Thanks Gregg . I had morgellons and it’s not a natural thing. Just glad my body rejected the junk as much as it could/ can. Not jabbed but had β€œ shedding issues β€œ.. God bless you and the other truth tellers.

Notice how the evildoers all hate God and Jesus. Not a coincidence!

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I survived Morgellons as well. I'm not sure what shedding is?

I'm a Targeted Individual in ND with evil Illuminati/cartel sisters. Since I've come to know JESUS all they hit me with is 24/7 v2k but it's been so since 2016 and it's so redundant and harmless. It's diabolical but in reality I'm accomplishing more than I ever have.

God bless you

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maybe it’s since birth, who knows. My brother, he’s dedicated to the dark side. I haven’t had any nonsense for the last few years, just a little.

, When I was helping my elderly mom and her sweetheart., Vax injuries. I had bleeding in menopause as one of the many β€œ shedding β€œ problems people are having around jabbed people. I got some tests done and just keep taking supplements. Sometimes I get a stiff neck and headache around them. There are vaccines for animals that spread through a heard , so I imagine they used that technique with the jab. & whatever the” spike protein β€œOr graphine in em, who knows..

I appreciate your sharing here, isn’t it amazing, Jesus makes all the difference. I was in upstate New York, been in central Florida the last few years. The targeting was training for these crazy times. Almost 4 years ago, I met my husband. That was the last thing on my mind & I thought it was a set up at first, lol . I’m so blessed. & near my mom now , that was an answer to a longstanding prayer.& a doctor actually helping with autoimmune issues now, after years of neglect by insurance dictated docs. ( & God bless)

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Sep 23, 2023
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Discernment is more important than ever these days.

The assistant at the women’s clinic said there’s a lot of unusual problems lately. The doctor was quiet but I only saw her for a few minutes ,of course, lol.

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Hi wendy , I have Morgellons and I am a Targeted Individual as well.

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Do you still get outbreaks? I had it rough for 3 months in 2021. I had a vigorous routine I followed vigilantly and haven't had a problem since!

I could share what worked for me if you'd like.

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I follow a strict protocol and rarely get outbreaks but I cannot get rid of the Nanotech/Morgellons as I have been Targeted for 10 years now .I will share shortly ,thanks .

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See my comments to Wendy. There is an answer.

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A Naturopathic Dr. does EDTA chelation .Also ozone treatment is quite effective . Also done only by a Naturopathic Dr.It hyperoxygenates the blood and kills the pathogens.I.V. glutathione and vitamin C ,which is called a "Myers cocktail "it great to kill the fibers .I also tke oral Vitamin C 500 mg , Pardarco which is an antifungal , Naturopathic anti parasitics .oral glutathione, I use a far infar red sauna as well which detoxes the body.

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Please share:)πŸ™

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I was homeless in Austin when it started and I thought it was just poison ivy!

It lasted WAY too long for poison ivy and Id been targeted for so long I realized it was Morgellons.

It covered my inner thighs the worst and the pain and itching was unbearable BUT here's what I did......

I managed to be able to get cheap clothes at thrift stores so that after I washed I could almost always change into uncontaminated clothes. Cotton as much as possible...steer away from synthetics.

I eventually found shelter so here's what I did!

Invest in as many flat sheet sets as you can, as well as Borax and Coconut Oil.

Try to never sleep on the same sheets twice. You'll be doing a lot of laundry! I used Borax for all my laundry. It's found near the detergents.

Pre shower routine consisted of gentle exfoliating ALL over with coconut oil then rinsing coconut oil off in shower. Next I'd apply Borax in the shower and use a clean rag to rub entire body. This was often bloody and kind of gross and scary. Freaky things were working their way out but it was also cathartic knowing I was being proactive!

I would then air dry and apply a THICK layer of coconut oil as a protective barrier.

I can't stress enough about the clean sheets and clean clothes. I'd do this routine twice a day and always put in clean clothes. If I'd worn something plenty(even after washing) I'd toss it. It's infested.

Diet wise I'd avoid sugar and alcohol. I'd also use apple cider vinegar shots, bentonite clay full body masks and also charcoal full body masks occasionally.

It's s lot and this is just what worked for me. Also look up coconut oil pulling!

I squeezed a lot of nasty stuff out of my skin but it eventually healed.

I used Calomine for itching. A lot of it!

God bless you. I hope this helps.

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should have ingested the 20 mule tteam borax. Has been shown to kill morgellens dead. 1 tsp. a day mixed in 3 oz. of H2O or i suppose juide according to a nutritionist who just wrote on the subject is a very safe dose to use daily.

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I've been trying to research morgellans for a couple of years now. Could you please share suggestions on any site's, videos, or platforms to help better inform me. I think I understand part of it but I'm still left confused on majority of the symptoms/diagnoses/causes/treatments

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I am sorry I can't point you to any specific info I just know what took my sores away for me personally.

I haven't had any blood looked at ever. I live in North Dakota and am not sure how to approach a doc about my health needs. We have a very liw

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Low population and in my opinion a higher than normal number of that population is corrupt, either Illuminati, gangstalker, cartel/traffickers, occult etc.

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Hi Wendy:

The best information on bioweapon shedding (actually "transfection") is written by Dr. Ana Mihalcea:

What Really Is Shedding? C19 Unvaccinated Blood Lit Up Like A Christmas Tree By What Appears To Be Polymer Coated Quantum Dots



These are my comments to Dr. Ana Mihalcea:



Get more information at the links below:

Morgellons Disease Treatment: https://www.brighteon.com/f0038520-18a7-4fc8-b60a-bf68c81896e1


Neutralize bioweapon threats by keeping Weight Chart doses of Nano Silver and Sodium Borate in your system.

