A young talented woman recently sent me a message to thank me for my work. She suggested that I convert all of my videos into a book, and she told me that my work has helped her and her mother. I replied that if I ever find that sort of free time, I will be chilling at home in a music studio. And she replied that she is also a musician…and shared a very inspirational story. Below is just a bit of it.
“I was signed to Jay Z’s label from 2018-2021. Then I signed to Atlantic in 2022 and was told if I wanted to move up in my career I would have to sacrifice a goat.
I lost a lot. I lost out on a reality show with Facebook because my family and I weren’t going to take the v@x. Your videos, Alex Jones, and Info Wars saved my family during the p@ndemic. I was able to help people get religious exemptions for their job. Instead of taking the j@b.
I had a bunch of label meetings before signing to Derulo and Atlantic… universal/republic were demanding artists to be v@xxed in order to get signed so I turned down every opportunity and was censored for speaking up about these matters.”
She walked away from the “opportunity” and is now doing it all on her own, with the help of her Mother.
She has a much bigger social media presence than I do, but I asked if I could share her story. I have a strong passion for Do-It-Yourself art production and she is now doing everything on the music end while her Mother is helping with the video. So that she can keep her soul and her integrity.
This is a real-life story that I adore. If you find it inspiring, check out her work below.
You can check out her music here:
And a behind the scenes video that she and her Mom produced:
Profile in courage! I salute her and thank you for sharing!
She knows she is chosen by GOD...Anyone with that much temptation & refuses this or that diabolicaltrash is a LEADER IN A LEADERSHIP ROLE.
Be aware and put on the full armor of God....
Ephesians 6:11
From a fervent believer in the Lord Jesus....