Shared on all 3 of my social media sites. So true! Been fighting the info war to get the truth out for nearly 4 years now. 💪🇺🇸💪

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Aug 12, 2023
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Aug 14, 2023
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Aug 14, 2023
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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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Aug 12, 2023
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Yes, I am very aware. Thank you.

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Why was the comment removed? This is censorship you know. If you're going to remove comments at least explain why and the name of the person who made the comment. We don't want to remain barbarians do we? Censoring means you also consent to censorship and that threatens my life and yours and everyone's. little do you seem to realize.

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We are not 330 million united, though. A large percentage of the US *wants this, and not for any kind of intelligent reasons.

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There are many don’t care or are happy in their ignorance

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Aug 12, 2023
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Well said and I concur! Be blessed!

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The sheep 🐑 are plentiful. However, I don’t think they’re AS plentiful as the media would like us to believe. I still think there are far more Conservative, right-leaning, Patriots with common sense and critical thinking skills in this country than there are brainwashed idiots ~ and everyday, more and more people wake up to the truth. I don’t believe anyone is coming to our rescue (except GOD). It’s up to us to save ourselves, but America’s not dead yet, so never give up hope!

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We weren’t more then 3% united during the revolution, it doesn’t take many pissed off Americans to get something done.

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The middle class is the political class.

The "revolution" was a myth created by Brit Banksters who wrote up papers to give themselves and their butt-buddies the entire continent.

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It's a revolution of thought, of mindset more than anything.

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Re- volution. Same old same old, round and round and round and round.

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We could be doing something right now. But what? Well before we can know what to do we have to discuss don't we?

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This is the How To

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It's not really polite to just add links and say nothing that it's about and there are reams of pages to read through. That's not having respect for your audience. I know it's a common practice but common practice should be to explain something about it so that people will know whether it's of interest to them.

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The genetic therapy shots fired on many, was our Lexington Green day. We are slowly waking up to that fact that We the People are once again under attack.

Meet you at the Old North Bridge. They will not pass.

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Was also a time if men - those ‘men’ have been systematically emasculated by design

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Well we need to have a head count of actual numbers. We can know what people want now, in a very short time. Polls. Surveys. Questionnaires. Why have we got the internet if we're not using it properly?

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Aug 12, 2023
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Yep. MK Ultra went dark about 60 years ago...we can't fathom the sophistication of their mind control methods. (I've noticed in comment sections over the last years that the unvaxed & awake watch little TV...and they seem to be loyal to the truth rather than a person or an organization, which can be co-opted. We are those who don't outsource our thinking to 'authority' .)

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Aug 12, 2023
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...if it were possible-- Matthew 24:24

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And what have we done to awaken them prey tell?

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It's more like what our enemies have done to wake their golem. We could not possibly be as effective at this even if we tried!

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How exactly do We the People hold those 545 treasonous puppets accountable much less fire them?

The shit show we have been manipulated into cocreating and watching unfold has been playing for decades so the players change but the game hasn't. Would Love your ideas on the How To's.

Awesome creative heartfelt commentary as allways. TY Greg. Love and Light 💥💖💥

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This is the How To

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Thanks so much Joe

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Aug 12, 2023
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No don't waste any time on them. We have our own resources, we built this land. We don't need them. The idea that we did was infantile. We need to grow up now. Forget about them, what kind of world do you want? Go make it.

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I'm sorry it's the same old/same old. I never had a say in the constitution, in fact no women did. And even if some women did, that's not enough. We need everyone to have a say in everything. We have the tools that the forefathers didn't - computers. Why are we still using old ideas when everyone can start today to have a say. All we need is a platform, something like survey software and off we can go. This is the beauty of advancement. Those days information was slow, these days, it's super fast. That makes a huge difference. Why go by the old fashioned ways?

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IMO far too many humans fear what if they/we STOP playing the game. So invested for so many life streams, ingrained in their identity and sense of self. It won't be easy but nothing worthwhile ever is. Big Love Solly

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Imagine if people stopped paying the interest portion on their mortgages and loans? Well the interest amounts are never in the economy to be paid so why are people paying it? Of course the principle too was created out of thin air. We can have a currency like that. We can do that. We can have our own currency. Why isn't everyone clamoring to find out how.

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Aug 11, 2023
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Thanks for the Re-Call information. Seems to me D.C. is an illegitimate entity as a corrupt government gang of thugs. Possibly even partially or fully illegal from back in the days of 1871. Maybe The 50 States all independently recall themselves back to State Sovereignty each to themselves and do away with 545 all together. Cut them out of our constitution and We The People. They don't uphold the amendments and Bill of Rights nor does SCOTUS. Idea!

