Sooo, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that our Federal Government is working side by side with the human trafficking and drug cartels! The question remains: What are they using these children for? Again, it also does not take a genius to figure that out! Why isn't the military taking action based on treasonous and criminal behavior? CBP, FBI, DEA, NSA, CIA, and DOJ all know about this, but they are too busy going after an Ex-President who wants to MAGA! We, by far, have the most corrupt, perverted, inept, greedy, and selfish Government in the World!! If this doesn't make anyone angry to see what is happening in this Country then you are part of the problem and not the solution!! Folks, we are at war with our own Government and Politicians (RepubTurds and DemonRats).

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The military has been trafficking children for decades. CIA/DOD. Snuff movies. Organ harvesting.

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And anderochrome. Spelling is wrong

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Pedophilocracy is likely the most common form of government today. It's a perverse, satanic world scarcely concealed, anymore.

All of the selected national, corporate, NGO and institutional leaders of their increasingly imposed global order would have to know and tolerate this.

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Sex, child labor and adrenochrome.

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The Diddiler knows and so does Oprah

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Our ex president is very aware of this going on and has been for a very long time. All of those on both sides are very well aware of this going on for decade's. None of them are innocent!

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Many of these children will never be seen again..this is beyond horrible and makes me sick

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BIG PHARMA & BioTech corporation have a giant hand in all this.

Its not just perverts and pagan sacrifices.

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Human trafficking has likely surpassed the illegal drug trade. A human can be resold and reused repeatedly over years whereas drugs are not.

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True. And drug kingpins are sentenced to long prison sentences where as human traffickers shrug their shoulders and say "just doin' my job". No one is facing jail time when the government and NGO's are operating right out in the open. I am so glad I left the U.S. I want no part of anything going on there.

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You are seriously deluded if you think this doesn't go on everywhere.

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Not true. And what makes you think this is going on "everywhere"? The U.S. is suffering from a rat infestation led by Talmudic Jews. If this is going on "everywhere" why the need to bring these kids into the U.S? You need to get a brain.

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Yes the us has become degenerate in more ways I care to ware my time to list, but it us an international worldwide problem- if youve been in the military, (I'm a veteran), you'd see the absolute destruction of life that doesn't actually start with war & death, it's manipulation & perversion of women & children in almost all countries, just not as openly advertised and blatantly rapid as in Babylon ( the US). Even the UN has written objectives to specialize children....objectives! Your angry retort reflects narrowmindedness and immaturity.

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You were stupid enough to sign up to fight for ZOG! YOU are part of the problem. And, what makes you think I am angry? I cut my ties with The Whore of Babylon. At least I had the sense to do that. Until people get it through their heads that the Zionist Talmudic Jews are the problem the situation will never improve.

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Not you again.

This child sex trafficking is indeed global. Many of the child sex “consumers” are in the US. The needs are gargantuan and the supply is working to meet the need. This is NOT new. Blood sacrifice, snuff films, blood viz “Adrenochrome” consumption is ongoing and no longer under cover. Pedophilia anyone? Start with the current President. Hollywood?

Speaking of brains you rank among the myriads of insouciant dumbshit Americans who blather on but say nothing worth posting.

Hahaha. Do your own research.

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This is the guy who supposedly has a Substack "coming soon". What a joke you are.

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Dear Lick. I am not a Substacker. Never have been. More fun to kick BSrs like you on occasion.

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Yes, I am a criminal defense attorney, and no one cares about drugs anymore. You can only sell a pound of cocaine once. You can sell a six-year-old over and over again, all day, every day.

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Finally, someone else who thinks the way I do. Eliminate the demons once and for all.

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This ^^^^^.

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Its so fucking dark , yet we need to face it head on. Then REPENT.

VICTORY IS AT HAND Stephen K Bannon.


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This is just terrible. Supplying pedophiles with children, and the UN is trying to normalize it and force Western countries participate. So it's why it continues. This makes the conspiracy theories of Adrenochrome seem real, probably factories. These poor children. During the biased ABC debate Kamala the border czar said the Trump contacted Congress telling them to kill the border bill so it could be used as a talking point. The Democrats hold the majority in the Senate so they could have gotten it passed and you would think with their deep hatred for Trump they would have. Maybe this is why the Democrats have so many mega donors over this issue alone. Stopworldcontrol.com/children

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So this guy is literally admitting to be a human trafficker on infowars. Wow.