Watch Nano Silver Webinar Presentation at https://www.terral03.com: https://youtu.be/IoxFckpUq44

How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store

Earth Clinic: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax.html

Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borax


More info at https://www.terral03.com and https://terral.substack.com

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I have tried silver , and I took too mjch of it . It also makes you more conductive if you are Targeted .small doses may kill some of the pathogens but in the end it makes it worse . In my humble opinon , as been there and did that already .I have not tried the borax yet , as was nervous to, as I react strongly to chemicals.are you Targted as well ?

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Everyone is targeted and everyone is infected with SARS and transfected with the bioweapon Vax components. I am on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen for the duration. Those of you unprotected are infecting and transfecting everyone around you making them "targeted" by you.... People are being warned. Very few will take heed.

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Good for you and not everyone is Targeted by DEWS .i am not vaxxed either . Have a great day !

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That would be the wrath of our creator against Satan this is called Armageddon

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Evil will be Extinguished, Party WILL be over period

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"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.Β And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.Β And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.Β And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.Β And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:10-15)

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John used Old Testament imagery to get his message to the Christians in Jerusalem so they could escape the coming destruction by the Roman army. Do you guys even understand the meaning of OT imagery? Do you know God's word enough to understand what John is saying? Just asking, don't hate me. Jesus and Peter gave the same warning to the early church.

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True. And the first four seals (known commonly as "the four horsemen of the apocalypse") are just the beginning. A fourth of the worlds population will die. Plus a whole lot more from the sixth seal to the sixth trumpet. Then at the sixth trumpet, another 1/3 of the population is killed. Finally, at the seventh, and last trumpet, Jesus returns, destroys the army of the beast, casts the beast and the false prophet into the lake of fire, imprisons Satan for a thousand years, and restored the world for his bodily reign from Jerusalem.

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Its called "the plan", "agenda 21". You can call it revelation but it was the plan of HUMANS! or the PARASITES (ELITES). They wrote the book you read and repeat incantations from. You are just contributing to their dark arts.

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After chapter 4 of Revelation,the Church/bride of Christ is no longer found in the rest of the book. The Church is no longer on earth, but in Heaven with Christ. The wrath of God is reserved for the unbelieving world. Short story; Turn to Christ in repentance, follow Him and be saved from the wrath to come.

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We all must go through the terrible time of trouble, but the Saints will be saved out of it.

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You're right.....Christ's Second Coming is distinctly different as He comes to earth to rule and Reign for a thousand years at the end of the great Tribulation. However, the Bride of Christ, the Church will be raptured (harpuzo)

The dead in Christ will rise, then those who are still alive will rise and meet Him in the air. To be with Him forever

So you're right Jesus doesn't return to earth until we return with Him in the Millenium at the end of the Tribulation.Staying here would include the seven year Great Tribulation, which is a judgement on the unbelieving world.....not the Body of Chirst. Maranatha

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I don't BUY anything. My salvation has already been purchased by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Period.

I don't know where your theology comes from but it's not orthodox. I'm not Roman Catholic btw either.Get yourself an orthodox copy of the Bible and actually read it!....don't read what somebody says about it. Start with the book of John in the New Testament. From what you've spewed at me I don't think you even understand the terms you use. Do you regularly fellowship with believers and study the Bible? If not, find a Bible centered/believing church and some accountability. Receive the free gift of salvation. The rapture is the blessed hope of the Body of Christ/The Church.There is salvation under no other name. TIP: Drop the "all caps" in your messaging....it makes you sound old and argumentative. I'm serious...you sound unhappy and afraid. You don't have to be. Trust Jesus !

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We're you able to get rid of morgellions. I'm really super infested.

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I took borax baths for a year, almost every night. Weaned off a bunch of prescriptions for autoimmune issues, changed my diet and used distilled water . A couple years later I started seeing an integrative medicine doctor. He gave me a heavy metal detox by Metagenics, clear renew. It was painful but it helped. My heavy metal & parasitic overload got much better . I’m on o protocol for biotoxin mold illness, the Ritchie Shoemaker protocol. Constant gentle detox with supplements based on my blood work.

& please don’t be discouraged, I know it’s horrible. & painful.

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A lot of people have success with Tony palleresco , he has a device you put in water and detox with it. Sorry I don’t have more details. I didn’t try it myself but wish I could have. My brain fog was too bad to get it together.

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I made the antinano bucket ,yes it helos I actually got a chip out of my body and it shuts down the programming of the nanobots transhumanism agenda. You can also buy it. It's called antinano bucket tony pantallersco,bitchute

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Thanks for filling in the details. ( foggy brain today)

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Rosalind I take weight chart dose borax in a liter of distilled water and nano silver 5 days on / 2 days off, plus a detox bath of bentonite clay, epsom salt, borax several times a week so I no longer have them causing an outer layer of grit on my skin. I pray daily for the Lord’s protection and never had symptoms of illness or pain. The bandaid test with peroxide still extracts them for view under microscope so I like to think the borax/ silver and detox baths are at least potentially deactivating nanobots, and the Lord will protect from any 5g trigger of hidden pathogen. Blessings to you.

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I forgot about the colloidal silver! & yes , lean on your faith. As horrible as morgellons is, I think it’s good our bodies are rejecting it / expelling it. Thanks for sharing & keep healing.

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Yes, but, Nano Silver is far superior to Colloidal Silver!

Colloidal Silver vs. Nano Silver: https://elementasilver.com/blog/colloidal-silver-vs-nano-silver/


How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store

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Amen. Sodium Borate (Borax) is one of the keys for treating Morgellons. Combine that with the Nano Silver regimen to protect from Morgellons Disease and the SARS bioweapons and bioweapon Vax. See my comments on this topic for links to important info.

