Reality is that EVERYONE’s blood is now tainted by the nanotechnology through the jab, shedding, air, food, water, pharmaceuticals, dental anesthesia...... This is the ONLY issue that really matters.
Get a live blood analysis and look at your own blood
Yes it is Jeff. And we need to DETOX POISONS OUT OF OUR BODIES!
Green juice (fresh) everyday, cleanses the blood. Mineral salts and clay baths or footbaths pull toxins out thru the skin, the largest elimination organ of the body.
TONS OF WATER, salads, fruits and nuts, all raw. (soak your raw nuts overnight in Gratitude Water)
Detox everything you can out of your system and help your body everyday to rid the poisons.
Same goes for your pets. If your pets don't have access to greens, mix a little spirulina powder on their food, or offer it to them wet. I leave the jar of spirulina powder on a bottom shelf and they will knock it over when they want some!
The point to all of this is that everyone is infected whether you’ve had the jab or not. It is in the air, water, food supply.
You can detoxify on a daily basis through all of these remedies, which evidently do work according to Dr. Ana.
But the thing is you need to Know that we are walking antenna with the nanotechnology inside of us all. We are being controlled by EMF and the nanotechnology that you just repressed by the detox effort is reactivated again …by 5G.
Yes Jeff, sadly we are. But I have a detox for EMF too!
Well, its not actually a detox rather a deflector.
This video demonstrates the physical Law Of Attraction and Repulsion (LOA).
The woman in the video makes Orgonite for a living and her house and property are filled and gridded with Orgonite. The Orgonite produces a HIGH frequency energy field in and around her home. Watch what happens when a massive low-frequency storm passes over her house.....
I know personally that it is possible to deflect low-frequency EMF and attract and surround yourself with a high-frequency Energy field, because after I gridded my house and property it began to occasionally rain, but only on MY house!
The Orgone energy produced by my grid is the same vibrational frequency 7.83MHz as the water in a raincloud, so when a random rain cloud passes over my house, the energy generated by my grid attracts to the water (LOA) in the cloud, because they are both the same vibrational frequency 7.83MHz, and the water in the cloud becomes heavy and falls.
And its really obvious because I live in a cul-de-sac!
It IS possible to deflect, minimize or negate the effects of low-frequency EMF, and when I leave the property I wear and/or carry the same high-frequency Energy generators with me so that the frequency of my personal Energy field is as high as possible, and I can move thru the Matrix like the Orgonite Lady in the storm!
PS. Jeff, Orgonite is a DIY project and there are instructional videos on YT, or there used to be :(
PPS. YT has since removed the video of the Orgonite Lady in the storm, and you know what THAT means!
This is very interesting...taking organite to the next step. I actually bought all the ingredients to make my own organite but just havent put it all together yet. I am on it now. Thanks for the realization and encouragement!!
I just thought of something Jeff, I need to warn you that elevating the frequency in your environment can become a passionate obsession!
There is also a service I recommend that will direct HIGH-FREQUENCY Energy to your home just like an EMF signal does, only HIGH frequency!
My friends and I have had amazing experiences with the Fluffy as its called. Its actually Focused Life Force Energy, or FLFE. I think there are videos on it on YT.
And if you work in the Matrix, you can have it sent to your cellphone!
Nowadays its not just 'EMF Protection', its 'EMF' DEFLECTION'!
Check out these guys using Slim Spurling Tensor Technology high-frequency Energy generators which are made of simple coiled copper wire. Its horrible sound and camera work but an effective demonstration of elevating and empowering your personal Energy field.
She comments more on the real occurrence of the nanotechnology in the blood in on jabbed people as well as the jabbed. The jabbed people have their DNA hacked. Unvexed do not have their DNA hacked.
The reason the pink-pilled love Trump is because the pink-pilled don't research.
So they don’t know who actually runs this planet.
Go research the llluminati, the Bavarian Jezuits, in all their iterations, Knights of Malta, Brotherhood of the Snake, Black Nobility etc.
Then go research Donald Trump and his cousin Hilary's Bavarian Jezuit genealogy, and llluminati bloodline.
