I know this is no laughing matter, but people got lazy and stupid, threw their critical thinking out the window, and became far far far too trusting of their government parental figure. At some point all you can do is throw your hands up and let them have their way. They are sheep among wolves:
The Anthem of SADS Victims
Vaxxer, Vaxxer, so obsessed, wore your mask and took your tests
Still got Covid, every strain - spike proteins in every vein…
Short of breath at twenty four, "Dr. Fauci, give me more!"
Swollen heart at twenty five, "thank Moderna I’m alive!"
Heart attack at twenty six, prayed to Pfizer for a fix.
Vaxxer, Vaxxer, death is lurking,
Doctor says, “That means it’s working.”
Died of SADS at twenty seven, all good Vaxxers go to heaven
Obituary headline noted: "Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid."
Family is quite dismayed, but they don't feel one bit betrayed
They all claim, “Its for the better – Without the vax, he would be deader.”
But we must WATCH and Pray. The book of Revelation warns us four (4) times about the 'sorcery" (from the Greek word Pharmakiea) that enriches the kings of the earth, and deceives the masses:
Exactly! Pharmakeia influences us to take poison that's disguised as remedies telling us its for our own good! Humanity has remedies given to us by our Most High Creator through the knowledge and use of herbs, herbal remedies and homeopathy remedies! The Bible tells us to stay away from "sorcery" and "spells!" So the first step these evil people did in removing our Most High Creator from us was in taking away natural, herbal and homeopathic remedies which were effective and helped people stay well!
Very excellent and very educational on how the minions operate and are used. Surreal and I've gone down the rabbit hole quite deeply. Keep my focus on God and his truth. You can never lose your way~
But long before money, there was the forbidden fruit. What does "money" represent? Power. Temptation and self will to "be as gods" That is how the love of money traces back to the "root of all evil"
Yes! I tell ppl this nearly daily.. and many warnings throughout scripture about the rich evil oppressing the commoners such as ourselves as well as warnings to use wisdom and discern truth vs falsehood. Trust Jesus and His Word, He says not to perpetuate falsehoods.
Partly I think. Constant stress Then increased stress lowers your immune system and then you are susceptible to any bacteria, germs or otherwise around you. So given your present state of health and perhaps a dose of the Geoengineering of the weather Added to the risk factors.
THE SON OF MAN IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN (2-scripture Daniel 7:13-14 meditation)
"I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." (Daniel 7:13-14)
All Christians (notice I didn't say "believers") can be happy RIGHT NOW as they have faith that all the wickedness in the world will be punished FOR ETERNITY by the righteous justice of the Lord Jesus Christ....these evildoers have no hope of escaping unless they repent of their actions and put their faith in God's Son, Jesus Christ
>>>>>I know this is no laughing matter, but people got lazy and stupid, threw their critical thinking out the window, and became far far far too trusting of their government parental figure.<<<<<<
In 1943 Libertarian Isabel Paterson opposed government schools because the same promoted government supremacy
Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.”
This was what was so extremely shocking and pretty much sucked the enjoyment of life out of me. Seeing so many fall for it completely and then turn like rabid dogs on people that didn't do the same was one of the worst things I have ever witnessed in my life.
Yes - and even when one explained how and why the 'kool aid' was toxic and harmful they rolled up their sleeves. Family, friends, sad and tragic.
It must be some 'karmic' kink, Russian Roulette with one's health for no
logical reason.
The Government's, medic's (many/most?) had to know the jabs were uneccessary and dangerous and continued regardless, many were well incentivised - mega psy-op and 'intelligence test' for the world. 5 Billion
took jab(s) which doesn't reflect greatly on our 'common sense'.
I never fell for the scamdemic, I was on to them from day 4. When the experimental jabs came along I laughed and said,"how stupid do they think we are". Fear is not part of my life, no mask, no 6 ft apart and no jabs, I have God, He keeps me safe, calm and moving forward.
Same here. Only, I knew immediately and never once doubted it was yet another power-grab psyop. Aside from much of the other previous schemes hatched by establishment psychopathic goonsquads, seemingly on steroids now, they had been pushing the toxic flu qwackzines for several years prior. Remember the hollyweird awards skit (FLU shot!) back in 2019 where creeptoids dressed in smirchy smiles and white lab coats (announced to its studio and television audiences as “licensed professionals”) went around the room trying to inject attendees? A year or two prior to that particular absurdity, where I’m from a major McHospital chain began firing nurses and doctors who refused to get the flu vaX. The story made front page headlines for, well, for at least a week - but, naturally, never with so much as a hint or clue as to the rationale and reasons for refusing.