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See my comments to Wendy.

Morgellons Disease Treatment: https://www.brighteon.com/f0038520-18a7-4fc8-b60a-bf68c81896e1

How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store

Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor: https://www.brighteon.com/12948cfd-4c05-4352-bbef-f21c6fa8ffa1


More info at https://www.terral03.com and https://terral.substack.com

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A doctor had it and couldn't get rid of it. Why? Because its a bioweapon; it's made in a bio-lab. If you want a cure, you will have to get hundreds of thousands of people together, put something to the head of the biotech devils and demand the anecdote.

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Hi Helen:

The antidote is Weight Chart doses of Nano Silver and Sodium Borate.

How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store

More info at https://www.terral03.com and https://terral.substack.com

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They hate so that you believe. Think deeper. As for what you are affected by, it's all being dropped in the chemtrails. The US just approved the release of 750 million bioengineered mosquitos. This is funded by Rockefelller.

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Yes. Do you want to dive into that rabbit hole? Billy Hayes built 200 of the HAARP facilities around the world and was a member of Terral's Research Group in 2011-2013. AI attacked us and forced the group to disband. Get more info from my interview with Dana Ashley and this Substack article:


This link below is to the first segment of my three-segment interview with Tina Griffin at CounterCultureMom.com.


Receive the uncut version (2+hours) when ordering your Nano Silver.


How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store

More info: https://www.terral03.com and https://terral@substack.com

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Sep 22, 2023
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There are no masters. You are all indoctrinated. Think; we are now in the 3rd world war and no one has rescued us.

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If you have faith in Christ Jesus then you know these end times do not include the rescue of "us."...the faithful are ready for the Lord's return. Maranatha!

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Yes I agree. Maranatha Lord Jesus, come quickly for the "time is short".

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Jesus will come - not a minute too soon or a minute too late but right on time.

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Thank you for reporting on this, Greg. I’m going to share it far and wide. I haven’t slept well at all in the last week because of this. I’ve decided to go ahead with my original plan and hijack my dad’s phone on 10/4 and take it to work with me, even though we live less than a quarter of a mile away from a cell tower. He’s gonna be really pissed, but whatever ~ he’ll get over it.

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Shutting off your phone will not do any good to protect your body from radio waves from a transmitter (cell tower). The guy telling you to turn off your phone to escape the emergency broadcast is wrong. Even if your phone is off your body would still receive the signal.

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i don't think is wrong !! because there are connexions inside jabbed ppl, but is the phone near of them that activate them, is like in the movie called .. The island or maybe the name is other, but the people need to be near his phone to activate the circuits.. for sure !!!

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That’s kinda what I thought too. Although, I’m not worried about me ~ I’m not jabbed. My dad is, so I was going to take his phone with me to work on 10/4. However, we live very close to a cell tower anyway (probably within a half of a mile to a quarter of a mile away) and he’ll more than likely be home that day. So, would it even make a difference?

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Probably not. You can also see how many 5g antennas are in your area. Most 5g transmitters are placed in neighborhoods or business districts because the range isn't that far. I live in a highly populated city and I don't have any 5g transmitters in my area. If you are that worried take a day off and get away from cell towers for the day. Then come back armed up for the zombies! https://www.speedtest.net/ookla-5g-map

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See also https://www.ubersignal.com/blog/cell-tower-locations#:~:text=Use%20an%20app%3A%20Download%20a,your%20phone%20is%20connected%20to. Or just search for "how to find cell towers near me."

And if you are still using Google/Chrome, shame on you. Use Brave browswer with search engine, or Tusk browser with engine, or search engines Yandex, Tusksearch, Freespoke, Presearch or Swisscows

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I usually use Brave and Freespoke, as well. 😎

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Brave is built on Chromium lmao. the same framework that Chrome sits on. you dummy

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Built on framework vs. using the exact same architecture is not the same thing. But thanks for the insult! But if u don't like it, use search engines Freespoke, Yandex, Swisscows or similar.

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Amen. Brave browser and DuckDuckGo search

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Thank you for providing that 5G map. Unfortunately, the tower that’s nearby IS a 5G tower. 😞

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If you are that concerned you can take him out of the area for the day. The sad fact is that if this is true they can do it whenever they want. And maybe they already are. My father was recently diagnosed with heart failure due to atrial fibrillation. He is unvaxxed, but lives in an area with a lot of elderly people who did take the shots. I believe that the vaxxed shed. His cardiologist said she has never been so busy and the pharmacy is having a hard time getting the meds that control heart rate to treat a-fib. It has already been established that cellular and wifi frequencies mess with the calcium channels in your heart cells. Those channels regulate the flow of electrical pulses, which regulate heart rate.

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Yes, my dad has A-Fib, as well. But he’s had it for as long as I can remember, like ever since I was in elementary school. My mom became very ill and passed away after she got the first booster shot and my dad has had all of the same shots that she had, so of course I worry about him. The A-Fib is controlled with medication. However, it seems like it’s become more pronounced since he was vaccinated. But, maybe it’s just due to old age? He’ll be 80 in November.

And yes, you are very correct. I was going to try to get my shift covered on October 4th so we could maybe take a trip somewhere away from all of the 5G towers. But the reality is, β€œthey” have the ability to torture, traumatize, injure and kill us anytime they see fit. It’s inescapable and Maui is proof of that. 😒😑

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Sep 25, 2023
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Sep 23, 2023
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Holy... You may want to listen to the first segment of my recent interview.