Then go research Biden, the reptoid pedophiIiac's genealogy, and 0bama’s, and the Bushes, and, and, and…
…and understand who REALLY runs this planet, and HOW they do it.
PS you can do the same with the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Comission, etc. They are all from the same 13 bloodlines. But its harder to find the genealogical info since YouTube removed all the videos on it.
This was an unexpected surprise! Thank you, Greg. Listening to you and Celia bounce ideas and theories off of one another is always a treat because you’re both on the same page, for the most part, and so in-tune with what’s REALLY going on.
I dunno if you or anyone else here has had a chance to check it out yet, but Celia shared the new documentary, The Fall of Minneapolis, on her Substack last night and WOW, was it eye opening!
I think we all know by now that the whole George Floyd debacle was nothing but Leftist psychological warfare perpetrated on the American people in order to push their agenda, but I had no idea how corrupt, calculated and carefully orchestrated the whole mess really was until I watched it last night. It really triggered me too, because my entire family is originally from Minneapolis, so that once-beautiful city has had a lot of significance in my life and holds a lot of special memories for me.
Today is an especially hard day for me because my best friend passed away a year ago today. And in my heart of hearts, I KNOW it was vaccine-related.
There’s not a damn thing I can do about it, but just like my mom’s passing, it’s a really hard thing to reconcile. I think Celia summed it up best when she said that we’ve all been experiencing this strange, bad dream together for the last 4 years. And we’re all traumatized in our own way, because of it.
I hope you and everyone else here has a blessed week! 🙏🏻 And I CAN’T WAIT for next Sunday’s podcast. 👀😀
Liz Collin did an excellent job of bringing forth the FACTS surrounded our Nations Hero....George Floyd! I'm a Minnesotan and the coverage of that entire ordeal made me sick on a daily basis.
Biden said it best.....The death of George Floyd is more devastating to our country than that of Martin Luther King.....gag me!!!
It really is an awesome documentary! I knew as soon as I saw George Floyd’s rap sheet years ago, that there was WAY more to the situation than what we were being told. And then when the toxicology report was made public, it just solidified it for me.
Do I think he deserved to die? No, of course not. But he brought death upon himself by his own choices and actions. And now, 4 innocent men have been falsely imprisoned because of it and are suffering (just like the J6 heroes!) ~ THAT is what makes me sick to my stomach. 😢
Yes Miss Farah, it’s an abomination what’s happened to that poor man. 😔 And he was stabbed in prison only 9 days after The Fall of Minneapolis was released. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Yes Sherry. So much going on that we really need a laid-back time to reflect and let out some anxiety. There is so much stress. Hope you have great Holidays, in spite of the sadness.
Thru all this horror show it is important to remember the protocols of the elders of Zion whereby the goy or beasts the non Jews can be easily manipulated by the “chosen”. Witness the Gaza genocide, the massive exterminations of the Russian people during soviet times. Protocol 13 ending thus “who will ever suspect then that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many Centuries?”
Just to say they (the cabal from Kabbalah) have a plan and have for centuries been implementing it. Never under estimate the power and depth of satanic evil operative currently.
Yeah, I can't wait! I'm going to save this for this afternoon when my chores are done. I can sit and hand sew and listen to two of my favorite investigative journalists.
Inbred, retarded families? Overestimate? What? From my observations since the 1990s it is obvious we have consistently underestimated these leftist freaks. Their puppets may be subpar in the brains category but they are above average in intelligence. And yes, most sociopaths are very intelligent and possibly insane. I also feel that many discount evil itself as an intelligence.
You said their power is crumbling? On the contrary, I see humanity with all of it's divisions and hatred, and let's not forget those who have suffered public education, are on self destruct via apathy, complacency, tolerance, ignorance and cowardice will likely lose.
In 25 years or less most of us will lose but those who are lucky to survive the end of the 12,000 year cycle we are currently in will literally be in the stone age. As far as "prepping" is concerned, I operated in Angola's civil war from 1990 - 1997, and even with my experience I do not believe I am remotely prepared for what is likely to occur when society collapses prior to the Sun's wrath. Anyone that believes they are prepared are delusional.