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Everyone is so hell bent on making others accountable but not themselves. The people have been shafted for decades. Other people even worse but nobody minded while the money flowed. Now that their money is drying up and their economy, they want accountability. Well just look in the mirror and you'll find it. We need to ask ourselves what do we do now.

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Aug 12, 2023Edited
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Why care? We were all a party to it. We were fine with everything they did until they started getting too mean to us.

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No that's all using the same thinking that created this mess. The idea of having representatives is defunct. It isn't needed when the population is educated and has access to sharing information themselves. We're moving out of hierarchy and into individual sovereignty.

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Aug 12, 2023
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Be careful what you believe and who may have inserted those ideas. The planetary ascension comes from us thinking higher, thinking deeper and bringing things into consciousness which we were not conscious of before. "Their minions" are ordinary people like us, who believe that they must obey laws and work for banker-issued money. The ones who make the laws are not culpable - it's the ones who carry them out that are culpable, thus "the minions", people like us. It's what we do that determines the success of the elites. It is us whom we have to address and ask ourselves why we think that a bunch of criminals writing things down means we have to abide by them.

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You are being chumped and wasting your time.

Please do yourself a favor and check out:


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As I’ve been saying for years - 1776 or will be worse than 1984 - already is!

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Said Alex Jones...the answer to 1984 is 1776 is used on his show and has been forever

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And he is right - again

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Quite the name you have btw

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That's bc the people making the decisions are controlled by the same guy who controls a disproportionately large number of the 300 million.( hint : he has 2 horns and a pitchfork)

That, and ignorance which is a huge problem these days.

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It's because they are ALL con men; the big grift; one big long sting of a CON . Drag them out into the village square. They are assaulting the people .

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Aug 12, 2023
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Those who lie, cheat and steal will lie, cheat and steal their way to the top. That's the design flaw in hierarchical power. We need to cut off the top. Horizontal power not vertical power structures should be the future and now it can be with block chain voting. We only had representatives to carry our wishes/votes to a central location because of a lack of technology. We no longer need them. (RE: Nice. Nice doesn't equal GOOD. Nice people are sincere or they are manipulative. Actions are the only way to know if a nice person is actually good and not manipulative.)

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I watched WEF Klaus saying we won’t need to vote anymore soon because the AI (artificial intelligence systems “they” are building) will calculate who we want to vote for!!!!

WTH - this insanity needs to stop.

These are not serious statesmen and the Charlatan cartel pirates they are at heart, needs to be expressed in MASSIVE protests and calls to congress.

ENOUGH already.

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Protests won't work IMO. But what might work is cutting off their support system. There's key people helping them (by just doing their jobs) that allow them to continue. Don't clean their homes, don't service their cars, don't give them security, make their lives hell by just not showing up for them. Conferences they go to....the AC shuts down...the toilets don't work...the lights keep flicking...the food service stops. The idea is to get the service workers to stop putting nails in their coffins. Penny wise (great pay now) is pound foolish (no future for your children).

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GG... “the people making the decisions are controlled by the same guy who controls a disproportionately large number of the 300 million”...... you mean Larry Fink...

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That's some powerful spoken word and visual magic cast against the evil. Every Statesman and Stateswoman (not politician) running for office should use this as their intro at their rally's.

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Two things are needed as a start. Term limits and audited financial statements produced no less frequently than annually, along with monthly statements of every account, every transaction, every person and entity in which they have any past, present or future interest, expected or realized. We must assume they’re all being bought. And when we catch them at it, we must not hesitate to render justice, including forcing full restitution.

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Yes, most are bought and paid for.

Honest politicians are a rare and precious breed.

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Wow🫶🏻👏🏻 brilliantly said!!!! A Birds Eye view big picture statement if ever there was one!

Something to seriously reflect on.

It’s not that complicated when broken down into basics.

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Wow.....one of your best commentaries!

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Here, here. Bravo Greg, Bravo.

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People are brainwashed-

Vaccines will protect society

Ukraine is a worthy cause

Questioning authority means you’re unpatriotic

Wall St controls real estate and business market

Communists control education system

Trump will save us, Democrats know best

TV has made Americans lazy, uninformed and uninvolved - not by accident

The reckoning is coming

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Wish things were as simple as exerting authority over a handful of people tasked with running the country for the many. But it's not that simple. There's the Committee of 300 to reckon with and the mafias that are riding over those 300. A mafia that's been around for over a thousand years even as far back as the Romans who have under their control 100k assassins at their disposal.

Those 545 are scared shirtless of going against their task masters.

