It only works if you comply with it, like Covid compliance. The objective is to get you to consent entrance into their matrix, which a select few owners will gain complete control over your entire life where you cannot escape. Mark of the beast?

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I only serve Source. I will be watching from the outside. I rather drop the body than comply to psychopaths.

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Psychopath pedophiles

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Amen! Why can't more see the truth?

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They can't and or won't see because they've been brainwashed with Trump derangement syndrome. They can't and won't see the forest through the trees. It's like a Jim Jones cult.

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True- it's almost as strong as a psyop as the beginning of 2020, many fell for the trap. Have you heard of Jason Christoff? He exposes psyops like the Trump cult.

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Jesus said they are outsiders. Mark 4:11-12

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It is incrementally, methodically happening here in Japan. Without debate or public discourse, a new law mandating a digital I.D. (My Number) will soon be required for anyone receiving public health benefits (which we've already paid for through our income tax). It will only be a matter of time before health benefits, pensions, commuter passes, etc. will all be tied to bank accounts ... of course for "our safety and convenience". Al Capone era "insurance" ... an offer we can't refuse.

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check out this. this has been reported on by these guys since july 22. they reported way back that X would become and integrated platform under the eyes of musk and so it has turned out: https://www.cbdcintel.org/gideons-story. everything you mention in your post has been contained in these intels since july 22

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The problem with compliance is the majority of Americans are getting and believing the narratives of the government and mainstream. So, ask yourself how many people around you refused to use seed oils? Or are familiar with its deadly effects? The answer is very few; otherwise all the fast food, the packaged chips, cookies would have dissapeared? Why very few people knows the facts? Because the government and media, and science are prostitutes.

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And we can thank Joe Rogan for a lot of this - half truths without the full-blown lie, leading the dumbfounded american male to slaughter. Where did you hear about the seed oils? I've known for a while, but still a lot don't as you say.

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Check this info out re: seed oils. Look into Dr. Casey Means. She's legit.


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Yes, it is the precursor to the "Mark of the Beast". Nothing will stop it, except the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings.

“Come out of her My people”, saith the Lord God Almighty:

The children of Israel were not only called to stand for God, but also against the gods of the surrounding nations. The first believers in the Book of Acts were called, not only to stand for the Messiah, but also to stand against the gods of the ancient world. If you're a follower of Yeshua/Messiah and a child of Israel in the Spirit, it isn't enough to simply stand for God - you must stand against the gods as well. Maybe you didn't know that you were born into a world filled with gods, but you are. The people of this age serve the gods of money, greed, status, materialism, carnality, lust, alcohol, drugs, socialism, music, pornography, abortion, the entertainment industry, political correctness, and a whole pantheon of other gods. You can't stay on the fence or you'll be swept away. You have to be strong and take your stand against them. Take your stand like Moses against the gods of Egypt, Elijah against the prophets of Baal, and Daniel in the courts of Babylon. Be strong, be pure, be immovable, and take your stand against the gods of the surrounding nations.

"For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet He did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

— Hebrews 4:15-16

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Sadly, I have to agree with what you have said. There are so many things leading the Earth's populous to the edge of the cliff, because willful ignorance rules. I had hoped folks would use their "Awakening" as they call it, to begin to use critical thinking and logical common sense. Unfortunately, believing this "New Administration" would make things all better, only buried their heads deeper in the sand. This time around, there won't be any way to get out of the clutches of a very evil and sinister plan that has been carefully designed to heat the water and boil every last person alive. Compliance is what MAGA wanted and it's compliance they shall get. I pray you are correct about God's plan for humanity through Yahusha Hamashiah, but until that day, we are on a collision course to a Totalitarianistic plan. This is truly "A Great Deception"!!!

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"This is not a new world - it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements...technological advances...and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like everyone of the super-states that preceded it - it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace."

Rod Serling

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For the Biblically literate, we, (humanity), were forewarned in Biblical prophecy these current events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them on a daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; because it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time - right here on planet earth. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle.

But there is no "fence sitting" now or “do-overs” later. We must each actively choose the side of light and good, of YHVH/God; or we default to the other side of darkness and evil and Satan. Therefore, if you haven't actively chosen Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God...then you are in default. For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice and His name is Jesus (Yeshua); I pray each of you who read this comment will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.”