The Globalist, Power-Elite, World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, Rothschild, Rockefeller, international bankster-gangsters, military industrial complex, Democrat-RINO, Zionist, etc etc etc worldwide organized crime syndicate, who secretly call themselves the KINGDOM OF SATAN, are the fallen, rebellious angels whom Archangel Michael threw out Heaven. They have incarnated on earth and intend to tyrannize, kill and enslave the sons and daughters of God.
The secret servants of Satan intend to ELIMINATE 90% of the world's population (according to their United Nations' Agenda 21 DEPOPULATION PLAN), destroy the sovereignty of all nations and RULE the entire world with their NEW WORLD ORDER, GREAT RESET, TOTALITARIAN HELL ON EARTH, complete with government controlled digital currency (CBDCs) and the MARK OF THE BEAST microchip implant. Revelation 13:16-18
The Satanic Globalist CRIMINALS intend to destroy God's DIVINE PLAN for earth and humanity.
Say the LORD'S PRAYER as often as possible and encourage others to do the same.
We need ALMIGHTY GOD'S HELP to overcome the Globalists' KINGDOM OF SATAN'S worldwide organized crime syndicate & all their evils, weapons, lies, deceits, treacheries, money manipulation, poisons, attempted thefts attempted murders and tyranny.
ALMIGHTY GOD has more power than all of the Satanic Globalist CRIMINALS put together.
Pray 🙏 for DIVINE DISCERNMENT to recognize the secret servants of Satan, the "wolves in sheep's clothing". "Ye shall know them by their fruits."
Pray 🙏 for all of the evils, weapons and conspiracies of the Satanists to be driven back into themselves for their own destruction so that they QUICKLY REAP WHAT THEY SOW and destroy themselves.
Pray 🙏 for every person, place, condition and thing of the Satanists to be replaced by the GOD-VICTORIOUS, LIGHT ALL-GLORIOUS JESUS CHRIST PERFECTION and GOD'S KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ON EARTH.
I had a great time. I like to just talk and not have to act like I know things, haha. I wish we could all be at a very big table by a lake in summer somewhere warm, all of us. Maybe…The Black Sea?
Thank you. Celia & Greg. I could have listened to this conversation for 3 more hours. Sane dialogue is such a treat these days. Please, do this again. Just wonderful.
Really Great to hear you and Celia doing easy-going talks in these podcasts. I think these really help me and a lot us who need to hear some "sanity" as we face these insane times. Gives all of us a chance to reflect, and a break from the SHOCKS that we are continually hearing about. Thanks to you both!
The people who don't want to know the truth are at a level of unawareness where fear is still valued. They're stuck in the lowest vibrations that one can live in---fear, shame,security, guilt. They have been engulfed by the ancient deception that "fear protects", and have superimposed it onto every thing the world offers. Fear doesn't protect, awareness does. Protect from what? All fear is the fear of God. The decision in antiquity to choose "fear of God/God-fearing" as an aim and a virtue has made the basic pulse of life one of fear and dread of punishment, filling the space where love would pour in if we allowed it to. What Celia said about thanking God for EVERYTHING really speaks my language and it was inspirational to hear how saying something that is in line with the Truth, even if you don't 100% believe it [yet] can show you Joy Without Cause. Thanking God is in line with the Truth because it replaces Fear of God with Love of God. God is NOT out to get you. They lied. Well, they inverted the Truth and fed it to the world as a story of sin, guilt, and punishment....what we're seeing now is because that story is not true and whatever is not true is death.
Those allergic to knowing the truth haven not yet had enough of their pet illusions blasted to pieces to get them to the point of being fed up with fear's tyranny and aren't ready to embrace truth in exchange. Using fear as a shield from truth is the huge mistake we all make at some points to some degree, but those of us who don't adhere to the idea that fear is mandatory have taken the pivotal step of turning our backs away from the deception that fear is. Truth floods in when fear is laughed at.
the ny post & daily mail uk , tabloid slump is the worst. Every time you read an "important news" your eye is distracted by the low level celeb chum on the side bar.
Trump has done much good for the USA even though he was surrounded by the secret servants of Satan who gave him wrong information and bad advice. Trump sincerely loves the USA and humanity and means well.