He did say medical intervention was 3rd killer on list of things that kill, including jabs, no doubt. The jabs were not the only thing that killed people, you must see that, surely? In his more in depth presentations, he does point out clearly that all cause mortality increased after jabs. This piece of video is relating to the situation pre jabs, how the measures did harm, not good.
Now the common cold can cause killer blood clots. Crazy huh? There was another article saying the common fart can cause blood clots but I'm not able to locate it now. I'm not making this up either.
Perhaps rereading the article will help. Start with the title. Then a few paragraphs down: "The Rockefeller foundation then funded a new kind of medicine. An inverted form of heath care that utilized petrochemical drugs and experimental surgery to keep people sick, and in many cases, kill the patient. As Denis Rancourt has pointed out, this is how societies have been run for centuries."
Agree that we were being injured and killed in other ways because of the PLANdemic Mandates,protocols,treatments and so on BUT we have to call out the elephant in the room and quit " beating around the bush "using different words like " medical interventions " without saying the obvious cause of increased mortality around the world.
Humanity has been injected with a toxic BIOWEAPON released to INTENTIONALLY harm and kill.
Why didn't he say this .? They are dying suddenly from THIS ‼️
Doesn’t a (so-called) “bioweapon” have to be ALIVE, by definition? In my opinion, all this crap about gain-of-function technology creating super-pathogenic viruses is fear porn. It’s not rooted and grounded in science. What’s actually IN the jabs which are (1) disease-causing organisms or (2) toxins produced by these organisms which harm or kill humans? You don’t know. You’ve just picked up on a piece of the fear-based propaganda. (And so have plenty of others.) Or so it seems to me.
As the toxic Operation Warp Speed, "counter measure- bio weapon" was a product of the US DoD +(hhs) it's roll out around the world is/was an act of War. They even jabbed the US military which gives an indication as to the level evil at play here.
Exactly! That's what I was going to say! Convid is nothing but a glorified seasonal flu! If people have a healthy immune system then that will take care of the illness! It amazes me at the level of ignorance in people in this information age! Every person today has a hand held computer in their hands and all they need to do is type in their search bar "the human immune system" and more than enough information will be in the palm of people's hands about the human immune system, what it does, what it's for and why human beings have an immune system! People can also learn how to keep their immune system healthy too! The term "knowledge is power" is very true! Jesus also said "My people will perish for lack of knowledge!" Ignorance is a choice and people have chosen ignorance because many people fell for the lie through panic and fear! Panic and fear is a number 1 killer of the immune system and these evil MF bastards know this! Why didn't people start asking "where did the seasonal flu go"? when they rolled convid out!
America had the most death because they were giving the hospitals bonuses to kill their patients! food for thought:
If covid was so deadly that you died in the hospitals under the best care in this first world Great American country. Why were we not seeing body bags on the streets, and coming out of people homes ? Why were the body bags only coming out of the hospitals ???
Could have been cured no doubt if the doctors had been allowed to use repurposed drugs. I sincerely doubt that number of 1 million is correct. Proven by all the dancing hospital staff all over social media throughout the supposed pandemic. Funny how the flu just disappeared during "covid" too. Weird.
Yeah I never understood why hospital staff around the country was dancing around and showing their asses the way they did! 🤦♀️This was not a fucking joke with people dying while their doctors were dancing around and showing their ass! It's a disgrace and just shows the level of human ignorance that exists! I refuse to step foot in any fucking hospital today! I told my husband "I already have a doctor, you're looking at her!" "I have more education and common sense too!"
Yeah I agree with that! That's why people need to take their own health and well-being into their own hands! People need to learn herbal medicine and how to use homemade herbal remedies! Books on herbal medicine and remedies are available on Amazon and at regular book stores too! I would much rather support local book stores instead of Amazon anyway!
As a retired teacher who began teaching in the late seventies and who retired in the mid 2000s, I had begun seeing such a moral decline in students that I was filled with concern. They were not immoral, they were amoral. I had several of my coldest and most devoid of compassion students declare that they were going to become nurses After High School. This horrified me and I told my daughter then if you put me in any hospital and find out that one of these is on the floor as a nurse, get me out of there no matter what it takes. They would be the kind that would do these dances and they would be the kind that would follow orders without question because it simply doesn't matter to them as long as they're not on the opposite side of the needle.
In total, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died. That’s fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC’s 2017-2018 estimates of 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths.
But I personally feel that it's even been more than that. As a person who has worked in a service occupation, I know how very many people are out there all alone with not even one friend to care about them and if they were to get sick and go into the hospital they would have been treated with that terrible protocol and died and then they would have simply have been cremated by the state and no one would know. Due to all the cremations happening, I don't think we'll ever get the real number. It is very tragic.
