking up words you don’t know but it’s not rocket science.
They took lung fluid (BAL) from a said sick patient. Did they find a particle they could purify-isolate, prove it caused illness in this patient, and have a sample from a non-ill patient as a control? No they did not.
They ended up getting computer programs (Trinity and Megahit) from a genetic company called Illumina to ASSEMBLE a theoretical (=made up) genome and registered it in a Genebank library (is the name Godzilla in a screen play the same as Godzilla walking around town?). They want you to believe that a genome in a computer FROM ONLY ONE PATIENT is a monster on the street that requires a vaccine in 8 bil people! This is proof, that no Covid virus has been proven to exist, and thus no Covid virus as a bioweapon that the pundits you know spit out ad nauseam.
Now this genome was the basis for the PCR (see the PCR Drosten paper) fake test that maps back to this fake genome and also reacts to many different genetic pieces including human genes, but lets save that talk for another day.
Splendid as always! Looking forward to your Diana piece, big fan of her. In some ways her sacrifice was a Joan of Arc moment for the world. It's that moment that a lot of people started to really see the media for what they are. Prompting a wave of awareness from that point forward.
This was another excellent podcast. I've watched all of your recent videos and was surprised at your optimistic take on how things will turn out- I hope you're right.
There are lots of people who say the sky is falling now- and they may well be right. My Hopium is that infighting is going on among the cabal (behind the curtain). If true, then things may turn out ok and we would never know what really happened.
if you offend anyone don't worry about it. you didn't say anything close to offensive, and I mean that. I would be the first to say.
well done Greg. You are giving us hope. Scary times we're living in and I want to believe it will straighten out. God Bless you my new friend. you have a great night
Notice how they come out with new accusations that in the past looked like it was all made up.
How much more should people have to put up with that?
It seems one has to take a big step back and realize they're playing both sides of the coin here. The clown with the election and senility issues and the clown with mandate issues.
The fact they're ramping things up again with a decapitated Hollywood head sounds like they put a governor on #45 while no holds barred on "#46."
If we make it that far they're looking to make #45 take the seat again and judging from the way things are starting off with the "panty raid" they're going to present more controversy and frustration just like they did during his entire first 4 years. More confusion.
Trump still champions the vax. And that in itself is bad news. Everything will be centered around that whole scenario. Don't see him undoing anything because he pushed the vax, started Warp Speed and went along with everything/everyone while some made excuses for Trump saying he trusted the wrong people.
Notice all these agencies and pundits end up going back on their words and statements.
We're in a nightmare. Like Cheech was in Nice Dreams during that Timothy Leary segment, Chong ends up taking Cheech down death row not getting a commutation from the governor.
It comes down to the hard reality that nothing is getting done in DC, that they're all reading off a script and the real DC moved to Denver after they collapsed those towers 21 years ago for COG.
We're being played and those people are actors. Trump's in on it and he knows it. He's just good at playing his role. Meanwhile we're easily fooled by a smile and some platitudes.
Yes this drama is being played for the next "era." What that is is something dire for billions of people and all manner of life on this planet.
As long as you look at the 'choice' of Brandon or Mr. Apprentice, it's a trap of distraction.
Trump signed the Abraham Accords because their plan is that the U.S. (Conus) disappears and the new world order will be situated where Israel is, the holy land. Trump grew up with Netanyahu, they were childhood buddies, he moved the capitol in Israel.
Let's not lose sight of this.
America has to wake up and rub the sleep from their unbelieving eyes but Trump is not there for America. He built the border but all he did was create funnels for the migrants so they would not be strewn across hundreds of miles of land mass and those funnels end up conveniently at highways into Conus. If Trump wanted to stop the illegals he would've enforced the illegal employment laws already on the books. With no jobs for illegals in Conus they would not make the trip. He didn't do that did he.
I know it's hard to accept and we were all fed gobs of hopium with Trump. But waking up to what's going on is needed.
But you're right, get rid of the corruption but that's a monumental task. These guys have all manner of weapons. Things we don't even know about yet. And if the news is real of bots in the jab to be controlled by WIFI there are going to be many who will stop dead in their tracks.
Afraid this is a situation of just getting out of the way and fend for ones' selves and families.