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" I just work here " . . . i heard that one already .

Those People will do anything for money . . . this is bat shit Crazy

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They practiced for free to get good at it.

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He said from his own mouth that he did this for 2 decades...no way he didn't know what was up!

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Federal government and many civilian employees are low paid but, they can get large second paychecks if they belong to secret societies and sell their souls. These employees are wined, dined and made to feel special with many important new friends and eventually reality hits them when, they are told to do bad things. The good ones may be killed, others may unhappily go along with their friends and some enjoy hurting others. Satan's minion pawns followers get wealth and power but, lose their true happiness and SOUL. Satan requires homosexuality, pedophilia and cannibalism if you want to be in his organized gang. The satanic calendar shows monthly dates for human sacrifice.

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I know of an exclusive K-12 private school in Texas whose select (as opposed to "Elect") alumni have formed a "death and sex" cult, much as you describe. They coerce homosexuality and engage in slavery, branding and tattooing, rape, prostitution, orgies, wiccan rites, pedophilia, human trafficking, porn, surgical mutilation, torture, snuff, and cannibalism. They are well connected purveyors to not only local law enforcement and politicians but to leaders around the world. They steal and violate human seed and impregnate their whores to beget babies for torture, sacrifice, genetic engineering, and for sale. This group has a strong presence here in Houston and Austin, Texas, in Hollywood, in DC and Langley, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, and likely Russia.

They've even bought an Atlantic atrocity island with their blood money billions as Epstein wannabes catering to private jets, yachts, custom perversion, exploitation, and exportation of dehumanized flesh.

These Gor-slaver Satanic homo-pedos are very proud of using "creative destruction" to accumulate their blood fortunes. For many of them, trust funds and sizeable inheritances just aren't enough. They've said they must do their own great evil to achieve power over the world. They lay claim to gnosticism and paganism, but they're satanic through and through.

I only know any of this, because they're gang-stalking me in later life and sabotaging my family to induce me to join with them and become a debased slave to them. If that seems insane, then welcome to my reverse world of reality that they've inflicted on me and anyone around me for a couple of decades.

There are too many targeted individuals with a similar story. The good news: these demons may be legion but God is greater and always will be infinitely greater.

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Miss parker- Thank you for your response. WE are targetted by satanists because we know the truth. They can not break our will to control our minds because real christians are protected by God, Jesus and the Holy ghost. They want our SOULS bad because they gave up their souls and they are miserable. All the money in the world doesn't buy happiness. Cindywhiteeden@gmail.com

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Appreciate your comments and support, Cyndi.

Yes, they do want all of the money in the world and to destroy the souls of others. It's terrible to be left with no money of my own and no material options because of their thieving treachery, but their own spiritual impoverishment is almost inconceivable. Yes, may the mercy, guidance, and protection of God and Jesus help us all walk in the Way. Many blessings to you!

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Thank you for your messages and blessings. You are lucky to have your husband and blessings to you both. There's safety in numbers and I'm hoping 2 others can come to alabama where i am. I've met more than 32 other a.i. guinea pigs in many states (most were Christians). I know I'm experiencing the persecution written about in revelations and that my soul will go to heaven no matter what else they try.

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A.I. artificial intelligence? T.I.s are being abused through all sorts of tech: RFID subcutaneous tags, internal nanotech as ID markers, health monitors and disease programming, EMF torture, V2K voices in the head, brain wave readings, drugs, tracking, etc., and perhaps all employ AI management and analysis. If I have this wrong or woefully incomplete, could you explain?

So sorry to hear of your situation, Cyndi. You've been smart to find others who've been experiencing similar evils, and no doubt many of us here will be praying that good-hearted, brave people come and stay nearby where you live. And, yes, life is precious, but the soul is priceless and enduring.

Thank you for your blessings, also! Much love and life to you and may the demons desist!