Pray 🙏 for Trump to recognize and overcome the evils and evildoers directed against him and against the USA.
Wow, the air sparkled when you guys started talking about the energy of gratitude. I can so relate to Celia's words about slipping into a lower vibe whilst carrying laundry through the rainy city...I think how much anyone would just love to slog through the wet city grime if they were bound to a hospital bed, disabled, or facing imminent death. One of the greatest concepts I got out of taking Kabbalah classes in East 48th was when the teacher would talk about being grateful for every little thing, even if you don't have a headache, give thanks, because if you had a headache, you would be begging for relief. And that can be extended to anything.
I remember when Pete Townsend got busted for allegedly paying for child porn. That one hurt. He claimed that he was doing research because of his own experiences being abused as a child. Maybe he was writing his memoirs, I don't recall at the moment. When I had a side grind as a chauffeur, I picked him up at the Plaza to drive him to the venue for a Who concert in South Jersey. It was just me and him in the Benz. He was so polite and exuded such a gentle spirit. When we got to a toll booth on the GSP, we picked up a police escort that drove us past the standstill traffic down the shoulder. I hung out backstage while they performed. I think his son was also jamming that day. Anyway, at the end of it, after I dropped him back at his hotel, he gave me a $300.00 tip. I want to believe him when he says he was just researching and looking to out how the banks are complicit in the child porn industry. He did not give off a negative vibe. Quite the contrary.
Scotland Yard took 12 computers from his home and studio and they found nothing. Not a thing. They let him go. It really was what he said it was. He's innocent.
Reality is that EVERYONE’s blood is now tainted by the nanotechnology through the jab, shedding, air, food, water, pharmaceuticals, dental anesthesia...... This is the ONLY issue that really matters.
Get a live blood analysis and look at your own blood
"EVERYONE’s blood is now tainted"
Yes it is Jeff. And we need to DETOX POISONS OUT OF OUR BODIES!
Green juice (fresh) everyday, cleanses the blood. Mineral salts and clay baths or footbaths pull toxins out thru the skin, the largest elimination organ of the body.
TONS OF WATER, salads, fruits and nuts, all raw. (soak your raw nuts overnight in Gratitude Water)
Detox everything you can out of your system and help your body everyday to rid the poisons.
Same goes for your pets. If your pets don't have access to greens, mix a little spirulina powder on their food, or offer it to them wet. I leave the jar of spirulina powder on a bottom shelf and they will knock it over when they want some!
Be well!
The point to all of this is that everyone is infected whether you’ve had the jab or not. It is in the air, water, food supply.
You can detoxify on a daily basis through all of these remedies, which evidently do work according to Dr. Ana.
But the thing is you need to Know that we are walking antenna with the nanotechnology inside of us all. We are being controlled by EMF and the nanotechnology that you just repressed by the detox effort is reactivated again …by 5G.
"We are being controlled by EMF"
Yes Jeff, sadly we are. But I have a detox for EMF too!
Well, its not actually a detox rather a deflector.
This video demonstrates the physical Law Of Attraction and Repulsion (LOA).
The woman in the video makes Orgonite for a living and her house and property are filled and gridded with Orgonite. The Orgonite produces a HIGH frequency energy field in and around her home. Watch what happens when a massive low-frequency storm passes over her house.....
This second clip is a simple demonstration of the same LOA and repulsion.
I know personally that it is possible to deflect low-frequency EMF and attract and surround yourself with a high-frequency Energy field, because after I gridded my house and property it began to occasionally rain, but only on MY house!
The Orgone energy produced by my grid is the same vibrational frequency 7.83MHz as the water in a raincloud, so when a random rain cloud passes over my house, the energy generated by my grid attracts to the water (LOA) in the cloud, because they are both the same vibrational frequency 7.83MHz, and the water in the cloud becomes heavy and falls.
And its really obvious because I live in a cul-de-sac!
It IS possible to deflect, minimize or negate the effects of low-frequency EMF, and when I leave the property I wear and/or carry the same high-frequency Energy generators with me so that the frequency of my personal Energy field is as high as possible, and I can move thru the Matrix like the Orgonite Lady in the storm!