I spent time with a woman while at work who is a mother. She took the jab so she could continue to take care of the elderly at her church. She ended up bleeding out on a flight, ended up having a hysterectomy. All I could do was hug her. There really are no words for this level of evil. People wonder why I don’t smile anymore. It is because I hear stories such as her’s frequently. My roommate’s healthy elderly parents took the jabs and were both dead within 6 months. I hear about embolisms, heart issues, aggressive cancers and some deaths on a regular basis. This is beyond horrendous. This whole cover-up mode really is not working out for me. My local politicians do not want to hear the actual data...I know because I sent books, contacted offices, etc. and I get the stonewall response. Thus, I thank you, sir, for putting info. out there~
Why are you bothering to send books, contact offices, etc. when these people are paid to push the "vaccine" narrative and obfuscate the truth? You're wasting your time - they're your enemy and they're trying to kill you. The time for reason and negotiation with them is over. Acknowledge this ASAP.
I suppose it is because we keep hoping that among our elected officials is a person of honesty and integrity who actually cares about his fellow citizens.
Agree. I am one of those who gave up with public officials long, long ago. I was just saying that people continue to write to them and appeal to them in the vain hope that one of them is actually a caring human being.
Wow, you can't make this stuff up! Greg This by far is one of your best videos!!
And as a woman of color, the same tactics have you been used on Africans brought to America.,. And their offspring. Same faces same tactics! Now they're coming for those that look like them!
Yeah unfortunately! I've looked back over history at websites that try to uncover the truth about history and it's not the same history that we've been taught in school! Pure evil doings by the powers that be!
As Denis Rancourt underlines, society is built on a dominant hierarchy. Because most people accept their place, they're reluctant to challenge the conventional orthodoxy for fear of not getting something they want or losing something they have. They cannot fathom, therefore, that the people in whom they put their trust, whose authority they legitimize through conformity and compliance, would ever do anything to hurt them, even though there's evidence to the contrary. This is not unlike a child battered by his parents who still defends them, refusing to acknowledge that they've caused him grievous harm and damage, believing that if he's more obedient his parents will be more loving, which, of course, never happens. They just continue to beat him, just like the government continues to screw its citizens. The elephant's been standing in the room for four years now, painted day-glo pink, bathed in a strobe light.
To think that just 7 years ago I thought I belonged to a tribe of like-minded people who today cheerlead the Dems, line up for covid shots, defend the trans agenda, proudly advertise their part to combat climate change, and safely distance themselves safely from anyone who goes against the orthodoxy is staggering.
I can only imagine what has been said by old friends behind my back, about the tragedy of my becoming a conspiracy theorist, if my family has said as much to my face. At one time it hurt my feelings and made me angry, but no more. I can only wait for the day when that large pink elephant steps rudely on them. If it doesn't kill them, I hope it wakes them up.
Ole pedophilia billy strikes again. " I did not have voodoo sexual relationships with that woman!" wow! Where was all these reports in the early nineties? I guess I was too busy watching Andy Griffith.
And then we have Trump still pushing the "it came out of Wuhan" by "accident" narative. And he's running for President on those words? How can anyone trust him if he can't/WON'T even get his information straight.
And they're counting down the election as if it's D- Day.
Anymore, I rarely feel sorry for people that buy into the “narrative” and trust what the government and “medical industrial complex” are pushing, particularly when they swallow it hook, line and sinker.
Because the "buy into the narrative people" become weaponized against the critical thinkers, they are worse than frantic drowning people who pull down those who would save them. My empathy goes right out the window, because of their ignorant, stupid and selfish fear.
Danielle's story shall be heard, resonating with the hearts of many. As a relentless advocate, I will become the doctors' and nurses' worst nightmare, ensuring justice prevails! Part 2
I kindly request the doctors on Substack to reach out to me. I am in need of answers and the expertise of medical professionals to support my case. The importance of my situation, "My Danielle’s Life," cannot be overstated. I am determined to seek justice and will not remain silent until it is achieved.
Hospitalist Dr. Heather Meiselman and Sheri Andrews MD, both medical professionals assassins, reviewed my daughter Danielle's normal vitals. However, to my dismay, they determined 8/27/2021 to impose a dire prognosis on her. They were playing GOD.
They put a death sentence on Danielle and knew she would not walk out alive!
Please, take your time and examine the report, which demonstrates their fraudulent admission of Danielle under Plan 2 for Sepsis, COVID pneumonia, and Hypoxia. It is important to note that Danielle did not exhibit any symptoms of shortness of breath. Again, LIES!!!!
