Question is why would the (US Government) would even allow this interview? My personal opinion is just to piss more patriots off!!! Divide and conquer!!! Psychologic warfare!!!!

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I asked the same question with his previous interview with Jeremy Brown. It is an honest question that we will never know in these days. We must glean the truth and apply it to our lives as unified citizens! What Jeremy is saying about us getting in the game is true, but They have used the leviathan twisting of words that puts us in a position of the egg before the chicken or the chicken before the egg. The enemy knows without Truth freedom falls! We must build on the foundation of truth and the light will bring forth the things hidden in the dark!

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

Spiritual discernment is the key!!! So many facets of society are being played off against one another. Prayer is the answer to this spiritual warfare!!! Weighs heavy on my soul!!!

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Also it is reveling that others are really searching for the Truth which is Jesus himself-the way the truth and the life! He needs a remnant. The story of Gideons army is quite an inspiration!

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Amen, Scott on Bards FM lays it all out on his podcast!

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It troubles my soul also, but that puts us at a crossroad of decision to do what’s right and to speak truth or build on lies and fall flat on our mission God has assigned us to...

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

Again , Here's Ron Paul about Jan6 prisoners , when its on the topic , he never shy away.


The truth of the mater is the oligarchy hates themselves thus project it on the American people , They want political prisoners they feel big and powerful. Not too long ago those folks would get their house burn and be Tar'n'Feather. The Brits took back the USA colony in 1812. That central banker gold scheme , . . . It wasn't THE single Event of course but it set the path for Woodrow Wilson & FDR .

Before dismissing what am saying, They BURNED the White House didn't they ? With a little more heart & mind Canada would have turned on the red coat. it would have saved 150 years of bullshit.

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

Found a really good series about how the Central bank started from England 1650 to Rothschild Bullion (Gold scam) , all the attempt to fix or the Bubbles that happen up to now.

The 1913 creation of the FED explain the forever wars but the whole central bank system fucking regular people was not that obvious. For the longest time European were force to pay taxes only in metals . It forced people to literally extract the wealth from the earth for the chosen few. "shortage of currency " took an other meaning. Keep in mind people were settling business with IOUs , person to person credit lines trading "time for time".

The whole gold thing was a mind virus. Culture programed that one deep in us. Like in game of throne who control the gold mine makes the Rules. The Rockefeller change all that with oil. Oil by itself wasn't much but when everything in your society revolve around oil ! You too can dictate the rules.

(If you ever wonder about the social security number, or birth certificate. Yes its legacy system from the slavery era ; YOU ARE THE COLLATERAL. Why they need it today ? are you a slave? )


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Yellin is a psychotic idgit

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

The Commie Crone of San-Francisco, in her Ivory tower !

Yellin and Bernanke are the special kind of scum.

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At 25:38 bingo you'll be making "bikini" with your 6 years old cloth allowance , turned to rags.

Short flight in America is the life blood of the country. This will destroy society . I been joking around about "blimp" travel , it's clearly heading that direction. slap lightweight flexible solar cell and pray for a East -West draft . . . I dunno if you been keeping tabs on the UFO disclosure , at first i was cynical i tho it was a HUGE military bluff or Flex to keep Hegemon status but in the case all those rumors of exotic material and power source is true. Will be able to toss all that bureaucrats planing in the fire . . . They even spoke of interstellar travel taking place NOW ? wtf . . . Commie Star Fleet. If you never looked into her check Dr Carol Rosin & Von Braun confessions The commies at the UN have been planing this one for a while , the fake UFO invasion. Again Globo problems needing a globo solution . . . . . "rolling eyes"

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ufo is pure bull. tripe. distraction. I even doubt the ai theory. not that it doesn't have ethical implications, but like there are level 4 labs doing gain of function, it doesn't negate that ai will need a globo solution as well.