PS. Jeff, Orgonite is a DIY project and there are instructional videos on YT, or there used to be :(
PPS. YT has since removed the video of the Orgonite Lady in the storm, and you know what THAT means!
This is very interesting...taking organite to the next step. I actually bought all the ingredients to make my own organite but just havent put it all together yet. I am on it now. Thanks for the realization and encouragement!!
I just thought of something Jeff, I need to warn you that elevating the frequency in your environment can become a passionate obsession!
There is also a service I recommend that will direct HIGH-FREQUENCY Energy to your home just like an EMF signal does, only HIGH frequency!
My friends and I have had amazing experiences with the Fluffy as its called. Its actually Focused Life Force Energy, or FLFE. I think there are videos on it on YT.
And if you work in the Matrix, you can have it sent to your cellphone!
Nowadays its not just 'EMF Protection', its 'EMF' DEFLECTION'!
Check out these guys using Slim Spurling Tensor Technology high-frequency Energy generators which are made of simple coiled copper wire. Its horrible sound and camera work but an effective demonstration of elevating and empowering your personal Energy field.
Like I said Jeff, it can become a passionate obsession! ;)
You are spot on with all that. I saw my blood with the Rouleaux effect, blinking blue lights and wounded white blood cells. I am un-jabbed.
EDTA as well.
She comments more on the real occurrence of the nanotechnology in the blood in on jabbed people as well as the jabbed. The jabbed people have their DNA hacked. Unvexed do not have their DNA hacked.
Reoccurrence *
The reason the pink-pilled love Trump is because the pink-pilled don't research.
So they don’t know who actually runs this planet.
Go research the llluminati, the Bavarian Jezuits, in all their iterations, Knights of Malta, Brotherhood of the Snake, Black Nobility etc.
Then go research Donald Trump and his cousin Hilary's Bavarian Jezuit genealogy, and llluminati bloodline.
Then go research Biden, the reptoid pedophiIiac's genealogy, and 0bama’s, and the Bushes, and, and, and…
…and understand who REALLY runs this planet, and HOW they do it.
PS you can do the same with the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Comission, etc. They are all from the same 13 bloodlines. But its harder to find the genealogical info since YouTube removed all the videos on it.
This was an unexpected surprise! Thank you, Greg. Listening to you and Celia bounce ideas and theories off of one another is always a treat because you’re both on the same page, for the most part, and so in-tune with what’s REALLY going on.
I dunno if you or anyone else here has had a chance to check it out yet, but Celia shared the new documentary, The Fall of Minneapolis, on her Substack last night and WOW, was it eye opening!
I think we all know by now that the whole George Floyd debacle was nothing but Leftist psychological warfare perpetrated on the American people in order to push their agenda, but I had no idea how corrupt, calculated and carefully orchestrated the whole mess really was until I watched it last night. It really triggered me too, because my entire family is originally from Minneapolis, so that once-beautiful city has had a lot of significance in my life and holds a lot of special memories for me.
Today is an especially hard day for me because my best friend passed away a year ago today. And in my heart of hearts, I KNOW it was vaccine-related.
There’s not a damn thing I can do about it, but just like my mom’s passing, it’s a really hard thing to reconcile. I think Celia summed it up best when she said that we’ve all been experiencing this strange, bad dream together for the last 4 years. And we’re all traumatized in our own way, because of it.
I hope you and everyone else here has a blessed week! 🙏🏻 And I CAN’T WAIT for next Sunday’s podcast. 👀😀
Liz Collin did an excellent job of bringing forth the FACTS surrounded our Nations Hero....George Floyd! I'm a Minnesotan and the coverage of that entire ordeal made me sick on a daily basis.
Biden said it best.....The death of George Floyd is more devastating to our country than that of Martin Luther King.....gag me!!!
It really is an awesome documentary! I knew as soon as I saw George Floyd’s rap sheet years ago, that there was WAY more to the situation than what we were being told. And then when the toxicology report was made public, it just solidified it for me.