Great report. Add the fact that most people live in constant fear of death. I was 74 and my family went hysterical thinking I would die without the shot! Interesting book: Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
I remember the Deagel forecast about a decade ago. It went viral back in the day. Someone mentioned it was all taken down at the start of covid. Now we know how they got the numbers. This was planned a long time ago. It's coming and an army is rising.
Afghanistan 2001-2021 = 215,000, Iraq 2013-2017 = 200,000, Iraq 2003–2011 = 650,000, War on Terror 2001-2021 = 1.26 m, Bosnia 1991-1995 = 105,000, Gulf War 1990-1991 = 40,000, Vietnam 1955-1975 = 4.3 m, Korea 1950-1953 = 4.5 m
All of these combined = 11.3 million casualties over 71 years.
Greg, wonder if you caught one of the latest David Martin presentations in Copenhagen, Denmark, early Sept 2023, in which David outlines key steps from 1965 on "how they did this". With long term planning, a step-by-step process of garnering more power, 9/11, Anthrax, sars-cov1, Swine Flu, mers, Zika, Ebola, Fear mongering manmade releases to eliminate all accountability for public health response. History makes this Rancourt team's report far more believable, especially when you learn Remdesivir (rundeathisnear) was the sole drug approved for use in hospitals, initially developed by Dr Ralph Baric in 2002 and developed by Gillead Life Sciences, it was proven toxic during Ebola trials, drug had to be removed from clinical trials. Meanwhile, HHS was paying for Remdesivir, vents and subsequent hospital deaths. Again, US laws like Prep Act, Patriot Act, and more were passed gradually giving zero accountability for this entire response; allowing all manner of evil and inhumanity to occur. If you want to point a finger, appears US Congress was asleep while the Deep State plotted, or members of Congress were in on this.
Re: Congress. Why did they not publicly question the fact that they, and their staffs (all covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield) were exempt from this "life saving" injection?...Who made that decision? Maybe they just didn't want to go there.
Its a good question. My understanding is experimental means risky, no intention to risk a quorum of votes in Congress or govt could quickly grind to a halt. Many of our representatives have corporate support before being chosen for us to vote on. Not going to bite or expose the hand that feeds 'em. Only a minority are funded from small donations within their districts. This is glaringly clear when watching any committee hearing.
I know this is no laughing matter, but people got lazy and stupid, threw their critical thinking out the window, and became far far far too trusting of their government parental figure. At some point all you can do is throw your hands up and let them have their way. They are sheep among wolves:
The Anthem of SADS Victims
Vaxxer, Vaxxer, so obsessed, wore your mask and took your tests
Still got Covid, every strain - spike proteins in every vein…
Short of breath at twenty four, "Dr. Fauci, give me more!"
Swollen heart at twenty five, "thank Moderna I’m alive!"
Heart attack at twenty six, prayed to Pfizer for a fix.
Vaxxer, Vaxxer, death is lurking,
Doctor says, “That means it’s working.”
Died of SADS at twenty seven, all good Vaxxers go to heaven
Obituary headline noted: "Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid."
Family is quite dismayed, but they don't feel one bit betrayed
They all claim, “Its for the better – Without the vax, he would be deader.”
—Anonumous (Modified)
But we must WATCH and Pray. The book of Revelation warns us four (4) times about the 'sorcery" (from the Greek word Pharmakiea) that enriches the kings of the earth, and deceives the masses:
Rev 9:21, 18:23, 21:8 22:15.
Exactly! Pharmakeia influences us to take poison that's disguised as remedies telling us its for our own good! Humanity has remedies given to us by our Most High Creator through the knowledge and use of herbs, herbal remedies and homeopathy remedies! The Bible tells us to stay away from "sorcery" and "spells!" So the first step these evil people did in removing our Most High Creator from us was in taking away natural, herbal and homeopathic remedies which were effective and helped people stay well!
This may interest you Steve, it ties all of what you said together: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/by-your-magic-spell-all-the-nations
This gives an interesting insight into occult pushing of the jabs
in Ireland where 96% of the people rolled up there sleeves to participate in toxic experiment...
Very excellent and very educational on how the minions operate and are used. Surreal and I've gone down the rabbit hole quite deeply. Keep my focus on God and his truth. You can never lose your way~
Wow. Very good. Thanks!
