By officiating the unproven theory that petroleum oil is a nonrenewable fossil fuel, the oil companies were able to adjust the price accordingly. All the way into the peak oil scare that foretold the calamity of the world soon running out of oil, which further benefited the industry’s oil pricing schemes. But the wells never did go dry. And the ones once emptied filled back up. So the science we have today favors the abiotic theory over the fossil fuel theory. Which is that oil is a natural component of our ecosystem.
And we see this in our oceans. Underwater methane lakes deep beneath the surface. With their own unique thriving ecosystems.
And so the story changed from the world will soon run out of oil, to the world will most certainly end if we don’t stop using oil. And because nobody seems to know what science is anymore and most people just do as they’re told, the world is about to end for millions of people. And probably more. Because our civilization is built upon fossil fuels and the powers that be are turning them off.
Winter is coming. And Germany is set to be very cold.
Angela Merkel saved her political career by appeasing the antinuclear movement and shutting down Germany’s nuclear power. Out of 17 plants they have already shut down 11 and are still in the process of shutting down the rest. Removing 25 percent of their power without anything to replace it. Because their green deal turned out to be a failure. After all the hype Germany’s dependence on fossil fuel is at 76%.
So they are temporarily switching back to coal and oil. But that’s a real problem because they’ve neglected their own fuel industry and have become dependent upon Russia’s. And the German government would rather have the people freeze to death than buy fuel from Russia.
The German economy is based on highly innovative production which requires a great deal of energy that they no longer produce. And so running out of fuel will quickly collapse the German economy. Which will cause a tsunami of economic destruction throughout the EU. And the German government is letting it happen.
They could leave some nuclear plants online and begin the process of turning more on. But they still plan on shutting it all down by the end of this year. To stay green.
Some anti-carbon environmentalists are saying that nuclear is our best option. And maybe that’s true. But none of their schemes add up. So far the green agenda has only successfully accomplished making people feel good about themselves while they destroy their own society.
The EU and Britain are actually reverting back to burning wood as fuel and claim that it is carbon neutral. Which is a lie. Societies have steadily evolved towards a cleaner more efficient energy. Starting from wood, the least clean and efficient, and moving to coal, followed by oil and gas.
And now nearly 40% of Europe’s renewable energy is wood, which mostly comes from clearcutting forests in the United States. This new green deal is a complete lie. It’s just another part of the creepy elite’s Great Reset. These elite bloodlines want a new cashless society. But more like the Middle Ages. Which for these spoiled inbreds is the good old days. And if they succeed it looks like Germany will get there first.
And in the midst of all this chaos the German government is focused on allowing children age 14 and older to change their gender and first names, without parental permission, once a year, for as often as they want.
GREAT article. Thanks. WAKE UP Americans we are not removed from what is happening in Europe. The chickens are coming home to roost right her in the US.
Very well stated. All true!