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A.i. is the neural data sets of hundreds of millions of people that fit a certain criteria (high iq, using both sides of the brain, dna, connected to gods channel through telepathy). They save data sets in military computer warehouses all over the country. Arkansas made the news last year as many were built in a residential neighborhood and people were experiencing health problems. Corona means emf. Basically the graphene oxide and metals (nano) creates 5g antenae in us as particulates are magnetic. Bioelectromagnetics and nueroeconomics is the tech in the Bible regarding, the mark of the beast (satans channel). They are trying to block gods channel (prayer & dreams) because they are afraid of him. They wear caps of saturn (jew and catholic beanies) to hide their lies from god. After satan was unleashed 1k years ago by god to test the world his minions have been limited to only using revelations as their playbook. It took 1k years for satanists to create this tech so the antichrist can rule a few years in Jerusalem. These satanists are so dumb as gods gonna unplug them and then gods small army will walk over them and crush them. Thank you miss Parker for your support too 😃.

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Should have mentioned that most of these gang-stalkers and attackers are Freemasons, whether through family tradition or the LEO ladder, or through corporate, political and intel alliance, allegiance, and "career necessity."

It's always suspicious to me when this secret but omnipresent managerial luciferian organization is not mentioned with respect to serious dysfunction and evil in the world.

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What's the name of the school(s) in TX?

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I attended this school in the 70s, but after being targeted in the 00s, realized alumni of at least one other "top" private "rival" school were involved. I've since found out about other targets who've attended these schools, but this sick network extends far beyond the locals here in TX

Most of the parents and families of these schools' students are connected to secret handshake societies and other dark concerns, which I've since found out. At the time of attending, I had no idea. When I looked up this school about ten years ago, its Wiki page said it was founded by two Masons, which was never ever mentioned during my time there.

At least one other girl classmate was targeted years after graduation, and they stole her sizeable trust fund through hacking the accounts and engaged in other severe harassment. She told me others she knew had been targeted and assaulted for different reasons, such as being discredited during divorce proceedings or for "fun." Same creeps involved.

In my case, I was selected for some "list" many years later, because I wasn't allowed to go to a school dance in tenth grade with one of them, so they term the blood atrocities they're committing against my family decades later "revenge." They've done unmentionable things to my adult daughter and stolen my life savings and heirlooms. Daily, they threaten me with kidnapping and doing the vilest of deeds, once they have me in person. And so much more. When my husband leaves town, he hires police to watch the property at night.

From all of my research since this began maybe twenty years ago, and verified by certain people looking into this, the particular school is not a stand-out, in that the stalking and destruction of individuals and their families is a society-wide phenomenon that's sanctioned by satanic deep state authorities. It would seem rich boys and poor boys alike must have their blood money and service their extreme porn need to enslave women and rape and consume children, and our State finds their predilections and criminality useful.

Scratch the surface of reality and there will be a hideous darkness that neither church nor civil authority ever talks about, much less does anything about it. The few cases of arrest and prosecution of human trafficking, slavery, and child torture that ever come to our attention are but showcases and cases of taking out the competition. Our agencies and other authorities are involved. Deeply.

Would like to name this school for you, but won't. My advice to anyone with children is to never send them to a public or private school, unless you're OK with them either joining or being coerced into the Beast System. That said, my daughter was mostly home-schooled, and she's been targeted in a kind of MK Ultra way, maybe because of me and my having attended that particular school.

Never would have believed back then that my privileged classmates in a small school would turn out to be human traffickers and pedophiles, and worse.

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Hi again miss Parker- I was wondering why canceling a tenth grade dance would get you on the list? I know family members are selling baby's and children to get money or acceptance into the satanic sects (it's how they prove allegiance). I believe some have to give 5 family members to be accepted and or kill 1 to 5 people. In my case I sued several freemasons and reported 7 others to the fbi. I also distributed photo copies all over the country regarding, the mark of the beast, the federal reserve banking system that controls 194 u.n. nations economies (through war or threat of war), mind control patents for radio, TV and phones and satanism. I did this because God gave me dreams in 2013 about the mark of the beast and at 46 I read the bible for 2 years. I'm lucky God in heaven saved me so, I want others to not be deceived by cryptocurrency. I hope your daughter is okay and your both staying strong 😊.