But long before money, there was the forbidden fruit. What does "money" represent? Power. Temptation and self will to "be as gods" That is how the love of money traces back to the "root of all evil"
Yes! I tell ppl this nearly daily.. and many warnings throughout scripture about the rich evil oppressing the commoners such as ourselves as well as warnings to use wisdom and discern truth vs falsehood. Trust Jesus and His Word, He says not to perpetuate falsehoods.
Not only that but it has become a dwelling place for demons and every unclean bird.
no. it is saying both. countermeasures ARE jabs, and isolation, loss of jobs, etc.
Partly I think. Constant stress Then increased stress lowers your immune system and then you are susceptible to any bacteria, germs or otherwise around you. So given your present state of health and perhaps a dose of the Geoengineering of the weather Added to the risk factors.
A man's faith in the Creator will give you the Holy Spirit which will, in turn, give you the "..peace that passeth all understanding." Phillipians 4:7
THE SON OF MAN IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN (2-scripture Daniel 7:13-14 meditation)
"I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." (Daniel 7:13-14)
All Christians (notice I didn't say "believers") can be happy RIGHT NOW as they have faith that all the wickedness in the world will be punished FOR ETERNITY by the righteous justice of the Lord Jesus Christ....these evildoers have no hope of escaping unless they repent of their actions and put their faith in God's Son, Jesus Christ
“Trusting” is Not enough ! You must walk in “the Way. . . “
>>>>>I know this is no laughing matter, but people got lazy and stupid, threw their critical thinking out the window, and became far far far too trusting of their government parental figure.<<<<<<
In 1943 Libertarian Isabel Paterson opposed government schools because the same promoted government supremacy
Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.”
~Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)
Love what you posted. I shared it with my other email to have a copy.
I agree with your comment. Ppl I thought had brains didn't during "covid" and still don't.
This was what was so extremely shocking and pretty much sucked the enjoyment of life out of me. Seeing so many fall for it completely and then turn like rabid dogs on people that didn't do the same was one of the worst things I have ever witnessed in my life.
Yes - and even when one explained how and why the 'kool aid' was toxic and harmful they rolled up their sleeves. Family, friends, sad and tragic.
It must be some 'karmic' kink, Russian Roulette with one's health for no
logical reason.
The Government's, medic's (many/most?) had to know the jabs were uneccessary and dangerous and continued regardless, many were well incentivised - mega psy-op and 'intelligence test' for the world. 5 Billion
took jab(s) which doesn't reflect greatly on our 'common sense'.
I suppose, we need a new Era of Enlightment ...
I never fell for the scamdemic, I was on to them from day 4. When the experimental jabs came along I laughed and said,"how stupid do they think we are". Fear is not part of my life, no mask, no 6 ft apart and no jabs, I have God, He keeps me safe, calm and moving forward.
Same. We are blessed with critical thinking skills and trust in God. Faith over fear—WE are more powerful than we can even fathom!
Same here. Only, I knew immediately and never once doubted it was yet another power-grab psyop. Aside from much of the other previous schemes hatched by establishment psychopathic goonsquads, seemingly on steroids now, they had been pushing the toxic flu qwackzines for several years prior. Remember the hollyweird awards skit (FLU shot!) back in 2019 where creeptoids dressed in smirchy smiles and white lab coats (announced to its studio and television audiences as “licensed professionals”) went around the room trying to inject attendees? A year or two prior to that particular absurdity, where I’m from a major McHospital chain began firing nurses and doctors who refused to get the flu vaX. The story made front page headlines for, well, for at least a week - but, naturally, never with so much as a hint or clue as to the rationale and reasons for refusing.
Plus vaxx manufacturer's paying friends in Gov to mandate vaxx for kids - just good business.
Me too.
First "virus" for which the only "cure" is a never-ending string of government sponsored Injections.
I so relate to that sentiment!
My daughter is gone because of the evil lies, and the murdering white coat assassins working in the hospital!
Cindy Schara and I on the CHD Bus, telling what they have done to our girls!
Hi Rebecca,
I have watched your interview and every other one since the Bus started. Thank you for speaking out and God Bless you.
Next stop San Antonio, TX - January 16th.
Hopefully going to tell my story this February in Tucson.
Please receive my very deepest sympathies for the loss of your precious daughter.
Thank you, I am not going to stop, people are still being killed, If I do not speak up for my Danielle life, others will die the same faith!
Please share my daughter's story. www,deathbyhospitalprotocol.com
Sounds to me like blaming everything but the BIOWEAPON ‼️
Red flags went off for me when he said " stress can cause you to die suddenly ".
Not one mention of the BIOWEAPON which IS killing people and the real reason most are dying suddenly.😡
He did say medical intervention was 3rd killer on list of things that kill, including jabs, no doubt. The jabs were not the only thing that killed people, you must see that, surely? In his more in depth presentations, he does point out clearly that all cause mortality increased after jabs. This piece of video is relating to the situation pre jabs, how the measures did harm, not good.