Taiwan was Pelosi acting like the torpedo in the Gulf of Tonkin. Gave them reason to ratchet up their plans already in the works without causing human casualties up front.
China was given everything by the NWO to take down America but if the Chinese overstep their bounds they'll be taken down a peg or two by the elite.
Our military was compromised since after WW2. Didn't help that Presidents started writing laws against the American citizen, while military technology was transferred to China (to level the playing field) and all manner of production was moved out of our hands.
Russia is in on it too. They might not need to go to Conus as China is (and is likely already here).
Ever come across the TV series The Man In The High Castle? Switch the nations around and we may get a better fit for the now.
The herd is largely vaxed and that's a bad sign. That's like when Caligula impregnated his general's new brides, the genetic messages were sent ahead and not called back in time.
You do good work Greg.
Candle In The Wind video on Lady Di? Springmeier? There was a recent article about missing Robin Williams.
You're not paranoid, you just have clear vision.
The corruption is their way of dismantling. There is no clean way to take down a huge building.
The same people who've been running things for centuries are running things now. They just hide well. They have an agenda that does not include billions of the rest of the planet.
With no internet there is nothing but going back to tribalism.
We'll either survive or we won't. By then it's in God's hands.
God has chosen his soldiers & equipped them w/ the tools they need to win this war & these soldiers know exactly when & how to use what he's provided them.
God chose Trump to be his David & if you consider what Trump & his family has endured, not to mention 35 assassination attempts then you'd think twice before suggesting he's on the dark side. He's not doing what he is for personal gain & he is already known by ppl around the world. This is not something he's doing for fun & we know he's lost money in the process. You may want back up & rethink what you're saying.
Who else is on our side? Who has the power to help us? BTW, the military backs Trump. Watch his innauguration if you don't believe me. They formed up behind him to show us that they stand behind his presidency & behind him. That's never happened before.
I used to think the way you do. But you have to also see what other things got put in place. If Trump was the "hope" he would've been taken out. But he's still there. And while there he did a lot of pushing the NWO agenda along.
Finding out who's on "our side" will happen after the SHTF and what shakes out. Like Mad Max Fury Road. Hate to keep coming up with sequels for analogies but these movies are not made on whims. Like Dragon Day.
We don't know how much of what's gone on behind the scenes to Trump is true. They paint a pretty picture to garner support for him. Remember they play both sides. Like Wall Street bankrolled the communist regimes to create divide and conquer. But the more we delude ourselves the more time we spend on relying on the government to solve a problem that government created in the first place.
There's this new documentary on what went on at that Woodstock concert in 1999. It's plain to see it was a mind control exercise situated on a "closed" military base holding 1/4 million concert youth. Point being these people planned everything decades ago. It's mind-boggling how they pried into everything.
Forget that POTUS is the end-all-be-all. He's not. He's looked upon as a temporary employee that is expendable and largely not read-into the real agenda that the hidden powers are working on.
And they keep writing laws that circumvent the things we took for granted in the Constitution.
Like the 16th Amendment. How did that get in there?
The giant in Gulliver's Travels is us. The Lilliputians are the NWO.
Notice since Barry he was collecting mercs from around the world into Conus for some secret military and now they've been bringing in military aged men across the border, who are conveniently being housed on Conus bases, the UN is building their military and now the 87 thousand IRS agents packing. Let's not forget the Afghans that Brandon allowed to get in after he left all that hardware we paid for sitting back there.
Not trying to side against Trump just counting the thousand points of light.
What military is Trump amassing?
We're going to be facing thousands carrying weapons aimed at us who don't even speak English whether they are Hispanic, Middle eastern, Slavic or Chinese.
I respectfully disagree. The cabal constantly acts contrary to what benefits the ppl & they get off Scott free every single time.
Sure, a sacrificial lamb gets prosecuted on rare occasion, but if Trump was truly bad, as are the cabal, then why do they all hate him vehemently? They always protect each other. ALWAYS!!!
They want him gone in the worst way & will stop at nothing to see him dead or in prison.
Think what you want. I know better. I know if he wasn't standing up for us - we'd be in a very dark place right now. If you can't see that for yourself - you should ask yourself why.
Who has ever tried to protect us? Really, who? No one (in my lifetime) has ever stood up to the MSM, Clintons, Obama or any of them. No one has fought to stop child/human trafficking. The cabal feed off of it literally & monetarily & you think he's one of them?
I can't understand your reasoning, but I have faith that God chose him for a distinct purpose. Keep your fear & doubt to yourself.
Trump defended the agenda.
Alex explains:
We're disappointed.
Enough people have suffered from the jab, yet it continues.
I sense semantics.
And some "ouch" ad hominem towards the end of your post.
In fact your comment is rife with fallacious argument.
You "respectfully disagree" as your opening statement but then your last sentence was "Keep your fear & doubt to yourself."
Your teacher neglected to present to the class the list of "fallacies."
Perhaps you were absent that day?
"They want him gone in the worst way & will stop at nothing to see him dead or in prison."
That's what they want you to believe.
They "hate him vehemently" because that's part of the distraction.
You think he became POTUS because he was voted in?
Do you remember before he was inaugurated, Kissinger called Trump in for a chat?
Kissinger who put Klaus Schwab in line to lead the WEF back in 1967?
The reason you don't understand is because you don't see the bigger picture.
Stood up to MSM?
When you watch a movie do you think the lead actor is working on your behalf?
Or is he/she reading a script and playing a part?
The cabal for starters are not united and fight among themselves.
But they purposely make people angry for the people to clamor for a solution.
I suggest you watch Jay Dyer's Friday (recent) segment last hour of Alex's Friday show to get ahead of the class on this. In fact Dyer reading from actual books will lecture the uninformed on how all these peculiarities link together.
One of Dyer's segments (linked below) (you're welcome) he showed the class how H.G. Wells' two books written in 1928 and 1940 The Open Conspiracy and New World Order are the basis for Schawb's eat bugs by-line.
And how Wells was a progenitor of Plato and Malthus who sported many of these same ideas.
Brandon's statements of a "new world order" as well as George Herbert Walker's infamous statement before Brandon's came from the same Wells space.
But in the 21st century we are facing dreams come true.
Dyer shows the actual books not-print outs. All this hidden in plain sight.
Two of Dyer's 4th hour segments for your viewing.
8.20.22 @8:46
"You're not going to fix big daddy government." says Dyer.
"Harvard study of the mask is about breaking people down."
NATO science documents is where the strategy comes from that nations are following. (Dyer's words)
Another deep reader is Matt Ehret of Rising Tide Foundation.
Check out Matt's interview with Harrison on The American Journal this last August 18, 2022.
Matt explains how the "cabal" (to use your term) worked to make the planet to the way it is.
A huge manufacturing system in China with a population that could not afford the things they made and an American "useless eater" nation that makes nothing.
Gotta give the "wrecking crew" props for that one!
Here's Harrison and Matt:
You are assuming that Trump got himself in the WH all by himself.
He was allowed to get there and is playing a part.
Hard for many to wrap their minds around this but sadly it's true.
If Trump was standing up for us he would not have stood up for the vax.
A vax that TRANSFECTS like vampires infecting the next bit victim.
They got enough people jabbed to ensure the gift that keeps on giving keeps giving.
We should be more worried about this. Talk about one frikkin' hot potato.
Everywhere we go that biological weapon is there. But the elite got the real vax.
Check out this podcast where Webb tells where the virus came from and the real vax the elite has and didn't share with anyone.
How can the rest of us not running with the elite and not billionaires running with trillionaires know this, but Trump who was supposed to be the ship's Captain did not?
At least Capt Smith went down with the Titanic as he promised.
Did he know the iceberg was there? Was there an iceberg?
It was Trump's job to know this. Just like it was the ship captain's job to steer the passengers to safety.
Smith went down with the ship. (so it is said)
Did he have a gaggle of people saying "he was fooled, he was lied to, he listened to the wrong people, he meant well, he's not a scientist?"
And after he was shown the "iceberg" with people getting sick and dead he still said "take the vax" full steam ahead?
Give us a break!!!
Trump had a choice.
Guns were put to our heads and we were told to pull the trigger.
Like Nick in The Deer Hunter.
A compiled list of posts of people who got infected standing next to a vaxed person.
In fact on Aj's Sunday show today (8.28.22) hosted by Maria Zeee as we speak a caller is reporting her affects of having been exposed to a vaccinated person.
If anyone should be asking "why" I pose that question to you.
The strategy of a constrictor is the snake squeezes and then lets up. The victim breathes and feels the worst is over. Then the snake squeezes down harder, until the victim is done.
All this "protection" is steeped in confusion and shifting mandates.
But you don't see that.
What did Trump's campaign speech consist of:
"Hillary in jail?"
Well did she go to jail?
Standing up to the Clintons you say? Obama?
Really? Where's Assange these days?
I like Jay Dyer's mimicking of the victim in an abusive relationship.."I can do better.." Check the 8.27.22 segment posted above for you.
It's called GOOD COP BAD COP!
"Think what you want. I know better. I know if he wasn't standing up for us - we'd be in a very dark place right now. If you can't see that for yourself - you should ask yourself why."
Sounds like you have a case of Stockholm Syndrome with a touch of fallacious arguments running concurrently. And sadly you don't know "better."
Rather than post photos here, search for the photos of a young Schwab with a younger Kissinger. It's all over the place.
You need more information is all.
Hopium does not help being uninformed.
Fear? Sounds like you're afraid to burst that bubble of your image of Trump.
It's not about maintaining that image we have of "heroes."
It's about seeing through the veil of illusion for ourselves!
I was where you were at one time before 2020. I supported Trump like you. But after watching carefully and listening to many sides, we come to the nasty truth that we're on our own and no one is going to come to our aid from the government.
Not as it stands today.
Hamlet said it best:
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
The avalanche has snow balled.
Best to get out of the way and save yourself and your family.
But no harm in discussing. That's how you wake up.
Now should I keep the truth to myself?
Yes God chose Trump as the Antichrist.
You are right about Trump. He is as evil as they come.
If you consider Trump in comparison to King David, I think we need to see some comparisons that are NOT that flattering. Please take a look at 1st. Chronicles chapter 21.
David was a good man, but here we see that he was "provoked" by satan to number Israel. This, as I understand, was in violation of God's law in that God did NOT want His people (or at least the men of fighting ability) numbered. Why? This caused the king to both tax and lean upon his strength of the flesh, instead of God's power to defend the nation. Remember Gideon defeated the Midianites with only 300 men.
What David did caused a CURSE to fall on Israel. Thousands died very rapidly and David knew he was "foolish and sinned." Now look at Trump and the toxic JAB. We are being numbered, tracked, poisoned and depleted by Trump's "warp speed vaccine"
But unlike Trump, David IMMEDIATELY repented and took responsibility for his foolishness.
Trump will not admit he BLEW THIS BAD!!!! He was warned about Fauci and these dangerous pharmakiah sorcerers (Rev. 22.:15)
God was able to repair the damage of what David did, when David even offered his own life for his crimes. Trump will not even admit he was USED by these devils.
David was a King, Trump is not.
David only answered to God.
Trump has an octopus of trillionaires way above him to answer to.
In regards to the jab and its playout, everything we see as an "authority" is just the face of something else entirely.
Trump is damaged goods.
Even if he wanted to he will not have the ability to go against the people who've empowered him.
Part and parcel of this plannedemic is the demons have uncloaked.
Trump has blood on his hands same as all who've been in the chain from the CEO's to the rank and file.
Murder and accessory to.
When we look back on this as it becomes more real we will see that the countenances of all those involved were of guilt from the get-go.
We couldn't see it as blatant back in 2020 but clear vision will win out.
Something else must be planning to happen and all these culprits must know or think they will get away with it and will only be liable unto themselves while the rest of us won't be around anymore.
But the Lake of Fire is where the culprits are bound.
When you have Brandon looking at his watch during a soldier's funeral, that is key for the way the rest of them are taking this.
It's ok with them for the rest of us having to be left to deal with an angry dysfunctional world or an untimely death or worse a damaged mind and body.
It's clear they've written us off.
Trump's role if he's human could be as President Thomas Wilson's in the movie 2012.
He stayed behind "pressed in prayer."
“The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we lose our humanity.”
CHIWETEL EJIOFOR - Adrian Helmsley
2012 (film) Columbia Pictures.
I like your comments, and for the most part I agree. But let me make a couple of comments myself. Back in late 2015 and early 2016 as Trump was campaigning for the GOP nomination, I said on air (mostly on internet podcast and broadcasts shows) that Trump needed to get rid of Fauci DAY ONE in office if he was elected as President.
He could have done this easily by either hiring an honest and real Secretary of HHS, (perhaps even someone like Dr. Ron Paul or many other suitable candidates I could list), Fauci is employed and must answer to NIH and HHS, which answers to the President.
But instead Trump appointed Alex Azar, a Yale trained attorney who was formerly with Eli Lilly and big pHarma. This was typical of Trump's failures in appointments. Back when I was saying this only about 10% of the voting public knew who Fauci was, or were even slightly aware of how extremely dangerous he and his cohorts (Gates, Birx, Redfield, Tedros etc.) actually have been all these years..
In the wake of the failure of Obamacare, Trump needed the BEST minds he could get into these positions, but he settled for the worst and at that time the least controversial.
Since 1992 I have been tracking Fauci and his horrible germ-scare crimes.I produced a pretty expensive documentary released in 1996, that exposed the "HIV" Fruad. (BTW, AIDS is real but the HIV hypothesis was a dangerous deception---like what we see now with SARS CoV-2 and COVID)
The documentary was banned by virtually all the distributors, but it went VIRAL on the internet and we have reached millions of people now.
If you want to watch it you can see it here for FREE. Fauci was involved with Gallo's fraud announcement of HIV way back in 1984, and you will see him in the film pressuring ABC news in 93 as about 1: 40:00
Steve thanks for your comment. And props to your efforts and viral work stemming back decades.
This whole biological debacle has been planned before we were born.
It's easy to get distracted by the detail.
All the players involved are reading a script.
It's not as we expect that since Trump got 'elected' that we should expect him to do the reasonable thing. That would work if things were normal. But they're not normal.
Everything is tied to each other to put into place this whole agenda.
Fauci is just another cog in the machine.
Taking him out would not change anything.
So is Trump.
Ever see the scene in Rosemary's Baby when Mia Farrow sees her baby for the first time and then looks at her husband John Cassavetes and she realizes he's in on it?
Or the movie What Happened To Monday? The movie starts out on an air of normality but soon morphs into a nightmarish scenario of normalized genocide.
All the work Fauci did with many other scientists and the biologicals they produced are bioweapons that look to be planned to infect humanity in stages.
It was not evident back in the early days of N1H1.
But today with all these variants coming one on top of the other it's plain to see that every 'virus' was a step onto the next, a link in a chain and that it did not start in the 21st century.
A series of herald strains looking for recombinant strains.
N1H1 (herald strain) started in 1918 with the Spanish Flu another plannedemic and has links to Swine flu, Bird flu and all the other genetically modified "flus" we are experiencing today.
Again this plan has been in the works before our parents/grandparents were born.
The plan? Not really sure.
But if we bring H.G. Wells into the mix with his early works New World Order (1940) and The Open Conspiracy (1928) Malthus way before that and his echoing of Plato's The Republic (375 BC) that "scientism" is to be used to cull the human populations, we have the 21st's democide plan being put into action where back in Plato's time he only imagined what could be.
Is the democide a plan for democide itself or is there another reason?
Waxing esoteric we've noticed the murals at the Denver airport have changed or pulled down since their first commission.
Point being is something else is afoot and perhaps the reason for the democide.
We will notice that things appear to "happen" 90 days apart. We're at the first "90 day" set this end of August. The next will be 90 days into November and then 90 days into February.
Note that right after the Olympics closed last February, Ukraine happened on the heels of that. And almost 90 days after that Monkeypox 'appears' as it was wargamed in the Nuclear Threat Initiative NTI:bio in March 2021 with the Munich Security Conference talking about over 1,000 cases and a few deaths on May 15 2022 with increases to under 30 million deaths in May 2023.
On August 23, 2021 the FDA approved the first jab.
So what's next?
It's issues like this that give the phrase "full spectrum dominance" an ominous real life definition.
Trump is playing his part. He's not going to reverse any of this.
And the reason we get blurbs of pulling back, it's only because it's easy to say when it's already too late.
Like the CDC saying masks and distancing are not needed anymore after all the chaos it created.
The jab has been released and it transfects.
That's a much larger problem in itself that for some reason most people are not taking into consideration.
And as we know those who receive the certain jab even unto their graves give off a bluetooth address, that with WIFI, radio signals look to be the trigger that combines all the strains together to create God only knows what.
Trump cannot turn back the clock not unless he releases the antidote.
They must have one.
And who among them do?
Trump saying sorry will not change a thing.
So Fauci resigns? Nothing will change. He's the fall guy and signed onto it.
The jabs have duped millions.
And Fauci wants polio shots?
The damage has been done.
It's too late.
We've been infected and the places we go.
They've cut every supply chain.
Thousands of ships are parked out in the middle of the ocean not delivering anything from China.
Meanwhile China has been busy getting into a war footing as we speak.
When the military Olympics happened in October 2019 the U.S. soldiers noted that Wuhan was locked down. It was explained to make it easier for the visiting "athletes." But what happened was the soldiers brought the C-19 strain coming from Detrick WITH THEM same way soldiers brought the Spanish Flu in 1918 from Riley and China realized a bioweapon was arriving.
What's America doing?
Holding Gay Pride parades and congregating everywhere?
The USS Reagan (CVN76) just wrapped up 'drills' around Taiwan this August 2022. The Reagan was highly radioactive when it was sent to Fukushima in March of 2011.
Many soldiers were dosed with high radiation.
How did they clean that ship?
And it's out there again with a new full crew?
And they're most likely all jabbed?
The machine that Fauci and all his cohorts are part of is vast.
Trump is a likable guy.
I used to make memes of Trump as Jon Snow next to his direwolf, Ghost.
But that's part of the agenda.
Trump's Capt James T. Cuck of the USS Compromised.
He got gang-raped by the media/everyone in his administration at the starting line.
Meanwhile Brandon gets led toward the finish line with an entourage armed with Depends, and he putters out right before the should've won and breaks the tape.
How can any of this happen without anyone figuring out it's all a game?
And again..what's the game?
Great comments you detailed here, and I like your threads and logic.
There is no question of the age-old plans for mass democide date back long before Malthus to Plato, and have evolved since then within so many films and novels with the same theme portrayed in a variety of different methods and tactics---some more technically advanced than others now emerge with the changing times. But all of them are hideously evil.
May I suggest though, that what most of these 'terror storms" have in common is that virtually all of them are fictitious fabrications of threat, which create these hysteric reactions that are then blamed for deaths and morbidity said to be caused by the superimposed "virus" or health threat. Just like the 350,000 AIDS patients in the US alone, that died a slow death via poisoning from a DNA chain terminating toxin AZT rather than the "AIDS virus" HIV. (statistics tallied by John Lauritsenhttp://www.paganpressbooks.com/jpl/BIO.HTM)
The phony virus scams started recently with the Swine Flu disaster in 1976, (which never happened) to even 2009, and Fauci's H1N1 fraud, that was exposed as a scam by CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, (who quit CBS after they refused to air her research, https://sharylattkisson.com/) There are many analysts now that even debate the "Great Spanish Flu of 1918, as even possibly caused by vaccinating US troops. Really! This is that bad!
What I am basically suggesting here my friend, is that I don't think these sinister virus threats from the likes of idiots like Fauci and Gates are the real threat. Now Anthrax, which is a bacteria, and other forms of chemical weapons are very real. But at root, the invisible threat is non-existent as a virus.
Like Celia Farber and others in our group, I am engaged in a long tactical debate over the essence of "viral science" itself. I have argued that what we are fighting is NOT, at root, a scientific argument, This is actually a matter of CRIMINAL syndication and mass murder that ignores scientific validity anyway. (and though I lean strongly towards the arguments against "viral theory") The primary motive is money and power. Just old fashioned evil.
I am far from alone in this question about "viral theory" as even former Pfizer VP, and now whistle-blower, Dr. Michael Yeadon has joined this debate against respiratory viruses. You can check out his story here. but I have a more important link you really need to see. https://rumble.com/v1ee8yv-dr-mike-yeadon-fraud-fear-and-how-herd-mentality-has-brought-us-to-the-edge.html
So this leads me to the most important reference in our discussion, explained by Dr. David Martin, who has been on the inside "following the money" since 1998. He not only shows us the trail of deceit and planning, including the "gain of function" patents and toxic spike protein effects, but he ALSO predicts where this is going next. Martin's company has tracked these patents and investments from Gates et al and NGOs all this time.
Here is a summary of this main points.
1.The "Monkey Pox" virus is another scam, though it will be blamed for about 271 million deaths in the near future. These will actually be the long-term effects of the toxic jab as a cover, and these will vary in ways they become fatal. (As many different experiments are going on here).
2. The Monkey Pox "vaccine" will be released, and soon deemed a failure ans "insufficient" as a deterrence.
3. This will give birth to a new technology of CRISPR gene editing and DNA splicing, which will require and mandate not only the gene editing but TRACKING and updating in connection to the 5G control grid. Thus, phase 2 of the WEF lockdown, 5G tracking and Mass Democide.
Here is the link:
Steve ***
Yes it could be longer but was cut short. So many things to say though.
Actually the last elected Potus was JFK after that they were all selected.
Yes we pray as God's words in the Bible give us guidance.
I look forward to your report on Princess Diana. I’ve never understood the public’s fascination with the royals. I think they look like a bunch of inbred hillbillies. But, I always liked Diana because she was so classy and elegant and she seemed like a genuinely good person. My fiancé was killed in a car accident on the same day that she died, so August 31, 1997 is a date that I’ll never forget. And I definitely believe her death was no accident. She knew too much.
The fact that our economy is going to crash and fiat currency will be disappearing, really has me freaked out. My brother and I are due an inheritance once my parents pass away and I’ve been desperately trying to get my dad to invest at least some of that money in gold and silver, but he won’t listen to me because he thinks I’m nuts. 🤦🏼♀️ I welcome any suggestions that anyone may have in regards to how to explain to someone that they’re gonna go broke if they don’t learn to think outside of the box. 😳
Thanks for another great podcast and God Bless you! 🙏🏻
Trump is also rogue. If people cannot see what he is and that he is in on this whole plan, we as a country are going down. Trump instigated the COVID lockdowns and the Warp Speed Depopulation Clot Shot. He endorsed the genocide in this country. He is a criminal malignant narcissist who supports Israel Zionist Jews over our own country. He tells you to your face he is a SNAKE. I hope people wake up before it's too late. He's just as bad as Biden and all politicians. He never drained the swamp. He built it up bigger. He has all the attributes of the antichrist. Please wake up before it's too late.
I enjoyed your commentary. It was interesting the way you framed things & were conscious of if your words were describing what you really meant to say. I'll be a regular listener from now on.
BTW, all the dimensional talk is pretty simple 3D vs 5D etc. Most ppl are oblivious that there is a war going on between dark and light. If you're paying attention to what benefits us w/out greed or harm to others that is a sign that you're moving from 3D to 5D. 4D more or less hold no true value. When you truly feel at peace & someone verbally attacks you & all you can think is that you feel sorry for them that they need to do that - you are approaching 5D. It means you realize we're all connected & if we harm another - we hurt ourselves in the process.
Ppl who just watch tv, go to work & don't care to pay any attention are lilkely 3D as are those who are always angry & finger pointing. It's an act of immaturity & lack of awareness, but as evil is being removed, as it is quietly being done now, it will raise the majority of us till we naturally see that battling isn't necessary & nor is it beneficial. I'd hoped to keep this shorter, but I'm a wordy person. I hope it makes sense to you.
Thank you Greg for a pleasant 1 1/2 hour.
Thanks. That makes sense to me. And it inspires forgiveness. They know not what they are doing.
We love you too brother! Your truth is inspiring. Gold and silver,yes. We all loved Diana.
God Bless you Reese ,Trust in the Lord as I'm sure you do and it will always work out for Good ,I'm an example of that
It's like a Nightmare, I did read about the one world order and there plans like 20 years ago ,didn't believe it would happen in my life time ,the Illuminati , the 13 Family's and how they worship Lucifer ,the Fallen Angel and his Followers ,it in Genesis of the Bible ,and Revelations, of the end times ,it's all part of the Plan ,Good Against evil but The Christ has already Defeated the Enemies,so she'll it on earth as it is in Heaven ,God Bless you all ,Stay in Prayer and ready in season and out of Season
Hi Greg, thank you for this podcast. When you commented about offending someone, I saw Josephine's comment and I agree with her 100%. I don't know what you could have said to offend anyone but so what? This is your podcast and you're entitled to share your views and I appreciate it a lot. I hope you have a safe and happy week.
We're in a purposefully organized PSYOP dream. Even Trump's appointments. Showing the Deep State to all of us, especially the unawakened. He said in January he thought Big Pharma was trying to poison us. Warp speed accelerated their plan. Yes, we're all being played. See PSYOP Division of army on YouTube, GHOST, their commercial for their Psyop Division. You're right, it's playing out as a plan. You're wonderful. As a former digital soldier who took oath same time as General Flynn. We'll see a drastic change across the board if White Hats win. They're out there. Thanks for your insight. We are living out dramas, Good vs Evil.
Trump is part of the whole plan. Do not be deceived.
I hope his worshipers can see what he is now. He even recites his snake poem to tell the world.
if you start making vids why THERE IS NO SARS 2 VIRUS FOUND I, and many others will become paying subscriber. I think AJ has told you guys mum's the word on this. TELL US HONESTLY!
I talk about in my podcasts, and with my friends, that I think terrain theory beats germ theory. The reason I haven't made a report yet is because I am still looking for proof. Or at least more information. I've definitely mentioned the exosome theory is past videos. If I can't show a link to a valid source, then I don't make the video.
Hi Greg, your vid about DJT and vax was great. Since you have a good understanding of clinical trials its should be easy to understand the virus proof issue. If you're stuck I'm happy to help you by email or phone.
With all due respect, I know you want me to make this my top priority, but it isn't. It is in my pile. And I do hope to get to it. God willing, eventually I will.
Hi Greg
Yes you've had proof, I’ve told you before but I’ll show you again. Its not about exosomes or germ theory.
Here is the famous Fan Wu Nature paper (YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT THIS!): https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2008-3
Maybe you thought this was just another nutty URL that many people send you. This was also discussed in part 1 of www.theviraldelusion.com and an easy listen here: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Covid-19-Fraud-and-War-on-Humanity-Part-2:7
Just focus on the methods in the paper its only a few paragraphs. You may have to spend some time looking up words you don’t know but it’s not rocket science.
They took lung fluid (BAL) from a said sick patient. Did they find a particle they could purify-isolate, prove it caused illness in this patient, and have a sample from a non-ill patient as a control? No they did not.
They ended up getting computer programs (Trinity and Megahit) from a genetic company called Illumina to ASSEMBLE a theoretical (=made up) genome and registered it in a Genebank library (is the name Godzilla in a screen play the same as Godzilla walking around town?). They want you to believe that a genome in a computer FROM ONLY ONE PATIENT is a monster on the street that requires a vaccine in 8 bil people! This is proof, that no Covid virus has been proven to exist, and thus no Covid virus as a bioweapon that the pundits you know spit out ad nauseam.
Now this genome was the basis for the PCR (see the PCR Drosten paper) fake test that maps back to this fake genome and also reacts to many different genetic pieces including human genes, but lets save that talk for another day.
The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.... Mark Twain
Splendid as always! Looking forward to your Diana piece, big fan of her. In some ways her sacrifice was a Joan of Arc moment for the world. It's that moment that a lot of people started to really see the media for what they are. Prompting a wave of awareness from that point forward.
This was another excellent podcast. I've watched all of your recent videos and was surprised at your optimistic take on how things will turn out- I hope you're right.
There are lots of people who say the sky is falling now- and they may well be right. My Hopium is that infighting is going on among the cabal (behind the curtain). If true, then things may turn out ok and we would never know what really happened.