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with that person, and they with me. To the one who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with Me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” [Revelation 3: 20-21]

FYI: There are two (2) sins Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) will not forgive: (1) Denial (blasphemy) against the Holy Spirit. [Matthew 12:31] and; (2) Receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST. [Revelation 14:9]

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In the Bible, Mary says that God has cast down the mighty from their thrones and sent the rich away empty. This is in her canticle, known as the Magnificat, which appears in Luke 1:46-56.


Mary's Magnificat is a song that praises God's power and spirit.

Mary says that God has exalted the lowly and filled the hungry with good things.

Mary's song suggests that the rich are already so full of worldly things that they are unable to experience the most fulfilling treasure, which is Christ.

Mary's song suggests that God favors the weak and lowly over the proud, powerful, and wealthy.

German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer called Mary's Magnificat the oldest and most revolutionary Advent hymn.

Jesus recalled the words from Mary's song when he taught his disciples, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven".

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But how do you see the mark being presented? By the way I agree and love your comment.

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Hello Trish Anderson. Lisa Concepcion in her comment below about a Digital Currency is a good place to start.

FYI: My wife Karen and I do NOT believe in a "pre-Tribulation Rapture". We believe there will be 42 months whereby the "Beast of Revelation" and the "False Prophet" will have sway, (a controlling influence and sovereign power), over the saints, such as you and us. We also believe one day soon the "Beast" will stand in a rebuilt Temple in the Holy City of Jerusalem and declare himself to be god. Furthermore, we believe millions of followers of Jesus Christ will be willfully beheaded instead of receiving the "mark of the beast".

In the Book of Revelation, Jesus emphasizes the importance of publicly confessing Him with your mouth and keeping the Commandments of God. Revelation 14:12 states, "Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the Commandments of God and their faith in Jesus." This verse highlights the significance of both confessing faith in Jesus and adhering to God's Commandments during the soon-coming Great Tribulation.

This link is illuminating: https://israelmyglory.org/article/the-coming-world-ruler-revelation-131-10/

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Digital Currency and all mass surveillance is mark of the beast. Anything that prevents people from participating in society and demands compliance. This why we must remember WHO WE ARE!! We are eternal spirits, energy, souls inhabiting a human body on earth. Can't fear death. The fear of death makes people easy to manipulate.

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Very well said! Sadly, there's many blind people who can't see this coming! Too many Americans believe that Donald Trump is gonna save us, no, Donald Trump is gonna get Americans to agree to this beast system!

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This is why Claus Schwab says to all of us: "You will own nothing and be happy." It's techno enslavement - transhumanism and here is the recipe, the keys, the whistleblower, the goods, --- that they've used since the early 90's:






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AI control grid brought to you by Vance, Thiel, Musk:

E-GOD: Purpose of DOGE: Dismantle Existing System of Governance & Build Back Spiderweb AI Infrastructure[/b]: https://old.bitchute.com/video/EUer0GMfzKvl [7mins]

Time code: 4:30 Vance: "Accept that This entire thing is going to fall in on itself. And so the task of conservatives right now is to preserve as much as can be conserved and so when the inevitable collapse of the country comes ensure that conservatives can help --> build back <-- the country."

They're all in it together. Even "conservatives" are using the term "build back" better. In order to build back, you must first destroy, and they are destroying:

6uild 6ack 6etter Episode 1: https://old.bitchute.com/video/5XkkXCvnKM6Z [2mins]

6uild 6ack 6etter Episode 2: https://old.bitchute.com/video/lW5xHt4RySSb [2mins]

The AI 15 minute panopticon prison they are constructing is not a world anyone is going to want to live in...

The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Cut down your TV & internet usage by 97%, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:

Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:

Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).

Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.

All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.

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Excellent outline! Your mind is sharp, I'd follow your lead any day ❤️

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Ok so for the millions of people out there who probably won't start their own farm for a long list of reasons, just remember WHO YOU TRULY ARE!! We are eternal spirits, energy, souls inhabiting a human body on earth. Can't fear death. The fear of death makes people easy to manipulate. Don't comply until your last breath in human form. DO NOT COMPLY. Edward Bernays said that the few will not impose anything on the many without the consent of the many. Notice how during Covid the Vax passport didn't catch on? Covid was a phase one test of compliance. We're now heading into phase 2 and there will be a financial catastrophe to get people into the biometric digital money world. Want to keep your home? Get on board. Next comes the implantable chip. Want to cure depression, anxiety, prevent cancer and other illnesses? Get the chip! We see where this is all going. I say BRING IT TO MY DOORSTEP and brace for the fight. I'm not getting jabbed or microchipped. They can kill me in my living room. I'm not leaving my house. No gulag for dissidents for me. I have like 90 other dimensions for my soul to explore. This "life" is just a blip on my souls journey.