Now the common cold can cause killer blood clots. Crazy huh? There was another article saying the common fart can cause blood clots but I'm not able to locate it now. I'm not making this up either.
Perhaps rereading the article will help. Start with the title. Then a few paragraphs down: "The Rockefeller foundation then funded a new kind of medicine. An inverted form of heath care that utilized petrochemical drugs and experimental surgery to keep people sick, and in many cases, kill the patient. As Denis Rancourt has pointed out, this is how societies have been run for centuries."
Agree that we were being injured and killed in other ways because of the PLANdemic Mandates,protocols,treatments and so on BUT we have to call out the elephant in the room and quit " beating around the bush "using different words like " medical interventions " without saying the obvious cause of increased mortality around the world.
Humanity has been injected with a toxic BIOWEAPON released to INTENTIONALLY harm and kill.
Why didn't he say this .? They are dying suddenly from THIS ‼️
A poison isn’t a “bioweapon”.
Actually Gary the Covid injection JAB /BIOWEAPON is a poison which is why it's KILLING people.
Doesn’t a (so-called) “bioweapon” have to be ALIVE, by definition? In my opinion, all this crap about gain-of-function technology creating super-pathogenic viruses is fear porn. It’s not rooted and grounded in science. What’s actually IN the jabs which are (1) disease-causing organisms or (2) toxins produced by these organisms which harm or kill humans? You don’t know. You’ve just picked up on a piece of the fear-based propaganda. (And so have plenty of others.) Or so it seems to me.
As the toxic Operation Warp Speed, "counter measure- bio weapon" was a product of the US DoD +(hhs) it's roll out around the world is/was an act of War. They even jabbed the US military which gives an indication as to the level evil at play here.
Sounds to me Gary like you've taken the " jabs" ?
I will 🙏for you .
Yep this is massive PsyOp disinformation to make the freedom movement look stupid ala "Q"
The real bioweapon is the vaccines.
How many killed by Covid? My bet is not many more than the flu would have killed each year!
Flu was re-branded COVID. It disappeared in 2020: https://tritorch.com/degradation/fluVanishedDuringCOVIDNyTimes.png
Mind control and psychic assaults killed ALOT of people.
but it's ok stop complaining and learn your place pleb ! scratch that ;
"You animal"
Anyone else noticed all those veterinarian running the WHO and Pfizer ?
Exactly! That's what I was going to say! Convid is nothing but a glorified seasonal flu! If people have a healthy immune system then that will take care of the illness! It amazes me at the level of ignorance in people in this information age! Every person today has a hand held computer in their hands and all they need to do is type in their search bar "the human immune system" and more than enough information will be in the palm of people's hands about the human immune system, what it does, what it's for and why human beings have an immune system! People can also learn how to keep their immune system healthy too! The term "knowledge is power" is very true! Jesus also said "My people will perish for lack of knowledge!" Ignorance is a choice and people have chosen ignorance because many people fell for the lie through panic and fear! Panic and fear is a number 1 killer of the immune system and these evil MF bastards know this! Why didn't people start asking "where did the seasonal flu go"? when they rolled convid out!
America had the most death because they were giving the hospitals bonuses to kill their patients! food for thought:
If covid was so deadly that you died in the hospitals under the best care in this first world Great American country. Why were we not seeing body bags on the streets, and coming out of people homes ? Why were the body bags only coming out of the hospitals ???
MONEY is what drives the killer to kill !!!
Over 1 million in the US hospitals and my daughter was one of them.
Could have been cured no doubt if the doctors had been allowed to use repurposed drugs. I sincerely doubt that number of 1 million is correct. Proven by all the dancing hospital staff all over social media throughout the supposed pandemic. Funny how the flu just disappeared during "covid" too. Weird.
Yeah I never understood why hospital staff around the country was dancing around and showing their asses the way they did! 🤦♀️This was not a fucking joke with people dying while their doctors were dancing around and showing their ass! It's a disgrace and just shows the level of human ignorance that exists! I refuse to step foot in any fucking hospital today! I told my husband "I already have a doctor, you're looking at her!" "I have more education and common sense too!"
This is the American Hospital Holocaust !
Yeah I agree with that! That's why people need to take their own health and well-being into their own hands! People need to learn herbal medicine and how to use homemade herbal remedies! Books on herbal medicine and remedies are available on Amazon and at regular book stores too! I would much rather support local book stores instead of Amazon anyway!