Tina-Terral HAARP-AI-Bioweapon-Black Star Interview Full for Paid Supporters: July 23, 2023

First Segment: https://terral.substack.com/p/tina-at-counterculturemomcom-interviews


How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store

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Sep 25, 2023
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They sprayed all the stuff that was in the vax in the chemtrails. No one is safe. If everyone was intelligent, they'd bring down the towers. People are cowards. I don't know how they think they could arrest the 99% if they all stick together. People rather talk on social media, and still allow the perps to do what they planned. Insane.

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No. First, vaxxers have been transfecting non-vaxxers from the beginning.

What Really Is Shedding? C19 Unvaccinated Blood Lit Up Like A Christmas Tree By What Appears To Be Polymer Coated Quantum Dots


Next, the bioweapons are AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses using the Digital Space-Based HAARP Carrier Wave that upgraded the old Alaska-based analog system in 2013. AI can utilize 3G, 4G, 5G, etc., and AM-FM radio frequencies, and any frequencies up and down the electromagnetic spectrum for manipulating the nanobots inside our bodies, and for activating the bioweapon components, activating the kill switches, etc.

The "5G" keyword is used for identifying and tracking people researching the topic, which puts people in the AI radar. You may want to listen to my recent interview for more information:

Tina-Terral HAARP-AI-Bioweapon-Black Star Interview Full for Paid Supporters: July 23, 2023

First Segment: https://terral.substack.com/p/tina-at-counterculturemomcom-interviews


How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store


More info at https://www.terral03.com and https://terral.substack.com

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You need to build a faraday cage or buy a faraday box or envelope

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Your phone acts as an antenna. The weaponry sends a pulse with help through the phones to the electrical areas of the body like the heart, spinal cord and brain. There are many videos showing how this has been done to people in Asia.


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Yes you will still be exposed to the waves. But common sense tells you your exposure will be less if your not walking around with a 5g attracter in your pocket....duh. what are u planning on doing. Building a faraday cage? Moving to Mars? What is your positive contribution to this conversation.

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Why are you so angry that I provided an opinion based upon sound reason and science?

Whether you are carrying a receiver of the radio waves or not, they are still present and passing through your body. Do you think that AM and FM radio waves wrap around your car if you turn off the radio? That they aren't still passing through your body if you aren't carrying a portable radio? If cover your your eyes, light waves aren't still present? The receiver doesn't attract the radio waves. They are present whether it is, or not. The receiver simply provides an interface so that the information carried on the waves can be utilized by humans who aren't able to perceive the RF spectrum without a receiver and translating device.

Also, I didn't say I was concerned about the 5G transmissions. I said that turning your phone off (see the above explanation) wouldn't protect you, and gave some advice about how to avoid the exposure if you were concerned about it.

I hope this has been a learning experience and I provided a positive contribution to your life by explaining some very basic science.

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You need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills.

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Sep 23, 2023
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how'd this workout for you bud? i'm vaxxed and still alive lmao

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Oct 5, 2023
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Hello! Thank you for your passionate comment. It's clear you have strong feelings about the topics you've mentioned. However, let's break it down a bit:

Capitalization: It's generally best to reserve capital letters for the start of sentences and proper nouns. Overusing them can make text harder to read and understand.

Your Points: You've mentioned various sources and topics, like David Icke, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and the mRNA vaccines. I'd be interested in hearing more about your perspectives on these subjects and engaging in a meaningful discussion about them.

Clarity: To have a more effective conversation, let's try to simplify and focus on one topic at a time. This way, we can ensure a clear and productive exchange of ideas.

Remember, respectful and clear communication is essential for productive conversations, especially on complex topics. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

Additionally, if you could provide a more detailed explanation of your beliefs and the key points you've mentioned, it would be incredibly helpful. Clarity in communication can lead to more productive and meaningful discussions. Feel free to share your thoughts in a way that can help others understand your perspective better, and we can continue the conversation from there. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

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The bad news is that everyone is being infected by SARS and transfected by the vaxxers.

What Really Is Shedding? C19 Unvaccinated Blood Lit Up Like A Christmas Tree By What Appears To Be Polymer Coated Quantum Dots



Vaxxers Transfecting Non-Vaxxers: https://www.brighteon.com/a1136352-49ce-4388-82eb-456493643254


How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store

Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor: https://www.brighteon.com/12948cfd-4c05-4352-bbef-f21c6fa8ffa1


The bioweapons are AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses.



Everyone should be on the Weight Chart doses of Nano Silver and Sodium Borate ASAP!

More info at https://terral03.com, https://terral.substack.com

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I warned my adult kids & husband but they will probably ignore me. Will this come over a lab top also?

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how'd this work out for you? lmao so dramatic for what?

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Sep 22, 2023
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He is a treasure, indeed. Unfortunately, he’s a triple-vaxxed treasure. And I’m just trying to keep him alive so I can continue to treasure him for years to come. He watches MSM and thinks I’m completely nuts, so I doubt he would listen to me if I asked him to shut his phone off for two hours on October 4th. He’s also very stubborn.

I don’t normally have any sleeps issues, but when I read about this β€œemergency test” and subsequent β€œzombie apocalypse” online, it really freaked me out. I’m a worrier and I tend to manifest stress and anxiety physically, so I haven’t been sleeping well lately. But, I appreciate all the healthy living advice. πŸ™‚

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Sound like my bro-in-law.

He was my sisters care taker for the last 10 years of her life.

I adore him for that.

Take the damn phone.

25 years ago one didn't need a phone at all times to survive.

Hell 70 years ago one didn't need a vaccine either.

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But 25 years ago, there were real phones on the street that could be used, for some change, in case of an emergency. Now, you're on your own.

Edited for typos.

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I was thinking the same thing!!!