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Excellent comment. Yes, DO NOT COMPLY, they are telling you where they will take you and do not hide it:

No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation —David Spangler

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Exactly!! I'm 53. GenX. When we say no, we mean it. And we trust no one.

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so get a dumbphone

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If stores can refuse cash, could they refuse to sell to customers without the app and access to the digital money? Sure they could.

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Yep. There are some restaurants here in Tokyo now refusing to take cash. Dazzled with all of the exotica of "the mysterious East", the tourists are especially vulnerable to being among the first to be herded into a digital corral.

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I went to a starbucks in San Francisco recently that was a "cashless" store. I couldn't believe it. I mean I get that it means less crazy people will rob the store, but it felt distopian

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In late 2023 I walked into (and promptly walked out of) a coffee shop that was proudly cashless in the Portland, OR area.

The cashier was wearing at least one mask.

Covid cultists make good authoritarians.

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These people are twisted and sick - they are the ones who are "backwards" , and hate life, germs, and Earth. They are "progressive" when it comes to the tools of murder.

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Canada already pays carbon tax. Opting out means no furnace use in winter, no gas driving vehicles etc. last gas bill 14$ for the gas 36$ carbon tax 27$ delivery plus 3 other taxes.

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Greg, you did a great job (as always) illustrating how Elon Musk is doing the dirty work as a Globalist shill for Trump!! Trump is a globalist. I am tired of hearing about how Trump is playing 4-D Chess, or he is ignorant of the people he surrounds himself around; that is all bullshit! We all have to wake up and realize it is Us (We the People) against Them the Globalist and politicians from all parties!

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Both sides of the coin are the same. 99% of all politicians are globalist.

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I’ve been thinking about the possibility that the elites put Biden in the presidential seat on purpose to drive more support toward Trump—almost like a controlled opposition move. It makes sense if the goal is to roll out digital ID, carbon tax, Hedera, and blockchain while making people think they’re choosing an alternative path.

The way things are playing out, it feels like a setup. Biden’s policies and leadership create chaos, pushing people to rally behind Trump as the “anti-establishment” figure. But what if that’s exactly the plan? If Trump comes back in and implements the same digital ID and blockchain-based financial systems—but under the guise of economic security and national strength—then the elites get what they want, just with a different face.

The whole carbon tax and ESG agenda are already being tied to financial systems, and blockchain is a perfect tool for tracking and enforcing it. Whether it’s Biden’s climate initiatives or Trump’s economic reforms, it all seems to lead to the same place. Hedera, with its government connections, is already laying the groundwork for this shift.

At the end of the day, they win when people think they have a choice, but both roads lead to the same destination. Just some thoughts—curious what others think.

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This has always renewed the plan . Americans just don't an didn't know this

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Yep, this is their modus operandi. The more we can educate people on how this mafia works the better chance we have at retaining, regaining our sovereignty.

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Absolutely! Knowledge is power, and awareness is the first step to breaking free from their control. The more people understand how the system truly operates—the manufactured crises, the distractions, the financial manipulation—the harder it becomes for them to keep the illusion going.

They thrive on secrecy, deception, and compliance. The moment enough people wake up, refuse to comply, and start building independent systems, their entire operation falls apart. Sovereignty isn’t given—it’s taken back. We just have to make sure enough people see the bigger picture before it’s too late. Keep spreading the truth!

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Well said! Keep being loud, our lives depend on it! ❤️

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Thank you! We’re in this together! ❤️

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You are exactly right. They want us divided because together we will be powerful. If we United as other countries have thus would be the whole world standing.

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They’re getting ready to roll out the new system under the guise of anti-establishment—making it look like a win for the people while setting the stage for even tighter financial control. The Trump administration just identified 15,000 IRS employees to be terminated as early as next week, and while that might sound like a victory against government overreach, it could just be a restructuring to shift us into the next phase of their centralized digital financial system.