As a retired teacher who began teaching in the late seventies and who retired in the mid 2000s, I had begun seeing such a moral decline in students that I was filled with concern. They were not immoral, they were amoral. I had several of my coldest and most devoid of compassion students declare that they were going to become nurses After High School. This horrified me and I told my daughter then if you put me in any hospital and find out that one of these is on the floor as a nurse, get me out of there no matter what it takes. They would be the kind that would do these dances and they would be the kind that would follow orders without question because it simply doesn't matter to them as long as they're not on the opposite side of the needle.
Yeah I can understand that! I think that the majority of the human race has declined like that!
America had the most death and they were going into the hospitals, coming out in a body bag !
Last updated: January 12, 2024, 01:02 GMT
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In total, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died. That’s fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC’s 2017-2018 estimates of 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths.
I wonder how many died POST 2020 after receiving the vaxxines.
They've lied to us about how many have died! How many more people will die too in the next 5-10 years!
17 million
After the vaccines
But I personally feel that it's even been more than that. As a person who has worked in a service occupation, I know how very many people are out there all alone with not even one friend to care about them and if they were to get sick and go into the hospital they would have been treated with that terrible protocol and died and then they would have simply have been cremated by the state and no one would know. Due to all the cremations happening, I don't think we'll ever get the real number. It is very tragic.
Sorry for your loss.
Thank you for reading, I ask if you could please share my Substack and website.
I spent time with a woman while at work who is a mother. She took the jab so she could continue to take care of the elderly at her church. She ended up bleeding out on a flight, ended up having a hysterectomy. All I could do was hug her. There really are no words for this level of evil. People wonder why I don’t smile anymore. It is because I hear stories such as her’s frequently. My roommate’s healthy elderly parents took the jabs and were both dead within 6 months. I hear about embolisms, heart issues, aggressive cancers and some deaths on a regular basis. This is beyond horrendous. This whole cover-up mode really is not working out for me. My local politicians do not want to hear the actual data...I know because I sent books, contacted offices, etc. and I get the stonewall response. Thus, I thank you, sir, for putting info. out there~
Why are you bothering to send books, contact offices, etc. when these people are paid to push the "vaccine" narrative and obfuscate the truth? You're wasting your time - they're your enemy and they're trying to kill you. The time for reason and negotiation with them is over. Acknowledge this ASAP.
I suppose it is because we keep hoping that among our elected officials is a person of honesty and integrity who actually cares about his fellow citizens.
Hope is not a survival strategy.
Agree. I am one of those who gave up with public officials long, long ago. I was just saying that people continue to write to them and appeal to them in the vain hope that one of them is actually a caring human being.
Agree JoJo, taking action, doing SOMETHING feels more empowering than doing nothing.
It is perhaps only an ETERNAL life strategy.
Wow, you can't make this stuff up! Greg This by far is one of your best videos!!
And as a woman of color, the same tactics have you been used on Africans brought to America.,. And their offspring. Same faces same tactics! Now they're coming for those that look like them!
Yeah unfortunately! I've looked back over history at websites that try to uncover the truth about history and it's not the same history that we've been taught in school! Pure evil doings by the powers that be!
As Denis Rancourt underlines, society is built on a dominant hierarchy. Because most people accept their place, they're reluctant to challenge the conventional orthodoxy for fear of not getting something they want or losing something they have. They cannot fathom, therefore, that the people in whom they put their trust, whose authority they legitimize through conformity and compliance, would ever do anything to hurt them, even though there's evidence to the contrary. This is not unlike a child battered by his parents who still defends them, refusing to acknowledge that they've caused him grievous harm and damage, believing that if he's more obedient his parents will be more loving, which, of course, never happens. They just continue to beat him, just like the government continues to screw its citizens. The elephant's been standing in the room for four years now, painted day-glo pink, bathed in a strobe light.
To think that just 7 years ago I thought I belonged to a tribe of like-minded people who today cheerlead the Dems, line up for covid shots, defend the trans agenda, proudly advertise their part to combat climate change, and safely distance themselves safely from anyone who goes against the orthodoxy is staggering.
I can only imagine what has been said by old friends behind my back, about the tragedy of my becoming a conspiracy theorist, if my family has said as much to my face. At one time it hurt my feelings and made me angry, but no more. I can only wait for the day when that large pink elephant steps rudely on them. If it doesn't kill them, I hope it wakes them up.
Ole pedophilia billy strikes again. " I did not have voodoo sexual relationships with that woman!" wow! Where was all these reports in the early nineties? I guess I was too busy watching Andy Griffith.