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Hi Sherry. Yeah, my dad's same way. My mom and brother as well. Nobody believes me so now I just need to share the gospel and keep praying. I have anxiety as well but I learned that we shouldn't be on any of their medications. They're putting the vaccine stuff in our meds and food. I can't afford to get any organic food or vitamins so I just have to pray over what I do eat. I don't even have clothes and things I need to stock up on so I just have to have faith. God bless you and yours πŸ™πŸ’›πŸ’―

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Just take and hide his phone for a few hours. When he asks, play stupid and tell him he must have misplaced it and pretend to help him look for it.

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Sep 22, 2023
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Sorry to bring this up, but isn’t it the pulse from the 5G towers that is supposed to trigger the nasty bugs, not the much weaker signal from our phones? Would it then be more important to be farther from these towers, if this is the way the powers that be trigger this?

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That’s what makes sense to me also. Otherwise, people could just turn 5G off on their phones and not be effected, which I’ve already done. 5G towers are everywhere, unfortunately.

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Sep 23, 2023
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"put silver cooking foil within your Hats"

Also military grade Radiation Blocking Fabric. I can FEEL the difference with it.

Also, I believe the cell phone itself sends out ping of short-burst microwave radiation every 7-12 minutes, to locate the nearest tower. That way it can always be 'instant on'.

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If they are talking about 18GHz, I don't think phones use that frequency, definitely not any prior to the last few years when they started supporting 5G. So I assumed that this signal would be coming from the tower, if anything.

But who knows!

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well GREAT because you know....I was getting BORED with all the other disasters...now I can look forward to zombie BITES well...great...and I thought my moron neighbours were bad enough before. ......GREAT.........fffffffffffff

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Oh I laughed out loud, thank you that was funny.

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If shutting your phone down protect people (not just airplane mode) then it must be 5g that is being used as a 4 g signal would not change with a 4g phone phone being on.

Because wtth 5g you target devices with an antenna array - so that can in theory also target a 4g phone that is on with the 5g signal.

The other obvious thing to do is to rid yourself of any graphene in your blood.

If I am not mistaken MMS (chlorine dioxide) can do this.

Not a lot of info comes up in my searches.


Greg this is how we stop evil government as you put it: https://tacticalcivics.com/

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We need to rid our bodies of all metals. Look into detoxing, cleanses, soaks.

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Missouri Joe, Dr Ana Mihalcea, interviewed here on Rumble, has an EDTA chelation protocol to return the corrupted blood to normal, or "pureblood" in an un-vaxxed person.

Unfortunately the blood becomes corrupted again when exposed to vaxxine shedding.

I continually detox with salts, clays, EDTA and shungite baths. Or footbaths if I can't do a full bath. Sadly, its the new normal :(

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I have used EDTa for years sublingual and still have some around.

It is very inexpensive at bulk supplements.

It is best used IV is my understanding.

They have a clinic in here Springfield MO where they use IV EDTA to chelate the calcium deposits from your arteries. I saw a similar EDTA clinic when I was in Los Algodones MX about 15 years ago.

If you can ---- a longer water fast (21 days or more) is an excellent way to detox a lot of things as is a FIR sauna.

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I have done EDTA and DMSA chelation for lead and mercury about 12 years ago.....

then as learned I have used other methods.

Iodine is said to help get fluoride out of the pineal gland.

One of the best detoxes is a FIR sauna and I have the Sunlighten Solo which I swear by.

The skin as you know is your biggest detox organ.

"Urotherapy" is also something to look at, especially when combined with fasting.

Beware as the field is changing and a lot of people don't really know what they are talking about.


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"Iodine is said to help get fluoride out of the pineal gland."

Also cedarwood essential oil, on the underside of the big toe, every night before bed. Decalcifies the pineal gland.

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I have only heard of Iodine and a few other nutritional supplements as ways to decalcify the pineal.

Cedarwood is a new one to me -- but I am not that strong on my oils knowledge.

I do use oils sometimes as a tick repellent that works fairly well.

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Sep 23, 2023Edited
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I’ve started using bentonite clay. And everything natural, as much as possible. Thanks to God I did not take the jab!! We all

Must stay together!

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Sep 23, 2023
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Thank you:). I am finding it so hard to believe what I am seeing and experiencing

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Sep 23, 2023
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Time to sharpen the machete I guess

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Promote More Fear - Not Less

The Vaccinated Took The Shots

Because They Were Afraid Of " Some New Virus "

- You Wiil Not Make Them Less Fearful. And Have Not.

So Make Them More Fearful Of - SOMETHING ELSE

Make Them Terrified Of Suffering From The Shots

- Like Everyone Else Who Already Has.

This Isn't Hard Folks. Taunt Them Unrelentingly.


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Clowns To The Left Of Me ...

Jokers To The Right ...

Here I Am:


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stuck in the middle with zombies...

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πŸ˜†That song - …stuck in the middle with you….

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Who's afraid now though?

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As soon as I get my blue check back I’ll be catching up on reposting all your videos! Plus I gotta restart my subscription to your Stack which I’ll be doing today! Your work is worth paying for. Nobody out here does it quite like you except for Jon Bowne you two are neck in neck. I absolutely love your style & the iconic voice, Alex found a true gem in you & I see it too!

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Do "blue checks" protect as well as "blue roofs" ?

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If you are waiting on blue checks I do indeed feel sorry for you.

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I pay for the blue check for the video upload time. They are about to make it a complete paid service anyway, from what I understand there will be a lesser price point as well as the blue check β€œpremium service”. As of right now you get the blue check wether you want it or not. I got tired of trying to find a good part to cut videos up on & then you might have to break a video down in like 3 posts, with the paid service you can post a 3 hr video if you want. The blue check now has no value if they’ll give β€˜em to anyone, they are literally a dime a dozen! I’m somebody with or without a check mark.