This isn’t about dismantling the system—it’s about rebuilding it into something even more controlled while making people think they’re fighting back. They’ll push CBDCs, digital ID, and AI-driven enforcement, but under the illusion of “freedom” and “anti-globalist reform.”

We’re also being set up for the next big crisis to justify it all—whether it’s a cyberattack, financial collapse, or another pandemic. Each crisis is just another step toward locking people into the new system.

I couldn’t agree more. They keep us divided on purpose because they know unity is the biggest threat to their control. As long as people are fighting over politics, race, gender, and social issues, they stay distracted from the bigger picture. The truth is, if people stopped arguing and realized who the real enemy is, their entire system would collapse overnight.

That’s exactly why they push fear, propaganda, and chaos. The moment we unite and refuse to comply, they lose their power. Other countries have already started rising up, and if that spreads, it’s game over for them.

We still have the power—but only if people wake up and stop falling for their divide-and-conquer tactics. The real question is, will enough people see through it before it’s too late?

Just my two cents.

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There's alot of people who simply seem incapable and or who stubbornly cling to the old world mind set that government has our best interest. Just consider how many took the jab. I suspect we will have parallel societies eventually... And those not in the AI grid will be truly living, meaning every day is a job from sun up to sun down.

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Exactly where I am with all of this.

Just remember WHO YOU TRULY ARE!! We are eternal spirits, energy, souls inhabiting a human body on earth.

Edward Bernays said that the few will not impose anything on the many without the consent of the many. Notice how during Covid the Vax passport didn't catch on?

Covid was a phase one test of compliance. We're now heading into phase 2 and there will be a financial catastrophe to get people into the biometric digital money world. Want to keep your home? Get on board.

Next comes the implantable chip. Want to cure depression, anxiety, prevent cancer and other illnesses? Get the chip!

We see where this is all going. I say BRING IT TO MY F*cking DOORSTEP and brace for the fight. I'm not getting jabbed or microchipped. They can kill me in my living room. I'm not leaving my house. No gulag for dissidents for me. I have like 90 other dimensions for my soul to explore. This "life" is just a blip on my souls journey.

Can't fear death. The fear of death makes people easy to manipulate. Don't comply until your last breath in human form. DO NOT COMPLY.

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I think you nailed it

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Free energy technologies which have just been released in Africa, change all of this. The Carbon foot print slave agenda will never happen. The subhuman parasites pushing this will be wiped from the face of Earth. Mankind does not want to live in a control grid run by the satanic forces of hell.

Maxwell Chikumbutso’s Invention Isn’t Going Viral Like Elon Musk’s Would. Maxwell Chikumbutso VERSES Elon Musk, Maxwell Chikumbutso inventions from a Zimbabwean inventor, claims to have created the world’s first free-energy vehicle powered by radio frequencies—a car that requires no fuel, no charging, and no external input to run.


I have been teaching the true science of free energy for the past 25 years, the Electric Universe Cosmology. The lame stream big wank, gravity based psychosis taught in quackademia is in fact nothing but low grade, mind control and has nothing to do with the Electric Universe of motion we live in!

"Free Energy and Free Thinking", the Movement marches on despite me being shut down!:



Despite my life's work being sabotaged repeatedly, other are carrying on the great work of educating humanity about the free energy technologies which would free us from the energy barons, war mongers and subhuman central baking parasites. Their idiotic, "climate change, clean green" psyop and satanic agenda, interfacing with UN Agenda 2030 and global depopulation via the convoid hoax and coming planned famines, cyber attacks, banking crash, fake alien invasion, etc. ad nauseum!

One of my friends just sent me this website in thew UK and it's brilliant author did an amazing job of creating a synopsis of all of my teachings regarding our Electric Universe of Motion, aka the "Holographic Electric Light Matrix", or "HELM" as I have coined the term..


This one page distills the very essence of the most important premises, principles and aspects of my work and I would greatly appreciate it, if anyone and everyone would archive this webpage, since we are being censored and sabotaged everywhere these days. This information is far too important to be lost forever.

Many Thanks and Many Blessings

Lord Calen Tanner Lightheart, aka Robert Otey and 77Gslinger in the past on youtube!

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we have a lot of inner work to do as well, So that we FREE up our own false understandings about reality, about who we truly are, in order to SEE the possibility that is waiting for us. Thanks for the links Calen

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A lot of forgiveness too for being so blind.

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Trump is clearly onboard with AGENDA 21 ...