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Jun 19, 2023·edited Jun 19, 2023

It also shift the conversation from the death cult for profit ; liquidation of the racist Ukrainians promoting ethnic cleansing , the failed Covid Take over with the help of hostile medias , the death of democracy , population depression , the death of manhood by chemical poisoning . . . The anti-Christian agenda . . . lmao there is so many sadly all is quiet . . .the good people are hard at work, that inflation won't pay itself out. To be honest i know for a fact they push the break on AI. We are dealing with advance computational power the US / China are siphoning the whole internet several time per day that was Snowden point 10 years ago.

DeClassification of Covid docs today who knows China might share the blame with the US for the covid. Gates met Xi on Friday , A Blinken met Xi over the weekend. Shrug

I can't dismiss the Researcher / old whistleblowers who spent decades inquiring but at this point its more Cope/Hope' ium.

Them ET will have to land.

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Have you notice the cold temperature lately? Here in Montréal its way below season average. Since the fires i am convince they are fiddling with sky albedo. I cant remember a clear sky if it happen it was just for a few hours. This could end very badly its "ICE Age" potential technology. Starting with this thesis ; Why can't we do something constructive with it ? Like greening North Africa ? A world of abundance is around the corner. This is gaslighting! those policy maker have nefarious intent . This is obvious , since covid , life is not a priority.

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They are DEFINITELY fucking with the weather. There’s no doubt in my mind. There’s currently an El Niño in effect, which means fewer hurricanes in the Atlantic and

a much quieter severe storm season in the plains because of weakened trade winds. It also usually means stifling hot weather in Florida, but we had an extremely mild spring and summer has been unusually cool so far. And there’s a tropical storm/soon-to-be a hurricane in the Atlantic already. Last Thursday night, we had some of the worst weather I’ve ever seen here (outside of the several hurricanes I’ve been through). We received 16 inches of rain in less than 5 hours, there was at least 2 tornadoes (one person was killed when a tree fell on their house), several water spouts, hail, and flash flooding. And we’ve had severe weather every day since then. It’s been even worse north of here in the Deep South.

So, convince me otherwise...

All so they can further their bullshit climate change/Green New Deal agenda. 🙄 Just an FYI, Greg posted a video on Twitter yesterday.

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Ohhh thnx for the heads up, i would have totally missed it. " he went! , good " i tho he would never leave on vacation for some reason hahahaha , Good for him. The L:izzards Meca. , they know whats up. hehehehe

Yeah well u confirmed it , tormenting the poor Canadians with shitty weather would not make sens but Florida ? Yeah the whole northern hemisphere is being affected it's now fact. Geoengineering is happening !!

In case you are puzzled by the "architect" I remember way back when he publish an article in either popular mechanic , reader digest or scientific America about permanent magnet not loosing its charge. My working theory is rails some DC power and those beef'up perma magnets. Think magnets like those cranes in junk yards instead of attracting , you repel.

Which implies 1 other mystery ; Did the builder of the great pyramids knew about electricity ? They had an abundance of copper , magnetite , acids , lead and alkaline solutions. Also a light bulb is just electric resistance concept is really not hard to figure out.

If you don't know what am talking about here's a link. >https://tinyurl.com/3kwadmkk

Also Daniel Estulin form Alex's END GAME Docu was on with Alex , epic conversation.


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So, what’s next??? Is California gonna finally have “The Big One” and fall into the Pacific? Are we gonna start having major quakes in the midwest and the south? Because there’s a fault line that extends from Arkansas up through Illinois. A few years back, there was an earthquake in south Alabama because supposedly, the dormant New Madrid Fault has become more active. It says online that if there was a 7.0 magnitude earthquake or worse, it would collapse thousands of bridges and railways, bringing interstate travel to a standstill. Is Mt. St. Helens gonna blow again? Is the island of La Palma, off the northern coast of Africa, gonna fall into the Atlantic and cause a massive 200 meter high tsunami that would completely decimate the eastern seaboard of the US? I mean, it’s been talked about for years.