Anyway it’s @The777lioness Atarah Israel if any of y’all wanna check me out & see if you need to feel sorry for me or not 🀣

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Shutting off your phone has no effect of 5G. Your phone doesn't stop the microwaves that proceed from the towers. The only way to stop the microwaves is to address the towers.

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True, but I can put my battery drained, shut-down cell phone outside in a Faraday cage, so the 5(G) microwaves don't come into my house seeking my cell phone! ;)

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If what I write below is "mumbo jumbo" then scan your body, if vaccinated, with an Android 5 phone and if your body has a new MAC address, which you can easily discover with your phone using Bluetooth to find MAC addresses around it. If you can't find yours, get someone to scan you with your Android phone.

If your body has a new injected MAC address, then it is broadcasting I am here, I am here, I am here on 5G, to a receiver somewhere and what receives can transmit, but you won't know when your thoughts are not your own, so don't worry about things you cannot change. Be interesting to see how it works at the next election and if those who vote actually have any say over who they vote for, won't it. Better write down who you want to vote for, several weeks before voting (when you mind is not being manipulated) and try to vote for the name of the person or political party, you have written on the piece of paper you have with you - nip around to your nearest Graveyard and scan the corpses in the ground - you will find they are still emitting a MAC address, those that were vaccinated before they died - we might yet see corpses emerging from the ground as if they are alive.

Perhaps the interest should not be on what is past, but why the synthetic mRNA vaccines and their ultimate purpose, bearing in mind that these vaccines were purchased under a military incentive and not a medical one. The transport of neucelic acids is done inside graphene nanotubes and the vaccines are made up of 95% graphene in each vaccine injection.

Studies from the University Of Almeria in Spain conclude that the vaccines + Graphene + 5G = Brain Control.

NanoGrafi Company (check them out on Google) developed an intranasal Covid vaccine and PCR Tests with nanoparticles which make graphene nanotubes.

At 5G frequencies of 42.6 Hz per second, the 1.2mm nanotubes injected into the vaccines resonate and propagate a high energy signal at the average speed of human thought., the precise nanotube length of 1.2 nanometers of 1.2Γ—10.9m

Since the writer already knew the 5G microwave frequency in the 10 to 300Hz range, she noticed the curious coincidence of how it cancelled out those precise powers of 10 in the well known wave mechanics formula – which presumably, anyone with an engineering background would understand (beyond me however)

The average neuron sends signals at about 180 km/h

When combined, these factors would increase the speed to 432 km/h

Some humans think faster than others so there is a lot of variation.

So with the average thought speed of 180 km/h that is, 180,000 meters over 3,600 seconds: 50 meters per second.

This wave speed of the human brain is achievable for ordinary nanotubes and frequencies radiated by 5G antennas – this is not speculation but science and combined techniques and fits a precise physical formula which is incontestable.

These graphene nanotubes are injected with the vaccines and act on the microwaves emitted by a 5G antenna at the same frequency that human beings think, so through these nano particles, 5G antennas can modify the thoughts of those vaccinated.

Like Robots or Zombies, controlled by 5G Transmissions

Everyone vaccinated now has their own biological computer installed with plug in's. Further vaccines create more biological assemblies in their bodies. Those whose body is not suitable for biological computer modification is exterminated. Although "nothing" has happened yet, with regards to mind control, how would anyonwe know if the thoughts they have are their own or put there by the biological implanted computer connected to their brain by 5G?

My theory is that there are 2 super computers in nuclear proof bunkers in the US which cannot be reached by humankind and they will control the vaccinated by 5G - doubtless Russia and China also have their super computers in nuclear bunkers too, as do all other countries - the computers communicate with each other and will direct humankind to its order, direction and purpose, without any modified human knowing what is happening to them. It has already been done. Nothing else needs to be done. Greed and avarice were the undoing of the human race, by all who contributed to our downfall, for money.

All that remains to be done is to control those which survive long enough, for the computers to fulfil their intentions, whatever they are - "we" are after all units and units can be exterminated to order, or made to complete activities, whose purpose is not our concern, anymore, but tasks the immobile computers can't do themselves.

If whatever I write here is the future - then the vaccinated are all part of "the machine" now.

Everyone over 50 is obsolete - which is why seniors have been exterminated in nursing homes.

The vaccinated are Genetic Cyborg's they just don't know it yet.

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"Russia and China"

Interesting note, Russia and China did NOT give their military the Western vaxxines.

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Well, yes and no. Russia got Putin's vaccine which he had on stage for all to see - it had the same technology as Moderna and Pfizer's vaccines and there is a database now of everyone who was vaccinated, with everything about them, right down to the shoes they wear to go out in - those who accessed that database were dumbfounded by the information about each of them recorded there. Putin, I gather had a dim view and he had the inventor of the Russian vaccines executed about one year ago.

The Chinese are getting the Pfizer vaccine, but marketing it under a different name, but then you have to remember that President Xi wants to be President for life, like Putin and Biden and Xi is constantly killing off the competition, who he sees as a threat to personally dethrone him, so perhaps the Pfizer vaccines help with Chinese population control too.

The Novavax vaccine uses the same formula as the vaccine which was used for Spanish Flu after WWI 1918 H1N1 which killed millions back then - the vaccines did it - interesting don't you think?

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Yes Christine! And cancer was not an epidemic until AFTER the polio vaxx!

I was specifically researching military vaxxines, figuring that whichever country didn't vaxx their military are the countries scheduled to win. But of course the fearful soldiers would want to be vaxxed and protected, so I suspect that China and Russia's military were given the placebos.

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Hi Proberta - love your name, never come across that one before. President Xi and Putin and Biden and everyone else of the Elite are all marching to the same tune, played by different bands which all seem to be connected with Schwab - the bloke who they all fly in to be with yearly and they all seem to be involved with him, directly or indirectly and they all seem to be working towards a common goal, which is the reduction of us "Human Garbage" because, to their way of thinking, there are too many of us now that computers and AI and automation have taken away the manual jobs we once did.