Last week he pushed voter ID on us ... it's bad news, it's a trick!

All designed to snap us into the control grid ... and his JAN 22 press Conference with Larry Ellison was a real punch in the nose ... but there's still a chance for humanity as long as he does not mandate Ellison's "anti-cancer" vaccines, right? ... (nah, NFW!)

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what's with the stench of musk's hand gesture on the table at 2:33.?

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People should remember Musk's Baphomet Halloween costume from a couple years ago. Same person - nothing's changed.

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Let's also not forget that Elon wanted all of us to believe he put a car up in space, while he laughed and said "you know it's real because it looks so fake". They laugh at us. They are full of absolute lies. Is AI even what they claim? His car in space certainly isn't. They lie with every breath.

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Good Call Kara! I see him doing the trump hand sign all the time right in front of trump with the finger so both hand making an upside down pyramid. I see the goat horns you are pointing out and I watched Benny used the Baphomet sign repeatedly just a few days ago, every time he pointed to something.

These folks are creepy!

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yes I saw him doing the triangle as tRUMP does when he was talking as "President" with his evil little booger picking spawn in the Oval office. The talk where the kid told tRump to shut the fuck up.

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His kid is innocent. How can you call a kid evil?

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he is being trained up in it, but, no I do not think a child is born evil, the point is, this child is already displaying characteristics consistent with his father, and his father's beliefs. He has been filmed several times now saying bizarre things, things a child shouldn't understand. Very sad!

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false... demon spirits incarnate as evil children. They revealed this through movies like The Omen and Exorcist in the 70's ... loads of movies where kids are evil. They reveal truths through entertainment.

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Yeah, I saw that, but it was framed so that the little booger could have been talking to a camera man or journalist???

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You guys should start taking note of their use of TIES and COLOR - one example: watching BB meet with Trump in a board room at White House - Trump donned a blue tie while BB donned a red tie - same day another meeting in another room, ties are switched, Trump dons a red tie and BB dons the blue.

They do this ALL the time. Red & Blue make purple and purple is the color of royalty, pope and crown. This is the top of their pyramid they all serve. There is no duality in so called government. Their signs and symbols are in our faces every day in every way.

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Good catch. Who actually sits with their fingers like that on a desk? Quite bizarre.

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One in allegiance.

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I noticed that, Devil horns??

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The tree of life” has a structural value of 233 when the values of the words’ letters are added together. “

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what is the relevance here? can you please explain?

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I SAW IT TOO!!! Devil Horns

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"If it's coming from MIGA and MAHA it has to be a good thing."

(drops kool aid. collapses.)

roll credits

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Our elites--whether or not they are controlled actual "demonic" or evil entities--behave as if they are. They lord over everyone with sadistic glee, implementing policies that only immiserate and destroy our lives, while they themselves follow none of these "rules" living lives of luxury and excess. They are Satanic bastards of the highest order. They hate God's creation--us--and seek only to torture and imprison and poison.

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Yes, you are watching the true strategic activities of the globalist agenda taking place behind the scenes of a "made for TV presidency". They are giving what the majority voters wanted as victories to achieve their long game plans of techno-slavery. "All warfare is based on deception" - Sun Tzu

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The stuff of nightmares.

Even Hollywouldn't.

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Ok, I cracked a smile at your pun. Good job.

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Hi Elizabeth.

I had to thank you for that compliment because I've lived in Japan for 42 years, and with my closest friends being Japanese ... and Japanese culture favoring puns more than the West ... if I ever went back to an English speaking country, no one would get my sense of humor. Or if they did, I'd probably get a thumbs down or worse.

A couple of "originals" for example, that crack my Japanese friends up ...

I feed four crows every morning on my veranda (true) and have named them all Maria, Maria, Maria, and Maria ... because their last name is "karasu" (pronounced "karas" or "kallas", the Japanese word for "crow". Most older Japanese are familiar with Maria Callas.

With a straight face, I've asked some Japanese if it is true that "June Brides" are a popular tradition in Japan. They inevitably answer in the affirmative because June is the most popular month for marriage. Being single, I give a dead pan look and reply that I'm so desperate, I'd settle for a "fu-jun bride". ('jun" pronounced like "June" but meaning "morally pure" and "fu", a preposition which denotes the opposite of the following adjective, "fu-jun" implying a rather free and easygoing "lady of the night'.