Do I think he deserved to die? No, of course not. But he brought death upon himself by his own choices and actions. And now, 4 innocent men have been falsely imprisoned because of it and are suffering (just like the J6 heroes!) ~ THAT is what makes me sick to my stomach. 😢
Yes Miss Farah, it’s an abomination what’s happened to that poor man. 😔 And he was stabbed in prison only 9 days after The Fall of Minneapolis was released. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Yes Sherry. So much going on that we really need a laid-back time to reflect and let out some anxiety. There is so much stress. Hope you have great Holidays, in spite of the sadness.
Thank you, Steve! Happy Holidays to you & your family as well!
Thru all this horror show it is important to remember the protocols of the elders of Zion whereby the goy or beasts the non Jews can be easily manipulated by the “chosen”. Witness the Gaza genocide, the massive exterminations of the Russian people during soviet times. Protocol 13 ending thus “who will ever suspect then that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many Centuries?”
Just to say they (the cabal from Kabbalah) have a plan and have for centuries been implementing it. Never under estimate the power and depth of satanic evil operative currently.
Yeah, I can't wait! I'm going to save this for this afternoon when my chores are done. I can sit and hand sew and listen to two of my favorite investigative journalists.
Inbred, retarded families? Overestimate? What? From my observations since the 1990s it is obvious we have consistently underestimated these leftist freaks. Their puppets may be subpar in the brains category but they are above average in intelligence. And yes, most sociopaths are very intelligent and possibly insane. I also feel that many discount evil itself as an intelligence.
You said their power is crumbling? On the contrary, I see humanity with all of it's divisions and hatred, and let's not forget those who have suffered public education, are on self destruct via apathy, complacency, tolerance, ignorance and cowardice will likely lose.
In 25 years or less most of us will lose but those who are lucky to survive the end of the 12,000 year cycle we are currently in will literally be in the stone age. As far as "prepping" is concerned, I operated in Angola's civil war from 1990 - 1997, and even with my experience I do not believe I am remotely prepared for what is likely to occur when society collapses prior to the Sun's wrath. Anyone that believes they are prepared are delusional.
Very good convo so much so i would have loved to chime in.
(doesn't happen too often, feel like most of the time everything has been said. Acting it out is the only thing left)
The Globalist, Power-Elite, World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, Rothschild, Rockefeller, international bankster-gangsters, military industrial complex, Democrat-RINO, Zionist, etc etc etc worldwide organized crime syndicate, who secretly call themselves the KINGDOM OF SATAN, are the fallen, rebellious angels whom Archangel Michael threw out Heaven. They have incarnated on earth and intend to tyrannize, kill and enslave the sons and daughters of God.
The secret servants of Satan intend to ELIMINATE 90% of the world's population (according to their United Nations' Agenda 21 DEPOPULATION PLAN), destroy the sovereignty of all nations and RULE the entire world with their NEW WORLD ORDER, GREAT RESET, TOTALITARIAN HELL ON EARTH, complete with government controlled digital currency (CBDCs) and the MARK OF THE BEAST microchip implant. Revelation 13:16-18
The Satanic Globalist CRIMINALS intend to destroy God's DIVINE PLAN for earth and humanity.
Say the LORD'S PRAYER as often as possible and encourage others to do the same.
We need ALMIGHTY GOD'S HELP to overcome the Globalists' KINGDOM OF SATAN'S worldwide organized crime syndicate & all their evils, weapons, lies, deceits, treacheries, money manipulation, poisons, attempted thefts attempted murders and tyranny.
ALMIGHTY GOD has more power than all of the Satanic Globalist CRIMINALS put together.
Pray 🙏 for DIVINE DISCERNMENT to recognize the secret servants of Satan, the "wolves in sheep's clothing". "Ye shall know them by their fruits."
Pray 🙏 for all of the evils, weapons and conspiracies of the Satanists to be driven back into themselves for their own destruction so that they QUICKLY REAP WHAT THEY SOW and destroy themselves.
Pray 🙏 for every person, place, condition and thing of the Satanists to be replaced by the GOD-VICTORIOUS, LIGHT ALL-GLORIOUS JESUS CHRIST PERFECTION and GOD'S KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ON EARTH.