In any war, in future, there won't be physical combat like Vietnam or well, the Ukraine for example, it will all be drones and robots and the like and the ideal weapon in that scenario would be a human/robot which is a command center and controls the computerized weaponry like those computerized dogs with a heavy machine gun on its back, or something else and the ways that wars were fought before, won't be like the way wars are fought in the future and how the Ukraine war is evolving, is a fine example of that.

China is well aware of that and has been working towards developing Super Soldiers as has America and all other countries and whoever wins the race and develops the first functioning Super Soldier will have modernized all weaponry and made it obsolete overnight, which is why Biden and others are emptying their weapons storage facilities and sending those obsolete weapons to the Ukraine to be used against Putin's forces which is where vaccines come in and their ultimate purpose - to exterminate we Human rubbish who are not genetically suitable for computerized/human modification into potential Super Soldiers through the mRNA factories being built at the moment - and keep those who are, for that modification once the implanted genetic computers are activated by 5G and control of the human mind is taken away and replaced by AI - for enhancement and all future control, probably by 2025, or in the next 18 months - which begs the question, who, or what is in control of our future evolution then?

If you have been following my posts about scanning people's vaccinated bodies with an Android 5 phone on Bluetooth to find their broadcasting new MAC address, then you can see how that evolution will probably occur, if it has not been used already.

There was an English program which ran for a few weeks about people who had gone missing and they never re-appeared again.

These were healthy men about 30 years of age, survivalists who were comfortable with and living rough in the harshest of the English winter weathers and they just disappeared.

When someone gets killed, their body always appears sooner or later, but these guys , they just vanished 100% totally and my take on that was that a vehicle with a transmitter picked them off by transmitting a signal within a specified range (I have the numbers if you are interested) and carted them away for modifications - how that went goodness knows, because the vaccines were supposed to do much more than we were told, help begin the process from human to Borg, for want of a simple explanation and the vaccines did not deliver that, because vaccines never worked and never have, the assumption that they do, did not deliver the prize those behind this expected to get.

If vaccinated American soldiers were involved in personal hostilities like in Vietnam, for example, they would drop dead from Heart Attacks as soon as they came under heavy fire or conflict - so that does not fly now.

I think it is a moot point whether China or Russian Military have been vaccinated or not, in all probability they have been, because they can't be modified to order once the new technology has the kinks ironed out and that factory modification can begin.

I am always surprised by War. Amongst our communities are killers who lust to be placed in battle and to kill with the weapons they are provided with and when they are good at killing our invented enemies, they are praised and awarded with promotions and medals - but when they kill civilians in the process of the War they have been put in, the desk jockeys back home castigate them, which to me is a double standard, at least from a Western point of view.

The Chinese in Vietnam were ruthless in their torture of the Allied forces they captured and they did not care about the civilians who were caught in the cross fire between forces, yet our desk jockeys, who like Trump (once) and Biden (5 times) according to Berenson, ducked call up to Vietnam to fight for America and neither went, yet they and people like them, now castigate those murders who went, for anything unseemly, they did back then.


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Puturd vomit.

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If you are being critical of what I write - go to your local Graveyard and scan the graves with an Android 5 phone and Bluetooth -if nothing happens you are no worse off, are you - if it does, think again - is that so much to ask?

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Which reminds me of a scripture... He will set himself up in temple proclaiming He is God.... Furthermore, he will do his will... Does it not stand to reason our common enemy copies and perverts all of the creator`s work? In essence Satan has established his version of the holy Spirit... All encompassing humanity to challenge the true holy Spirit. But the enemy has a flaw.... He needs hard ware to achieve his plans... The holy Spirit was created by God's word.

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There is no such thing as an atheist. There is only a time and moment when the non believer has the scales removed from their eyes or dies in their sin... Atheist do not dwell in foxholes... With all respect to the reader

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I am sorry - I am an Atheist - I don't believe in any God and I think the whole religion thing is just another way for men (and some women) to instill fear so that they get a free ride through life at the expense of the multitude who believe the religious rubbish they spout out - like you for example.

In my book you religious nuts are no better than the maniacs behind the depopulation going on now, you just go about it differently, that is all.

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"...you religious nuts are no better than the maniacs behind the depopulation going on now"

Actually Christine, there is a significant difference. The "religious nuts" have been deliberately programmed and indoctrinated into their beliefs, by the "depopulating maniacs". ;)

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Funny, I thought The Bible which you lot wave around and quote from, was the incentive you used to spout the rubbish you do and not the maniacs at all - the maniacs learned how to be maniacs from the religious rubbish you spout and your Bible gave them the wonky ideas they now have, that depopulation will bring the world back to when men rode around on Donkey's and the women walked in a line behind the guy sitting on the Donkey - Valhalla indeed.

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The 33rd Degree Masonic explanation of religion:

"Foster Bailey states that Masonry "is the descendant of, or is founded upon, a divinely imparted religion..." This religion he explains, "...was the first United World Religion. Then came the era of separation of many religions and sectarianism. Today we are working again towards a World Universal Religion." ("The Spirit of Masonry", p.31)"

In the New World 0rder there will be only one religion, the "World Universal Religion". The religion that serves the llluminati.

So the same people that are depopulating the Earth are the same people that wrote the Bible.

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My understanding is that the Greeks wrote the Bible 600 years after your God was supposed to have lived and it was easy to write a reliable document then, because the history was recorded in the new written language and the early printing presses to print the garbage out on. If you died now and I wrote about the wonders you performed and the miracles you achieved in 600 years time - there would be nobody around then, who could prove or disprove anything i wrote, would there?