As today all those in that 545 group were paid off to play along with the narrative. And the media even the Carlsons come out with things when its too late. Yeah we know what should be happening but it's not is it?

When you see a flag with fringe and tassels that means "flag of no nation."

When you see an eagle above the flag, that means martial law.

But it does not hurt to point things out again and again.

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Well the root of all the problem there (the 545) is Israel:


Not so easy Greg, we need to get behind America Firsters, not Israeli Firsters -- and Trump is one of THEM also. "Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive" -- Sir Walter Scott

The whole System is shot, unless WE REMOVE THE CENTRAL BANKSTERS in a complete system change--in line with our NATURAL COORDINATES:


“The Central Bankers and their lackeys must be banished or the Human race is doomed to further degradation” — Henry Makow

As Christ removed the money changers from the temple, so must we--from OUR LIVES.

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check out this solution:


And all of their books are here:


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Yes, but we had a vulnerable spot in it where they managed to enslave us through perpetual wars, financial slavery, and taxes--where they imposed more of their tyranny on us to and fund their Evil agendas locally and globally. Remember the "Patriot Act"? -- a several hundred page document that was written up well before 911 happened. We need to close up the vulnerable spot once and for all in our "We The People" document through a NEW SYSTEM that REMOVES the enslaving and tyrannical institutions of the Central Bankers, with NO FOREIGN ALLIANCES-- as George Washington had said in his Farewell Address. Remember also, George Bush Jr. also said of the U.S. Constitution, it's just a "goddamn piece of paper." Let tactical civics join http://pppway.net/#Vision and we'll MAKE THEM GODDAM IRRELEVANT. There is incredible POWER IN OUR HUMAN UNION Christ inclusive (and that is what THEY FEAR THE MOST).

Battle Hymn of the Republic:

"He died to make men Holy let us live to make men Free"


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So insinc Greg. Nothing more needs to be said.

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1st - we have all the power - "We Will Not, Do Not Comply?"

2nd - quit asking permission for how to live our lives.

3rd - tell all of Them, from school boards on up, They have outlived their usefulness. They are no longer needed.

4th - the Constitution/Bill of Rights, 10 Commandments, and the Golden Rule are the only Laws to live by.

The 545 on down to state and local politicians need a mandate - No More Law Making. They can make 'suggestions' from here on, but no more laws.

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Those who lie, cheat and steal will lie, cheat and steal their way to the top. That's the design flaw in hierarchical power. We need to cut off the top. Horizontal power not vertical power structures should be the future and now it can be with block chain voting. We only had representatives to carry our wishes/votes to a central location because of a lack of technology. We no longer need them. (RE: Nice. Nice doesn't equal GOOD. Nice people are sincere or they are manipulative. Actions are the only way to know if a nice person is actually good and not manipulative.)

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With you 95%, the golden rule is arbitrary. I imagine the saying went he who has the golden heart makes the rules

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Aug 11, 2023
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You don't have to demand anything if you first don't give away your God given authority over your own life to others that have no right to their so called authority over You/Us in the first place.

What you do, where you draw a line in the sand is up to you. I started decades ago when I told the school admin, "No! you are not putting my son on Ritalin." 30 years later my son and his wife have been homeschooling their 4 kids from day one going back 12 years.

I humbly submit - if millions flipped the switch on who is in charge, i.e., do not ask that they be removed, simply withdraw your support (financial and otherwise) this insanity of who rules over who would end quite abruptly. Hence, the real power is in the numbers of non-compliants. The things bureaucrats, politicians and elites fear the most is being told (by millions) they are (1) no longer needed (2) watch us withdraw our support without your permission (3) we are going to outlaw Billionaires (i.e. a threat of class warfare).

Please try to understand all that is going on now is not about politics anymore. A War, the likes of which never known to humankind, is being waged against us all. I have from 3/2020 to this day and beyond no longer act calmly in the face of this deadly onslaught. No mask, No test, No Vax, No chips, No palm readers, No eyeball scanners, No Ubi, No CBDC, No Woke Political Correctness. No Singularity. I Do Not Comply.

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You can file a claim against the surety bond of elected officials (most states require surety bonds) for violating their Oath of office to uphold The Constitution. https://bondsforthewin.com/

There are also Notice of Liability Letters, written to individuals, holding them personally and individually liable for damages, etc. Josh del Sol created InPower Movements to educate about the process. He started it as a tool to use against utility companies for forced Smart Meters. https://www.takebackyourpower.net/watch-take-back-your-power-2017/

Here is a great example of the process by the tenacious Lenu Pu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFWhhQYWMWw&list=PLEPlABymQrCdKlMdtCvhrJWzJW7KlAR9i

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