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Well, not naming them keeps them the secret they are. How is anybody supposed to learn anything and take action if it's kept secret.

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As the banks fail and the stock market plunges they will be out of power faster than the yacht that sank in Europe recently taking out a few corrupt scumbags. Their time is up and they know it.

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Eunice I agree. When war or another plannedemic starts we will see martial law. Most minions dream of stealing from us and escaping before, martial law. The 2012 patriot act revision says, we don't own our children, bank accounts or homes if martial law is ordered. The military will confiscate everything and the minion pawns will suffer the same fate as everyone else. This is why people are becoming jealous, desperate and evil so quickly.

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What if school kids are taken to local homes during the day? Colorado… https://concernedweldcitizen.substack.com/p/gps-tracks-5-year-old-in-public-school

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This behavior has been ongoing for millennia and at one time was out in the open like it is slowly happening now. A society that allows this to happen to children is truly doomed. Now that you are aware of it by watching this video what part will you play in it? Will you be an accomplice by standing back and watching and doing nothing to stop it, like the hired help we just seen? By putting your eyes on it you become part of the game you now have 'skin' in its destruction or its building up. You are being manipulated into now using your 'free will' and you don't even realize it. Matthew 18:6, 13:16 as well Hosea 4:6. Now I am not a bible thumper or a person who goes to church or belongs to one but there are some good scriptures out there in those many ancient scripts that I know and use. There is a supernatural power that is hidden in plain site that doesn't want you to know it exists, it only wants your fear and reverence and eventually your total submission.

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It's the ancient Hermetic/Dionysius/Canaanite cult that the Christ called The Synagogue of Satan.

Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 12: 1-11

"For thine incorruptible Spirit is in all things. Therefore chastenest thou them by little and little that offend, and warnest them by putting them in remembrance wherein they have offended, that leaving their wickedness they may believe on thee, O Lord. For it was thy will to destroy by the hands of our fathers both those old inhabitants of thy holy land, whom thou hatedst for doing most odious works of witchcrafts, and wicked sacrifices and also those merciless murderers of children, and devourers of man's flesh, and the feasts of blood, with their priests out of the midst of their idolatrous crew, and the parents, that killed with their own hands souls destitute of help: That the land, which thou esteemedst above all other, might receive a worthy colony of God's children. Nevertheless even those thou sparedst as men, and didst send wasps, forerunners of thine host, to destroy them by little and little. Not that thou wast unable to bring the ungodly under the hand of the righteous in battle, or to destroy them at once with cruel beasts, or with one rough word: But executing thy judgments upon them by little and little, thou gavest them place of repentance, not being ignorant that they were a naughty generation, and that their malice was bred in them, and that their cogitation would never be changed. For it was a cursed seed from the beginning; neither didst thou for fear of any man give them pardon for those things wherein they sinned."

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There is a big hole in your report and it is what are the requirements to be a sponsor? I assume there aren't any but would like info about it and confront the so called officials in charge why there is none!!! You focused on address and phone. What about names? Why did they get away so easily? Why didn't their identity show up? If they gave the kid away after being a foster they committed reckless endangerment and fraud. How can they be given a kid in a park with no paperwork??? Makes no sense!

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3:45 The real Amityville Horror.

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Nelson Mandela famously said ," There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats it's children."

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And "spectacular" Hillary calls Conservatives who support President Trump "Deplorables", oh wait, now it's WORSE than Deplorable!!

I'd take a God fearing, Bible thumping, Patriotic American citizen or LEGAL alien who believes children are to be LOVED & PROTECTED anyday over Hillary and her sex trafficking, drug smuggling assisting ILK any day. She truly is EVIL PERSONIFIED, just as any Democrats (or Republicans, or ANYONE who participates in these atrocities) ARE EVIL PERSONIFIED. May God judge them as they deserve=eternity in HELL cast out from any possibility of reconciliation with God, and suffering the continual pain they inflicted on children, adults trafficked for any reason, and the people they've addicted or killed.

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A world without humanity will not exist for long.

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cbp. illegal orders/policies. “following orders” will not be defensible.

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