And then we have Trump still pushing the "it came out of Wuhan" by "accident" narative. And he's running for President on those words? How can anyone trust him if he can't/WON'T even get his information straight.
And they're counting down the election as if it's D- Day.
What a mess.
Full spectrum bullshit.
Anymore, I rarely feel sorry for people that buy into the “narrative” and trust what the government and “medical industrial complex” are pushing, particularly when they swallow it hook, line and sinker.
Because the "buy into the narrative people" become weaponized against the critical thinkers, they are worse than frantic drowning people who pull down those who would save them. My empathy goes right out the window, because of their ignorant, stupid and selfish fear.
Danielle's story shall be heard, resonating with the hearts of many. As a relentless advocate, I will become the doctors' and nurses' worst nightmare, ensuring justice prevails! Part 2
I kindly request the doctors on Substack to reach out to me. I am in need of answers and the expertise of medical professionals to support my case. The importance of my situation, "My Danielle’s Life," cannot be overstated. I am determined to seek justice and will not remain silent until it is achieved.
Hospitalist Dr. Heather Meiselman and Sheri Andrews MD, both medical professionals assassins, reviewed my daughter Danielle's normal vitals. However, to my dismay, they determined 8/27/2021 to impose a dire prognosis on her. They were playing GOD.
They put a death sentence on Danielle and knew she would not walk out alive!
Please, take your time and examine the report, which demonstrates their fraudulent admission of Danielle under Plan 2 for Sepsis, COVID pneumonia, and Hypoxia. It is important to note that Danielle did not exhibit any symptoms of shortness of breath. Again, LIES!!!!
Please tell of the murder of my daughter in Northwell Health Hospital, Glen Cove NY.
REBECCA CHARLES, Danielle's mom
Great report. Add the fact that most people live in constant fear of death. I was 74 and my family went hysterical thinking I would die without the shot! Interesting book: Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
Imagine the social mood when the COVID-19 shots cross 100 million KIA in the US.
It's coming.
Imagine what the next 100 million to die, what they will be like when we cross 100 million dead.
Deagel said 70% off. What a crazy coincidence that 70% took the jab.
I remember the Deagel forecast about a decade ago. It went viral back in the day. Someone mentioned it was all taken down at the start of covid. Now we know how they got the numbers. This was planned a long time ago. It's coming and an army is rising.
“The Committee of 300”-Dr. John Coleman 💥
Awful but likely true!
17 million casualties in 4 years?
They must be wrong.
Casualties in wars you may have heard of:
Afghanistan 2001-2021 = 215,000, Iraq 2013-2017 = 200,000, Iraq 2003–2011 = 650,000, War on Terror 2001-2021 = 1.26 m, Bosnia 1991-1995 = 105,000, Gulf War 1990-1991 = 40,000, Vietnam 1955-1975 = 4.3 m, Korea 1950-1953 = 4.5 m
All of these combined = 11.3 million casualties over 71 years.
Greg, wonder if you caught one of the latest David Martin presentations in Copenhagen, Denmark, early Sept 2023, in which David outlines key steps from 1965 on "how they did this". With long term planning, a step-by-step process of garnering more power, 9/11, Anthrax, sars-cov1, Swine Flu, mers, Zika, Ebola, Fear mongering manmade releases to eliminate all accountability for public health response. History makes this Rancourt team's report far more believable, especially when you learn Remdesivir (rundeathisnear) was the sole drug approved for use in hospitals, initially developed by Dr Ralph Baric in 2002 and developed by Gillead Life Sciences, it was proven toxic during Ebola trials, drug had to be removed from clinical trials. Meanwhile, HHS was paying for Remdesivir, vents and subsequent hospital deaths. Again, US laws like Prep Act, Patriot Act, and more were passed gradually giving zero accountability for this entire response; allowing all manner of evil and inhumanity to occur. If you want to point a finger, appears US Congress was asleep while the Deep State plotted, or members of Congress were in on this.
This is the presentation: Recorded Livestream with Dr. David Martin - Facts Matter Conference, Copenhagen - Denmark - - https://www.bitchute.com/video/BgEB4UclF12q/
Re: Congress. Why did they not publicly question the fact that they, and their staffs (all covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield) were exempt from this "life saving" injection?...Who made that decision? Maybe they just didn't want to go there.
Its a good question. My understanding is experimental means risky, no intention to risk a quorum of votes in Congress or govt could quickly grind to a halt. Many of our representatives have corporate support before being chosen for us to vote on. Not going to bite or expose the hand that feeds 'em. Only a minority are funded from small donations within their districts. This is glaringly clear when watching any committee hearing.