If you had ANY doubts this was a pure PSYOPS take a look at This Paper: Table 1. https://archive.ph/odWab CEST is a project out of GoergeTown Univ. founded by Gates and FB Zuckaborg.
The paper aggregate new science published with AI and MachineLearning. One would expect Medicine(60) new knowledge would take the 1st place but no it was psychological(231) new knowledge. How we reacted to the Coof and power that be over reach. Its is not over, they will workout the kinks and come back at us with the authoritarian 2step.
This "study" and its conclusions needs to be investigated, as well as Commonwealth Fund itself.
As Dr. David Martin recently predicted, the days of "vaccines" may be coming to an end, soon to be replaced by CRISPR gene editing technology. That is where the money is headed according the David Martin. This is horrible already:
If you had ANY doubts this was a pure PSYOPS take a look at This Paper: Table 1. https://archive.ph/odWab CEST is a project out of GoergeTown Univ. founded by Gates and FB Zuckaborg.
The paper aggregate new science published with AI and MachineLearning. One would expect Medicine(60) new knowledge would take the 1st place but no it was psychological(231) new knowledge. How we reacted to the Coof and power that be over reach. Its is not over, they will workout the kinks and come back at us with the authoritarian 2step.
Good interview!
Recently Fauci, and his entourage of idiots like Stephen Colbert, have perpetrated a cover their ass study by the Commonwealth Fund. https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2022/two-years-covid-vaccines-prevented-millions-deaths-hospitalizations
This "study" and its conclusions needs to be investigated, as well as Commonwealth Fund itself.
As Dr. David Martin recently predicted, the days of "vaccines" may be coming to an end, soon to be replaced by CRISPR gene editing technology. That is where the money is headed according the David Martin. This is horrible already: