Just watching the video link "Aliens fro Hell" by Freeman Fly. I wish the world would see the truth! But there again, most will find it incomprehensible.

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The Columbia Endeavor for the Discover of Atlantis. Symbolism Everywhere hahahaha

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Plus, they'd say anti Christian

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Lies do not equal aliens. Crazy

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Thank you Great Show...I Used To Watch/Listen To FreemanTV On YouTube n Had Just Kinda Forgotten About Him n Have Always Liked Your Perception Of Our Reality!! Seems That The Luciferian Global Elite Have Socially Engineered Our World Into Such A Strange Reality That I'm Literally Blown Away Daily By Whatever Media I Consume n By The People I Encounter In Life!! "Truth Is Treason In The Empire Of Lies!!"

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The Urantia Book says Lucifer is the Head of our System and that Satan was his First Assistant - The Planetary Prince of Urantia (Earth) was Caligastia (The Devil)

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Good vs Evil

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to wake up via frequencies, ie. music....

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Pray we elderly folks know what's happening after we die to continue being illuminated when people like Greg Reese are not available to us

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

Well that was a treat , I tell ya if you re looking for a 3rd wingsman with Freeman for a road trip to Casey Library am in. My 2 cents on Ahriman ; He's a creature not eternal like God , in other world : profound darkness is the expression of immaterial Evil , he's just a fallen goblin creature. That said ! ! ! don't underestimate his influence. I like Steiner take on the wretched thing i also found some other good work trough IranicaOnline.org. . . The Roman Cath steam Rolled so much of Earth ancient history... sigh. Found a villain from an old kid show to me represented the wretch. Physically and how they wrote the character. Anyone, Post if you ever seen it during your child hood , i like fun anecdote.

>https://tinyurl.com/5xasf6xp , Steiner Original >https://tinyurl.com/wkesjrry

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Can hardly wait until the tunnels under va

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Under Vatican are revealed. I grew up Catholic and always sensed something was wrong,t Dominican fear mongert

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Interesting stuff .. I’m new to the podcast is there a way to watch past episodes obviously there must be but I can’t see anything .?.. anyone able to help .?.. it would be most appreciated ..

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Hopefully you will see this soon. I believe I offended you once a few months ago and I would like to apologize to you for that, so I apologize. Maybe you don’t remember or maybe it doesn’t matter to you but I have always felt like I may of offended you & I sincerely apologize. I have always loved your work & I share it often! Lately I started linking your profile under whatever I post so ppl can find you directly, the last one I did I noticed you had deleted the post so naturally I take that as a possible sign that you may not want me doing that so I guess I won’t do that anymore which kinda makes me a little sad but if that’s what you want then I will respect that. If you read this thank you have a nice night 11:30 pm 6/29/2023

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Aint't it all a trip? Fucking entertaining, if nothing else. No one wants just plain old lovely earth life. need the horror and weirdness to get off these days. so sad.

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Okay some comments here from about 1:27:44 . Concerning Lucifer in Isaiah 14: 12-16. The name "Lucifer" was changed by Jerome in 4th Century into a Latin name, but the original name of the angel is Heylel in the Hebrew, which means a brightness or to shine,or even to have a glory. As far as I know, this is the only other angel, except Michael and Gabriel, who is named in the Bible's Canon. (Though others are named in apocalyptic commentaries) It appears that even Heylel is no longer even named in the modern Bible and even the KJV.

The image of "Satan" or Heylel, being a beautiful angel before his fall, comes from an analogy found in Ezekiel 28: 11-18 where he is depicted as the anointed cherub, and perfect in beauty now figuratively as the King Tyrus. (keep in mind that king Hiram who helped build Solomon's temple was the King of Tyre in his time) Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon,destroyed the coastal city of Tyre, but had trouble destroying the island fortress where the kings lived. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Tyre in a long siege. Sorry but Wiki is pretty good here with the story for an overview:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Tyre_(586%E2%80%93573_BC)

Oh I should add that you will notice the similarities between Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28: 11-18. ALSO...wink, wink, I can't go there now. but in the first part of Ezekiel chapter 28: 1-11. we read about the "Prince of Tyrus." Who would that be? Maybe some other time we will go there.

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Thanks Greg! GREAT INTERVIEW. Freeman is Way out there, but I think he takes us in a good direction overall. He is always going deep into things.

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Jun 26, 2023·edited Jun 26, 2023

Greg I know that you listen to Cliff high. He's done a lot of research on Kozyrev. He uses a mirror that puts people in an altered state. Many people see symbols that match Rorecks artwork fyi in the Kozyrev mirror. The Mahatma letters talk about metal walls that the chelas sit under during training. It's supposed to increase lucidity in meditative state.

Ingo Swann did research on this and it blew his chakras open. It's also worth noting out of body researcher Robert Monroe had a copper roof before spontaneous experiences. Also the incarnation of Lucifer was Fu shi from my research if your interested.

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