Yeah, he actually took a vacay, but now that he’s down there, he’s still venting and posting videos.

I commented that he needs to turn his phone off, put the computer away and just enjoy his vacation. 🙂

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The Russian Nuke induce tsunami to wipe London was pretty creative ha ha ha

Nah i wouldn't be worry of volcano/tsunami a mini ice Age would wipe the food.

Greenhouse and hydroponics will pull us trough , If that ever happen they cant blame random actor or "North Korea" , it's the US gov, i can't think of a better "we the people" trigger .

The State Dept fired Wendy Sherman (N°2 under Blinken , she ran the China policy) and now we have Blinken and Xi shacking hands all smiles and all ... yeah its the "election" so we are back to DEFCON 4 .... hahahaha Am amaze how fast they play it out. Shrug

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Let me know if you notice the ODD thing hidden in the hieroglyph ! ! ! Think Florida ! ! !

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Jun 19, 2023·edited Jun 19, 2023

At 36:42 gov enforcing "what you can eat" is plain North Korea territory. What happen to gov only competence : to enforce safety & nutrition regulation ? Lets extrapolate ; your will be presented the choice of eating 7 days worth of poison or fast 3 days / eat 4 days worth of normal food (by their standards) . HOW is that suppose to make strong , healthy , smart individuals? They want us weak. Our dairy , meat , grains were among the best in the world. Now i can't eat flour products without being bloated for 4 days . . . All those strong hockey players ate something it wasn't genes alone .... Will they harvest the individual who thrive during austerity to force evolution ? Nothing is off the table at this point. This is nutty territory.

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Michael Jackson: King of Pop

Bill Gates: King of DePop

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Release the J6 POWs from DCSHITMO Immediately no Excuses Immediately WWG1WGA

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Nicholson 1968 talked about AI and Transhuminism 5 or 10 years ago,he is on you tube

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Have a laugh Chief, I think you need one: https://www.bitchute.com/video/63x5KHjT4Pyb/

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Thanks, Tom! That was great! 💀😂

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Trump is part of the same problem we have had...dont be fooled again ffs

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get back in USURPER joes Trans closet commie

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The podcast is a good idea. That’s the problem today. There’s a lot of Kabuki Theater or white noise while the news we need to know (indicators) is drowned out by white noise. This just happened once again with the noise of Trumps indictment. The IRS & ATF just raided a gun store under the guise of a tax issue. They’re trying to create an extra Constitutional gun registry. These are important indicators of what we need to know.

Elon Musk 🤦‍♂️. They only thing he said that’s true was a recent Tweet: “Trust nothing. Even nothing.”

People create cults of personality. Many act today like pathetic, slavish & servile sycophants. All the Many alt media types moved to FL, as if they’re going to be on personal visits to Mara Lago & in Trumps inner circle for making memes. These kids haven’t too much lived experience.

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Your Courage and Tenacity is what I hang on to...I am so very grateful for the existence of

Both of you...

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...the public schools indoctrination...since 2000..right out of Engles...

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How is he able to do this podcast from jail? Wouldn't "they" shut him down? I agree with most of what he is saying but I don't believe Trump is compromised. Trump is human and I certainly, like so many, never thought of him as perfect so to speak.

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This is an absolutely amazing conversation and I’m only half way through .!.. I just had congratulate you and your excellent 5 star 💫 guest .. it’s just spot on .!.. on everything I’ve heard so far .. and of course it’s spot on regarding DONALD BUMP .!!! Thank you loved your short video on the 2 party system as well .. thank you so very much .. peace ..

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Well you just proved to me your brain dead lol

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Outstanding Conversation if I may add that Precedent has been Made no more kicking the Can Exposing the Enemy of We The People Tome for the Reckoning where Devin Justice Prevails Stay Frosty Jerry God Bless you Army WWG1WGA

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Level C SERE school.

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deletedJun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023
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Spot on as well in my 30 years of study!!

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Spot on!!!

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