I had a great time. I like to just talk and not have to act like I know things, haha. I wish we could all be at a very big table by a lake in summer somewhere warm, all of us. Maybe…The Black Sea?
Thank you. Celia & Greg. I could have listened to this conversation for 3 more hours. Sane dialogue is such a treat these days. Please, do this again. Just wonderful.
Really Great to hear you and Celia doing easy-going talks in these podcasts. I think these really help me and a lot us who need to hear some "sanity" as we face these insane times. Gives all of us a chance to reflect, and a break from the SHOCKS that we are continually hearing about. Thanks to you both!
The people who don't want to know the truth are at a level of unawareness where fear is still valued. They're stuck in the lowest vibrations that one can live in---fear, shame,security, guilt. They have been engulfed by the ancient deception that "fear protects", and have superimposed it onto every thing the world offers. Fear doesn't protect, awareness does. Protect from what? All fear is the fear of God. The decision in antiquity to choose "fear of God/God-fearing" as an aim and a virtue has made the basic pulse of life one of fear and dread of punishment, filling the space where love would pour in if we allowed it to. What Celia said about thanking God for EVERYTHING really speaks my language and it was inspirational to hear how saying something that is in line with the Truth, even if you don't 100% believe it [yet] can show you Joy Without Cause. Thanking God is in line with the Truth because it replaces Fear of God with Love of God. God is NOT out to get you. They lied. Well, they inverted the Truth and fed it to the world as a story of sin, guilt, and punishment....what we're seeing now is because that story is not true and whatever is not true is death.
Those allergic to knowing the truth haven not yet had enough of their pet illusions blasted to pieces to get them to the point of being fed up with fear's tyranny and aren't ready to embrace truth in exchange. Using fear as a shield from truth is the huge mistake we all make at some points to some degree, but those of us who don't adhere to the idea that fear is mandatory have taken the pivotal step of turning our backs away from the deception that fear is. Truth floods in when fear is laughed at.
the ny post & daily mail uk , tabloid slump is the worst. Every time you read an "important news" your eye is distracted by the low level celeb chum on the side bar.
fucking social engineering. . .
Counterculture 12 days of Christmas from Dutchsinse:
Thank you Martha!
I LOVED it!!!
PS I STILL do not believe Trump is a Zionist/bad guy ..cognitive dissonance? Maybe it….maybe not
Time will tell
Trump has done much good for the USA even though he was surrounded by the secret servants of Satan who gave him wrong information and bad advice. Trump sincerely loves the USA and humanity and means well.
Pray 🙏 for Trump to recognize and overcome the evils and evildoers directed against him and against the USA.
He is one of the servants of Satan period.
Wow, the air sparkled when you guys started talking about the energy of gratitude. I can so relate to Celia's words about slipping into a lower vibe whilst carrying laundry through the rainy city...I think how much anyone would just love to slog through the wet city grime if they were bound to a hospital bed, disabled, or facing imminent death. One of the greatest concepts I got out of taking Kabbalah classes in East 48th was when the teacher would talk about being grateful for every little thing, even if you don't have a headache, give thanks, because if you had a headache, you would be begging for relief. And that can be extended to anything.
I remember when Pete Townsend got busted for allegedly paying for child porn. That one hurt. He claimed that he was doing research because of his own experiences being abused as a child. Maybe he was writing his memoirs, I don't recall at the moment. When I had a side grind as a chauffeur, I picked him up at the Plaza to drive him to the venue for a Who concert in South Jersey. It was just me and him in the Benz. He was so polite and exuded such a gentle spirit. When we got to a toll booth on the GSP, we picked up a police escort that drove us past the standstill traffic down the shoulder. I hung out backstage while they performed. I think his son was also jamming that day. Anyway, at the end of it, after I dropped him back at his hotel, he gave me a $300.00 tip. I want to believe him when he says he was just researching and looking to out how the banks are complicit in the child porn industry. He did not give off a negative vibe. Quite the contrary.
Pete is my hero. I’m with you, want to belive him
Scotland Yard took 12 computers from his home and studio and they found nothing. Not a thing. They let him go. It really was what he said it was. He's innocent.
I'm very relieved to hear that Celia! Long Live Rock!