Double funny because other than puns, those who get to know me know that I tend to gravitate towards more pressing issues such as this original post.

Cheers from Japan Elizabeth

And thanks again for the grin!


p.s. Ooo! I see you follow buddy Amy Harlib.

Followed you on the spot.

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EVERYTHING is a distraction to hide the reality that Jesus Christ is the Son of Man and that He willingly died a horrific torturous death for the sins of man WHO BELIEVETH ON HIM.

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What if the story of Jesus was made up to control the masses? Just a thought

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It's more than a thought, Sheryl ...

I actually made a comment to that affect above before I noticed your comment ...

My friend and business partner for many years has read over 4,000 books in his life ...

And he firmly believes this to be true ...

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To each his own ...

There is a school of thought that asserts that Christ never really existed ...

And I happen to be a graduate with honors from that school ...

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Jesus Christ is THEIR symbol of the human race.

What the story says was done to him is what THEY do to humanity generation after generation.

Crucify humanity endlessly.

I believe Christianity is a weapon of obedience and slavery, terrorism and mind control.

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Yes, and religion is also exploited as a mechanism for capturing people inside affinity groups, and then redirecting their energy to divide us and expose dissidents ...

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That's why I choose faith over religion. I am loved eternally and my soul is eternal. This "world" is just a training ground, a school yard to elevate consciousness from within a spiritual war.

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Satan's New World Order is now. If we don't get The Mark, we will not be permitted to buy or sell. One can choose not to participate, but if one doesn't have a fully functional farm, and one doesn't have a "community" of like minded individuals who can work with them, they will not be able to purchase necessary items for survival, and die of starvation.

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Buy from the Amish, they don't comply with our world.

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I agree. But our criminal system of governance has been increasing pressure on The Amish and Mennonites. So, we can only hope that they will continue to thrive.

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Welp, many Amish voted for Trump.

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Greg, totally unrelated, have you been watching what Trump and the Deep State are doing to the American Press?!??

This is BAAAAAD!

Our greatest battle in America has ALWAYS been for information.

"Whoever controls the Information controls the World."

That's why A.J. called it "InfoWars". The WAR for Information in America.

I would love to hear your response as a journalist.

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Read the book Propaganda by Edward Bernays. "They" want us to believe that legacy media is bad only to be replaced with "new alternative media" which is also funded and controlled by them. Notice who gets the millions of views. Tucker, Megyn, Candace, Russel Brand, Rogan. Look who gets censored and shadowbanned. That tells you all we need to know about who to trust. Anyone who is a-political "black pilled" and not allowed on YouTube gets my attention now.

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It time to get off this carbon tax thievery!

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I am fairly certain that we are the carbon to be reduced. Our science has been anti-human and antithetical to life for quite some time. I was in labs for years from coast to coast and saw much of it.

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I can take out 85% of Carbon (PM) out of your tail pipe of your gas or diesel car or truck. https://hydrogentrucker.com/carb.html Been making and selling Hydroxy Gas water cells for 17 years now. I am licensed to sell a USSF scientist's 1981 gag-ordered patent of a "Sealed, Series, H2O cell design" that captures (-)non-hertzian space energy with inductor toroids and run low voltage so we do not erode the electrodes, (-)Hydroxy Gas™ bonds to +carbon, it blows the hydro-carbon chain of molecules and completes the burn. You basically burn ALL the fuel you purchased. Hydroxy Gas™ acts as a catalyst to the fuel, you feel more HP with only a 1 liter or 2 per minute of "made of demand" water gas, Bob Boyce™ trademarked the name HYDROXY GAS™. The problem is WATER is a FREE fuel. BlackRock & Oil Corp, buddies, can not make a dime off of water, as a fuel. Instead they want to own the Green Hydrogen pressurized and dangerous H bomb stations, at how much per .lb? ( H bomb on board? No thank you) When water make on demand (safest, cleanest, most renewable) is NOT WANTED by the bo$$ : C.A.R.B.( another f'ed up gov agency) owned by Oil Corps, that also hate idea of water as a free fuel.

Solution : https://hydrogentrucker.com/CARB/2025.html Pray for me to stay alive, I am a target. Bro, Andrew the Jesus Freak, if I mention His Name, I might stay alive. Amen says Mr. Batty. No joke, I ain't lying. I play a banjo.

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Will check it out! ❤️ Will pray a hedge of protection around you ❤️

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