We humans are a stupid lot, we like to have something we can hang our hats on to explain the unexplainable because that makes life that much easier to bear, someone or something to blame life's short comings on.

The Roman's ruled the known world when Jesus was supposed to have been alive and Moses too and the Romans recorded everything, but not a mention anywhere about Jesus - or even hanging him from the cross, which was commonplace back then.

I am not a Mason and I have no idea what they preach - Trump, Biden, our leader Steve Kirsch and others of their financial superiority are all probably Masons - but they have secret handshakes and keep their order secret don't they - I don't see the Masons as Greeks in the year 600AD do you?

Beware Greeks bearing gifts.

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Love the COD zombies theme

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This sounds too wild like they might be feeding a lot of nonsense to discredit the true stuff you uncover. Think operation Blue Book and the one that sent Hitler all the false information before D day.

If this would happen, I think God would have warned us about it in the Bible. The mark of the beast is coming. The last red heifer may be found. Rivers are turning red all over the world. The rise in earthquakes are going to be due to a weapon. They are pushing a UFO narrative as a cover story for the Rapture.

We are in the end times. Seek Jesus while you still can. I have seen him in multiple dreams. He is as real as any other person and he will return soon to wage war on Satan. Whoever unites the world under a message of peace is going to be the AntiChrist. Read your Bible. Over 2000 prophecies have been fulfilled with more being validated all the time.

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This is going to happen. It is in Revelation 9:: 3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes. 6 During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.

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That is not an accurate translation of this event. One, millions of born-again Christians are vaccinated. If the 5g pulse is activated, there is no way to target it. Everyone in range would be affected. Two, John would have been familiar with a plague of locusts and illnesses. Why would he describe insects with stingers if he saw people suddenly getting sick? Third, those locusts come from the pit, a specific area. Finally, The sixth seal was opened 3.5 years after the rise of the Antichrist.

God tells us he will do several things before that happens. If this were to be what God warned us about, it would not occur in a few weeks. It would be at least four years away, probably more. Tribulations start when the Jews rebuild the temple, and the Antichrist stands there and gives a speech claiming to unite the world in peace. Then there will be peach for 3.5 years before all hell breaks lose on earth for another 3.5 years. Then Jesus returns and puts Satan in the pit after killing his army. Then, we live on earth for 1000 years without any sin. I can't wait.

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Seems like that's their plan, details:


with the title:

FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023

and this description:

All wireless phones should receive the message only once. The following can be expected from the nationwide WEA test:

"Beginning at approximately 2:20 p.m. ET, cell towers will broadcast the test for approximately 30 minutes. During this time, WEA-compatible wireless phones that are switched on, within range of an active cell tower, and whose wireless provider participates in WEA, should be capable of receiving the test message."

with WEA standing for Wireless Emergency Alerts.

Any Iphone can be put in a Faraday cage with an EMF meter set for recording the signal parameters. Send the recordings to a court for criminal charges.. The only thing is, the lawyers..

An example:


with this conclusion:

"This means that the total cost to properly file a case like I would envision against those responsible for the jab would be (conservatively) $5 million + $800K + $500K + $500K = $6.8 million."

Lawyers create the inhumane laws, they deal with them and they live from them, no matter how many people die, actually the more people die, the more of their clients, paying ~500$/hour.

If there is one thing to completely avoid, it would be lawyers, in particular those, who claim to be great Christians but can't help human fellows because they do not have millions from the injured, still alive victims...

Btw. all FREE Substack posts with lot of direct proof of crime (plain bioinformtics of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike on my posts) was send to many, including lawyers, like Callender or Fuellmich, and ZERO response. That tells everything.

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Thank you for official fema.gov announcement.

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I was just watching another video about the zombie apocalyps from Australian Max Iganβ€”it’s excellent. https://rumble.com/v3jfxsw-building-the-perfect-slave.html

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so THIS is what they meant by a "world changing event" yeah ....thanks :-/

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Graphene Oxide Dances When Exposed To 5G


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That’s a neat video, but I believe it’s trickery. Metal shavings with a magnet underneath. No proof it’s graphene. Little proof it’s 5G. Video zoomed in so can’t see surroundings. Moon landings aren’t real either πŸ€“ I know. Impossible, right? Except for the film that was accidentally released by the military.

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That was a bulk of well-collected evidence!

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You're welcome. I was swearing off the comment section b/c its become a toxic sewer with plants and trolls. And once again I got sucked in and just dropped more of what we all know to hopefully make one go away. Now the BBC has assigned one to Greg too - and he's been piled on - so maybe it will go away too.

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I agree 100%. This used to be a great place for like-minded people to come together and bounce ideas off of one another. I still look forward to watching Greg’s reports and interviews and listening to (and occasionally watching, if we’re lucky) the Sunday afternoon podcast, but I avoid the comment section like the plague now because it’s clearly infested.

I know we all hate censorship here, but I wish Greg would consider limiting the comment section to paid subscribers only, like a lot of other content creators do on Substack.

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That Would Be A Shame Because I’m sick of Being Censored, for many years, People are trying to silence me! Information is key! Truth is Critical……please see and study for yourself from www.vaticancatholic.com also known as mostholyfamilymonastery.com My email address is familywrenne@yahoo.com Heartfelt prayers And Many Blessings……

Thank you and God bless you from Ireland.

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Thanks Tom, I had not seen Died Suddenly but have kept up with the truth tellers and warn everyone I can about the deadly injections. Any injections these days. God Bless You and Yours

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Interesting videos. Have to study further. I can’t find material properties showing that graphene oxide is magnetic. Do you have data on that? I think this may be more concerning: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1748013220300918

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